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Fantasy As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged

Fia watched as the ancient one backed away, moving away from the witch's home and eventually out of sight. The wolf cast her eyes over the two vampires that remained and, like the original had done, backed away. When she was confident she was out of site, she turned, intending to do what she had wanted: run.

The air rustled through her fur as she slipped through the streets as fast as her legs could carry her. She barely made a sound as her paws bounced off the pavements and concrete slabs beneath them. Her eyes did not register the other supernatural creatures dotted throughout the city; to focussed on her journey to care. This was the one thing she enjoyed about being a werewolf: the blissful run before the fullmoon.

She stopped, panting for a moment and as she noticed the almost full moon, Fia could not help herself as she reared back her head and howled.

(Assuming there will be little activity in the day, the following is Fia's return to her human form and nothing else)

Fia found her way back to the witch's house before dawn.She had rested for only an hour, asleep due to exhaustion, before her eyes snapped open. Her breathing had grown heavier, and she stood quickly, padding back to the bathroom where she had left her clothes. She couldn't close the door behind her.

She let out a yelp as a sudden stabbing pain lanced through her and her breaths became pants of pain and anticipation. Another yelp as another pain lanced through her. Snarls of pain escaped her throat as her muzzle began to retract, her features slowly reforming. Her back cracked and contorted, straightening as her tail began to shrink.

Her fur began to shorten, falling back into her skin as her fingers and toes began to re-emerge from her paws. With a howl of pain, now somewhat human, her shins snapped and reformed, her skin visible more than her now rapidly fading fur. Fia's teeth once sharp were now blunt and dull in comparison, and her face had now reformed, her hair now flowing back halfway down her back.

With a final crack, her shoulders returned to their normal positions and Fia, now human, was left panting, regaining her breath as she recovered from the transformation. She forced herself to stand and quickly reached for her clothes, putting them on hastily so as to cover herself in case anyone had watched her transform.

Instinctively, she reached for a bottle of hair dye; her hair was still a snow white, like her fur. She reminded herself she was in a stranger's home and resigned herself to her natural looks, at least for the time being.
In the catacombs, Cade sat against a stone wall atop a cot. If not for the fact that the door to this room stood open, he might look something like a prisoner. Only Cade was still, mostly dressed, in his fine clothes. His dress pants and shoes were still on, as was his white long sleeved button up. His coat and vest were upstairs in the main part of his home, above ground. This dungeon of sorts, was attached to the portion of his home that was hidden underground, a part of the catacombs.

His shirt was stained with blood and his head rested against the stone wall with his closed eyes facing upwards towards the ceiling. The body of the man who had reminded him of her, lay lifelessly in the center of the room, chained around his ankle to the floor. He too was still fully clothed, not having made it to slave 'orientation' where he would have been stripped of anything relating to a diverse human life, and given clothes to match the rest of the slaves. A pair of holes that no longer oozed blood, stood out against the skin of his neck. This one had been lucky. Cade had been too preoccupied with returning to see the witch, to do to this man what his dark heart had desired. Or perhaps, Cade had simply grown tired of the game.

--------THE NEXT DAY------- This is where we start fresh. So go ahead and get your charries done with the night and onto the next day. ^_^

The next morning, Eleanor woke to the horrific sounds she'd heard when the wolf had turned into her beastly form. She sat up in bed fast enough that her head throbbed and the room spun. Despite the nightmares, Eleanor's body had recovered, and while pale as always, her cheeks and lips held their normal rose tint. Her eyes, too, had returned to their most normal shade of hazel-green. She recalled the events of the evening, and immediately thought of her books; her art pad and journal. Though it was hard to think of much over the horrible sounds of Fia, shapeshifting. At least that's what Eleanor would assume to call it.

This particular day, was heavily overcast. There was a slight chill in the air, and somewhere far in the distance, sirens sounded. This human and supernatural world divided, would not last much longer. As humans strayed more into the night, breaking curfew, and the supernaturals defiantly molded more unnoticeably into the day.

Eleanor slipped from the bed and padded across the floor to the door, cautiously opening it to peer outside and down the hall. It wasn't until the sounds of Fia's turning subsided, that Eleanor ventured to step out in search of her things.


Not an early riser, and one who preferred the night, Cade would remain in the above ground portion of his large home just on the outskirts of the town. One might call it a mansion, though Cade could not have cared less what anyone thought of the place. He had owned it for many centuries, and while large, it was quite old. It held character, and was well cared for by his servants. A wrought iron gate kept out vehicles and humans, attached to a stone wall that surrounded his property.

Inside, he lounged in his study, staring out the window and over the lands below, overcast with the gloom his heart once felt. In his hilltop home, a servant knocked warily at his study door, but he paid no mind. A frail girl entered, shakily setting tea atop the small beside him, before retreating quickly, hoping to go unnoticed. Cade's dark red eyes remained on the town as he continued to plot his next move, which started with seeing Zamani.
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Damian decided it was about time to bring Abigail home, so that's what he did , after bringing her back he went home and sat on his bed contemplating what the other original had said, he said he was a monster, is that really what he was like before He lost his memories. With all of these thoughts in his head he eventually fell asleep.

He woke up with a headache, Damian ignored it as he got dressed....but he couldn't find his jacket, He quickly realized he must have left it with Abigail on accident and hurried into the kitchen where Mary was preparing to open the cafe. "I need to borrow your sweater" She stared at him for a moment before answering "If you lost yours then you aren't using mine, if your going out then go in the closet and use one of my old ones" She smirked cause she knew What was in there, Damian opened the closet and saw a hot pink jacket, he took it out and walked over to her. "You want me to wear this?" He asked angrily, she kept a straight face and placed pink sunglasses and a pink bandaover a in his hands "You look like your in a hurry, bye bye" She took off into the bright restaurant. He reluctantly put on the sweater and sunglasses, he tied the Bandanna over his lower face then started teleporting to the witches house. When he arrived he heard somewhat human screaming coming from inside, He hurriedly teleported inside and ran to the screaming "Hey are you-" He stopped when he saw the girl and turned around, luckily she was still mostly covered in fur so he didn't see anything, when the screaming stopped he spoke with his back still turned "Sorry, I heard screaming and thought you were in trouble" He wondered if she was the witch, can witches grow fur? Probably
It took a while for Zamani to get out of bed. Her eyes were still closed even though she was fully alert. She heard the muffled, pained screams of the werewolf downstairs; the house was not that big, but the walls were thin. When it finally stopped, the witch's eyes opened.

The events of the previous night were a little much for her. With the weight of near death of a human, the realization that werewolves still existed, and the return of an old friend on her shoulders, you bet she was exhausted. Hopefully today will be more relaxing, she thought. She was not really anticipating part two of her reunion with Cade, but it is bound to happen eventually.

The witch was only a couple of inches out of the doorway when she saw a male vampire. It wasn't Cade, so she relaxed only a little bit. Upon further inspection, she realized that this vampire was not trying to hurt anyone, seeing that he didn't already attack Fia. He looked ridiculous and chuckles and a smile spread across her face. She took a few steps forward towards him.

"Are you looking for me, Damien?"
Eleanor rounded the corner just as Zamani appeared, talking with a boy she called Damian. He was standing in front of the bathroom door, where Ellie assumed Fia to be. Quickly, the pale brunette slipped into a doorway, hoping to go unnoticed as she continued through the room. Keeping her hands to herself, she did take enough time to look around at some of the things that seemed out of place in this world. Well, her world, not the one she'd so recently been drug into. There were things in Zamani's home that were old, nearly ancient, and some that were just plain strange looking to a human like Eleanor. Candles, books and vials of who knows what caused her to wonder what this woman's role was in all of this. How was her home so welcome to the supernaturals that Eleanor had only heard of in folklore spread by the superstitious elders of this town?

With her thin shoes in hand, Eleanor caught sight of herself in a wall mirror. She ran her fingers through her hair that she generally wore up, but today pulled forward to cover the bruised holes in her throat. She wasn't exactly sure how she could explain those to her uncle, and was almost positive he wouldn't believe her if she could. If the silly old drunkard had even noticed she hadn't come home.

Hazel eyes stared back into her own, almost as if she was unsure that she were really there, that any of this was really real. How could the visions she'd seen be explained? Without trying to overthink everything as she usually did, Eleanor resolved to just hurry and find her things. She found her way through the home and to the main room. Just as she'd hoped, her books were on the coffee table, though Alistair and Hiro were nowhere to be seen. She grabbed them up quickly and clutched them to her chest as if she would never ever let them go again. Not that she'd intended to the night before.

She breathed a heavy sigh of relief, for the first time since she'd been attacked in the alley, and sat on the couch. She smiled faintly as she thumbed through the art pad and the journal. All was there and well. Eleanor's mood had changed drastically since spotting her books, and now she slipped her shoes on, trying not to overhear the conversation in the hall to feel she was eavesdropping.
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Fia had barely heard him at first; it wasn't until she had put her clothes on that she had noticed somebody else was there. Her head turned slowly to face the vampire and she let out an annoyed sigh: why was he here?

"Sorry, I heard screaming and thought you were in trouble."

The werewolf rolled her eyes and, picking up her shoes, and moving past the vampire without even so much as a glance. She dragged her feet beh7ind her, her movements lacking grace and refinement, as they often did when she had recently turned back to her human form. Fia rolled back her shoulders, stopping and glancing back over her right shoulder at the vampire. He was the one she had run into the night before after she had transformed, she remembered. What he was doing out in the day was not of Fia's concern at the moment; she was more concerned about the seer.

She noticed the human and moved to intercept her, her now snow-white hair disheveled and disorganized; Fia didn't care about that. Relaxing her shoulders, the werewolf noticed the seer was sitting on the couch in the living room. Quickly, she moved to sit next to the girl, looking her over and studying her. "Why do you hold those books so closely?" Fia's curiousity got the better of her and she couldn't help but ask more questions, "The pureblood called you a seer, I can only assume you see things. What have you seen?"
When he heard his name he looked up and saw a woman, he took a couple hesitant steps toward her. He was still thinking about what that original had called him, a monster, if he was a monster then how would these people who knew him treat him. He finally spoke up after his moment of silence "So your the witch?" He smelled something familiar and looked off to where the fur-girl disappeared to, it smelled tasty, he ignored it for now and focused on the witch in front of him.
With the books still clutched in one hand, Eleanor was pulling her thin shoe onto one foot with her other hand as Fia approached. She noticed that the woman's hair had changed and she frowned lightly in surprise, but averted her attention back to her shoe as to not stare. The wolf girl sat down beside Eleanor, immediately causing her anxiety to kick in. It wasn't that the other was a wolf, but that she was a being sitting in a position that made Eleanor uncomfortable. The brunette had a hard time sitting beside people. She preferred having her space, and sitting across from one, so that she could be comfortable and confident in being able to see them fully.

Now that her shoes were on, she looked down at her books when they were mentioned, and clutched them tighter. Eleanor wasn't too sure how to answer the question. She was aware that they were only material possessions. But they weren't so to her. While they could be lost or ruined, they held Eleanor's mind inside. And, they were the only things that could help to calm her during a panic attack. They were something of a life-line to Ellie. After a long moment, she finally tried, "Um...," she paused again, "Well, they're sort of my personal sort of, things." She frowned at herself, internally rolling her eyes. That had been nothing short of a crappy answer. "It's my journal," she said, rubbing the cover of it, "and my art," she added quietly as if she was speaking of a great secret treasure.

But now she cast hazel eyes to Fia questioningly. "A pure, blood?" she asked. Eleanor hadn't a clue what that meant. She also didn't know what the wolf meant by calling a seer, who sees things. For a moment, she might have thought Fia was crazy. Of course Eleanor was a seer of things. She had eyeballs. But then again, Eleanor wondered if she herself wasn't the crazy one, after everything she'd been through. Eventually she shrugged. "Sometimes I take the time to look around, but usually I just watch where my feet are going," she said earnestly, obviously still misunderstanding. "I can't say I see more than anyone else. Lot's of cobblestone," she said with an apologetic smile. She wasn't sure what the wolf was looking for in asking Eleanor what kinds of things she saw.

After a moment, she cleared her throat. "So," she said, half whispering the word. "A... wolf, huh?" She averted her eyes to her lap and subconsciously rubbed at the holes in her neck. "Sounds painful," she whispered again, having trouble speaking of it. Eleanor's anxiety was slowly but surely rising. Meetings with new people were particularly excruciating, especially in a world unlike the one she'd thought she lived in.
"Um... well, they're sort of my personal sort of things. It's my journal," the seer replied to her first question, "And my art."

Fia tilted her head in slight contemplation: why was she protecting them so fiercely? When she had asked, the seer had pulled the
precious documents closer to her. She didn't want to pursue that line any further; she could see that Eleanor was uncomfortable. If Fia were telling the truth she would honestly say she was quite uncomfortable too but her curiousity often took over her other instincts.

"A pure, blood?" the human asked. Fia almost sighed but she couldn't blame the girl for not knowing about the supernatural world, given she had only just been put into it. She explained what she meant by what a seer was and Fia let out a slight chuckle but again, knowing Eleanor didn't know what she was on about, the young werewolf didn't follow up with any more questions.

"A... wolf, huh?" The human asked. Fia's expression narrowed into a glare just after the seer averted her eyes, "Sounds painful."

Fia was a bit taken aback by this her entire form seemed to relax. Not many asked her about her
other self and Fia wasn't sure how she should respond. The young werewolf lent back and paused for a moment before she slowly nodded her voice barely above a whisper, "Yes... yes it is." She let the silence sit for a moment, processing everything for a few seconds before she began to speak again, slowly, "She's... been a hand full over the last few years."

Fia felt a slight tug in the back of her mind, as if her wolf self knew Fia was talking about her. She always knew, of course and Fia's shoulders tensed for a moment; it was a full moon. Fia would have to drink the serum later if she wanted to stay in control of herself.
Abigail had stayed up all night, finishing her new Homotopy book by candlelight. She hadn't realized morning had come until the sun burned through the dark curtains of her window. She closed the book and yawned openly, being able to do so alone in her room. Then, she glanced over at the sweater Damian had given her, which was folded on top of one of her unopened trunks. It still seemed like she had too much unpacking to do.

The events of last night were, at the least, confusing. She had only learned anything from the confinement of home, but she was unable to comprehend what had happened when she was out in the town. Although she wanted to go out again, she wondered if her parents would let her, considering how unsophisticated she had looked after that adventure of a night.
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Presently, Eldris found himself in the master bedroom of a house he had been staying in for the last few days; the owner's, a married couple of 13 years. For the past few days, Eldris had taken the guise of the woman's husband, his power to cast a strong illusion upon himself allowing him to fool her completely. Though he did not physically change, his appearance to everyone else had become that of the woman's husband. Of course, to keep up this appearance for a prolonged period of time, meant that he had to keep the man alive and alive he was... barely. Located in the cellar beneath the house was a broken man, his limp arms chained against the grimy walls and his body hanging loosely. Drained of his blood on a daily basis had left him rather weak, his complexion now pale almost ghostly. He wouldn't last much longer. He had played every aspect of this role perfectly, from being the perfect husband to being the perfect lover, he had completely become the man whose appearance he had taken for himself.

The night prior had been an eventful one, the unexpected arrival of Mereen aka Mrs Lieutenant had been a rather surprising yet exciting encounter. Of course, it had ended in the death of the young naive vampire.. but that was solely her fault. Eldris had no intention of going out and killing a vampire of her status.. no, he had simply decided to have a midnight snack on some unsuspecting human, though to say he had any negative feelings towards her untimely death would be a lie. He had thoroughly enjoyed their game of cat and mouse, leading her towards her demise all the while allowing her to believe that she was the one in control of their little performance was a game he had played many times. Though capable, he opted against taking her powers for his own. She had kept any special ability hidden during their encounter, thus Eldris had surmised that her powers were either impractical for his schemes or simply weak; just like Mereen was. Her death however left a hole in the black market; something that he may be able to use for his own schemes.
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Hazel eyes shifted to the side and she cleared her throat almost awkwardly after Fia had mentioned the wolf being a handfull. As if Fia was talking about a separate being. It was a little bit unnerving. Like... everything else had been. Eleanor hadn't realized it, but she'd been gradually leaning away from Fia ever so slightly, and unless she stood up now it would just look rude. So the brunette stood, bringing her books to her side and sighing lightly.

"Well," she said with a forced smile. "I, really should get home," she gestured over her shoulder with her thumb. If she could just get away from this place and these people, she couldn't pretend that everything was still, normal. "My family will be worried," she said, half lying. She didn't actually have a family, at least that she knew of. But her uncle was home. Well, he'd be passed out and unaware that she wasn't there, but that wasn't the point of the lie. Eleanor had heard horror stories. She knew it was best that these people thought there were lots of family members who'd be searching.

The girl backed away slowly towards the door. "It was, interesting, meeting you... all," she said as she got to the hall where she could see the witch and the boy. "The hospitality was lovely!" she called as her hand touched the handle of the door. Unable to take the anxiety of it, she quickly slipped outside and slammed the door behind her. She moved away from the door as if it might swing open and capture her soul, only glancing over her shoulder when she was in the middle of the cobblestone walk.

Ellie looked up and down the street, before moving away from the home, giving it a side eye as if suddenly not believing any of the previous events. There weren't many other people out at this time of morning. Only those who had jobs to get to in the market or the youngest of school aged children just emerging for school. She tugged at her hair, pulling it to cover both sides of her neck as she began to head towards the end of the street. She could easily cut through alley ways to get home quicker, but instead, stayed as far from them as she could. She probably would for the rest of forever, after what happened the last time she was in one.

As she rounded the corner of the street, she saw a small crowd of people. They were at the entry to an alley and were being kept back by the local police. As Eleanor came closer, she could see that there were blankets over bodies in the alley, but couldn't see much else through the crowd that she refused to be any part of. Eleanor stayed on the other side of the street, only stopping as she caught sight of blood splattered against the wall. She covered her mouth in horror, frozen in her place. That could have been her.

The entire police force must have been there, pushing people back and forcing them to leave. Military personnel, the mayor and other various people of importance were there, too. She stumbled backwards until her back hit the wall of a building. Eleanor was having a hard time breathing. Her human mind was just too overwhelmed with the realization of so many things in this town's past, of the things she'd been through and seen. But for the first time in her life, her hyperactive awareness took a seat. A numbness was setting in, perhaps a shock to keep her from completely losing it. There would be no getting away from this knowledge, ever again.
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There seemed to be an uncomfortable pause and Fia moved back a bit more into the sofa. She had noticed Eleanor moving away from her, leaning away ever so slightly awkwardly. Fia couldn't blame her for doing so.

"Well," the seer said, "I, really should get home." Fia's eyes settled on Eleanor for a moment before she nodded and as the girl stood and dismissed herself, all Fia could really say was bye. And thus, that was all she said. She watched the human leave and listened in on the conversation the vampire and the witch were having before letting out a sigh. She stood and turned her head towards the witch and bowed her it slightly as a thank you. Then, she moved over to the door, opened it, and stepped out into the morning air, closing the door gently behind her.

Fia didn't give any attention to traffic; she only had to walk on one of the pavements to get home if her memory served her correctly. She came round a corner and found a small scene where a couple of dozen people were buzzing around some dead bodies like flies would. The smell of a one-night old kill was alluring to the young werewolf, and she forced herself to ignore it, continuing to walk down the street as quickly as she could. She wouldn't allow herself to fall victim to her instincts, or her curiousity.

After about ten minutes, Fia found herself on the outskirts of town. In the distance, she noticed a building she had never seen before, one surrounded by walls. The building itself was large, imposing, and dwarfed some of the buildings in town, Fia realised as she approached. A large iron gate barred her entrance, and she stood outside of the building for a moment, studying it, a familiar scent lingering around it; she couldn't help but sniff the air and immediately, Fia began to back away. She recognised that scent, ancient, vampiric. She could feel a low, defencive snarl rising in her throat which she battled to keep quiet. She turned and walked away quickly; she would not be heading back home that day.

If there was anything Vanessa hated more than the bloodsuckers it was hangovers.

Not your usual Sunday morning hangover, the kind you forget after a nice cup of coffee and some sugary goodies, no. It was the kind that seeped into your bones, leaving you numb and feeling as if every fiber of your being had been participating in the olympics, leaving you feeling sore and making every yet so small action ache like hell.

Take that kind of hangover and add one hell of a throbbing headache coupled with a general feeling of nausea and multiply that by maybe twenty and voilà; You'll have whatever the young woman was feeling on this particularly nasty morning.

It really didn't help that when she opened her eyes she found herself in a rather nasty side alley, amongst some uncomfortable bags and brazen containers, not exactly the most comfy of beds but she had awoken under much more questionable circumstances.

Raising her lanky form from the filth and muck surrounding her Vanessa rubbed her temples, her head feeling as if she was kicked by a horse, the throbbing pain showing no signs of subsiding but her conscientiousness returning to the present made her almost wish she were dead as she was hit with the full force of her hangover, almost making her pass out from the overwhelming sensation.

"Judas damn me, what the hell happened last night?..." Vanessa grumbled, not having been a morning person and never going to be one in her life....or un-life, for she did not know what was yet to await her.

All she remembered was her once again having gotten the short end of the stick and having to sit though yet another graveyard shift, the most tedious of all hours at the bar, seeing that it involved really late shift and what was worse... Vampires.

The reason her little gang did not prowl the streets any longer but had their little meet ups durning broad daylight.

Somehow Vanessa managed to get to her feet, her heavy studded combat boots meeting the ground as her gloved hand sought some stability on the alley wall, her other hand coming to brush through the mess that was her hair, her body feeling just as numb and cold as before, if not more as she slowly slugged out of the alley, supporting her lanky frame on the wall as she came to find yet another surprise...

An unpleasant one at that as the sun's bright rays threatened to burn holes into her skull where her eyes were supposed to be, having to shield her eyesight from the scorching rays as she groaned loudly, tumbling backwards into the alley, back into the shadows.

She was used to being sensitive to bright light after a hangover but NOT this much, her eyes stinging as if they were ablaze as a few curses rolled off her lips that would leave her religious parents gasping for air for taking the lord's name in vain.

Her fingers came to fidget with the sunglasses on her head, coming to shield her eyes behind some heavily tinted sunglasses as Vanessa set out to get back home, trying to piece together what exactly happened last night, her pierced tongue coming to lick over her teeth, only to find her metal stud to get caught on what used to be some rather normal canines, now being the form of a wicked fang...

"You got to be **** kidding me...." Vanessa groaned, her fingers coming to stroke over her new impressive set of teeth, all eight of her canines being wicked ivory fangs of a predator, making the already pissed girl lean against the sunlit wall, her back sliding down the stone as she came to sit on the cold floor, her head tilted back to bash rather roughly against the wall.

"What the hell am I supposed to tell my parents?.... F*ck..."
Nothing like the fresh smell of new bank notes, or the fresh smell of spilled blood... Both were good, together they were even better.

Diana stood beside the headquarters of some business she did not care to know about. all she cared about was the guy inside who paid her to hunt down a specific vampire, one she had brought in before the moon rose the previous night. Counting through the lovely bank notes in her hands, fresh and crisp, she wondered how she would spend the rest of her day.

Satisfied with her payment, she buried it into the inner pockets of her jacket and slid her sunglasses off the top of her head and onto her nose. The more annoying things about being a vampire, or something in between, was the sun. She now regretted working in the day, whether it was odd jobs here or there, but at least she was never a morning person, night had always been her best friend. But it was still quite annoying.

Taking off down the pavement, sticking to the spots under the roofs were no sun would touch her, she decided to get out of the city. She was hungry, very hungry, and that made it dangerous for everyone around her. She usually took blood from vampires, never humans, and it tended to be the prey she was paid to track down and kill, but the vampire last night was to be brought in alive and well, so she couldn't touch him.

Upon reaching her motorbike, she retrieved her helmet from the compartment and placed it over her head all the while removing her sunglasses. Swinging her leg over, she sat for a moment pulling on gloves so that her pale hands wouldnt burn too much under the sun. Turning on the motorbike, she revved the engine and was off, racing the wind through and out of the city.

She liked getting away from the people, it helped with the hunger and desire in her blood. When she was alone, she could forget who she was, even if it was just for a moment. The wind in her hair, the sun not on her skin too much, the open landscape, it was enough to distract her.

Deciding to be creative, she took a different route to her usual route towards the sea. Now she road down an empty road and stopped when she noticed a lone trail left by some creature. Why would anyone be out here on the outskirts? And alone?

Pulling to a stop, she parked her motorbike behind a tree to hide it and packed everything away so that she could stalk down around the tree line, following after the strange trail. It didnt seem like that of a vampires... So... What was it? Sniffing the air, she spelt something not bloody.. But canine? Strange.

Taking the next turn, she came into view and saw a normal-looking girl, walking away from what appeared to be a large, house-like building. The strange aura it gave off made Diana want to back away...but she was transfixed. Curiosity was a dangerous thing, almost as dangerous as a vampires hunger.
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Pushing strands of ginger hair out of her eyes she watched warily as Diana slid past her. Rin leant comfortably against the wall of a run down looking building and was more or less out in the open, not that she cared. The woman who passed by on the motorbike caught Freya's attention and she decided to follow her. The smell of petrol and wet dog stained the air as she climbed to the roof tops and followed at a leisurely pace, her half assed way if walking masked both the fact that she was following the hunter and the fact she actually cared.

Her legs legs were silent against the slated roof as she came to a stop and sat down swinging her legs over the edge. So that's the wet dog smell, her icy blue eyes watched the so called normal looking girl with slight peaked interest. But unlike Diana she didn't feel the need to back away or run, she wasn't afraid of the odd feeling and the smell of dogs that came from this girl.

"Yes I am." She was not about to beat around the bush. Her giggling stopped and she straightened herself out.

She paused while the other two left the house. She offered a nod as the front door shut twice. She wanted this to be uninterrupted. "Do you remember me, upendo? It's been a long time since we've last met, but I doubt you remember that."
Fia stopped moving, turning around slowly, the female vampire on the pavement coming into view as she did. The werewolf's violet eyes locked with the vampire's brown, gold-flecked ones for but a moment as she began to study her potential foe. Most vampires were openly hostile to Fia, or some cases they tried to be abuses. Fia had taught them otherwise, or at least her other self did. As she looked over the vampire before her, she couldn't help but feel like she wouldn't be a threat: her almost innocent features, combined with her somewhat hesitant attitude caused Fia to think that she wouldn't try to stir up any trouble.

Another presence disturbed the young werewolf however, and she looked up to the roof tops. A pureblood sat there, staring down at the stand off between Fia and the vampire and Fia let out a sigh: she would not have an easy day she could tell. She inclined her head towards the pureblood as a greeting and then looked back at the vampire in front of her, performing the same action. She glanced towards the mansion on her left and having a feeling that someone would pay attention inside, she inclined her head in its direction as well.

Her attention rested on the vampire with short, light gold hair. While she did speak to her, her message was also directed to the vampire on the rooftops, "I don't want any trouble, vampire. I assume you weren't here looking for me and I certainly wasn't looking for you, there doesn't need to be any kind of violence here, especially now," she paused, making sure nobody else was within hearing distance, "When the humans are about."
The young girl seemed to follow her gaze to the other figure who was now on the roof. That figure was most definitely a vampire... But of some power.. Aristocrat? No... Pureblood? Perhaps... Diana's sharp gaze eyed the pureblood with wariness and suspicion in her dark orbs that were slightly hidden under her eyeslashes. She didn't trust the woman...and as much as her hand itched to draw blood, she knew she couldnt win a fight if she started one, not in such circumstances anyway.

Her attention shifted back to the werewolf when she was addressed yet she watched the pureblood from the corner of her eye if she were to make any movement. Her face had the expression of complete calm and was without threat, yet she couldnt hide the slight hint of defensive and disgust in her words when she said, "Do not call me that."

She didn't mean to come off sounding threatening in any way or mean, but there was no point in fixing it now. Diana studied the girl before her. What was she ? Something she had never seen before, that was for sure. "Nor do I," she spoke after a few silent seconds, "I have no business with you... Whatever you may be, but i happened upon your trail, and i followed it."
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"Sorry but I can't remember anything farther back then ten years ago." Damian scratched the back of his head, He felt uncomfortable, another headache had began to annoy him. He stood and awkwardly stared at the woman, he didn't really know what to say, he decided to ask a question that bothered him ever since last night "You knew me right? Was I really a monster" He was hoping that the other original was just trying to bother him, but he had to find out. There was so much he didn't know, who he was, how he lost his memories, what in hells name that furry girl even was, and he was hoping that this woman in front of him could answer these questions.
"Don't call me that," the vampire replied. Fia tilted her head at this somewhat aggressive response and it almost immediately clicked in her head that this vampire must have been turned from human. It was selfish, Fia thought, for others to do something against someone else forcefully, even if it was for survival.

"I have no business with you... whatever you may be, but I happened upon your trail and I followed it."

Fia was confused for a moment, she wasn't aware she had left a trail behind her, perhaps this vampire was a bit more different to the others.

Fia took a step forwards, "You don't know what I am?" She was genuinely curious at this point: most vampires knew what she was a second after looking at her, yet this one did not seem to know. Perhaps, then, she had recently been turned and did not know what the "trail" of a werewolf was. Fia looked the vampire in the eye, not aggressively but curiously. In her head, she was debating whether or not to tell the woman that she was a werewolf.

She sighed, "It's a full moon tonight, correct?"
From his window perch on the third story of his mansion, something stirred along the East wall surrounding Cade's estate. As his deep red eyes glanced towards it, there was another knock at his study door. This time it was Yuri, the servant in which he put the most responsibility and trust; a vampire. "Lord Vilar," she said with a slight bow. "It appears you have a congregation at the East wall," she said flatly. Yuri, much like Cade, never spoke with any hint of emotion. She was soft spoken yet assertive. A silent but deadly sort of force. Cade could not recall a time he had ever seen her smile.

"Shall I take care of it?" she asked. The ancient vampire's gaze returned to the window. "No, thank you, Yuri," he responded to her, moving to stand. While her calling of a 'congregation' might be flattering to a degree, the women who gathered nearby were not his groupies. He would have let Yuri handle it though, had it not been for one particular woman, or wolf, that piqued his interest. From the time that Cade resolved to venture out, and the time he arrived between Diana and Fia, he had masked his power at least partially. While Fia would know the truth of his power, Diana would not. Neither of them would have seen him coming either or know exactly where he came from. He would simply appear there, as if he had been there all along, glancing from Fia to Diana.

For a brief moment, his deep red gaze locked on Rin's. This pair had caught the attention of a pureblood as well. Or perhaps it was Fia who had captured the attention of the three vampires. Standing in a pair of dress pants, dress shoes and a black untucked button up shirt, Cade stuffed his hands in his pockets and simply glanced between the wolf and the hunter for a long few moments before finally speaking. "I understand that it is currently curfew for night dwellers," he said in his typical monotone voice, sure to avoid the word 'vampires', considering Fia was not one. "Yet here you all are," he added with a tsking sound, "breaking the rules."


Only a few feet from Eleanor, Vanessa caught the corner of her eye and she glanced over just as the other stumbled from the alley. The woman was talking to herself, and then she was sliding down the wall. Hazel eyes glanced between the commotion across the road, and Vanessa. Eleanor's hand still covered her mouth, and she still clutched her books to her chest. But she could see that this other woman was in some kind of turmoil. While her eyes shifted between both scenes, she mulled over the things she'd learned in the last 24 hours. 1; The curfew had obviously been set in place to separate human beings and... night, time... beings. And 2; The night time, beings, obviously only came out at night. Just like in all the old lore. So there wasn't any reason for Eleanor to be wary in the daylight.

Inching closer, slowly, Eleanor cleared her throat lightly so that she wouldn't startle Vanessa. "Are you okay?" she asked, genuinely concerned. "It's not-", Eleanor stopped herself. She was going to say that it wasn't safe out here. But, not only had she just concluded that day was good, night was bad... She'd probably look a little crazy if she started going around telling people that it wasn't safe to be outside. "Do you need help up?" she asked instead, reaching down to offer her hand.
From behind heavily tinted sunglasses, hiding away those eerie crimson eyes of hers, the newly turned vampire examined the girl coming to offer her help.

Great, did she really strike such a sad figure that some random stranger would walk up to her and ask her how she was. That already spoke volumes about her current situation, Vanessa usually being the last person in need of any help, but now she was sitting in some godforsaken alley, having to hide her eyes away from the sun's wicked rays.

The sheer bizarreness of her situation caused Vanessa to let out a soft chuckle, resembling more of a scoff rather than an actual sign of amusement, her lips curling into a crooked sneer as she turned to face Eleanor, raising a pierced eyebrow at her extending her hand but reluctantly gripping it tightly, her cold fingers closing around the girl's small hand as Vanessa pulled herself up.

Towering over Eleanor with her 5"10 Vanessa had to look quite a bit down to meet Eleanor's gaze, the freshly turned vampire gracing the young woman with a questioning look.

"It's not what? You looked like you wanted to say something." Vanessa remarked, her tone as nonchalant as her situation permitted, even her tinted glasses not being able to completely rid herself from the stinging sensation the light brought her, coupled with the ache from being turned still festering in her bones it made Vanessa disregard any shred of politeness, her hand coming to rest on her forehead as she grimaced at the numb feeling in her skull, her lips parting to reveal those wicked teeth of hers, those that would make any predator proud, those Eleanor wouldn't expect to meet in broad daylight....
The second Raven entered the city boundaries he could tell something was amiss. Also, there was another witch somewhere. "Theodore, Ive got a cousin here I guess."

The teddy bear hung limply on his back making no indication that he had heard Raven...or that he even had the capability to here Raven. He looked about as inanimate as the cobbled stones that made up the roads of this city. Continuing his walk in silence, rave began to survey the city. Hopefully he could gather some clues as to why the atmosphere was so excitable all throughout the streets.

Upon arriving at a stop sign, Raven did quick look around making sure no one was looking. Fortunately what ever had the city such a frenzy drew most people away from where he was currently standing.

With a few Arabic phrases, sung quietly under his breath, the winds began to stir. A soft glow shimmered behind his glasses and it was almost as if the very winds sang back to him in response.

Raven made haste with his footsteps. Curiosity strong in his features and, with every step he took the wind song grew stronger in his ears. He just had to know what was going on. The wind guided him through a residential area. He wondered if whatever happened was in one of these homes, then just as suddenly as the wind had grown it died down to a gentle breeze the song no more than a slight whisper as if it were trying to hide. Raven felt the presence of great magic from one of the houses he stood in front of. This is probably where the other witch was. It was a matter h'd rather not deal with now, he had a goal to accomplish. He briskly moved away from the house allowing the wind song to grow strong again until it lead him to a crowded street corner. Wind so strong now almost seemed to be whispering in more voices than there were people," Redrum, redrum, redrum..." Someone had been killed. Raven made his way over to the scene of the murder , as close as the military police would allow. Then wind gave one last whispered "redrum" and stopped completely. The spell had ended.

There was blood all over the brick walls of the buildings.

"Wow, what a first impression this city gives." he silently thought.

This was no ordinary murder. He had heard rumors of vampires running rampart here. But, he'd also heard that the city was attempting a co-resistance between humans and the supernatural. He had no details. He had no leads. And currently he was hungry.

Now that he sw what was going on. He didnt know what to do. Until he saw some members of the crowd depart in the direction of the residential area. He could feel the anger from them. So he decided to follow. He had nothing better to do. He arrived at a huge gated home. The group of people went around to the east side of the property. He followed, still at a distance and watched from the shadows.

Freya laughed quietly and leant against her palm watching the other pure blood as he lectured. "Rules were made to be broken," she purred quietly before jumping down to join them on the floor. She tilted her head at the other pure blood and smiled in a fluid motion before looking at the other two, "he's being such a spoil sport, I was enjoying this." Rin mumbled scowling slightly.

With slow yet swift movements she circled the group watching them for a long moment, her voice turned cold and monotone again and her smile dropped, "but it is true, out new friend here is right."


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