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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Marko grins sheepishly "You know. Like I told Victoria. Just a few scratches. Anyways, I have a hotel room where we can stay. My friend Kelai is already there. We can start to plan a break out for Victoria as soon as possible for her so she can get out. Our priority is to help her first" Marko said, still deadly worried about Victoria. Marko starts to fly up with Vision behind him, and they fly into the hotel. Once in the room, Kelai nods to them as they fly into the room through the window. Kelai smirks at Marko "Let me help you with those wounds. You might just pass out of blood loss" Marko nods his thanks as Kelai starts to use his chi to heal Marko. Marko looks back at Vision "Vision, this is one of my best friends Kelai. The other best friend that you will soon meet is Richie. He is going to find us a person who can help us make Mega Vision" Kelai concentrates his Chi into Marko's wounds, the cuts slowly healing and closing

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Vision nods, "I see.." when they arrived in the Motel and he stands there watching the two, "Nice to meet you Mister Kelai" he then looks at Marko and nods, "Right...I am also worried for Victoria Marko, I know we will help her out and then the rest of the superheroes." He reassures him, watching as he stands. "And that's very good news that all the infinity stones are safe..."
Marko nods as Kelai looks at Marko solemnly "So, once Mega Vision is made, and Thanos comes, there is no other way?" Marko shakes his head "You know how right the farseer is. The world still needs a few years to get ready for Thanos. And I can buy them that time" Marko looks at Vision. "Please don't tell Victoria the true plan. I don't want her getting hurt trying to interfere. You and Kelai are the only ones that know" Kelai nods sadly. Kelai then looks up at Vision "Marko and I had a plan for Victoria. A simple break in. We save her, Perry, and all the others we can get, and then we come back. We still don't know how to deal with those bastard cops. They're just scared. That is all"

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Maniac gets out of the vent landing next to Connor and Ivory who was still bleeding. "So what do we do about Goku here?" he asked Connor
Vision sighs, "I can't lie to her, you know that right?" He replies looking at him, before nodding "I will try my best, but you know Victoria wouldn't want to see you hurt Marko." He then looks at Kelai and nods, "Alright, that sounds like a good plan..." He then thinks about it, "There might need to be a plan B in case something happens though.."
Connor turned his attention away from Ivory when they brought Miku in, "Looks like heroes aren't the only ones getting arrested today." He was staying between her and Ivory though he didn't perceive her as a threat at the moment.
She looks at the metal bars "did they honestly think.... well they didn't know..." she grabs the metal bars and tries to heat her hands but nothing happens.

She sighs "Guys.. I swear I'm trying to be good.... I actually want to change... I was arrested at a building collapse... I was trying to help people out and they saw me use my powers..." she sits down in her cell in a ball. "I'm sorry for everyrhing..."
Marko looks at Vision "I know she wouldn't want me hurt, but things happen. And a plan B will be me causing a distraction and you guys getting out of there. We will have to do our best to not hurt or kill the cops. That will only make us more criminalized" Marko grabs his commlink to call Victoria again "Hey, you still there? Are you safe?"

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Connor frowned, "Sorry but the fact that you helped Justice a hours ago doesn't exactly help your case. Why the change of heart?" He looked over his shoulder at Ivory. He wasn't looking so great and Connor wasn't sure what the problem was, he turned back to Jack speaking with Miku.
National said:
Marko looks at Vision "I know she wouldn't want me hurt, but things happen. And a plan B will be me causing a distraction and you guys getting out of there. We will have to do our best to not hurt or kill the cops. That will only make us more criminalized" Marko grabs his commlink to call Victoria again "Hey, you still there? Are you safe?"
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Vision sighs and then nods, watching as he calls his daughter. Victoria wakes up and quickly turns on her communicator, yawning "Yes Marko?" she yawned, obviously waking up from a nap "Oh yes....still here......in my lonely corner......watching scientists, much fun.." she replied with slight sarcasm
Marko stands up after Kelai finishes healing him "We will be coming soon to come get you. Richie will be coming soon with the kidnapped- I mean payed scientist to create Mega Vision. Are there any cops around?"

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Victoria looks down at the building, (Since Perry isn't on) as perry was inside. She nods, "I am on top of the building al-" it became static as she was starting to fly while getting chased, yelling and the wind could be heard as a police helicopter follows after her
Marko looks at Vision and Kelai "She's being chased. Let's go" He quickly grabs Kelai and flies out the window with Kelai, hoping Vision will follow him. He starts to zoom towards the city, Kelai silently searching for Victoria

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Maybe she did want to change, who was he to judge? He'd assumed with Kelai and he'd been wrong, she probably deserved a fair chance. He had too much on his mind, and it just kept getting added onto. "Jack you can keep an eye on her." He half joked but did mean it to an extent. They needed to know what was going with this law enforcement, we're they actually going to hold them? Surely after people calmed down they'd be released. Breaking out would probably not help matters, but if Ivory didn't bounce back then something would have to be done.

He turned back to face the boy low in the corner, trying to give him a reassuring smile. "You should have let them take me. You'd be fine if you hadn't intervened." He rubbed at the bridge of his nose for a moment before plopping down to sit in front of him. "I would have been just fine you big dummy." He ended up here anyways, he couldn't let Ivory take the fall for him like that.

@LokiofSP @The Unamed Character @The Regal Rper

(I'm out for the night. Laters.)
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Vision follows after them, looking around for Victoria as well. He soon spotted her, flying as fast as he could to get to her. Victoria notices the three, only to start getting pulled back by the helicopters propellers as she screams out they're names
Marko sees her being pulled back and flies as fast as he can, grabbing her, and getting her out of the way of the chopper. Kelai flings himself from Marko's grasp onto the chopper, ripping off a piece of the roof and knocking out the driver and that other people inside. He pilots the chopper onto a building, luckily landing it without any trouble. Marko lands on a building with Victoria in his arms "You okay?"

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