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Fantasy As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged

Abigail walked through the ballroom, meeting and conversing with all of her guests. She wondered if she would ever have to see most of these people again. She knew she had a duty now, and she was to meet her to-be husband tonight. She wrung her hands, uncomfortable just thinking about it. She was in a dark red satin gown, with ruby earrings, and like the stone she shined through the crowd. Although she may have looked lovely, her insides were in a jumble, and all she could think about were the dark thoughts about her arranged marraige coming up.

She caught the stringent gaze of her mother, who was conversing with one of the wives of the Council, and her look told Abigail to keep socializing.
The phone call came just as Diana was sinking in oblivion, a dark hole of boredom and useless brooding that would've only made her paranoid more than she already figured she was. She always had go keep herself busy, always distracted with something else to stop her mind from straying back to the one single fact that threatened to crush her world. No matter how many times she had told herself in the last who knows how many months, the idea still didnt quite click for real. And with each realization, she was racked with agony, disgust and fury.

She was a vampire.

Its funny how it takes so long for a dramatic life changing fact to sink in and be accepted. It still hadn't for Diana and there was no way in hell she was accepting it. Each day she let herself think too much of it was like a chisel, chipping away at her sanity, piece by piece till there was nothing left. So, when the phone call drew her away from the void of paranoia, she was more than grateful.

The job offer wasn't the most pleasing and profitable, but it was better than not having anything to do. A petty local bloodsucker was getting out of hand so she was called to bring him in, dead or alive. Obviously, once she got her hands on him, he would be dead and notably paler than he previously was. She brought her helmet to her head, her eyes already glowing an animalistic aura. These days, nothing really brought her much pleasure, except for a hunt regardless of how petty and useless it was.

Swinging her leg over onto her motorbike and Turning on the engine, her eyes snapped to the glowing trails laying like spider webs across the city streets. This would be fun.
Damian frowned when the witch said he was made because the world was getting crowded, so not only did she create him, but he was made to kill off humans, just population control. He sighed, he couldn't really get too angry, he knew when he asked that there was the possibility of him not liking the answer, besides there's not much he could do about it now. Then he heard the door open, he looked over and what he saw hurt him, literally, he felt a searing pain rush through his head and he fell to the ground, no longer floating he held his head and glared at the girl, he felt like he should know her, like they've met before and it was making his brain freak out. He stood up and took a deep breath letting the pain fade a little. Now that he's regained his composure he teleported right in front of the girl, before he said anything he smelled something even more familiar coming off of her, it was what he could smell on the vampire he fought last night. He leaned closer to her face without really meaning to, now only centimeters away he said "You were attacked last night weren't you? I believe I fought your attacker last night, your blood has a pretty strong scent." He mentally kicked himself and backed up a bit, and gave a warm smile to show that he means no harm "Anyways.....have we met before? You look familiar." He hoped he could wrap this up soon, after dropping Abigail off last night he was given an invitation and he planned to show up.
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The white haired vampire hunter frowned deeply as her neighbor seemed to take great delight in all that he had seen. She'd deducted that there was something amiss about him, but had yet to figure it out. She wondered if she'd have the time to. He shortened the space between them, talking about his kind. Her head spun. Victoria wondered... could it be, possible? How could John have possibly slipped under the radar like this? Was he truly a vampire? Then his wife Evelyn, was she...? Despair had filled her, but now anger bubbled. She'd avenge her children here and now, and she'd kill John, the vampire.

But he was being eerily calm. Unlike a cocky vampire might be, but as something more. He asked her if she could tell him what it would feel like, and in the next moment, his features changed entirely. Instantly Victoria understood what had gone on, and she moved to stand up. "Like hell-", she started. But quicker than she could blink an eye, whoever this vampire really was, had his cold fingers wrapped around her throat. She was left struggling to breathe, unsuccessful at catching her breath from the force of having the wind knocked out of her against the wall. Victoria looked down at this sinister being. He was unlike any vampire she had ever encountered before.

Vivid blue eyes shifted to see her children. She couldn't protect them. In the end it was truly her own fault that they had died, and at her own hand none the less. She couldn't look at them now, not with Jobe's body torn apart. She was disgusted with herself as the vampire poison that coursed through her, turning her into a creature that she hunted, began to make the scent of her children's blood smell
good. What kind of creature could truly find pleasure in doing this to people, and in consuming blood? Victoria would never get to know.

The very stake she had used to kill Lily and Jobe pressed against her skin. She had little time to process all that had happened, and would happen as the vampire slowly pushed the sharp wood into her flesh, ripping at her body and organs as he effortlessly guided it into her heart. Hands that had been prying at the cold fingers around her throat, grasped at the stake. Vivid blue eyes stared down at the vampire almost blankly. It might have been as if Victoria's life was flashing before her eyes, but it wasn't. Unfortunately for the woman, she rode the fine line between being human and being vampire. The pain of the stake being driven into her body was doubled, as she felt the pain of what a human would feel, and of what a vampire would feel with that wood entering into her heart.

In her very last moments, she didn't think of her happy life memories. She didn't even think of her children. Her body trembled violently and all she could think of was the searing pain that radiated equally throughout her entire being. As her heart pumped its last beat, dumping blood out into her body and over the wood that protruded from it, Victoria's hands slipped from the stake to hang limply at her sides. Once vivid blue eyes, stared down at Eldris dully and unblinking. An ironic tragedy for the woman who hated vampires so. Who had taken the lives of so many, and in the end, her own children, yet could not even consider them in her last moments. All that had consumed her was agony and fear.


The ancient vampire leaned against the wall of the bedroom as Fia changed. He had seen a wolf transform, and he had seen plenty of nude bodies. She could rest easy in that he wasn't oggling her perversely, but instead, genuinely interested in the transformation. It seemed that Fia's transformation was quite painful to her, as it had been for so many of her kin. When she finished, even Cade could appreciate what had been created in the form of werewolf. Memories of his own flashed in his mind, and for a moment, he seemed less... Cade. Someone softer, and not so scary.

He removed himself from the wall. "Francis will be disappointed to know that you aren't wearing the dress he created for you," he said flatly. It was meant to be amusing, but Cade couldn't have cared less if Fia found the irony in it. He watched her for a long moment. "Does it still hurt?" he asked, genuinely wanting to know. While he had once killed off most of the werewolf population, he had been a much younger vampire. His actions far more rash and ill thought through. He had gone through many dark patches of his life, and had also spent many in loneliness and regret. Ultimately, Cade had shut off his emotions to avoid feeling, well, anything.

He waited there to see how she would react. Cade could take the pain of turning away, but he would not, if she didn't want it. It would be a processes that would lead to them having to spend a good deal of time together, and he was aware that in her current form that she might not be so willing. Even he could understand that. Werewolves had been created to naturally hate vampires and they tended to have a very hard time discerning the human part of themselves during a full moon. He opened the door in case Fia felt the need to run, assuming that like other creatures, she would understand that attacking him would lead to her death. Ultimately, he had hoped she would still come to the event, though he would not force her at this time.


Eleanor didn't respond when Vanessa questioned her being nibbled. The woman regarded it in a much less terrifying manner than it had actually been, and the small girl really didn't want to think on the event further. Though her cheeks deepened in their natural rosey hue when Vanessa pulled her into a chummy embrace. Eleanor wasn't typically the type to appreciate an embrace of any kind. But despite the circumstances, she rather liked Vanessa.

Standing in the door way as the floating, being, fell to the ground, Eleanor shrugged lightly to Vanessa's seemingly rhetorical question. This was definitely the place. Of course, she didn't know the floating guy. Or, falling guy rather. Yet he was glaring at her. She shifted her weight uncomfortably and opened her mouth to speak to Zamani about Vanessa, when the boy suddenly appeared in front of her. She wasn't even sure she'd blinked, but it had been that quick.

Eleanor's anxiety was creeping in quickly. She hadn't really wanted to come inside, and now she was sure that she shouldn't have. This boy was in her personal space to an excruciating degree. Her palms became sweaty and she slid expertly away and behind Vanessa, only peering over the woman's shoulder with her eyes. She wasn't necessarily afraid that he was a danger, but more just uncomfortable that a floating man who moved faster than the speed of light was almost nose to nose with her, knowing what she'd been through the evening before, somehow.

Warm hazel eyes narrowed questioningly and she grimaced. The smell of her blood? Finally Eleanor righted herself enough to really look at the boy, and she shook her head. She'd never seen him a day in her life. "Do many humans hang out with floating boys?" she whispered to Vanessa as if he couldn't hear. Seriously though, Eleanor was unsure how many humans knew of this life. While she could honestly say she didn't know Damian, she could also honestly say she really didn't know how any human would. Would they?
The white-furred wolf looked the ancient one in the eye, her eyes now an intense and aggressive yellow. Fia was no longer in control of herself: the wolf instead commanded her ever movement, action and thought. Recognizing a somewhat familiar scent, the wolf knew Cade was a vampire, and the sheer radiation of power coming from him had already made the wolf cautious and defensive.

As he detached himself from the wall he had been leaning on, the wolf let out a snarl and took a step backwards, only to find a bed obstructing her path.

"Francis will be disappointed to know that you aren't wearing the dress he created for you."

The wolf's snarl dropped to a low, yet still as defensive, growl. He was conversing with her as if she was still the human: the wolf was intelligent and understood what he was saying. However, she didn't really know how to feel about this or how to respond to the situation presented before her.

"Does it still hurt?"

She shook her fur a bit in a slight response before she took a step forwards and projected her voice into his mind. It was somewhat distinctly different from Fia's, more feral and less refined and accented,
"No, Kraugerys, it does not hurt. Being in your presence hurts."

The wolf took a couple of steps closer to the original, tilting her head and letting out a snarl,
"What do you want with me, leech?"

Her body was low, her legs poised, and her canines flashing in the early night light. She was prepared to fight, if she had to.
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She had not reacted unexpectedly, and Cade merely watched her for a long moment before speaking again. "If you'd like my honesty, I haven't quite decided," he said. And that was true. The ancient had already made many plans in his mind, thought out the scenarios, weighed his options, but, had not chosen a path as of yet. Ultimately, he'd have prefered to partner with Fia in his plans. Of course, when he did finally make a decision, he would simply force her if she did not agree.

He turned his back to her, perhaps showing that he was not afraid. "You are the one who came here," he reminded her. "What is it that you seek?" he questioned, walking out into the hall. He would continue walking, and descend the stairs to where Raven was heading for the door. He would approach the other and place his hand on the witches shoulder. If Fia had followed in conversation, he would step aside to allow them to see each other. "There is a car waiting just outside," he informed the witch as a servant opened the large ornate door. Raven could wait for Cade, or he could even go on ahead to the event. Either way, Cade would be right along.
"If you'd like my honesty, I haven't quite decided," the original tried to assure her.

The wolf would have scoffed if she had been human: as if one of his kind would tell anything even remotely resembling the truth. The wolf kept her defensive stance.

"You are the one who came here. What is it that you seek?" The vampire questioned her, turning his back and turning to walk away.

The wolf snapped at him, "
She brought me here, not I!" She ran after him, a low growl in the back of her throat.

She slowed down, padding alongside him,
"You're keeping the truth from me aren't you?"

As the two of them came into a lobby, the wolf noted the witch's presence but largely ignored him, following Cade.

(Assume the wolf heads to the soiree with Cade if that comes up)
Eleanor's anxiety was evident, the source of her being so uncomfortable seemingly being the floating boy who in the blink of an eye appeared so very close to them.

Speaking of saving her life and of...blood.

As if on an impulse Vanessa inhaled deeply, wondering if Eleanor's blood had really such a strong scent but the moment she realized what she had been thinking about the vampire shook her head, trying to rid herself of these thoughts and Eleanor's scent.

Instead she eyed Damian suspiciously as Eleanor ducked behind her back, peeking out as if the floating boy would jump at her any moment.

"Is this how you greet you guests?" Vanessa asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she raised a pierced eyebrow at Damian, the right corner of her lips raised in a sneer as her crimson eyes darted from Eleanor to Damian and to the other woman before turning her attention back to Eleanor.

"Well, not many humans pick up stray vampires from dark alleyways either." Vanessa replied with a weak grin adorning her pale visage.

"Anyways, you said this place could provide some answers or at least something useful, but you seem to not really like being around here, dont'cha? You don't have to be here if you don't want to, I can fend for myself."
Raven felt a hand on his shoulder. He began to turn around and suddenly there was Cade, this Lord Vilar standing behind him. He barely heard what the vampire was saying before he stood to the side revealing a massive she wolf. White, bristling fur seemed to wave acros her muscular structure. Raven didn't stir. He did fel Theodore tighten his grip on his leg . Raven just kinda stared at the two as they made there way out the dor.

he had other means of transport that didn't require him to get inside of a car. He never felt comfortable trapping himself inside a metal box that ran due to the combustion of oil. He stepped outside, his thoughts heavy after what he'd just saw. Cade for some reason felt the need to either show off his pets or threaten his guest with them. But, no mater, he figure it out once he got to the party. Right now, getting from point A to be was his main focus. And, focus he did. All other thoughts vacated his mind. All he could se was a bright light emitting fro his self conscience.

"Ut fulgur ducat me , trans caelum . Suscipiant curru potens et excelsus." he voice carried like a strong breeze and a distinctive sizzling sound, like frying meat, could be heard all around him. The smell of burning wafted from his aura and his body began to glow. He had summoned lightning. Faster but, more dangerous. Lightning crackled from the sky consuming his entire being. Then he was simply no more. A dark smudge of burnt earth remained where he once stood. And seconds later he arrived at the home of the Thronstones.

He had to be calm cool and collected when it came to this event. He hadn't even known that there would be an event going on. In fact he had just reached the city a day ago. well almost a day, it suddenly dawned on him how much his life had changed in the mast 24-hours. He just had to be more careful. Less naive, In the past 365 days since leaving his village he had learned the darker side of witch craft just as Melinda had taught him about the light.

His all black attire with his handsome silver cuff links and pentagram that hung from his neck shown like stars in the night sky.He could see servants and other guest milling about the property. One of the servants welcomed him into the entrance hall and led him to what he assumed was the ballroom. And it was every bit as extravagant as what he expected it to be.

Theodore jumped down from Ravens back. "Smells like blood in here." Of course he could smell it. He had all the natural survival instincts of any bear and Raven would have been a fool to believe that this establishment was run by humans. To many times had he been proven wrong about the night people for him to be taken by surprise.

A servant had walked by with a tray of what looked like red-wine . Raven knew better, but, he did procure himself a glass of mixed berry white wine. "Theo, what do you expect from this place?"

Theodore had climbed up on a tall waist height table and was sitting on its edge with his little bear feet swaying back and forth. " I have none. First things, first my delectable little sweet tart. Never have expectations about something you know nothing about. It obscures vision and clouds judgment." Raven was in no mood to be lectured. But, he listened anyway. Theo had a certain wisdom about him. Almost as if he were someone else from another lifetime.

"Ive just been feeling this foreboding ever since I got here. Almost like dejavu' but, different. " Theo simply shrugged his shoulders and, jumped up to Ravens shoulders sitting like a toddler with his parents at a theme park. Raven decided to make his rounds around the party. He saw a young woman standing in a beautiful red dress. he decided she look approachable. And so he did, pulling Theodore down from his shoulders, holding him in front of him, he made his way over to her. Glass in hand. Upon reaching her. He flared his pearly white smile,"Hello, I'm Raven. Do you know the people throwing this party?"

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Click. Snap.

The camera froze for a second before the picture of a ghost white corpse came into view on her cellphone screen. Diana's eyes narrowed at the photograph and looked at the actualy body as if she was comparing the two. She really hoped the bite marks werent as noticeable... Or the comelletely severed head.

Her customer had mentioned something about being squeamish. Oh well. As long as she showed him the dead bloodsucker who she was paid to either kill or capture and got her money, whatever the man felt was not of her concern.

She had caught the vampire downtown trying to sneak into a house that reeked of blood. Any other person would probably go inspect the cause of so much blood scent, but she was no person, she was a hungry vampire and blood was dangerous for her and for her prey. It was trying to get in the front door so didnt see the knife coming till it was too late. Now its blood was splattered across the front door and a puddle remained where its head had thudded to the ground. It was a messy way of killing, but it was quick.

She had made short work of the body afterwards all the while taking a bit of blood for herself as a snack to keep her hunger down. At first she thought she'd only sipper but...considring how bloodless and pale the corpse had become, she'd figured she took a bit too much.

Now she was wondering how she was going to dispose of the body. There wasnt any place to leave it where it would go unnoticed or wont draw attention very quckly... But... She could always burn it? It would catch some attention..but people would probably just assume some hobos were burning things for warmth.

While fumbling for matches in her bag, her thoughts travelled to a white haired man who had haunted her dreams ever since that night. She still hadnt been able to track him down despite all her efforts. She needed time but she was running out.

Finally finding them, she dumped the body in a metal barrel, poured some alchohol she had brought from alchohol on the corpse and threw in a lit match. How she loved bon fires yet now she was not finding pleasure in watching the monster burn. She had to find that man, whatever he was...But how?

Walking off with the fire still ablaze, she returned to her motorbike with her hip rested against the seat. It was then that she remembered the strange male vampire from before who mentioned a soiree at his abode. There was a chance that she'd find that vampire there... And when she did, things would really get bloody very quickly.

But first she had to get into the party... And that would mean playing into the hands of that so called Cade... But if she found him, it would be worth it. She couldnt wait to see him burn.
The large ornate doors were held open for Cade and his guests. He didn't seem phased when Raven disappeared. Having known his mother for many years, he was well aware of the magics of witches. The doors were held open to the car that would take Cade and Fia to the Thornstones. Luckily for Fia, the old timey styled car had wide leather seats and would fit her comfortably, should she decide to sit beside Cade, or lay across from him. She'd have no trouble. He looked out the window as the car pulled off of the property and onto the cobblestone road.

Old street lamps lit the roadways and sidewalks now. It was boring. Seeing the same things year after year. Things changed so slowly when one lived an eternity. His deep red gaze fell on Fia again. She'd assumed he wasn't telling her the whole truth, but he'd not responded to that. He certainly didn't feel the need to explain himself to anyone else. And besides, he had been telling the truth. "Why do you brood so?" he questioned quietly. "We do not have to be enemies," he added.

The car pulled up in front of the Thornstones' large estate, and the car doors opened for them to exit. As they did, random hissing sounds could be heard from various other vampires as they were walking into the party. All it took was a look from Cade to silence them instantly. In Cade's presence, Fia would not be bothered. While many still looked on in wonder and fear, as Fia's bite could so instantly end a vast majority of them, they would not defy Cade in any way. The ancient vampire walked towards the door, and as he did, other vampires stopped to stare, instantly bowing their heads in respect afterwards. It was suddenly silent as they passed the others and entered into the home.
Eldris's tongue darted out of his mouth, slowly licking away some of the blood splatter that had landed on his face. The taste of a half turned human, was one he rarely got to savour. Most of the time he was too caught up with enjoying the moment, rather then savoring it. He watched with intense interest as the life slowly drained out of her. Her 'change' was futile, not even the regenerative properties of a vampire could save her, not with the stake shoved through her heart. It was a few agonising minutes before she finally died, a look of horror spread beautifully across her face. Had Eldris had any artistic sense, he would have dubbed this a masterpiece. Letting her limp body crumble to the ground, he turned around and returned to the bedroom. A lingering scent had earlier caught his interest.

His eyes rested upon a white parchment, partially hidden in one of her robes and smeared with the blood of a vampire. It was once said that Curiosity killed the cat, thankfully Eldris was not part feline. Stepping closer, he reached for the parchment, his thoughts racing as he pondered what its contents may be. It was always nice to rummage through the posessions of another, finding out their little dark secrets or discovering a piece of info that may come in handy. Much like a kinder surprise, it was nearly impossible to tell what he would find upon unravelling the bloodied scroll.

"Dear Guest,

You are hereby formerly invited to the Thornsetone Estate later this evening. We regret that this invitation has come with short notice, but implore you to postpone current plans in favor of attending the event we are hosting. Our Esteemed Lord, Lord Krimellian Vilar has invited all vampire kind to our household in hopes of enlightening us with an historical announcement.

It is highly recommended that those who take pride in being a vampire attend



Eldris could not help but smile. It sounded like a large party was to take place tonight, a party that he had not originally been invited to. Whoever this Krimellian Vilar was, he sounded like a pretty big deal to have others go through the hastle of doing his invitations, much less have the status to indiscrimately invite what he could only assume as 'every vampire' in the town... well almost every vampire. Eldris scratched the top of his head slightly, trying to recall if he himself had recieved such an invitation, though no memory of such event came to mind. A tad hurt that he had not been invited directly, Eldris raised the bloodied parchment to his nose and inhaled. The scent of the dried blood did not seem that potent, nor did it seem to originate from anything more then an 'above average' vampire. To think that such trash got invited when he did not.

Eldris turned and exited the room, his hand still clasped around the invitation. He quickly made his way down the corridor, stepping over the bodies that littered the floor before hurrying downstairs. He would need to make sure he was well dressed for the party.
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As the witch disappeared, the wolf glanced at Cade expectantly. To her annoyance he stepped outside of the house in silence, into a car and not answering her question. Begrudgingly, she followed him outside and into an old timely styled car, caution lacing every action she took.

Noting where the vampire sat, the wolf jumped onto the leather seat opposite him. A yellow-eyed, steely gaze settled on the original vampire, and a low, defensive eminated from the back of the wolf's throat for most of the car journey.

The vampire's eyes rested on her white-furred form; the wolf snarled as an instant reaction. "Why do you brood so? We don't have to be enemies."

The wolf did not respond, instead she lowered her head on to her two front paws, keeping it there for most of the journey. She glared at him for the rest of the journey.

The car came to a stop and the wolf's senses were almost overwhelmed by the scent of so many vampires. A growl of unease, defensiveness and anger eminated from the wolf's throat. As the pair left the vehicle and started walking into the party, various vampires viciously hissed at the wolf. She would have snarled in response had Cade not silenced them.

"Do you intend to sacrifice me, leech? Is that what you brought me here for?"

She followed the original warily yet closely: she was ready to run if she needed to. Something told her that she was being irrational, that he just wanted to show the other vampires he could tame a werewolf. She would react as she would consider necessary.
As much as Diana hated it, she had to wear dress. And her mother's at that matter. It held a scent woven into the very fabric of the dress, one she hadn't smelled in years. For the young vampire, it was like a stake to the heart.

Considering that Case appeared to be a very high vampire, the party was most likely very high classed which required formal wear. Unfortunately the pale peach dress would have to do. Simple and short with a longer back, it was strapless and flowing, hiding most of her figure below her ribcage which was both a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing being she could hide a stake or dagger strapped to her thighs and no one would notice. No jewellery was worn save for a necklace. She left her head of gold waves down to gently frame her face of absolutely no make up. After all, she didn't need any not had any to put on in the first place.

She had ridden back to the manor on her motorbike, which was absolutely horrid with a dress, where she had met the vampire, the werewolf and the strange vampire known as Cade to find trails leading away from the house. Recognizing the familiar trails as Cade's and Fia's, she followed through the streets till she stopped a few streets away from the manor, a dark building looming a few blocks away.

She had decided that a motorbike would attract too much attention, so walked the rest of the way towards the building, pale heels clicking on the pavement. Her arms remained tensed at her sides with her fingers running over the rough surface of the stake under her dress for comfort. She could already smell the scent of countless of vampires.. and she didn't like it.
Abigail had been standing somewhere in the center of the ballroom, observing the surroundings and the mingling guests with feigned interest. She was wringing her glove hands, knowing that soon, she would have to meet and actually converse with her to-be husband. She hated to think about her grim future in such a lively atmosphere; it was only making her own thoughts gloomier. She realized in the cloud of her unwanted thoughts that she had yet to meet the esteemed Lord who was making the "historical announcement" on their premise. Interrupting her thoughts, a voice rang out from the muffled clusters of vampires. She turned herself to the man who had sparked a conversation with her.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you Raven. I am Abigail Thornstone, daughter and heir of this estate. Forgive me for my ignorance, but may I be inclined to ask which estate you come from?" she said with a polite smile, putting her hand out conventionally.

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