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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Harry didn't put up any defense to Connors charge. He blamed himself as bad as Conner did, and he wasn't exactly on his toes. Dimitri still laid unmoving after being fed Jack's blood.
Trey and Del stood at the base of Oscorp HQ, looking at it from the outside. "So this the famous Oscorp, huh? I though they had the villains. Maybe they changed? Guess we gon' see if we welcome here. C'mon sis, let's go." Trey said. Del nodded and began walking with him. "Hope we fightin' for the right side bro. I still think it's stupid to have this war, but it ain't gon' stop on its own." She replied as they walked in. "You right about it. But instead of sitting on the sidelines, lets actually do somethin' bout it. We got the power...let's put it to work." He said, a sly smile on his face as they continued to walk and look around.

Connor could see that Harry wasn't putting up a fight but he was still the one that put the chip in Dimitri, the one that pushed the button and the part of him that knew that was winning. When they hit the ground Connor didn't stop, throwing a left punch at the boys face, "You did this!" He cried out before hitting him with his right. "All for control!" He was losing steam at the lack of resistance, staring down at Harry through angry moist eyes. Your not much better... He told himself as he rolled off of Harry. Looking back at Dimitri in hopes of whatever Jack was trying had worked.

Connor should have registered, taken the leader role, and did what he told Dimitri to do with talking to Hill. He should have been by his and Finn's side. But no, instead he let Dimitri do it, knocked him out to try and help, of course Dimitri hadn't seen it that way. Connor was a coward and he knew it. "Dammit..." He punched at the ground with his eyes closed. "There has to be something..."
Jaon walked past Oscorp. She looked up at the tall building. "First stop..." she pulled her hands out of her pockets. She had on metal gloves. Armor grew from the gloves. This armor was made out of the same metal her hammer is made out of. she walks in

Her armor shrunk back to gloves before she walked inside. she went to the desk and requested Harry. she sat on the couch as she waited
(Kay...don't know what to do reaper.)

(Unamed character, I might just have Trey ask Jaon about the sign up. Does she know about it? Or..is she a hero?)
A receptionist, unaware of the conflict on the twentieth floor, would advise Jaon, Trey, and Del to take the elevator to their floor, as Harry and Dimitri would enjoy meeting every registered party.
((she is thors daughter..... she just returned to earth after being away for so long. she has no idea about it.))

Jaon wlaked into the elevator and clicked the 20. she then waited as she listened to the jazz. she shocked the music box so it wouldnt play anymore.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Jaon wlaked into the elevator and clicked the 20. she then waited as she listened to the jazz. she shocked the music box so it wouldnt play anymore.

Trey and Del walked in the elevator, then watched as she shocked the music box. Trey chuckled. "You is a feisty one mon cherie. I like that.." He said. Del punched his shoulder. "Shut up. You wanna get shocked too?" She asked. "Lay off Del...she ain't the only one with powers." He said and leaned back on the rail in the elevator.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Jaon was silent. She didnt feel like talking to anyone she didnt intend to talk to.

Del was surprised she didn't fry Trey already. She shrugged it off and waited for their stop. Trey was silent as well.
Dimitri suddenly gasped for air, seemingly out of nowhere. He rolled on his side and coughed up a decent amount of blood. Harry breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the area where Connor struck him.
The elevator arrived at the 20th floor and jaon got off. She had her gloves out and ready in case of an emergency. "Who is in charge here....." she asked loudly
"More asleep then I thought" he said getting up. "Alright you two Dmitri won't die but he's not waking up, i tried sslapping, i tried "you left the oven", I even tried "Dinner is ready but nothing yet" he stated
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]"More asleep then I thought" he said getting up. "Alright you two Dmitri won't die but he's not waking up, i tried sslapping, i tried "you left the oven", I even tried "Dinner is ready but nothing yet" he stated

(Might wanna read my last post)
Connor stared at Dimitri wide eyed from his position on his hands and knees. He was aware of the elevator of people but didn't look in that direction, unsure if what he was seeing was real or just what he wanted to see at first. "You prick..." He mumbled, happy that at the very least Dimitri was still among the living.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]The elevator arrived at the 20th floor and jaon got off. She had her gloves out and ready in case of an emergency. "Who is in charge here....." she asked loudly

Trey and Del got off, facepalming as they stood beside the girl. It wasn't the weirdest thing they've seen in their life. "Um....we ain't with her, just lookin for the pro thing." Trey said. Del sighed and nodded in

Reaper said:
Dimitri suddenly gasped for air, seemingly out of nowhere. He rolled on his side and coughed up a decent amount of blood. Harry breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the area where Connor struck him.
Trey and Del looked confused, looking at each other before looking at the scene. "Somebody wanna tell me what the hell goin' on here?" He said.
Crono said:
Connor stared at Dimitri wide eyed from his position on his hands and knees. He was aware of the elevator of people but didn't look in that direction, unsure if what he was seeing was real or just what he wanted to see at first. "You prick..." He mumbled, happy that at the very least Dimitri was still among the living.
Jaon picked connor up and put him on his feet like he was a piece of paper "Who is in charge... tell me noww.." she said angrily to all of them
Dimitri used the wall the stand to his feet. "I'm.. In charge. Dimitri maximof. Nice to meet-..." He began a coughing fit for a few moments. "... You."
Jaon looked at dimitri "I need something done.... something i have needed done for a while.... I need a suit...." she said. She needed one for her plan

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