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Fantasy As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged

Immediately, Raven felt a since of. "why are you here?" In the room.And, then he began to fully appreciate where he was. This wasn't the home of another pompous aristocrat he had seen on his travels. This is was real wealth. This was old wealth, from the prim servants, to the ostentatious twin staircase. He was glad for the cautions behavior he'd honed over the last year. While he'd taken the fullness of the manor he tipped back into reality listening to the woman speak. He wondered where she was from and who she was. But, at the current moment that wasn't important.


"This is Lord Vilar's estate," she said


Who is this Lord Vilar, He wondered.

"No, I have not the faintest clue who Lord Vilar is. But, if a room is available, then a room I will take." The words had hardly left his mouth before the woman briskly made her way to, Raven assumed, ready a room. And, just as quickly as she left, a man dressed completely in black had made his way down the stairwell on the left side of the foyer. Raven could respect a man that wore all black. It spoke of solitude and simplicity. "Greetings." Was all he had said. Raven just stared back at him. And before he could speak, a slightly frumpy voice drolled out from Ravens back.

"And, salutations." Theodore had grown tired of waiting for Raven to collect himself. And the view was horrible. All he could see was the front door. He unclipped his back straps and tucked them away. Raven had an annoyed look on his face but, he'd live. He went to sit at his feet and continued speaking.

"We are Raven and the diviiiine Theodore." Everything he ever said sounded sarcastic with an heir of annoyance." Are you here to show us to our room.?

Raven was horror struck. He looked down at Theodore and back up at the man. Whomever he was. He wasn't human, that mush was certain, by the overtly obvious presence of death lingering about him. Raven had never met the Grim Reaper but, he was sure this was paramount. But Theodore had a horrible habit of saying what Raven was thinking.

"What he meant to say was, I'm Raven Proctor. And This is Theodore my... familiar."
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A smile adorned Vanessa's face, her lips parting just enough to reveal her fangs, still unused and just waiting to taste blood.

Or maybe it was just like every time she woke up with a hangover, the combination of thirst and hunger being just the right thing to round off something as nasty as a hangover.

Shaking Eleanor's hand made her realize just how cold her own body was, feeling the brunette's warmer skin in her grasp made the vampire raise an eyebrow, still getting used to the fact that she was dead...

Well, technically undead, with implications like bloodthirst and aversion to sunlight making her already pretty bad mood turn sour.

Amended solely by the fact that Eleanor was trying her best to assure her it wasn't THAT bad.

"Eating whatever I want, eh? As long as it's blooooood, right?" Drawing out the blood part as her smile shifted into a crooked sneer.

"No need to sugarcoat it honey, I'll have to go all Dracula and feed on the living, All I need now is some black cape and a heavy Romanian accent."

The fact that she disliked Vampires did little to her actually enjoying horror movies a ton, having always liked to spook her younger siblings with scary stories, the thought of their faces if they were to see her right now somewhat lightening her mood, causing her to smile a bit brighter.

"Anyways... Good Vamps, Bad Vamps, what's the difference? They, no... I guess WE are freaks. But I guess I could refrain from feeding on you, Ellie." With those words Vanessa flashed a menacing grin, her eyebrow raised and her fingers curling into twisted shapes to make the moment more dramatic.

Her grin widened as her hand extended to ruffle Eleanor's hair, tilting her head to the side as a chuckle escaped the tall, lanky vampire.

"Just messing with you Ellie, just trying to find ANY benefit to being a bloody Vamp.... I won't need a costume for Halloween, that's preeety nice, I guess..."

Next stop after Denial; Acceptance... Kinda.

"Wait a minute... Did you just mention a Witch AND a Pure-Blood? That's twice the trouble and I don't really know if I could handle any more at the moment... But the more important question is; Why does someone like YOU get involved with these kind of people?!"

The ancient merely watched the pair as if disinterested. If he said it was the first time he'd seen an object such as the bear animated, he'd be lying. And this one appeared to have it's own personality. A soul stolen, perhaps. Cade would not be surprised, given that this man was who he was. But, the man didn't know who he was, did he? Yet he had stumbled upon this place of his own free will, the same town in which his mother resided. Cade would use this to his advantage of course. "Charmed," Cade said flatly. "I am Cade, and this is my home," he said gesturing lazily with one hand. "You are welcome to stay here as long as you need, but there are rules if you should choose to do so." Like, basically becoming something of a lacky, and being forbidden from the 'West Wing' sort of thing. But Cade would get to that depending on if the man and his teddy would stay...


Eleanor couldn't help but be amused by Vanessa. She chuckled about the cape and Romanian accent, but inside, Eleanor knew Vanessa had some turmoil. She felt bad for the woman, but she wouldn't say so. At least not now. The other wouldn't like that, and that was obvious. She seemed pretty tough, and Eleanor was pretty confident that she probably had some level of morals if she hated vampires so much. So she felt she could rest easy in being confident that she could trust Vanessa not to try and feed on her. But Eleanor was also a little too trusting sometimes. Which was ironic. She tended not to trust
anyone until they spoke. Once someone was nice or friendly to Ellie, it was all trust and friendship from there. At least from her side.

She squinted an eye and grimaced as Vanessa ruffled her hair, forgetting that she'd been using it to cover the holes in her neck, but nodded her head when Vanessa questioned the witch and the pureblood. "Yeah, that's what the girl they were calling a 'wolf' had said," she said as she mashed her hair back down. As she was questioned, Eleanor mentally groaned. Here came the word vomit. Once Ellie deemed someone a friend, there were no secrets. And since Vanessa asked, she was going to tell it all. "Well," Ellie started, poking her fingers together almost sheepishly. Then it came, like a song played on fast forward. "See I was standing in a crowd waiting for the bus while the police were telling everyone to hurry home because it was almost curfew, but then I started getting this panic attack because I have a pretty severe anxiety disorder. So I couldn't really breathe and was pretty sure I was going to drown in all the people. So I ran away. Then there was this girl and she needed help. She said she was living on the street and I offered to show her the women and children's shelter. So we went down this alley to take a shortcut because I didn't want to break the rules and be out past curfew, and boy do I know why now."

Eleanor didn't seem to stop to take a breath. "But she was bad, and she attacked me. I thought I was going to die, but then the one they called a pure - blood showed up. I don't know what that means, but he saved my life. He was hanging out with the witch so we went to her house so I could sleep. Which was really nice and all, but there was a wolf there. That's what they called her. She went into the bathroom and then it sounded like all of her bones were breaking. I thought I was going to throw up. When she came out she was this huge white wolf. But she left after that and I passed out to sleep. It's sort of nice having people who care more about you than your family you know? I don't have family. It's just me and my uncle, and he's a drunk. I bet you've seen him at the pub plenty. But he's a nice drunk at least. He mostly just passes out. We rarely talk. He's like a roommate more than anything. Oh, the weirdest thing was that I kept seeing strange images of things that didn't make any sense at all. The wolf, her name is Fia. She said that the pure blood said I was a seer. But that's obvious, I see everything, I'm not blind. But I'm starting to think that means something else. Anyway, the witch's house is just there," she said, pointing to the house.

After that, Eleanor went silent for a moment. "Sorry about the word vomit," she mumbled.
Fia had opened her mouth to reply, but before any words came out, the original had vanished. The werewolf's eyes rested on the other two for a moment, and she seemed to snap out of trance like state. Fia hadn't been speaking to the original then: her other self had. She didn't know if it was the fact that tonight was a full moon or whether the sheer power of the original had caused her other self to stir. Regardless, Fia felt scared: powerless. What could she do to get away from him: he was an original, an all powerful being. If she tried to leave Fia was certain he would find her. He mentioned his home was temporary place of sanctuary: Fia wanted to know what he meant by that. She was again, much to her dismay, curious.

After a while she approached the estate's main gate, albeit reluctantly. She didn't feel intimidated, but Fia was sure that simply was her
other self trying to assert some sort of dominance. Not knowing what to do to get the attention of the homeowner, and simply stood outside.
Raven scooped Theodore up into his arms. Making himself look like a really tall toddler. The man was polite enough though it seemed somewhat feigned. Furthermore, this must be the Lord Vilar character the maid spoke of earlier. Things were certainly getting interesting. Twice now he had been invited to stay in a manor he just randomly stumbled across and, there were two things that made him want to accept. One he was sure that the maid was up preparing the room as he stood there and two....some other power or rather...instinct lead him here. He had to stay, if not for any other reason that to sate his curiosity. Adjusting his small round spectacles, Raven unconsciously took a few steps forward. Then catching his blunder, caught himself and replied... " Im good with rules. And, a room here seems as good as any. Who's say no to free room and board." Raven silently chuckled at his corny college humor. "What do you think Theo? Should we stay or should we go?" Theodore's large glass eyes looked up at him. The one with the star seemed twinkle, as if winking."I think he's a vampire, Im a bear and you're a witch. So yes, we should stay. Now if your done asking me questions with obvious answers. Id like my very much to exit this area and find my way to a more comfortable setting, if that is OK with fangs over there."

At this point Raven could have set Theo aflame. He had only spoken loud enough for Raven to hear but, Theo also had confirmed Ravens suspicions about the house and the man in front of him. And, with that bit of information, Raven was sure Cade heard the grouchy familiar.

Silver eyes wide with the most innocent look Raven could muster he said," We'd love a room...your Lordship." Raven had desperately hoped that if Cade had heard Theodore that he didn't catch everything he had said. Specifically the part about him being a witch. He smiled widely revealing a beautiful set of teeth and pinched Theo's fluffy cheek as hard as he could. Theo quietly cursed and Raven looked at Cade expectantly.
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His poker face gave nothing away. While the original vampire could very well hear all that the annoying little bear had to say, Cade would simply give one curt nod to Raven. "Very well then. Come," he said, turning on his heel and walking towards the stairs once more. The second level of the large home was for guests and Yuri. The third level was his. The main floor was for everything else; the kitchen, dining room, breakfast nook - and all of these things were in use daily due to his large amount of human servants, among other things. There was also a large event room, library, etc. His home seemed very well taken care of and welcoming.

As they ascended the stairs, Cade glanced at Raven. The witch resembled his mother greatly. "Now that you're here, the servants will help in getting some clothes fitted to you. There is an event tonight that I'll be requiring you to attend. You're welcome to the main and the second floor, but you are forbidden to the third or anything below." Cade did not elaborate on what was below or how to get there. "The event tonight is in town. You'll be attending merely as a friend, but I promise you won't regret it" he said with a slight upturn of his lips. That may or may not have been a lie. Only time would tell. "Theodor is welcome if he so chooses, and the tailor will tend him as well, should you request it." Cade almost couldn't wait to see the look on Zamani's face.

They stopped in front of a door just as the maid from before stepped out. When she saw Cade, her small body trembled and she scurried away quickly. Cade did not seem to notice and his eyes remained on Raven. "Make yourself at home" he said. "The tailor will be along shortly." And with that, Cade did not stick around to be asked questions.

Downstairs, Yuri was well aware of the wolf at the gate. She pressed a button at the door and the heavy iron gate began to open. It would close as Fia entered, and up ahead of the girl, the large ornate doors would open. The violet haired Yuri would be standing there with one hand on a door and the other behind her back. Like Cade, the woman would be expressionless and when Fia arrived before her, she would simply say, "Welcome to Lord Vilar's manor." And she would step aside, gesturing for the girl to come inside. "Come in, Fia," she would say, perhaps leaving room for the girl to wonder how her name was known.

Inside, Yuri would stop only long enough for Fia to get a good look inside, before continuing up the first flight of stairs. Violet eyes would watch Fia. While on the outside Yuri would seem somewhat robotic and emotionless, she was very curious inside as to why Cade wanted this girl here. She didn't like it. "This level of the manor is for guests, such as yourself," she began as they reached the top floor, going in the opposite direction of where Raven had been taken. "The main floor has a kitchen and dining room. If you become hungry, any servant can be asked for nourishment and it will be made to your liking. There is a library and the gardens outside are free to roam. Lord Vilar has asked that you make yourself at home, but to never enter the third floor, or the cellar." There wasn't really a cellar, but simply access to the catacombs below.

When they reached the door to the room Fia would call her own room, Yuri turned to the woman and watched her for a long moment. "You would do well to abide by Lord Vilar's rules. And he's asked that you join him at the Thornstone event this evening. The tailors will be along shortly to fit you for clothes. Beside your door is a button and a speaker. If you need anything, I will be notified through it." Yuri seemed somehow cold. Obviously emotionless, but also something else. Did she dislike Fia? It wasn't quite obvious yet what the woman felt. And she didn't stick around to make friends. Without another word, the woman turned and left.

((This is a good spot to park characters until the event. If you want to go straight to being dressed and ready, you're welcome to have a car take them there, or simply write about the tailor's visit and wait. It's totally up to you guys. ♥))
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Only once Diana was on the motorbike, back onto the road with the wind whipping her short blonde locks around her face, did she let go of a breathe she hadn't realized she had been holding. Adjusting her grip on the hand grip, she steered back down towards central town. Her original plan was to go to the see, back to a spot she always used to visit with her parents as a child...but then she saw the trail... And all that happened. Now, she had was in no mood to reminisce old memories. She was hungry.

Screeching to a stop outside a bar she commonly went to, she turned her bike off and went inside. Opening the door, she was almost immediately hit in the face with the stench of alchohol, sweat and whatever other bodily odours that permeated the area, making her scrunch up her nose slightly. She really needed to find a better blood bank.

The bartender greeted her with a beer, what she usually ordered at the bar and what was also the cheapest alchoholic drink in the place. It wasn't like she intended to drink it, alchohol had never been on her list of favorite consumables, but she needed to look like she was here for the alchohol and not another type of liquid. Considering her profession, it was best to stay somber as much as possible and, considering her current desire, she knew alchohol never tasted well with blood.

Looking the part of a depressed young lady who needed to get drunk and forget her troubles, she swirled her drink in her hands, watching with downcast eyes as the ice clinked against the glass. Every so often, she'd rub a hand over her eyes and give a soft sigh as if she was trying to sigh her problems away. Someone was bound to take the bait. Someone always did.

Like a moth to a flame, a man swaggered towards her taking a seat beside her as if a hero to a damsel in distress in need of help when he was, ironically, the one who would need saving very veyr soon. As done many many times, she spoke of her woes and threw out some profanity every now and then, pretending to tear up and look as vulnerable as possible till she'd had the young man around her little finger. He would've thought he hit the jackpot with a depressed girl he could maybe hook up with. He would find out that he was very very wrong in the back of an alley when he tries to kiss her and winds up with blood seeping down the back of his head and his vision darkening. The sound of glass shattering on the street floor would be the last thing he remembers before he passes out.


Wiping her mouth, Diana stepped out of the alley with a satisfied look on her face. The man now lay in the alley propped against the wall like a drunkard who had passed out. No one would realize that he was dead till his body started rotting a few days later. Pushing down her sunglasses, she made her way back to her motorbike all the while slipping her gloves back on.

In all honesty, she had mixed feelings about taking blood from people. She hated that she'd have to kill them in the process to protect the knowledge of vampires as well as avoiding having to turn them, yet she loved the pleasure of warm blood flowing down her throat like a baby would love its mother's milk. It was disgusting.

Looking up, a shaft of sunlight cut through the lens of her sunglasses, making her wince slightly. Turning away, she wondered just how much she had changed over the last month or so. She'd become so merciless and unremorseful... And when had she started seeing humans not as people, but as food?

She couldn't wait to kill whoever turned her into the creature she was. She couldnt wait to take revenge yet now she realized whoever he was was not the only one to blame. After all, she was the one who chose to kill and drink blood. She was a monster.
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Color codes just to make it easier to see who is talking.

[Evelyn] How she looks

[Eldris]How Eldris looks like when pretending to be John



"Did you hear about Victoria? Apparently, Rosemary across the street saw her stumbling into her house in the early hours of morning... you know.. its not the first time she has done this"

chatted Evelyn, the wife of the man whose appearance Eldris currently imitated.
"... I wonder how she is able to take care of those two children she is always with.." she muttered before placing the last dish into the cupboard. "You know... she needs to find herself a man.. that way she..." Evelyn stopped mid sentence, a slightly annoyed expression etched across her face as she folded this mornings newspaper in her hand. "John Saunder, Are you even listenening?!" she chided, hitting Eldris across the top of the head with the folded newspaper. "..God.. I don't know why I even put up with you at times... here I am thinking we are having a conversation and your not even paying the slightest bit of attention.."

Truth be told, Eldris was already aware of the reason why Victoria always came home late; he could smell it on her, the traces of vampire blood. It was the main reason why he had opted to stay at a house in close proximity to where she had lived. She was a prime example of the type of person that Eldris enjoyed breaking. Taking up the mantle against Vampire kind under a pretense of justice; a human foolish enough to think that they were capable of standing toe to toe with vampire kind. Eldris placed a hand on his head from where he was hit and turned his head slightly to face his 'wife'.
"Honey... I am listening.. it's just.. I don't think its wise to pry into other peoples business" he replied, standing up and gently grabbing the newspaper out of her hand. "I am sure she has her reasons.. lets just leave her be.." he tried reasoning. Eldris gave her a light peck on the cheek, resisting the urge to clamp down on her neck and ending it. He was still enjoying playing the role of doting husband to this unsuspecting woman. "Now... didn't you say you had to be somewhere before mid-day?" Evelyns expression was soon one of shock as she remembered. Pulling away from her husband, she hurried over towards the living room, picking up an empty basket and small sun hat. "I almost forgot!.." she shouted from opposite the wall that divided the two rooms. "Hopefully I'll be back before nightfall, but with her due date coming up soon, I might have to stay the night... you know how Debbie is!" she laughed. "There is leftover duck and roast eggs in the fridge if you get hungry!" A flying kiss and she was out the door.


Standing outside the neighbors door, Eldris held in one hand a large plate covered with foil to preserve the heat. The meat of the duck had been sliced into several pieces surrounded by heated roast potatoes; the delicious smell emanating from within. Without hesitation he knocked away at the door, knowing full well that the Victoria and her two children were at home. A few seconds of silence passed before he raised a hand to knock again, though this time round he was interrupted by a voice from within.
"Coming" came the voice of 14 year old Lily. A soft smile spread across Eldris's face. A few more seconds and the door flung open. "Mr Saunders!" she greeted, "what are you doing here?" "Lils,who is it?" shouted Jobe from another room, "It's Mr Saunders from down the street!" she shouted back causing Jobe to peer outside the room he was in and giving a 1 handed wave.

"Ahem, I heard Victoria came home late again... have you guys eaten yet?" he inquired, imitating one of John's smiles perfectly. "I've got some of my wifes Roasted ducks and potatoes" he lifted the aluminium foil off, revealing the food to the two children. "She wanted me to bring some over, you know... just in case Victoria over slept. We all understand how hard working she is.." he lied, Lily stood there salivating. "May I come in?"

"Sure!, That duck smells delicious!" she replied, stepping aside to let Eldris in. "Jobe!, Mr Saunder's brought us some of Mrs Saunders home made cooking" she shouted, making her way towards the kitchen to grab a few plates, before placing them onto their dining table, where Eldris had already placed the plate of food. "So where's Victoria? Has she gone out again?" he inquired, pulling out a seat at the table and sitting down. By now Jobe had already joined them and was filling up his own plate. "She's upstairs sleeping... I heard her coming home late again.." he uttered, clearly her late returns were troubling him. "I see... well anyways, dig in.. don't let my wifes food go cold!" he laughed; though innocent it sounded, the cause for laughter was far more sinister. "Sorry do you mind if I use the bathroom?" he interrupted. "Schwure" replied Lily through a mouthful of Potato. "Its upstairs on the left"

Eldris excused himself and made his way upstairs, however instead of heading towards the bathroom, he made his way into Victoria's room, locking the door behind him. He quickly walked over to where she lay, barely making a sound as he passed by a desk, briefly stopping to examine a photo that was placed there before finally making it to her bedside, where he sat down, placing one hand close to her face in order to brush aside a few strands of her white hair, revealing her neck.

She stirred.

(This is not what it looks like)
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Hunting the damned beasts of the night did not leave Victoria entirely unscathed. While she was, how she saw herself, an exceptional hunter, she pretty much lived the same way they did. Sleeping by day and working by night. Of course, she'd beg to differ that any of them were doing any kind of work. They were busy toying with humans, killing them for pleasure. It disgusted her. And she wouldn't allow it. Not in her town. She'd stumbled in late last night, exhausted. Victoria had hardly even made it to her room before she fell onto the bed in her bloodied clothes, sluggishly tossing her trench aside. She'd shower in the morning, evening, before coming out to greet the kids, of course.

However, something stirred in the room, and on instinct, Victoria's hand shot under her pillow and clutched the thick handle of a silver dagger. In the next instant she was standing at the side of the bed pointing the weapon at her neighbor as her piercing blue eyes focused in the darkened room. Very little light creeped into Victoria's room in the day with her blackout curtains. But what little did stream through, cut the floor between her and her neighbor and she squinted through it; through the tiny dust particles that swirled through it... and exhaled. "
John," she said, sounding only somewhat relieved that it wasn't a bloodsucker. She visibly relaxed, but only a little. "How did you get into my room?" she questioned, uncertain as to why the married human would be here. She became instantly aware of the blood splattered over her thin tank top and jeans. Her white hair messed around her face, she was already scheming an excuse.
The cumbersome, iron gate in front of Fia began to open slowly: ominously so. Fia took one step forwards, and then another, stopping just as she stepped in to the estate. She took a quick glance over her shoulder and watched the gate as it inched closer to closing. Fia rolled back her shoulders and began to walk cautiously towards the lavish doors that were on the building in front of her. A maid, violet haired and violet eyed, the latter characteristic being like Fia, stood expressionless, holding the door open with one hand, "Welcome to Lord Vilar's manor. Come in, Fia."

The werewolf rolled her eyes: of course the original styled himself as a
lord. It appeared all of them were the same: vain, blood-sucking parasites.

Fia entered, glancing from side to side as she took in her surroundings, noting possible exits. The werewolf followed the maid closely, going up the first flight of stairs, "This level of the manor is for the guests, such as yourself. The main floor has a kitchen and dining room. If you become hungry, any servant can be asked for nourishment and it will be made to your liking. There is a library and the gardens outside are free to roam. Lord Vilar has asked that you make yourself at home, but to never enter the third floor, or the cellar."

Fia didn't need any more proof of the original's vanity, but there it was, again. She was really starting to dislike this decision; she wasn't sure she'd be allowed to leave.

The maid went on to explain what was expected of Fia and once she had, the maid had went to leave. "Would you mind mentioning to your master that I won't be able to attend the Thornstone event this evening, and I'm pretty sure he knows why. If he doesn't like that, tell him to come and talk to me."
Only a few short minutes later, there was a knock on Fia's door. Two female servants let themselves in, followed by the tailor. When the two servants saw Fia, they exchanged glances before giving her a friendly smile. It was the most they could muster, and it was obvious that they were on edge. They were human, the tailor was not. He held a notebook and a measuring tape and his smile beamed. He was either blissfully aware of how uncomfortable the servants were, or he didn't care. "Hello Fia," he said, overly cheery. "I'm Francis," he said with a bow and a heavy French accent. Once anyone spent a while here, they'd see that Cade was quite obviously a collector, of beings. Francis knew what Fia was, they all did. One of the timid servants held out a thin piece of fabric. It was a robe, meant for Fia to wear so that Francis could take her measurements. "Chop chop," he said with a little clap of his hands. "The event is this evening and that leaves me very little time to create." His words and expressions were dramatized, as they always were.

A moment later, Yuri let herself into the room, closing the door behind her. She leaned against the wall silently with her arms crossed. She had told Cade what Fia had said, so Cade had made her an example. A smear of blood that had obviously been wiped at stained her bottom lip. Her cheek was a deep disgusting purple and green, but she was healing quickly. Violet eyes met their counterpart across the room. She gestured to the bathroom behind Fia, urging the girl to hurry up. "Please miss," one of the timid maid servants whispered, holding out the robe with a shaking hand. If Fia declined, Cade would make examples of them all, and they knew it well. The only difference was, they were human, unlike Yuri.
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Fia had sat down on the bed after exploring her room: she wasn't impressed by it at all and, even though she hated to admit it, she was scared. In her mind she had made a terrible decision: why she had ever come along here in the first place confused her. As soon as she saw the original she should have ran, and she wanted to. But she didn't. That was often a burden: the wolf took control around the full moons even in day time, influencing her thoughts and feelings. That was probably why she had chosen to come to the mansion instead of leave.

Only a very short while had passed before three individuals entered Fia's room, two of them were young women, the other was a man, finely dressed with a notebook and a measuring tape. Fia let out a very loud sigh and her eyes landed on the man that called himself Francis. One of the servants held out a robe for her to wear. Clearly, Cade hadn't got the message: whether that was meant literally or not the young werewolf wasn't certain, but Fia was frustrated by this.

The maid from earlier came back into the room, bloodied and bruised. Fia's expression kept oddly still when she looked at her: to Fia's surprise she didn't feel sympathetic. Maybe responsible, a little bit, but not entirely sympathetic or empathetic.

"Please miss," one of the maid servants whispered timidly.

Fia took a glance over at her: young, scared, much like Fia was feeling. She took the dress and quickly stood up, eyeing all of the others carefully as she proceeded over to the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and locked it, undressing and then putting on the gown that the girl had given her.

She stepped back into the room, a look of impatience across her expression.
As Fia emerged from the bathroom, Yuri dismissed the maids. They left quickly, and only Francis and Yuri remained. Frances made quick work of taking Fia's measurements, lifting her arms, turning her, spreading her legs, down the arms, around the waist... He covered it all, jabbering about this and that through the time he did. He said nothing of importance, mostly commenting about the extravagant event. When he was finished, he clapped his hands together. "You're in luck!" he exclaimed before quickly leaving the room. Francis would return with an arm full of clothes that were already in Fia's sizes. But the ball gown would come later, once it had been made, and she had no say in that.

Yuri was left standing there, watching Fia with a blank expression. Her bruise and cut were both gone and all that was left to prove anything had happened was a tiny missed smear of blood. Francis returned freakishly fast. Obviously, he was a vampire. He dropped the nicely folded and hung clothes onto the bed. "Well!" he said, chipper as always. "These are just your size." He turned a brilliant smile onto Fia. "I haven't the foggiest why Lord Vilar would be taking a werewolf to the vampire event," he mumbled as if to himself. He turned his gaze onto Yuri and hugged himself with a shiver. "Full moon tonight," he whispered loudly, as if to be trying to keep the secret between Yuri and himself. Then, he was excusing himself, talking all the way out the door, which he closed behind him, leaving the two women alone in the room. After a moment, Yuri turned and left. The stone faced woman could almost be seen with a scowl as she did.

If Fia chose to wander the manor, she'd notice that the home was obviously very old. Built decades ago, yet updated through the years. What must have once been old creaking wood floors, had been updated to something sturdier and silent. Most of the floors were a deep red carpeting. On the main floor, white marble and red rugs with dark red wood furnitures that looked almost black. At Cade's preference, things were accented in gold and/or crystal.

Servants busied themselves working. Cleaning, tidying, decorating, repairing, cooking, etc. They paid no mind to Fia. Most of them were human. Some were vampire, and some were something else, though while Fia might notice, she wouldn't know what they were. If she managed to wander towards one of the few secret entries to the "cellar", she wouldn't know, unless she found herself standing in front of the wooden door in the floor inside the large pantry. It was ironic being inside the large room stocked with food for the help and guests, being that the particular catacombs entry first led to Cade's own personal dungeon, where a woman was currently being held captive. If she stood there wondering what it might be, she might hear a faint cry for help, though she would not be able to get the door open.
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The witch sighed internally and externally. As much as she liked talking about the past, there were things even she felt were a little too sensitive. She took a step towards the original. "It all happened so long ago. You were young and we were from the same village. I vaguely knew who you were, but you knew me very well, probably from rumors and stories. I saw that you wanted to have more influence and power, but you never had the chance. I'm not sure what really sparked your interest in me: probably my power and my ability to give power to others so easily. But by the time you wanted to ask, I was gone, casted out of the village."

Zamani's heart was getting heavy. "So you began to look for me and eventually, you found me. You wanted to have power; you begged me to turn you into a vampire. And I did. I wanted a loyal servant and I got one. I wanted you to do my bidding and keep things under control. The world was getting too crowded and I needed a solution. I got what I wanted and you too."

Her voice was cracking the longer she spoke. "But it suddenly got worse. That powerful vampire you saw last night? Long ago, he tried to kill you. To him, you were competition and he wanted to make me proud of him. He killed many of my creations and my hard work, but I couldn't let him kill you. So instead, he wiped your memory. Clean. Nothing. All gone. So now only I remember you for who you truly are."

At this point, the witch was shaking. She paused to let the tears flow and the sobbing begin. It was unlike her to get so emotional so easily, but the story, the whole story, touched a nerve with her. She couldn't look him in the face; the thought of seeing someone so oblivious to their own tragedy was heartbreaking. But she knew Damian wanted the whole story and kept going.

"He doesn't care about you. I believe that if he could still feel emotions, he would hate you. He could have killed you last night or maybe even before that without my knowledge. Cade's dangerous, but I care about him. Just like I care about you. I should have said 'no' when you talked to me the first time." She looked Damian in the face. "I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you." She let the silence take over. It was a loud silence. Deafening.

((I hope I got everything right! I just kind of typed it out in one sitting.))
"Through the front door, Lily let me in"

replied Eldris, imitating John's smile as he stood back up from the bed, unfazed by the dagger she currently held. "That's a very dangerous thing to have under your pillow, why not hand it over.. there's no need for it" he tried to reason, taking a step closer and extending his hand out towards her. "I'm sure the children wouldn't want to see you like this, a silver dagger in one hand and blood stained clothes"

A loud crashing sound followed by the sound of a plate breaking echoed from beneath the room they were in; several pieces of roasted potatoes rolling across the floor and coming to a stop by the entrance to the living room. Lily and Jobe had collapsed to the floor, their hands clasped around their necks as they writhed in pain, knocking into the table and chairs that surrounded them. It was as if the pair were suffocating, their faces taking on a pale blue hue as they desperately tried to cling on to life. Neither of them knew what was happening, the look of fear and confusion on their faces evidence of that fact. One moment they were enjoying Mrs Saunder's home made cooking, the next they were on the floor enduring the worst pain they could have even imagine.

The cause of their distress was simple. Unbeknownst to them, the duck that Eldris had brought over had been laced with the blood of a vampire. Though the traces were faint, its potency remained, having once belonged to a vampire of aristocratic status. A pained, blood curdling cry pierced through the wooden walls. Though vampire, they no longer retained their 'human' intelligence, having ingested the preserved blood of a deceased Aristocratic vampire. Now they were merely beast's, creatures driven by their lust for blood that would stop at nothing to get their next meal. The smell of blood drew their attention upwards, the pair of newly turned vampires staring directly upwards to the floor above.

Eldris continued to remain unfazed, waiting for his favorite part.​
Raven and Theodore were left in the room alone. As the door was closed Theodore jumped onto the bed and laid down appearing once agin lifeless. The room was simple yet, lavish. He would have to make some changes. He walked over to where Theodore was laying. Reached into his zipper and pulled out a handful of dirt from the fertile crescent and a variety of different seeds.Cupping the dirt and seeds in his hands he soundly spit into them creating a bit of a muddy concoction. he spread the seeded paste along the windowsill and vlew a deep breath on them. Vines, leaves and buds sprouted some becoming full on flowers. Others, a tangle of leaves and brush. Happy with the adjustments he made to his room, he prepared to sit down add relax. He had been traveling for quite sometime. Just as he sat down at a desk , covered in sage, foxglove and, belladonna, there was a knock at his door.

"Its open he called." a servant opened the door with a simple envelope in his hand. It simply read Raven and Theodore. Raven stood up to close the door behind the servant as he left but, as the door began to close for the third time, he peeked dow the hall and saw a small group of three sashaying down the hall toward his room.Two of them were servant girls and the other, slightly more fancy than the others, Raven assumed was the Tailor Cade spoke of.

Upon reaching his door they briskly walked in without any sort of invitation. Apparently they absolutely had to finish a number of outfits before a deadline that was much sooner than it was far away. As the two servant girls busied themselves with Ravens measurements; Theodore took it upon himself to make unnecessary introductions. When the first words left his cute teddy lips the servant girl jumped pricking Ravens leg. The tailor reprimanded her, took over and set them both to work with Theo's measurements. After a while of hmm's and ahhh and, "well maybe I shouldn'ts or maybe I shoulds" The tailor made his final idea adjustments and left, nose up without a backwards glance.

Raven laid down on his bed next to Theo with his hands behind his head. "What a freakin day Theo, what a damn day."

Theo looked over at Raven. You forgot something my blissfully ignorant flower." He produced a picture of Melinda. Ravens adoptive mother. He magikd the picture to the wall and looked at it, his eyes tearing up. He missed Melinda but,just like any other time thinking about her always stirred up thoughts about his mother. Who was she? Where was she? Was she even alive? The last thought struck a nerve having recently lost the only person he could really even call a mother to bandits the previous year. It was at this very moment that he decided.. he had to find the truth out about his past. His real past. But, where would he start? Raven had no clue. Untill he did, he would close his eyes and rest.
Eleanor just seemed to be babbling on like a waterfall, words pouring out of her mouth as Vanessa struggled to pin down all the important bits, causing the vampire to raise an eyebrow in disbelief, her eyes widening behind her tinted goggles.

How did a girl this small manage to produce so many words in so little time.

Clasping her hands the vampire exhaled sharply.

"So... To recap... Some stuff happened, something about wolves and the witch's house just being around the corner. Right?..." Her gloved hand coming to brush a strand of red dyed hair out of her face as her crimson eyes started to scout the streets for any sign of pointy hats and people being turned into frogs.

"Well, guess my best bet is to try to ask other freaks for what the hell is going on, eh? Not like there's any normal person with some rational explanation for all this shit that's happening. Or more importantly WHY. Seriously..."

The way she had been babbling on did make Vanessa smirk, Eleanor seemed to have been tangled up in a lot of strange stuff herself. From weird wolves to wicked witches and vampires.

"Well, your life seems to be officially weirder than mine." Vanessa remarked, her fingers scratching her neck where two very small incisions were starting to slowly disappear. "Well, apart from the Vampire stuff I guess... Thanks though, I could really use someone who knows weird stuff like this..."
((@Artemistel - Some of us are going to go ahead and get your way in the next post or so! ^_^ ))

Eleanor scratched the back of her head with a strange smile. "Maybe," she said simply in response to her life being weirder. She wasn't the one who was going to have to drink blood for survival, so she didn't agree. But she wouldn't say so. And, "You're welcome," she added with a much more normal smile this time. "I can't say I know much else though," she said, wondering if Vanessa would still want her around at all. "I'd like to though," she mumbled. As they arrived at Zamani's, Eleanor stopped. She suddenly became more visibly tense and sucked in air through a grimace. "Well, this is the place," she said, not appearing to want to travel closer. But she would, for her friend. "Let's go!" she suddenly said, feigning enthusiasm.

The brunette approached the door, giving it a knock far too light. If no one heard, and no one came to the door, then she was off the hook. Vanessa knew where the place was. She could come back later! But the door had been left cracked ever so slightly, and it creaked open. She sighed heavily and hung her head. "After you," she said, gesturing. Inside, Zamani was in the hall with the boy who Ellie had seen earlier, only now, he was levitating in the air. "Just a normal sort of thing now, huh?" she whispered to Vanessa. If Damian looked at Eleanor, he might find himself with a strange feeling of familiarity, or perhaps even a jog of the memory, as the girl resembled
her, greatly. Eleanor gave Zamani a short wave with a friendly, yet apprehensive smile. Hazel eyes looked around in search of anyone else, the wolf, the other vampire, the human boy... but she saw no one else, and exhaled, slightly relaxing.


Many hours had passed. Cade had long since killed the woman in the "cellar", and he was dressed and ready for the high profile event. While others would be dressed in their best formal wear, ball gowns, cocktail dresses, tuxedos, etc., the ancient would be in his normal attire. He wore a pair of dress pants and a deep red button up, long sleeved shirt, that matched his dark blood red eyes. The sun would go down over the horizon in only minutes. He wondered what his werewolf was doing in her room. He could sense that she was there, stewing, and knew that she had refused to join him at the event. He hadn't really cared if she wanted to go or not, he just liked toying with people. Obviously the full moon would have some effect on her. But, he had not lied in offering her sanctuary. With him, she would be protected. He wondered if she had changed her mind. He rather liked the idea of the faces of the vampire council when he brought a werewolf to the party.

While a servant would call for Raven to meet Cade in the foyer, he would go himself to Fia's room. The ancient would only give a short knock before letting himself in. "Are you ready?" he asked flatly, giving nothing away in his amusement. He rather liked to ruffle Fia's feathers.


Victoria frowned at her neighbor. He wasn't reacting at all how a normal person might, to the sight of blood stained clothes and being threatened with a dagger. She didn't hand it to him, and instead kept it in her hand, squeezing it tighter once again in her slight confusion.

As the scream erupted from downstairs, Victoria gasped. Something wasn't right. She bolted for the door, swinging it open violently in her rush to get to Jobe and Lily. She raced down the hall to the top of the stairs, where she stopped. Breathing heavily, not in exertion but in fear of who was hurting Jobe and Lily, Victoria stared down the stairs.

There was no one there but the kids. They stared up at her, and she down at them. With her free hand, she covered her mouth and her expression became pained as she began to realize what had happened to them. "Jobe?" she questioned. "Lily?", she whispered shakily. It couldn't be...
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Fia hadn't left her room. She had spent all her time in deep contemplation: what were all the vampire elite celebrating? What troubled Fia more was why the original was bringing a werewolf to the party. She didn't know and likely wasn't going to find out any time soon.

A knock reverberated through the room and the door to Fia's room opened. She was in her normal clothes, sitting on the edge of the bed, glancing occasionally to the window and watching the sun go down. To her dismay, she had not drunk her serum: she would be transforming, likely against her will, and would be losing control of herself once the moon rose and the sun set.

The door opened and there was Cade, his expression neutral, "Are you ready?"

Fia wasn't sure if he was on about the event or the transformation. Probably both. She rolled back her shoulders, "I don't appreciate being played with, vampire. You know for a fact that I can't go, even if I so desperately wanted to."

She stood and turned her back to him, "If you'll excuse me, I have to prepare for something else, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't watch."

The werewolf had a suspicion that he was going to ignore her, despite her requests. She was... not comfortable with people watching her transform but she guessed she wouldn't have a choice this time.

Stepping aside to let the girl run past, Eldris maintained his composure; obviously unfazed by the turn of events. So far everything was going as planned, his careful preparation all leading to the point of climax, that one moment in this whole charade where even he could not predict the final outcome. What would happen next? That uncertainty was what excited him, watching and waiting to see which metaphorical path they would follow when faced with unfavorable options.

Eldris walked over to the desk, grabbing the photo in his right hand; smiling as he did so. The picturesque portrait of Victoria and the two children stared back at him, such innocence and love for one another easily distinguishable in the image, a moment in time immortalized in such a simple photo and one that the three of them would never be able to have again. A simple trick was all it took for Eldris to corrupt such a precious thing.

"They grow up so fast.. don't they?" he asked rhetorically, as he exited the room holding the photo in his hand. "One moment they are your innocent little cherubs, two lives held close to your heart to be cherished and protected.. but just like that, before you are even aware of it, they are leaving the nest, forging their own path of independence" Eldris laughed, pulling the picture out of its frame and holding it before Victoria. "They were so cute back then...how much they've change", he finished, tearing up the photo right in front of her eyes.

At the bottom of the stairs, Both Jobe and Lily had stopped, their eyes fixated upon the white haired girl at the top of the stairs. The source of the smell that enticed them was right before their eyes, the scent of blood on her driving their senses into overdrive. Within a few moments they were clawing at each other, both trying to climb over one another in order to get to the top of the stairs. Any hint that they were once human had vanished as they clawed their way up on all fours.

"Such sweet children, unafraid to show their affection towards their foster parent. I am so jealous" mocked Eldris.​
Eleanor's tension was evident, the subtle change of mannerism and heartbeat being enough for the newly turned vampire to deduct just how uncomfortable Eleanor seemed to be.

"Huh, aren't you just bubbling with excitement. What's the matter, one of the vampires nibbled on you or something?" Vanessa's arm coming to rest around Eleanor's shoulders, pulling her closer to her in a rather chummy manner, the vampire's finger resting on the brunette's cheek, poking her.

"I won't let anyone snack on you, hell, I need to repay you SOMEHOW." Vanessa joked, but she really did want to show the smaller girl just how grateful she was that she just picked her off the streets despite her being one of the 'bad guys' now.

And then the door creaked open, letting both of them in.

The fainter light allowed Vanessa to finally take off her goggles, her eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light as her slit-like pupils softened into almond shapes, the eerie crimson of her eyes wandering around the room, the sight of someone levitating as if it wasn't something out of the ordinary.

Her gaze returned to Eleanor, still helplessly trapped in Vanessa's grasp.

"So...These are your acquaintances, eh?.."
John's words sounded far away in Victoria's mind. She almost hadn't even been listening as she stared down at Lily and Jobe. It was the calm way he talked and approached her that brought her attention partly back to him as he brought the photo into her view. Her vibrant eyes watered at the sight of it, and then he ripped it in two. Victoria's breath hitched, and all at once, everything began to happen too quickly. The realization that John had had something to do with this, that the kids, her kids had become vampires, that everything had suddenly been shattered, and that Jobe and Lily were both clawing their way up the stairs towards her...

Victoria was in shock, but instincts kicked in and she ran. Moving in the opposite direction of the kids, she skidded down the hall and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her and locking it. She slid down the door, crying loudly as she buried her face in her hands; one still gripping the dagger. Never in her life had she cried this way. The sound would have been heart breaking to anyone with a heart. Lily and Jobe were vampires. They were blood thirsty shells of their former selves... and she'd have to kill them. "No!" She sobbed loudly again. They were just outside the door, clawing to get inside, unaware in their new bodies just how strong they could be. Any moment now they would burst through the door, and then? She'd have to kill them. But could she bring herself to do it?

In a shameful moment, Victoria decided that she wouldn't. She couldn't be the one to do it. Standing quickly, she yanked the shower curtain back and stepped into the tub. She fumbled with the locks on the tiny window above the tiles until it unlocked, but the damned thing was jammed. It had never been opened, and it had likely been painted sealed. The door finally flung open, banging violently against the wall behind it as Jobe stepped in before Lily. There wasn't any hesitation then. As Victoria turned around, Jobe was already upon her, and as her back slammed against the shower wall her eyes widened in horror. She'd driven her dagger into his heart instinctively, but even as he slowed, he didn't stop trying to rip at her throat with his fangs even for a moment.

Another sob stuck in Victoria's throat as she shoved him backwards into Lily and they tumbled to the floor. She stumbled out of the tub, rushing past them out of the bathroom. She hesitated, leaning against the wall as she watched them move to get up, and her face twisted into sorrow again as tears spilled over her cheeks. With a heavy heart, she reached to the tiny wall table beside her, knocking it over and kicking one of the legs in half. As the wood splintered around the floor, she looked up at John, almost unaware that he had still been there. She had no idea what his connection here was, and she wanted to know, but there was no time for questions now.

Lily was lunging out of the bathroom at her, and with a loud sob, half yell, Victoria jammed the table leg into Lily's chest. Her bottom lip shook and as Lily fell, Victoria sunk to her knees beside the young girl. "Lily," she whispered, reaching for the girl's face as tears streamed down her face. "Lily!" she yelled. But the girl had died nearly instantly. Her eyes stared up at the ceiling blankly, and as Victoria sobbed, Jobe attacked her, pinning her to the wall as his fangs sunk deeply into her throat. She screamed out as her back made contact with the wall and the fangs ripped at her flesh. "Why!?" she screamed, gripping at Jobe's shoulders. Her eyes searched for John. "Jobe stop!" she yelled, hoping that he might recognize her voice. But Victoria knew better. She'd seen this a hundred times...

One hand gripped Jobe's shoulder while the other reached for the stake that protruded from Lily's chest. Her fingers gripped it and she yanked. It gave way with a sickening sound, and Victoria choked on another sob. She could feel it. The blood draining from her body as what was left mixed with something, a poison... With another twist of her sorrowful face, Victoria brought the stake between them, and thrust it into Jobe's heart. The boy continued sucking blood from her throat until his death.

It was a long moment before Victoria pushed his body off of her, pulling the fangs from her neck as she did. Jobe's body thudded limply against the floor, half over Lily. The hunter remained against the wall, staring at the bodies in shock. The tears had stopped, until she brought her hands up to see the blood of her children on her hands. Her body burned, and tears spilled out onto her clothes once again as her eyes focused onto her "neighbor" once more.

((I'm going to respond with Cade and Eleanor in my next post. ♥))
Theodore heard a knock at the door. "If this is you saying we have a right to deny you entry then go away." Raven had no idea who was at the door and with a wave of his hand and a soft "Open Sesame," The door curtly opened stepping short of the wall. There stood a finely dressed servant standing as if his very existence depended on him doing whatever it was he had come here to do. and, without entering he curtly nodded and spoke. "Lord Vilar would like for you to meet him in the foyer. Dressed." He said the last part with a bit of impertinence, looking at the travel worn clothes Raven still wore.

Raven stood up and rolled his eyes at the servant. He was an older man. Short. Balding and small round bifocals. "You have been ever so helpful my dear gent. Now if you'd excuse us." The door swung closed almost as if of its own accord. "Well, he was a bitch." The had been busy putting on fitted black on black pinstripe blazer with two buttons gleaming like shards of crushed Onyx and, a neat little bowler hat adorned his head. He had decided to accent his outfit with a monocle. Apparently it added class.

The Tailor had taken a slightly different approach with Raven. He wore a slim fitting dress shirt with an exaggerated collar and cuffs. Gleaming silver cuff-links in the shape of pentagrams shone at his wrist and another pentagram hung snugly from a silver rope like chain. The silver jewelry made his eyes shine like independent stars on a pitch black night. His pants, as they always were, were skin tight but soft as clouds and he wore knee high riding boots with silver clasp along the side of either calf. He picked up Theodore and held him in his arms much like a toddler would hold to their security blanket. He was impressed with the craftsmanship the tailor had. He wasn't all talk. Turning around and walking to the an nearby vanity near the window; he took out a small conical witches hat. He thought about the irony of it all was subtle and, he'd have something to sicker about later if he got bored later. Clipping his small ornament of a hat into his dreads he made his way down stairs to see Cade. Making his way down the stairs he noticed no one was there in the foyer but a bunch of servants bustling about. Some of which were only making themselves appear busy. Raven laughed inwardly. But outwardly he spoke," The waiting game. Bullshit. Theodore lets go explore the grounds."

Theodore, never against breaking rules but, always ready to keep Raven safe asked,"Are you sure you want to do that my marvelously impatient boy wonder?"

Raven rolled his eyes. Theo must have caught on to his inner feelings again. Apart of him felt like he shouldn't leave the foyer. the look on that mans face, Cade, wasn't someone who he'd like to try but...walking out the door seemed as good idea as any so why not. He began making his way to the door.
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Eldris watched in silence, his full attention drawn towards the scene before him as he witnessed the carnage unfold. The joy he felt watching this grief stricken hunter turn against her own children; murdering them in a manner no different to how she may have approached a vampire on the road. Sure, she was crying, sure she felt remorse.. but at the end of the day, her action spoke louder then words and it was her own doing that killed the two unfortunate children. She should have never stepped into this 'reality'; a reality hidden in plain view that millions upon millions will never become aware off during their lifetime. It was her intrusion into this world of darkness that sealed the faith of the two children she cared for.

"Marvelous! Absolutely Marvelous!"
clapped Eldris, stepping forward as he shortened the distance between himself and Victoria. "Such heartlessness, Such ferocity!, Truly the name 'Slayer' befits one like yourself" he praised her mockingly. Shifting sideways so as to peer behind the woman, he examined the two corpses of the newly shifted, but now deceased vampires that lay atop one another on the floor. "A stake to the heart, a cliched yet effective method for killing my kind, a slow and painful death.. or so I've heard.." Eldris resumed his full attention back towards Victoria. "Can't say I've experienced it myself to be honest... all things considering, I am not too fond of pain" he chuckled slightly. "However... maybe.. just maybe you can tell me how it feels?" Eldris twisted his head slightly, cancelling the illusion in the process and revealing his true self to the woman.

A sinister smile crept across his face as he took another two steps forward before 'disappearing'. In a matter of a couple of seconds, he had closed the small distance between himself and Victoria, his left hand clasped tightly around her neck as he held her against the wall, her feet dangling a few inches off the ground. He had shoved her against the wall with such force that it had left an indent. In his right hand was the stake she had used to kill Jobe, his blood silently dripping off the edge and onto the floor, pooling by Eldris's shoes. The boys body had been torn into two through Eldris's rough handling of the stake's removal. He held the broken wood infront of her chest.

"So how does it feel?"
he questioned, Pushing the stake slowly into her heart, twisting it in a clockwise motion. "Does it hurt as much for you as it did for these two sweet children?"
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It started with a simple tug at the back of her mind, as it always did. Fia let out a sigh, glancing outside as the last parts of the sun dropped beneath the horizon. There was a tingling sensation in her fingers and a shiver ran down her spine. She didn't check if Cade was still there; she would transform regardless of whether or not he was. Shrugging back her shoulders, she took off all of her clothes reluctantly. Her breathing became more rapid just for a moment and she tensed suddenly, her back arching as she felt a stab of pain lance through her entire body. She gritted her teeth together as the transformation began in earnest.

Fia's stomach tensed as she felt every organ in her body begin to change: it felt slow to her, she felt every movement and change. She doubled over, collapsing to the floor only a second later, falling onto all fours. Her back arched upwards, cracking and popping as each individual vertebrae shifted, moving to new positions, and Fia couldn't help but let out a small cry. Her shoulders snapped to her sides as her skin felt liked it was suddenly being pricked with millions of tiny needles as fur began pushing through her skin.

Her fingers shortened, slowly, one digit at a time, her palms becoming more padded and her hands transforming into paws. Grunts, groans and the occasional cry of pain escaped Fia's mouth as she continued to transition into her wolf form.

Her ears twitched, forming into points at their ends and moving to the top of her head. As her shins snapped and her feet began to elongate, she let out a scream that was part snarl. She could feel
her begin to come into control of her mind and while she wanted to resist, she knew it would be futile and simply prolong her pain. The all too familiar pressure began to build at the base of her spine as her tail began to form, and she felt her hips snap and reform as her predatory form began to take shape.

Fia blinked, her eyes swirling from a deep violet to a violent amber and she let out a scream as her teeth became fangs and pressure began to build around her face and her head. It began to elongate, pushing outwards, and her screams became mixed with snarls and howls. Fia's mind had already surrendered to her other self: the pain being felt was now felt by her
other self.

As her thick pelt grew fully, the wolf let out a final howl of pain, anger and triumph as it came into being, its transformation finished as its head and tail finished transforming.

Panting, the wolf let out a low growl in the back of its throat, and its attention turned towards the door. It could smell a vampire.

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