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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor frowned, he'd actually thought this guy was nice enough and he got his hopes up that he wouldn't be arrested and could actually be useful, now? Not so much. He could have literally face-palmed if not for the fact that he was cuffed and in the backseat now. Why'd I want this again?

Some Minutes later...

Connor was being ushered towards the holding cells, he was catching the eyes of many of the officers in the building and suddenly he felt embarrassed, ashamed even. But technically he'd done nothing wrong, no big deal. Once in the back area he kept his eyes peeled at the cells for the others. "Bob right?" Connor asked over his shoulder, "I don't suppose you can stick me with the other heroes they brought in could you?"
Jordan waited about 30 seconds before visibly getting annoyed beyond any reasonable or accepted level. "Don't you ignore me!" his arm started glowing white hot and he proceeded to punch into the engine block.

"Ah...I lost my temper...gotta work on that..."

(Scratch that, this guy is definitely not a hero. He's an anti-hero...God help those poor hostages...)
Crono said:
Connor frowned, he'd actually thought this guy was nice enough and he got his hopes up that he wouldn't be arrested and could actually be useful, now? Not so much. He could have literally face-palmed if not for the fact that he was cuffed and in the backseat now. Why'd I want this again?
Some Minutes later...

Connor was being ushered towards the holding cells, he was catching the eyes of many of the officers in the building and suddenly he felt embarrassed, ashamed even. But technically he'd done nothing wrong, no big deal. Once in the back area he kept his eyes peeled at the cells for the others. "Bob right?" Connor asked over his shoulder, "I don't suppose you can stick me with the other heroes they brought in could you?"
Smiling at the fact that Cap's kid remembered his name he replied, "Sure thing bud!" He brought him to three cells, two held Tanya and Jack, and the third held Ivory, blood was pouring from his nose and ears and he was huddled in the corner. Bob gagged, "Take your pick, though I'd recommend to stay away from that one there."


LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan waited about 30 seconds before visibly getting annoyed beyond any reasonable or accepted level. "Don't you ignore me!" his arm started glowing white hot and he proceeded to punch into the engine block.
"Ah...I lost my temper...gotta work on that..."

(Scratch that, this guy is definitely not a hero. He's an anti-hero...God help those poor hostages...)
The drivers would have waken up... But they were dead. Jordan's deeds would have consequences as one of them was two days from retirement and had a son that would seek revenge in about 10 years...
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]Maniac wasn't really sure what was going on and was kinda confused why Ivory was dying

(He's not dying)
(Looks like either that or get some holy water cuz the guy's bleeding from hiz ears for Pete's sake)

Maniac said "Ivory stop dying" he said
"Oh....crap...they're dead...sure hope one of them doesn't have a kid that's gonna try and hunt me down like...10 years from now...or worse...I hope one of them wasn't two days from retirement...that'd just be sad...Oh right! Hostages!" Jordan yanked his arm free of the engine block and sauntered towards the back of the truck, his footsteps could be heard from inside the truck, a very confident sound.

( You are a horrible person Loki...I LIKE it!)
Connor gave the others a smile as he arrived in front of their cells. "No." Connor said shaking his head, "Put me in there with him." He nodded towards the bloody Ivory.

Once inside and uncuffed Connor knealt down in front of Ivory, waving a hand in front of the boys face. "You alright in there?" The blood was a little disturbing but nothing he wasn't used to.
(A very confident sound?) "Amelia could hear footsteps and aimed her gun at the door, awaiting the person she heard to open it.
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Oh....crap...they're dead...sure hope one of them doesn't have a kid that's gonna try and hunt me down like...10 years from now...or worse...I hope one of them wasn't two days from retirement...that'd just be sad...Oh right! Hostages!" Jordan yanked his arm free of the engine block and sauntered towards the back of the truck, his footsteps could be heard from inside the truck, a very confident sound.
( You are a horrible person Loki...I LIKE it!)
Meanwhile at an undisclosed location a boy sat down and in the news witnessed his fathers death, "FATHER NOOOO! I SHALL AVENGE YOU!" That was the day that the Afro ninja was born....

Crono said:
Connor gave the others a smile as he arrived in front of their cells. "No." Connor said shaking his head, "Put me in there with him." He nodded towards the bloody Ivory.
Once inside and uncuffed Connor knealt down in front of Ivory, waving a hand in front of the boys face. "You alright in there?" The blood was a little disturbing but nothing he wasn't used to.
Ivory shook, vague outlines that looked familiar were all he could see, he opened his mouth but no words came out, the voices were so bad it kept him from completing even the most basic tasks...
( The sound of someone's footsteps tells you about them. If they're hesitant, you'd hear that, if they're confident it's a steady methodical pace)

Jordan stopped next to the door "....sure hope I haven't made one hell of a mistake..." he said to himself, just NOW thinking he could possibly have everything backwards. "Eh, what's done is done." he slammed his arm into the door, crumpling the metal around his arm before yanking the entire door from its hinges.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]((What did I miss guys))

(Just the backstory to the Greatest hero of all time... And Civil War but still, Afro Ninja!)
"Don't move! Who the Hell are you!?" Amelia yelled. Liona pointed her rail gun at him while Allison continued to recover. Meanwhile, Tanya awaited Cassandra to brake her out.
Maniac popped his head out of a vent from the ceiling connected to both his and Ivory and Connor's cell. "Hey Connor so what's wrong with him this time. Also how did I not find this sooner?"
Me? I'm just some wannabe hero who saw you getting kidnapped. Name's Chaos. Don't ask, you wouldn't understand...and you'd probably want to kill me more of I did explain and...moving on, the hell is going on?"
Miku stands outside not knowing what to do. Her boss was gone somewhere and Justice was dead. What does she do now... "Ugh... what to do.." she says as she wanders in front of stark tower
LucianGrey7971 said:
Me? I'm just some wannabe hero who saw you getting kidnapped. Name's Chaos. Don't ask, you wouldn't understand...and you'd probably want to kill me more of I did explain and...moving on, the hell is going on?"
Meanwhile a random person walking down the street saw the wreckage and recognized one of the bodies, "HEY I KNEW THAT GUY!" He shook his head, "DAMN, HE WAS TWO DAYS FROM RETIRMENT... OH WELL!" He continued walking and whistling a merry tune.
"The new Avengers or now the town harlots. Cassandra and some dude attacked us. They threw us in her for us to get arrested." Amelia responded.
((Wtf... huh....)) Miku hears the yell and runs towards the wreckage. She sees Chaos and stops dead in her tracks

((I made jaon go up into Asgard for a bit))

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