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Fantasy As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged

Lieutenant Hana marched up and down the line of soldiers that waited her command. The city decided to take extreme measures in the night to make sure everything was safe for the humans that was locked in their homes. in her opinion it was absurd. Humans are reckless, oblivious, and overall inferior, roaming about after curfew just to be drained by feral vampires that had no standards in a perfect meal. pitiful. " This is the same precaution as the night before, make sure the streets are clear from any 'civilians' that are unauthorized to be roaming about and secure the perimeter. if you do find wandering civils you have two choices. protect them and safely escort them to their homes or perhaps even make use of them. the choice is yours... Now move out!" she exclaimed. the soldiers saluted before proceeding with their task.

it was known throughout the city that humans were going missing and she knew exactly way. she was behind it after all. Humans being sold to the black market in the catacombs alongside drugs, illegal weapons, etc. she had much pride in her work but kept her identity secret anyways tonight was not the time to boast, she had business to attend to.

after a while of wondering through the city accompanied by 3 of her soldiers who held their guns secured to the side. she raised her hand slightly after seeing the appearance of a man exiting out an alleyway with white hair, holding a cat in his arms, dampened with blood. Blood. Sometimes it set her teeth on edge other times it helped control the chaos. it was obvious that he was a vampire and not a respectable one at that. "Why not back to the catacombs. I seems like you have feasted enough. Art in the blood is liable to take the strangest forms." she commented. she gestured a soldier to walk in the alley way to observe what just occurred.
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The cat hissed in protest, its natural instinct to run away in order to survive fueled by its fear of all these giants had caused it to scramble in Eldris's grip, its frantic paws clawing at the air, though such struggles were nothing 'completely' new. He had often dealt with a human's 'second wind', that last burst of energy as they realized they were standing before deaths door and on every single occasion they would end up passing through it; warmly welcomed through by the cold dark hands of death. "Hmm....The catacombs..." The word lingered on his lips as he stood there, feigning deep thought towards this newcomers suggestion. He had his left index finger raised to his mouth, softly tapping away at his upper lip as he looked skyward briefly; acts to further enhance the facade of considering her proposal. Whilst the catacombs did have its own forms of entertainment to partake in, they paled in comparison to the unlimited potential of mischief he could indulge himself above ground. Really, despite this show he was performing for the lieutenant, he had already made his mind long before she had come here, after all had he decided to amuse himself with the going-ons of the catacombs, he wouldn't be standing here this very minute. He raised the cat once again and twirled it around; holding the feline with both hands, one under each of its front arms. "What do you think?" his question more rhetorical then serious. The cat hissed.

A few seconds passed before he glanced sideways, his head tilted to the right as he finally made eye contact with the group of people and more importantly the vampire that stood in the middle of them.
"Mrs. Lieutenant" he addressed her, "That doesn't really sound like something I would enjoy.. any other suggestions?". Eldris glared at her, half expecting her reply to be somewhat interesting.
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"Its not too hard, just remember to use the pointy end and you'll be fine" He opened the door to the cafe and held it open so Abigail could walk out and he could lock the door behind them. "There might be a couple, and their minds are deteriorating so they kind of just attack everything" That girl was certainly full of questions, he barely had time to think before the next one came. He smiled "Not at all, freedom is nice isn't it?" He wondered how much she knew about vampires outside of what she grew up with, does she know about originals? He decided not to use his powers unless needed so he wouldn't freak her out.
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Abigail wasn't used to people being very open, so it took longer for her to respond to his simple yet direct questions.

"If I had this freedom even once a year, I believe I would be much more content," she said slowly. She thanked him as he opened the door, and she stepped out, the cold wind hitting her shoeless feet, her stockings blending in with the night. Her yellow braid blew in the rough air and moved about her head like some unnatural-looking tail. She flattened out her dress, which was looser without her corset. As she moved through the door, her senses awakened even further from the cold air hitting her skin and the darkness surrounding everything.
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"It's no trouble," Zamani took hold of the doorknob. "You've had a long night and you should rest. If you need anything, I'll be in the main room for a little bit. Good night, mtoto." With that, she closed the bedroom door.

Zamani jumped a little at the sound of Fia's voice in her head. She hurried over to the front door and pulled it open. "There you go," she called out while heading back into the main room. "Come back anytime and if you need anything, I'll be here." She liked having people over at her house; it made her days a little more varied. Tiding up the room, her attention turned to Kasimir. She saw the concern on his face. "Don't worry: Hiro is probably just talking to someone or was stopped by a harmless stranger. He is a pureblood, after all. And if he knows what he is doing, he'll survive."

Hana's face remained Stern and unfazed by the man's actions, though she wasn't sure if he was trying to.intimidate her or perhaps make her more amused. Either way all he did in her opinion is causing unnecessary problems."It's Lieutenant, civilian though calling you that may be misleading." She commented in her usual blunt manner.

The soldier who observed the scene walked back out to present himself back to His lieutenant."One body, a policeman, drained dry from blood." He announced before going back to His position. She turned to faced the man once more. Examine the blood that stained his outfit. Vampires are so...Hostile. " you can clean up the mess that you made but my suggestion was an order." She said gesturing her gun in her hand to the alleyway.

" You're being petty. Planning to kill humans for no reason, not even going to make use of them... wasteful. You can't even keep your composure which I can tell by your lack of standards for feasting. Pathetic." She took a few steps closer to him. Her eyes coming more fierce though her body still remained relaxed. "The rule is you can only feast on a certain things at certain times. Doing more than that can make you get imprisoned or killed on the spot. Do you really want that? to make it more clear for your lack of a conscious."
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"Oh... misleading you say?... am I not one of the precious lives you swore to protect when you took up your current position, Mrs. Lieutenant" joked Eldris, emphasizing the 'Mrs.' His expression hardly changed throughout this exchange, the look of innocence stitched across his youthful face remained, though as the officer returned his eyes silently followed him, all the while his neck exposed underneath the light of the lamp. The officers lack of awareness as to how vulnerable he was right now was all too amusing for the pureblood. In the matter of mere seconds he could have that mans head on the floor alongside those of the other humans that currently wagged their tails at their Lieutenants command. Three fountains of blood to commerate this encounter did not sound like such a bad idea.

"An order?" Eldris twisted his body around to face the motley crew directly. "Am I obligated to follow such an arbitrary command?" Eldris lowered the cat finally and watched it scamper down the road, disappearing around a corner, never to be seen again. "Tell me, Mrs. Lieutenant, is it a crime to follow ones instinct? To live the way ones life was intended to be lived?" His eyes focused on the vampire standing before him and ignoring the vermin that stood behind her. "If you were so righteous, then why not dedicate yourself to hunting down true criminals.. perhaps a merchant by the name of Mer..." he stopped, his hand covering his own mouth, though hidden beneath it was a large grin. "Oops!... I can't be saying too much now can I? It would be uncouth of me to ruin the surprise" he finished before bursting into a fit of laughter. Eldris was now hunched over, his arms strapped across his chest as he continued to laugh mockingly towards the vampire lieutenant. It was a few seconds before he finally stopped, one hand wiping a tear from his eye. "Oh young one, forgive my ill-tasted ramblings.. it's just, I much prefer the 'other you' I hear so much about. She truly sounds like someone I could squeeze some fun out of" his voice quickly changed from a sarcastic and mocking tone to one of seriousness. "Currently" he paused and glared towards them, a hand raised with finger pointing towards her. "you disappoint me"
The small girl had thanked the witch, and as the door was closed, she yawned. Eleanor moved to lock the door, giving her a false sense of security. She opened a window for fresh air, though only a little. She wanted to wait up for Alistair. She wanted her things desperately, and wanted to thank him, pretty much consistently, forever. He'd saved her life, and continued to help her afterwards. She mulled over that for a while as she removed her thin slip on shoes lazily. How could humans not have known creatures like these existed? Obviously some must have, but why hadn't they told? Perhaps they'd been killed before they could. Maybe they didn't want to. Maybe they did. It was awful coincidental that the curfew had been imposed on her town just as these people came about. Eleanor had thought it just part of the dictatorship that was the government of her hometown. But it wasn't a coincidence at all, was it?

Ellie wouldn't know when, but at some point she had laid back against the bed, sideways and fully clothed, atop the blankets. A heavy sleep had taken her as the exhaustion from the night's events was far too much for a human who's entire world had suddenly changed. Her body desperately needed the rest to be able to function any further, and to heal.


Cade had not responded to Alistair after his explanation. He couldn't necessarily argue that most of their kind weren't 'obnoxious'. Though, he couldn't exactly describe them as such either. They were certainly something; with their lusts for human blood and overall need to play games and manipulate others, ultimately ending in destruction of one thing or another. But Cade knew that it took quite the willpower to live a life without your kind. Did this vampire not drink human blood, he wondered haphazardly. The ancient knew when they were nearing Zamani's. The witch's scent was growing stronger, as was the scent of the humans and werewolf that he could smell on Alistair.
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He locked the door after she walked past him. "Well, let's go." He put his hands in the pockets of his jacket and started to walk down the street while whistling a song he couldn't ever remember where or when he heard it before. He thought about a lot while they walked down the street, he realized how slow travel was without teleportation but he mostly thought about his dreams, they were fast and blurry memories that he could almost never remember when he woke up. He didn't realize that he had stopped at a crossroads in the street. What made him stop? he felt something, it was powerful, he knew it had to be an original. He wanted to investigate but he hesitated and looked back at Abigail, he decided that he would take the risk and bring her. He started jogging towards where he could feel the power. "Follow me and be careful" since she's a normal vampire she probably couldn't feel the power from this far, but when they get closer she'll definitely feel it.
Abigail's senses were on high alert, and she fingered the knife blade in her right hand. As Damian stopped at the crossroad, she did too, and once he started moving quickly, she was on his toes; She would hate to get left behind. She seldom went outside since they moved, so she could hardly navigate anywhere in this town by herself. Her braid and dress glistened in the moonlight, and suddenly, like a wave, something unknown and dark hit her. She felt someone.. something very close, and for some reason she perked her ears up, and her vision become more enhanced than ever. She had never felt so alive, running with the cold wind on her legs and the night blanketing her. If her parents were here...

Well, they aren't. So one night of freedom is okay.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something unnatural.

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When Zamani returned to the room he was in and spoke, Kasimir glanced at her, giving an almost grim shrug. "Doesn't matter, vampire, god, I don't care. He's my friend first and foremost, and because of that, I'll always worry. Maybe knowing he's a vampire makes me worry more when he tarries to long. What if a hunter somehow caught him unawares? What if he lost control and slaughtered a bunch of people? What worries me the most, is if those things happened, I'm not there to help him through it. I'm just here, left behind, waiting. He'll always leave me behind, one day, he'll have to just because I'm human. I'll get old, but he'll leave me long before that, because he can't stand it. Watching someone he cares for to wither away. I know this, because I'm the same, I wouldn't be able to stand and watch that either. So I also worry that he won't come back because he's finally tired of watching me wither away, and he doesn't know how to properly say good bye."

Kasimir moved over to the chair and plopped down in it, one hand rubbing slightly at his forehead. He knew he was strange, other humans probably wouldn't worry the way he did for a vampiric creature, but Alistair was his friend. Honestly though, Kasimir hadn't meant to say all that, but he had and there was no taking it back now.

Alistair was content to walk in silence, though slightly worried that he had somehow offended this other by calling most vampires obnoxious. Perhaps obnoxious wasn't quite the proper term, but it was close enough. It suited most of their kind well enough. So the pureblood continued to lead the original at a lazy pace, pondering how Kasimir was doing with all this waiting. Probably pacing like a caged tiger. He glanced at the ancient one next to him, if this man did decide to do something violent, there wasn't anything Alistair could do. Still he needed to come up with a plan of escape to ensure the safety of those in Zamani's house.

As they neared Zamani's house, the scent of werewolf seemed to grow. Alistair recognized it as Fia's scent, but it was stronger, more wolven now. Had she changed? Probably, especially if tomorrow was a full moon. How would she react to the original? Better yet, how would the ancient one react to a werewolf? No matter, Alistair would do his best to ensure the safety of the others. Zamani's dwelling was practically within sight now.
Fia stopped before she stepped outside, sniffing the air in trepadation. Two people were coming to the witch's house: the pureblood, which the human had called Hiro, and... another vampire. Every instinct in Fia's body was aware of it, every muscle tense in preparation for self defence. The wolf couldn't help but let out a defensive growl; she'd barely paid attention to Kasimir's speech.

Patience had never been Fia's strong point and it wouldn't be now. She let her curiousity get the better of her as she took a couple of steps out of the door, her fur almost glinting in the moonlight.

The other scent was strange, ancient, surprisingly older than the pureblood's one. Could it be that the scent belonged to one of the original vampires? Fia stopped walking, waiting for the pair to come into view. What if the other scent was an original? What could Fia possibly do to it? She'd never met one before, she'd only heard rumours of their power and their existence. The witch probably knew what to do; witches were renowned for their knowledge of curses.

As the two vampires came into view, Fia took a glance at the pureblood before her eyes moved to the person next to him. She felt her body tense as her eyes rested in the original one, and before she could stop herself she let out an aggressive, instinctive snarl. Something tugged at the back of her mind, telling her she was in the presence of one of the most dangerous things on the planet. It scared her: not the fact that she was in the presence of an omniscient being but the fact that she was snarling at it. This would not end well, she thought.
As Zamani's dwelling came into view, so did the werewolf. He could sense her presence long before she knew of his, and he could see her, long before he ever came into focus for the creature. She was a young one, and the ensuing snarl was not something he could be angered by. It was only natural for lesser beings to be threatened by him, especially those not of his kind, who were unaware of his existence and what that meant. For those that didn't know the laws of respect and that they could be dead in moments, that was okay. They would learn, one way or another.

He approached Zamani's, and passed by the werewolf without a glance as he stood at the door. The wolf didn't threaten him in the least, and, unlike the lesser vampires, her bite wouldn't affect him the way it did the others. Not that she'd be able to get the upper hand enough to try anyway. On top of it all, the moment he'd smelled her on Alistair, his mind began incorporating her into his agenda. He could use this wolf, without a doubt. The ancient would wait at the open door until invited in, as was customary, especially when being respectful to a dear friend he hadn't seen in quite some time.
As he ran towards the source of power he heard a scream and saw a Hunter and a vampire with a stake in its heart from the corner of his eye. "Keep going" He didn't want Abigail to stop and have a pointless fight, the vampire was already dead so there's no point in getting involved. He kept running, he got more excited as every second passed by because they were getting closer, he was glad for the vampiric speed. He turned a corner and saw who he was looking for, the man was standing at the open door. He hid behind the corner and watched the man and the house. He felt the man's power but he felt something else from the house, something familiar but he couldn't place where he felt it before. "You can feel that right Abigail?" He was excited, he smiled like an idiot as he looked back at her.
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"Not quite, I think you don't really understand. I simply follow orders. something you should start learning to do as well." she remarked with a bit of disdain but a sky smirk appeared. "If your instincts cause me more trouble than yes it is. I.May be on the side of the angels but don't you a second think that I'm one of them."she said swaying her handgun as if it was nothing at all. Her soldiers peered at him as the name mereen. She simply scoffed before saying. " Luckily in fact your not someone I want to impress. Mereen isn't my problem until the government makes him, my problem. So I suggest you take that smirk off your face. You look stupid being belief." She paused for a bit before changing her mind. " Actually keep it. I want to try something. If you don't leave my sight in three seconds. Pieces of your brain will be scattered around the floor. Let's begin. One" she moved her gun towards his head. Her aim was focused, precise. She was a marksman and it was rare for her to miss. "Two" she cocked her gun. Her soldiers beginning to be more tense but she didn't care for their presents.


Smoke puffing out of her gun, the bullet only passing the vampire an inch away from his face. She did this purposely only to make it obvious, she wasn't hesitant to end a life. She position the proper way. "Silver bullets, certainly won't kill you but you will wish you were dead.Want me to waste another bullet on you? I promise I wont miss.

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Eldris's ghost white eyes followed the trajectory of the bullet, the path in which it flew towards him was clear as day as he observed it in slow motion; never once fearing for his life as it whizzed past his face; causing his hair to fly in disarray before nestling back into its shaggy state. His face remained as it had been before she fired her 'warning' shot, despite the situation demanding he put on an expression of shock or fear. Sure, like the 'mature gentleman' man he sometimes pretended to be when he wooed a lady, he could have played along with her intimidation attempt,let her feel empowered and then when the time was right, he could tear down that illusion. Watching the shock in their faces as they realize that they had been played this whole time; that they were not the ones pulling the strings, but in fact the marionette dancing to Eldris's very desires.

"Your far too kind, really.. to think that you would share another one of your precious bullets with me? I'm flattered"
Eldris smiled once again before his attention was drawn towards the sound of others approaching, four to be precise. Their footsteps were light and it did not sound like they were running along the cobblestone road. Not only could Eldris detect their faint vampiric scent, he could also smell the indistinguishable smell of human blood on them. "Oh Mrs Lieutenant" called Eldris, one hand waving towards her to get her attention as well as to further annoy her. "I think that Silver gift you just gave me attracted some unwanted attention..." his expression turned to a frown, like how someone would scold their pet dog for peeing on the rug when they weren't suppose to. "... really, you gotta be more careful!" his tone mocking and with the intent of patronizing her. Of course, he was referring to the sound of her gun drawing their attention and not the silver bullet.

It wasn't long before four figures appeared standing atop the building to Eldris's left. Their clothes were covered in blood; wet blood to be precise as he watched a droplet land on one of the roof tiles and it was evident that there was more then a few victims given the variety of scents within the blood. These vampires were nothing special. Humans turned into vampires, perhaps the pets of some aristocrat that managed to get loose; though compared to Eldris, they were little more then trash. Given their current state they were on the brink of insanity, their sense of self was loss towards their need for human blood. Eldris remained in his spot. Even these mindless idiots knew better then to attempt taking down a pure blood.

"I wonder how many they've killed during the time you spent standing here with me?"
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Zamani stayed silent as Kasimir spoke. She understood his pain to an extent, knowing that you will have to leave someone behind because they can not live as long as you can. The twinge of familial pain hit the witch and she sighed. "I've been in the same position; leaving you love isn't easy, especially when you know they will die without you-"

A dark presence washed over Zamani. It was powerful, familiar and it was right outside her door. She heard the sound of Fia's snarl and the sound of soft footfall. The witch sensed the power of two figures, but one was much larger and dangerous. There was no time wasted before the witch hurried out of the main room to see who she thought left to do his own thing. She almost ran to the open door, half-blocked by Fia's wolf form.

And there he was. Standing right outside her door in the middle of the night. "Cade, this is unexpected," she blinked a few times from the unexpected visit. "Uh, come in. Both of you come in." Obviously not being prepared, she looked down the hallway to make sure the room Eleanor was in was closed shut.

She looked around to see a vampires upon the building, not thinking to reply back instead she kept calm. knowing if she showed any signs of weakness it could lead to her demise. she was aware her soldiers were humans but it was something she could benefit from. though they were inferior. There were still some advantages.

Hana started to chuckle at the audacity of the scene. "Well I guess. Mr. Funny is all talk but no bite. So you can't take me all by yourself instead you need a group of pathetic excuses for vampires. yet you call me a disappointment." She said humouring herself. Unlike him, she was planning her strategy until it dawned on her. Vampires couldn't handle strong scents, sounds. Sounds, she looked towards one of her soldiers to see a personal radio to communicate with the others. She covered her ears, knowing she would have to endure the pain of it before commanding.

"Static now!" The officers soon followed her command. The noise was loud and agonizing. She tried to endure, the pain. Looking up to see the vampires on the building struggling as well. " Shoot them down!" The sound of guns firing made the sounds worse but she Made her way towards the pureblood, shooting her two guns at him.
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Cecil Gotrich

Guards walked the streets, doing their best to keep people in their houses, often fearing for their own lives. But these dark pathways were seen by another this night. A watcher high in the tower. Cecil Gotrich, Chief Executive, stood at the window high in the spires of the old Castle Millen at the heart of the city. Wine, swirling in his hand, he peered down scowling. From this height, you could look out to the edge of the city. "My city..." he whispered to himself, before taking a sip of the red wine and turning from the window, "soon enough".

Down the spiraling stair way, his short steps echoed up and down through the spire. Walking through the door once he reached the bottom, he entered a softly lit grand hallway. A carpet of red and gold stretching from one side to the other, where a matching door rested shut. Three more doors were along the length of the hall to his left, but he approached one side of the stone staircase and went down a level to the first floor of the castle. Before him now was the large ancient doorway. Making a left, he went down yet another staircase, to the basement. He set the empty glass of wine down on a ledge as he went deeper and deeper into the depths of the structure, something for a servant to pick up later. Eventually reaching a long stone hallway. He lit a candle, which was always at the ready at the beginning of the hallway. He walked, barely lit, to the end where there was a single iron door. On a hook to the side hung a single key. Using it to open the door he said, "hello there", using his candle to light a couple torches on the wall inside.

The torches created enough light to reveal a shackled figure, exhausted and ragged on his knees. Cecil approached and knelt down. Extending a hand, he lifted the mans head using his chin. "So weak now." He looked over him inquisitively, "I suppose we have that in common. Feeding." He stood, and going back to the door, grabbed a pure silver poker from the ground. He turned, and gripping the weapon said, "The difference though, is what you feed on. You need us," he held up the poker, ready to strike, "but we don't need you".

"I suppose those humans behind you are your cheer leaders then?"

replied Eldris, smirking at the young vampire. "The pot calling the kettle black, for all your efforts at trying to intimidate me into submission with harsh words, false bravado and increased numbers, you fail to acknowledge your own mistakes... " Eldris shook his head and sighed. "What need do I have of getting this filth to back me up? Was I in danger? Did I need help?" Eldris shook his head again. "Pushing your own mistake onto me... you really are a child. Yes, I am very disappointed. Disappointed in your arrogance, your lack of awareness, your fake confidence and your dependence on these human filth, quite frankly, you bore me"

Inwardly, Eldris was unsure as to whether or not she was 'high' on something or just plain ignorant of how foolish she was making herself to look, either way he was losing interest in this specimen, her attempt at being grandiose as well as intimidating, had failed spectacularly. Eldris had made no attempt to call the vampires and that was obvious to even a blind man, yet this woman failed to realize that it was her own fault they were drawn here. Caught in his own thoughts, he watched half heartedly as the 'brawl' began; the sound of static soon echoing along the road.

Over the long years, he had encountered much more 'annoying' sounds, this was nothing compared to those experiences. an itch in the ear was all it amounted to; to him at least. The vampire interlopers had stopped in their movements, writhing in discomfort as they absorbed a barrage of bullets from the human soldiers below. As they fought, he watched the Lieutenant charge at him, a move that only a novice would make. "Truly a disappointment..." he muttered to himself. Eldris sidestepped the bullets with ease, his right hand raised towards his mouth to stifle a yawn as he effortlessly played her game. "Now now, better not waste those!" he laughed, before stopping. The sound of the brawling had ended, the bodies of the four vampires hanging limp from the buildings roof. Blood oozed out of their bodies, pooling together on the road below and painting its cobblestone surface in red. Eldris laughed.

"Oh my... it seems your men are in a bit of a pickle" chuckled Eldris, suddenly jumping onto one of the roof tiles and looking down at the Lieutenant. "Do you care for them?" he queried, now pointing his hand towards them, a sinister smile spreading across his face. The blood that had gathered along the floor began to shift, slowly and stealthily taking form as Eldris manipulated it to his own desire. His hand clenched, the pool of blood shot forwards, taking the shape of a vine covered in thorns and impaling the first man straight through the neck and as it exited, splitting into two more vines that each wrapped around the bodies of the other two officers. The thorns causing several large gashes to appear along their bodies. It would only be a few seconds before they bled to death.

With Eldris's other hand, he pointed towards the feet of the Lieutenant. Between both her feet was a small pool of blood, the blood that had previously stained Eldris's shirt. It too had taken the form of a vine; albeit it smaller. However size did not matter when it came to piercing the heart. Had he desired to kill her, he could have done so already.

"Shall we call it a night?, I am sure your superiors wouldn't want more blood spilt just to satisfy your lust for blood"
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As Abigail ran with Damian, her stomach flipped as she saw, at the corner of her vision, the blood up a vampire being stabbed with a stake. Her heart was beating like a bomb about to go off, and she ran even faster. By the time they reached a stop, her insides were going haywire as her senses felt a presence of another, stronger vampire. She nodded at his question, her eyes crimson, glowing in the darkness. She somehow knew that, right around the corner, there was something much more dangerous than she had anticipated. She clenched her fists, and swallowed hard, trying to summon up her strength she knew she had somewhere within her.

Carefully, she peered around the corner to find a dark figure standing by an open door, and she narrowed her eyes, scanning the rest of the surrounding and wondering if the being she was looking at was the source of all the power she was feeling.

"What do we do?" she muttered into Damian's ear, careful to be as quiet as possible. She had never gone into the night, running with her genuine speed and sniffing out vampires before, so all of this was completely new to her.
The ghost of a smile graced Cade's lips as Zamani appeared in the doorway. She didn't look any different from the last time he'd seen her, aside from the possible change of cloth or attire that would change as decades passed. After the last time they'd parted, he couldn't blame her for looking almost like she'd seen a ghost. His temperament at that time had been... questionable. But, that was after all, why Cade could consider her a friend. Of all the beings on this miserable planet, she was one of the (if not the only) ones he could trust. She had been there from the very beginning. While they didn't announce it, for various reasons, she was his beginning. It was only natural that he would return to her time and time again, and that she would be there through all of Cade's... seasons.

He glanced at the werewolf and gestured to her to go ahead into the house first, almost sarcastically, though it was unlikely anyone else but Zamani would notice. He glanced at Alistair, almost as if to see through him in that moment. There was certainly one human here who's scent stood out on the vampire, and Cade could sense that that man was very close. It was none of Cade's business or concern though, and at the time, Alistair had nothing to worry over.

It was who he glanced passed Alistair to look at, that caused him a more noticeable smirk. Yes, he'd sensed it earlier. And now he was sure. Two vampires hid in the shadows only a close distance away, for a vampire. It was obvious to Cade that one was an original, like himself. And he was sure that the other could sense him as well. Why he was hiding in the shadows was something Cade would not understand. Perhaps it was for the sake of the vampire woman he traveled with. Cade's reputation preceded him always, and his fellow originals tended to steer very clear of him. Being that he had stolen so many of the lives and powers of others. He would wait. If the other wanted to play a game, he would partake tonight.

Cade stepped into the home and moved far enough inside that his eyes could see the man whom Alistair wanted to protect. It was easy enough to tell where the other human was inside the house; down the hall and sleeping. The scent of blood was very strong, as it was stained over her clothes. Had he not had the perfect poker face, he may have frowned at the scent, now stronger than before. He had noticed before, the scent on Alistair. But it puzzled him, for reasons he didn't want to mull over at this time.

"Zamani," he said, in simple greeting. Though he remained outwardly emotionless, he felt happier to see her. Something he couldn't help but feel even with his emotions switched off; an effect the witch would always have on him.
With a barely audible growl the blond pulled a thin wire taunt and tied it off, down the alley there were a few more near invisible strings. “I feel like a fraggin spider...” he muttered to himself, just to ward off the encompassing silence. Despite his complaining, the preparations bolstered his confidence as he stepped around the corner and directed his steps toward the 'Fanged Lady'.

The crowd was sparse, tough looking loners and small clumps of people chatting in muted voices. Making his way to the bar Markus was glad he wasn't the nervous type as the stares tossed his way were less than inviting. The large bartender looked gruff and wasted no time with chit chat, quickly taking Markus order. Professionalism was something the hunter could appreciate, even if he was in the mood to exchange a few words. While tapping his fingers on the bar in a slow rhythm the blond surveyed the room, attempting to pick out anyone who seemed like a threat. Silently he wondered just how long it would take until some crazed bloodsucker would run amok... or maybe it had already happened. How often had the large proprietor fought off one of those monsters? A familiar anger bubbled up inside of him; one he tried to douse with a sip of bourbon.
Damian looked to Abigail "We sneak around for a closer look, and don't worry, if anything happens I can handle it" With his vampiric speed he took the long way around to avoid being seen. At the back of the house he decided to peek into the window, he saw what looked to be a living room, a man was already in the room and he could see the original in the doorway talking to a dark skinned woman from the position he was in. "I wonder what's happening in there" He mumbled loud enough for Abigail to hear.
Abigail nodded in understanding, but nevertheless tightened her grip on the knife he gave her. Matching his own speed they went around the house in a way where it was difficult for them to be seen. As soon as they stopped, she realized that they were at the back of the house, and she saw Damian peek through the window. She fixed her own eyes on the figures through the window. Inside, she saw a dark figure near the doorway, and a woman dressed in strange clothing having some type of conversation. She was suddenly afraid that, even at this angle, they might be seen.

She felt like scowling; she knew nothing about how to hunt, or kill, but she did know that if she sensed so much power radiating off of that vampire, he must have sensed them too. So the only question that was bothering her was why hadn't he confronted them. She narrowed her eyes, even more cautious than before. What if something was wrong here? What if this was a trap?

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