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Fantasy As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged

Fia's snarling stopped, now replaced by a quiet defensive growl. As the Ancient had approached, she could the aura of his power build and the young wolf couldn't help but step away. For the first time in her life since she was bitten, Fia was afraid; she was always scared of losing control but this was a different fear: a fear that she would die. Trusting her instincts, Fia moved away from the house despite the Original's encouragements to enter before him. Her sensitive ears picked up the witch's conversation with the original but she ignored it as she padded away. She would have to return later to get her clothes but the scents would be familiar to find.

Nearby, something else was nearby. Not as strong as the original but again, vampiric. She would have sighed had she had been in her human form; she had met too many vampires for her liking in one night. Alas, Fia's curiousity always got the better of her and she went to investigate. She was almost like a ghost as she traveled, her paws surprisingly quiet as they padded along the floor. The scent of two vampires led her round to the back of the house where she found two figures looking inside. Her violet eyes rested on the both of them and she let out a snarl to announce her presence.
Damian slowly turned to the sound of snarling, uh oh, that's not a normal wolf, he could feel it. He looked over to Abigail, "Don't freak out" He raised his hand and let his power flow out of him, everyone in that house would be able to feel the entirety of his power. His eyes started glowing red and an aura of red energy had surrounded him. He smirked as he stared at the strange wolf "Let's not do anything stupid ok?" He was already sure that the other original had sensed him so he might as well show off a bit.
Victoria was finishing what she expected to be her last drink of the evening. The adrenaline had made it's way in and out of her body, and no longer did she closely inspect the comings and goings of patrons. So it was much to her surprise, as she pulled out her coin purse, to see a recently familiar face. She took a double take, seeing him at first from the corner of her eye, before turning to focus on him more clearly. Apparently he had survived the earlier fray of vampire vs vampire. She put her hand to her head, trying to recall his name despite the slight haze in her head. Whispering to herself she said, "Muh... Mitch? Mac... Mark..." then "Markus!" out loud. As she stood from her stool to head over to him, she motioned to Barto for one more drink.

"Hey! Markus! You're alive!"
Hearing his name had the hunter tense up and reach for his weapon, but a stern look from the owner discouraged any further confrontational action. Spotting Victoria he scowled, “You!” A hundred things came to mind but at least there wasn't a vampire breathing down his neck this time. “Alive and well, but so are the bloodsuckers...” the unspoken accusation was left in the air.

Grabbing his drink he paused looking Victoria up and down before noting, “So what's your game? I've seen the blades; care to explain? You don't seem like one of them... no fangs.” it was difficult to judge her, between the friendly demeanor now and fierce memory from earlier. Still there where enough things haunting the darkness, no need to spark more hostility.
Abigail was completely anxious, and as she saw Damian with red energy around him, her conscious went haywire. Although it was almost impossible for her to panic, even she was thoroughly surprised and a bit fearful for her life. The werewolf was in front of them, but where was the original vampire and the weirdly-dressed woman?

She clenched her hands, her eyes a blood-red, and her senses on high alert. She had to be careful not to get hurt. If this original vampire ended up harming Damian, she would be completely on her own, and she had no idea what any of the other beings here were capable of.
Victoria stood and leaned against the bar, smile on her face, as she greeted the still tense Markus. No doubt from the evenings events, which she was still shaken about as well. So many unanswered questions. Her eyes took a small glance around as he mentioned the "bloodsuckers", some definitely took notice, but were willing to respect the established rules of temporary peace. Her attention went back to Markus as he inquired about her blades and her game.

"Not too much to my game I'm afraid. Simply trying to keep the streets safe. As though perhaps there could be a time when no one needs to fear going out on their own." She let a small sigh and her eyes briefly drifted off, day dreaming. After a moment she focused again. "The blade however, has a little more story to it." A slight clunking noise signaled that Barto had delivered the drink, she grabbed it, and took a big long sip before continuing. "My uh... Parents. Never worried too much about vampires, but were also not ignorant to their existence. So through them, I learned a little, not much but enough. Some of their weaknesses, ways to defend yourself, etc. It was not until after their passing however, that I realized the full extent of the menace's occupation in this city alone. So, in their memory, I had all the silver I could find in the house melted down and made into this beauty." Victoria removed the blade proudly, presenting the inscription and artistry of the blade. "It mainly just stuns the beasts, but has seen a fair share of fatality as well."

Victoria sheathed the weapon in a swift motion. Taking another swig, she brought the glass down and asked Markus, "So... I feel safe assuming you're a hunter as well, and I have to ask, do you have any idea what the hell happened tonight?"
Fia's snarl went from aggressive to defensive; the two vampires weren't a threat, or so the werewolf thought, and so relaxed her guard a little. They were... young, for vampires of course. The male was calm, surprisingly so, and Fia didn't know exactly how to feel about that. A tension filled the air suddenly and the male began to glow red and Fia took a step back, snarling again: was this vampire going to attack her? She couldn't tell.

"Let's not do anything stupid, okay?"

Fia's snarl fell to an aggressive rumble in the back of her throat and she glared at the vampire. If this vampire wanted to get bitten, he was going the right way about it.
His comment was received with a ripple of animosity from the crowd. However, instead of regret Markus only felt satisfaction, he wanted these killers to know they weren't the only ones out for blood. In contrast Victoria's short lived daydream of peace seemed like a much purer goal, the hunter found himself nodding in agreement before catching himself and returning to a more neutral expression.

“We have something in common then.” Mark chimed in as she revealed part of her past, giving her a thin smile. The fair haired woman's blade was marvelous, seeing it up close only made the inscription look all the more intriguing. “I've reached a similar conclusion, though my own mementos are hardly as impressive.” The blond tapped his finger on the bar, allowing the plain silver ring to sound off softly. “It's good to know there's more than just death lurking in the shadows.” He said with a little more cheer.

When she asked about what had happened earlier some of the tension returned, “I've never seen one like that before... he seemed to be after the other vampire.” Mark paused before adding, “I'm not sure how to deal with something like that. Maybe traps? I'm not sure, but I know we can't just let him run amok.”
Victoria kindly admired the ring on Markus's finger as he knocked it against the bar. She was a bit disappointed he did not delve a bit deeper into who he was why, and what motivated him. But there would be other times for that. A small but loud section of her brain was keeping her tense and anxiously hoping he knew a bit more than her about the mysterious powers of the vampire they had encountered earlier that evening. Unfortunately it was a new experience to him as well. But she drank, and listened patiently.

"Right... Traps aren't a bad idea." She ran a pale hand through her hair, removing a few threads from out of her face. "We do need to learn more about them though. Somehow. Either by study or" she glanced around the room and then back at Markus, she leaned in closer to him, and spoke softly with a stern tone, "we could ask." Victoria was apparently quite impressed with herself for saying so, as she began to let out a bellowing laugh. Her head reeling back slightly and her free hand on her stomach. She attempted to take a drink in this state and succeeded only in sputtering it back up and coughing thru her laughs.

She caught her breath and wiped a tear from her eye as the giggles slowly faded. "Oh god" Victoria lifted the drink to her lips once more, finishing it off, "that was probably not that funny."
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There were vampires outside of Zamani's residence. Cade could sense them, but he cared not. His business was not with them. But a long silence stretched on inside the witch's home as Zamani seemed too in shock at his return to speak. As the vampire's energy outside peaked, Cade glanced towards the window with the slightest hint of a smirk. Perhaps he would go and greet their 'company' while Zamani got her wits about her. With only a glance, as he understood why Zamani might need to wrap her mind around his sudden showing up, Cade turned around and exited the home, passing by Alistair.

In moments, Cade was standing around the side of the house with the werewolf between himself and the pair of vampires. Finally he smiled. "Hello brother," he said quietly, knowing the other would have no clue as to what he meant.
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Elias cocked his head as the wolf continued to growl, he found it strange that it wasn't frightened by him, this display of power usually does the trick. He looked over to Abigail "I'm glowing right?" Why wasn't it afraid? Before he could think about it too much the original showed up, he stopped glowing and walked up to Cade having forgotten about the wolf in the moment "Brother? Do I know you?" This entire situation was really confusing so it didn't help when he got a headache when he got closer to the original.
Abigail was a nervous wreck; surrounded by a werewolf, two original vampires, and others that made her powers feel so much more enhanced. She crossed her arms in front of her chest defensively, trying to hide her family heirloom. She had no idea what these creatures were capable of, and she didn't want to be a part of it. Her eyes scanned those around her and went to the other vampire, who had addressed Daiman as his brother. She looked at the two of them rather cautiously, worried either might make a move. To be quite frank, she was terrified, but she did well not to show it.

Only trembling slightly from shock, her eyes were still bright red in the darkness. She could feel the energy radiating from all of these beings, and she was in sync with all of it.
The werewolf had to take a step back when the original appeared; surrounded by vampires, Fia felt trapped. She wasn't so much scared of them as she was of losing control, as could happen in situations like this. Making sure she was no longer directly between the original and the new arrivals, Fia took a proper look at the two new vampires. A male and a female, one now glowing a fantastic red aura, the other was traumatized. Fia's eyes focused on the female, studying her closely, watching her every move. As the vampire crossed her arms in front of her chest, Fia tilted her head as she thought she saw something out of the ordinary.

Despite the standoffish situation, the wolf took a couple of steps towards her and looked the female vampire in the eye. She stopped growling. Her voice, much the same as her normal one, projected into the girl's mind, quiet yet confident,
"What do you have there?"
Abigail's breath hitched in her throat, and for a few seconds she was too afraid to say anything.

"It's just a necklace," she mumbled, feeling all the eyes on her. She was glad she had let her hair down, because it helped hide her face just a little. Like golden strands of thread, it flowed and hid her expression, and the darkness made it easier for her to hide her shell. She didn't know what these creatures were capable of, but right now, she was just scared. If her parents fond out she was here, or if she somehow lost her family's heirloom....
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Markus tensed a little when Victoria leaned in, she was a fellow hunter but letting anyone this close still made him nervous. “ask?” he began to repeat just before she burst into a laugh. Surprised and a tad confused the hunter starred at her until she tried to take another drink. Between catching on to her mirth and the scene before him he couldn't help but finally join in the laughter.

“You say that because you couldn't see yourself.” He suggested with a grin far too wide to be serious. “Maybe I should stop by more often, that was rather refreshing.” Reaching for his glass he paused then shook his head. “You know, I doubt we can simply observe this guy and I'm not the bookworm type... asking isn't half bad.” Looking around Markus once more took in the other patrons.

“I'm not sure we have much to bargain with...any suggestions?” For now he didn't want to proclaim the intent of forcing answers out of anyone all too loudly, though it clearly seemed like the easiest solution. While asking for a refill by pushing his glass toward the bartender with a smile the blond added, “If we want answers tonight we'll have to move soon... unless you like the catacombs.” The idea of going down there dimmed his smile just barely.
The ancient paid no mind to anyone but Damian. When the girl mumbled, he only glanced momentarily at his werewolf. Cade had undoubtedly claimed this creature, for what, he hadn't planned yet. His garnet colored eyes flicked to the female vampire. He recognized her as the daughter of one of the council; Lord Thornstone. He'd seen her once or twice at gatherings for the higher class vampires that he attended on rare occasions, out of personal benefit. It mattered little at this moment. Cade had come here to speak with the witch, to find himself being spied on by none other than Damian. He couldn't help but smile faintly when he was questioned.

Of course they knew each other. Only Cade knew Damian more than Damian knew himself. His simple smile faded though, as he recalled the reason why Damian couldn't remember him. There was so much history between the pair, and only Cade would recall it. "Don't you remember?" Cade questioned quietly in his monotone voice. He was prodding, poking really, at the other, knowing that Damian would have no recollection of his life prior to the past ten years, to that day. Though it wouldn't be obvious that he was poking. One might assume that Cade was hurt at the insinuation that he was not remembered. Or perhaps that he had the wrong person. "I must admit that I have not kept tabs on you, and am eager to see what kind of being you have become." There was no hint of emotion in his voice. "I do hope the new you does not disappoint." Surely ones personality couldn't vary too greatly, just over the loss of memory.
Abigail's vision blurred in response to her burst of adrenaline and energy, but she managed to remain calm on the outside, not showing any melodramatic expression of any kind. Instead, she took another breath and went back to listening in on the two original's intense interaction. Only a shadow, she had nothing to contribute to their conversation, nor did she want to be apart of it. Maybe she could even leave without a scratch on her, and her parents wouldn't suspect anything at all. The thought made her much more confident in her strategy to become invisible.

However, the dark glances from the werewolf and the original did make her feel like they could see right through her, and she couldn't help but shiver momentarily, and not from the cold. Her facial features remained frozen, like the night air itself.
"Tick tock, time is running away"

chimed Eldris, as he held Hana in checkmate. The pained screams of the soldiers further down the road echoed through the multitude of alleyways that connected to this road, their bodies held tightly by the bloody thorn like vines that coiled around them; constricting them ever so tightly that the air was squeezed out of their bodies. Their pale blue faces were a stark contrast the the vibrant shades of red that stained their clothes. "Aww..already?" whined the white haired pure blood, as he gazed towards the fallen bodies of her former soldiers. Given that they were pawns of Mereen, he had hoped that they would have lasted a little longer, though in hindsight it was a foolish dream to believe that they would actually fair better then the rest of the humans that scurried around the city. As Eldris was about to return his full attention to Mrs Lieutenant 'Gung-Ho', a thought ran through his mind, eliciting a delighted squeal.

Instantly Eldris ran towards the three, leaping from rooftop to rooftop as he made his way towards his new toys, in doing so releasing his control over the unsprouted blood vine between Hana's feet. A child like expression was plastered across his face, the innocence of youth only present when overwhelmed by the excitement one gets when getting to play with new toys for the very first time. Arriving among the corpses, Eldris lent over and began to examine them; muttering a few words to himself as he did so before dipping his finger into each of their respective pools of blood and tasting them.

Within seconds he stood back up to his full height, his head raised skyward as he proceeded to slowly pull his finger from his mouth, a trail of bloodied saliva visible as his finger left followed by a faint audible pop. "How do you feel about role reversal?" he asked rhetorically, as he glanced his head to the side and glared, his ghostly white eyes almost mimicking that eerie white glow of the moon light. Slowly, he raised his right arm upwards and as he did so, the once dead corpses of the three soldiers began to stir, their bodies slowly rising to their feet, their hands clasped around their guns, still loaded with silver bullets.

"Now my beloved toys, what game should we play with the lovely lieutenant?"
A silver bullet whizzed past Hana's face as one of his puppets responded.​
Elias crossed his arms and smirked "No duh you haven't been keeping tabs, I haven't heard anything from anyone for 10 years" He poked Cade's chest when he said duh. His head was giving him hell, it was like this whenever he felt like He was close to remembering something. "TEAR HIM APART" He clutched his head as he heard the voice in his mind but the pain was gone just as fast as it came. He looked over and saw Abigail shiver, he walked over and placed his jacket on her shoulders, he glanced over at the wolf "If that wolf bothers you just tell me and I'll blow it up" With that blunt comment he walked back to Cade "So how do I know you again?" He wondered what kind of people he talked to before he lost his memories.
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The blonde haired lieutenant grit her teeth, frowning at the pureblood. No matter who she was, or what her game had initially been, he made her uneasy. But Hana wouldn't show it so easily. No, she was still confident, naive even. Even though he dodged the silver bullets without so much as breaking a sweat, at least her men had killed the other vampires on the roof; beasts who were not on her own team. Hana's features turned grim as the pureblood descended from the rooftop, asking her if she cared for her men.

In the depths of her soul, she could not say that she did. But she did need them as pawns, none the less. What he did next, left Hana speechless. She stared in shock, half turned towards her men and unwilling to turn her back to the pureblood, as the pooled blood came to life. Her men began to drop like flies, and in no time at all, the humans were dead. It was to be expected. They were weak humans, unable to handle the inhuman powers thrust at them so violently. He wanted to know if she was ready to call it a night, and finally her facade faltered slightly, but quickly she composed herself.

While she mulled over her options here, he taunted her, telling her time was running away. Time never ran away for a vampire. Time simply stood still. But the implications of his words caused Hana to question whether or not her time on this planet really was running away. No. She wouldn't allow this vampire to treat her like a scared little child, damnit! She was Lieutenant Hana! He moved then, causing Hana to turn back to where her men lay dead. As he tasted their blood, Hana's fangs burned lightly. She was still a vampire after all, and the smell of so much blood could make even her, into the beast she was.

She still held her gun in her hand, and lifted it quickly as the bodies of her men began to rise, unsure of what was happening. He had wasted the lives of her pawns, her toys, and she was pissed. He made her out to be some kind of child, and she was livid. But now, Lieutenant Hana was beginning to see that she was up against a vampire unlike any she'd been head to head with before. As the dead man squeezed the trigger, Hana narrowly missed side stepping it. It whizzed past her face and pinged into the garbage can down the alley.

The blonde didn't hesitate. She unloaded her clip into the body, expecting it to fall to the ground, well, dead. But it had done that once before... "What the fuck are you?" she said, to no one in particular. She'd been talking to the corpses, but the question stood for the vampire as well. No matter, she thought. I'll get rid of them all. Anger blurred her vision and the smell of blood mixed with that intense rage, began to cloud her other senses. I'll kill him, if it's the last thing I do. One of the corpse's silver bullets made contact with her flesh, burying itself deep into her ribcage, and she winced, growling as she moved her gun from one corpse to the other. Though she'd been ultra confident before, it would ultimately be her undoing, as through her rage and the silver bullet lodged in her body, she'd become much slower to dodge the rest.


The child-like original walked towards Cade, but he didn't move, unphased. The smaller vampire mouthed off and poked Cade's chest, but he only looked down his nose at the other. His childlike attitude befit his childlike appearance quite nicely. They complimented each other. If Cade were anyone other than himself, he might have actually rolled his eyes. But as always, his features lacked emotion. His poker face level was pro. As the boy moved back towards the Thornstone, Cade tilted his head slightly. Would the other really blow up the werewolf, just because he made this girl uneasy?

Yes. That was much more like the Damian he knew. This new Damian, giving away his jacket like some kind of gentleman, was laughable. In fact, even with his emotions switched off, they bubbled inside him threatening to make him laugh. Nevertheless, he was questioning Cade something in which the vampire did not plan to reveal, so he remained silent for a moment. He pondered on how he should handle the situation. He'd not expected to run into Damian again so soon. Though in the end, it mattered little. Unless... he would begin to remember his previous life, on his own.

The ancient would need to keep tabs on his 'brother' from now on. After a long silence, the vampire spoke. "Your chivalrous new attitude is unbefitting of the monster you have been," Cade said quietly, as if to himself. After another moment, he added, "I believe your questions would be better answered by the witch, who dwells within this home," he said, gesturing to the building. "I might venture to say she is...", he paused for a moment before continuing, "your mother." Of course the term could be used loosely. She had not birthed the vampires, but she certainly was their creator. Cade turned to walk away. "Let her know that I will return," he said. "You will do that won't you brother?"

He didn't wait for a response, and the question had been rhetorical. In the next moment, there would be no lingering sign of Cade or where he had gone to. Only Cade knew that he was returning to the catacombs, to his own personal dwelling, to feed on the slave awaiting him. The one who reminded him so of
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Brother? Was this malicious garnet-eyed man really related to the boy who had just given her a sweater? It seemed very unlikely, so what exactly did the vampire mean? Abigail's lips curved into a confusing expression as the original disappeared, nothing left of him but darkness. She wondered what she would tell her parents for being out so late. She had honestly thought these creatures would do something a lot more epic, or maybe injure one of them, or threaten one of them, or all of the above. However, this was rather a lot to take for one night. She wondered if Damian would go tell this witch that the other original was gone, and if the two of them actually knew each other.

Now a spectator, Eldris stood there transfixed at the turn of events that had taken place, though to say that he had not planned for a scenario like this would be an understatement. A bone curdling laughter escaped Eldris's mouth as he cackled into the cold night air. The sight before him had aroused his inner self, the excitement of watching these week feeble pawns turn against their former puppeteer had brought him levels of pleasure he had not had in many long years. So easy it was to coax this foolish vampire into his trap, to lure and bait her towards his desired destination, the whole time watching her as she unknowingly played the part of victim that he had cast her in.

The 'puppets' stood firm, unfazed and unresponsive towards the bullet holes that now dotted their bodies, their fingers almost frozen in place against the triggers of their respective guns as they continued to shoot until their ammunition was depleted, yet even then they continued to fire, these phantom bullets still aimed towards their former master. Many had missed their target, a puppets aim was not as 'accurate' as when they were once alive, though despite this more then enough had buried themselves in the body of the lieutenant, enough to leave her laying before deaths door.

A quick snap of his fingers ended his control, the three bodies of the soldiers falling back towards the ground, their limp bodies sprawled across the blood stained road. Their usefulness had run its course, now they were simply trash. Nothing that warranted his attention, aside from being useful stepping stones. Eldris had no desire to get his shoes covered in the blood of vermin; vampire and human alike, thus when approaching the wounded Hana he made sure to walk across the bodies of the fallen, making sure to get as little dirt on himself as possible. Once across he knelt beside the fallen woman.

Eldris traced a nail across his right wrist, drawing blood from his skin before placing it inches away from Hana's mouth. The scent of his blood, coupled with the lingering fragrances of her men that remained on his hand was an overpowering cocktail for any vampire, much less one reduced to such a pitiful state. "Go on... drink" he uttered softly, his left hand now caressing the back of her head as he supported her. Their performance was coming to its end, Eldris had had his fun, he had broken through the false bravado of Hana and revealed her to be what she truly was, a child; incapable of judging her own position in the hierarchy of power, unable to accept her weakness in front of superior foe and too simplistic to see that she was never really in control of their encounter from the very beginning. She was a weak hearted fool and now it was clear to see. All that was left was for her to accept his offering, to accept her position beneath Eldris and to solidify the fact that she was never in the league of a pure blooded vampire.

Though, even this act of mercy, was all for show. The final twist to their little game of cat and mouse. Eldris's blood was unlike other's, it did not have the ability to reinvigorate a weakened vampire, nor did it have the ability to turn a human into a lesser vampire. It was impure, toxic and an insult towards the very essence of what a Pureblooded Vampire was meant to be. He was the antithesis of his own kind.

The guise of offering her his blood to help her hid his true agenda. A slow and painful death.​
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Some of the silver bullets zinged past Hana, but some embedded themselves into her flesh and bone. With each new sting of an added bullet, she became angrier, crazier. Much like the brain dead corpses the blonde stood in the firefight without guard or protection, outwardly accepting her fate, while inwardly unwilling to accept that she had pushed too far. It wasn't until she heard the resounding click of her own weapon, that she tossed her gun to the side, clutching her chest with that hand. Her other arm merely dangled. Those damned silver bullets, she thought. They hadn't been meant, for me.

The bullets had finally stopped coming at her and she dropped to her knees, swaying as she struggled to keep upright. Her vampire body couldn't heal as it was supposed to with this silver imbedded in it. She glanced up towards the pureblood and her,
his, puppets with blurred vision. Blurred from anger, blurred from loss of blood and pain, and blurred from the impending death that seemed to await her. The corpses fell to the ground, and lieutenant Hana herself finally fell to meet the pavement of the alley. Her throat felt dry and her fangs burned. Laying on her side, Hana couldn't bear to look at the bloodied alley any longer. If she could just... drink some...

With a wince and a whimper, she rolled to her back. Was this, really the end now? The sudden smell of fresh blood assaulted her senses and her eyes focused in on the pureblood, hovering over her. She tried to growl, but it was truly pitiful. What was he doing? With his wrist there in her face? Did he intend to save her now? Had this all been a show of power and now she'd have to bend to his every whim because he saved her life? She tried to fight the urge to devour the blood, but that word,
drink, put Hana over the edge. With the help of the pureblood who held her head, Hana lost all control of herself, using her one working arm to grasp his wrist and pull it to her mouth.

Lieutenant Hana drank of the blood greedily and without thought. She wasn't going to die today, and that's all that mattered to her now; survival. She swallowed generous gulps of the crimson liquid, until finally she slowed. Her eyes opened, and she frowned. A gurgled choke erupted from her throat. What was wrong with her? Instantly her veins felt as if they'd been doused in kerosene and lit on fire. She pushed at his arm violently before grasping at her own throat, gasping and choking. "You- bastard!", was all she managed to choke. Hana tried to speak more, but nothing came of her throat but blood that burned like acid as her body tried to purge it.

It was worse coming back up than it had been in those moments of realization that this blood was obviously toxic. Hana clawed at her own throat desperately, tearing into it as she lost herself to the pain. She writhed on the cobblestone alleyway, clawing at her own flesh as she choked up the poison.

There may never be such a drastic fall from grace as the one Eldris had just witnessed. The proud Lieutenant reduced to such a state; from hunting him, threatening him and attacking him, she now needed him, needed his blood. Her impulsive action came as no surprise as she grasped his arm and forced it towards her mouth, her fangs sinking into his flesh. Like a child suckling, she showed little sign of stopping as she gulped more and more of his blood. Eldris raced his head skyward, his eyes closed but his mouth open in wild smile as he reveled in the unique sensation of having his blood sucked; it was pure bliss. The one act that confirmed that he had broken her.

This moment however only lasted a few fleeting seconds as he felt her pace lessen, her once voracious appetite now seemingly non existent. Facing her once again, he began to lower her head softly to the ground, his eyes never once shifting away from her face as he awaited the change in her expression. He knew what was coming, he had seen it many times before... yet it never seemed to get old. That sudden 'pained' expression born from the realization of what it was she had just ingested, the blood that for all intents and purposes was akin to the elixir of life for someone in her predicament. Though, in reality that was far from the truth; the final nail in her coffin, the poetic ending for a tragic 'princess' naive to how the world truly works yet fully convinced that she was a person of power. He watched as she struggled, her body writhing along the ground as his blood began to spread through her body, slowly devouring her innards in its path of destruction. He stayed there, watching; savoring every last moment he had left with her, though that was short lived as he cocked his head towards the top of the road.

The sound of dozens of footsteps signaled the end of tonight's game. Officers had been alerted to the symphony of gunfire, and had rushed to the scene. The bodies of both vampires and human soldiers littered the road, the remnants of a battle. A little further down, another body lay; a woman's. From this distance, it was hard to tell if she was alive or not. Walking closer, he soon recognized her as Lieutenant Hana, though her features were different. Her mouth was coated in blood, her pristine white fangs clearly visible among the red, painted across her lips. "Vampire.." he muttered silently to himself, still in shock at the revelation of the Lieutenant he had once admired not being human. Assuming she was dead, he made his way closer to her body until he stood above her.

Her eyes twitched, causing the man to jump back slightly, her mouth moved slowly, her lips forming the words 'Help me', though no audible sound could be heard, the poisonous blood had long since melted her wind pipe. She was still alive, barely clinging onto the last thread that kept her attached to the world of the living.The man looked at her with disgust, his right hand grasped around the revolver at his waist, he readied his gun. A soft click, as the gun was loaded followed by a gun shot was the last sound Eldris had heard before he left the area.​
Victoria paused. In the moment she said it, she hadn't actually considered simply asking about vampires with powers as a serious option. Her glance joined Markus's around the room. She scanned the meager number of pale faces, contently sipping their false blood, for any probably candidates. How on earth could she pick one or two from this group? Did such power show on a creature? Was it visible, did it emanate, or was it a hidden force?

The vampire they had witnessed seemed normal enough, from what little she saw of him at least. Markus spoke, and she plunked a few more coins onto the counter giving Barto the "done" motion with her hand making a swipe across her neck. "It's true, aside from utter force and threats I have no idea what sort of leverage we hold to get information." A yawn escaped her lips and she covered her mouth, "excuse me". She had definitely hit her limit for the evening, she was far from drunk, but could feel the wall coming. She had a decent buzz which seemed to only be assisting the late hour in trying to bring her to rest.

Suddenly she stopped, realizing what was said. Her look grew serious and inquisitive, "What um... Catacombs? You said something about catacombs?"

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