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Fantasy As Shifting Shadows; Worlds Merged

Rowan sneered as the man left, she was once again alone. No doubt though that she would soon find herself in trouble, which seemed to be the reoccurring theme of the night. She cursed under her breath as she pushed herself to regain her balance. The original vampire she had run into, took a lot of energy out of her even without having to do much. She made a mental note, 'fun, but dangerous,' Rowan felt as though sometime in the future, she would challenge another one. She had figured out that soon enough she wouldn't be able to handle the hunger or the power of being a vampire and fall into her mind. She realized that indeed she would slowly decay into nothing, yet this didn't bother her. It wasn't like she had any frineds or loved ones, therefore, what was the point in holding on?

As she pushed herself away from the wall, she lingered in the shadows of the buildings. It could take a little while to regain her strength, although she could probably still take down a human if needed . Rowan started to take a step closer to the open street, but she got lightheaded and retreated back to the brick wall. As she lowered herself to the ground, her mind went back to figuring out a more secure way of feeding. She now had to think of a way of feeding without having the human scream.
'Secret base? Poison? Drugs?' Rowan thought of a couple ways to fix the screaming problem. None of them seemed to be a good idea, for they all required some money which she didn't have. This was going to require some more thought.
Zamani kept her voice quiet while the girl came back. She looked better, but blood was still on her clothing and she continued to look a little pale. At least she was up and moving, even if just for a little bit. "I am Zamani and this is my home. I hope you don't mind staying here with me for the night." She gestured towards the room. The girl looked very tired and that was no surprise to the witch; getting bitten by a vampire and surviving must be hard on the human body, even for a seer. "I understand you have many questions and they will all be answered in the morning, darling. But right now, you need to sleep." Her voice was soft with a hint of her native accent poking through.

Fia asked if there was a room to where she could change.
"There is a bathroom out of this room and down the hall," her head turned slightly towards the wolf and leaned in closer to her. "If you intend to turn, there is a window that you should be able to get through. Just don't break anything." She's dealt with werewolves before, but that was a very long time ago.

The witch turned her attention back to Eleanor.
"Don't worry, you will be safe here. Luckily, this isn't the rough part of town."
Suddenly, Alistair found himself held against the wall of the building, his question must have offended the original. He kept his grip on the girl's books, and merely watched Cade with his grey-blue eyes, remaining calm, but wary. The others fist was tightly in his shirt, and he was sniffing at the blood stains. Suddenly Alistair felt rather foolish, he had forgotten about that, the human's blood was on him, her scent all around him. It was a wonder he had forgotten such a thing, as her scent was rather delectable. Any vampire would have been interested in that smell.

Then the ancient released him, and Alistair brushed himself off with a hand, then straightened his shirt.
"Of course." He spoke the words respectfully, with the barest hint of bowing his head to the original. This creature far outclassed him. It made Alistair both jealous and somewhat afraid, but he would let neither emotion. "I do not know if the woman I met is a witch or not, but her house holds many odd objects that most humans would not acquire. I will take you there, but I feel it only polite to inform you that if you try to harm anyone, I will attempt to defend them, especially my friend." The words were not spoken with malice, only with respect and honesty. Sincerity. In situations like these, often it was best to be honest. Alistair began to lead the other towards Zamani's home.

Kasimir was content to let Zamani talk, but he had to interject at one part. When she said this wasn't the rough part of town, he scoffed.
"Don't sugar coat things lady, it's after dark, all parts of town are rough now.." As he said this, he glanced towards the door and fidgeted a bit. Alistair should have been back already. "...Hiro ought to be back soon. Shouldn't be long now.." Those words were spoken quietly, mostly to himself, as if trying to reassure himself. A moment later, he was on his feet and pacing around the house, peeking out every window he passed as he paced.
Rolling back her shoulders, Fia inclined her head slightly, "Thank you." She stood, taking off her jacket and placing it on the seat she had been sat on. She looked the witch in the eye, "You can trust me not to break anything. It's not a full moon yet."

She took a glance at the seer before turning to look at the human standing by the window. His vampiric friend hadn't returned as quickly Fia thought he would; he probably ran into trouble out there. More of a reason to turn; if a fight broke out Fia wouldn't be of any use in this form, wolves were much more ferocious and dangerous.

With a sigh of what could have been nervousness, Fia followed the witch's instructions and headed out of the room and down the hall. As she left she called back behind her, "Do you mind opening the door in a couple of minutes? Paws aren't great at opening them." She didn't wait for a reply.

Much like the room she was just in, the corridor was somewhat cluttered with things scattered here and there. Not stopping to investigate, Fia quickly found her way to the bathroom and entered it, closing the door behind her. She did not lock the door.

Fia noticed the window the witch had mentioned and took a moment to study it. She opened it a little bit, but it was just to let air in. Transforming, even voluntarily, took a strain; fresh air always helped. The bathroom itself wasn't spacious but Fia had transformed in worse conditions. With a sigh, she checked behind her before she took off all of her clothes.

She looked at the moonlight streaming through the window, a tingling feeling in her fingers. There was a moment of tranquility, peaceful, as if the whole world had stopped rotating before she allowed herself to begin the process of transforming into a wolf.

It was systematic and Fia knew it well, a pain lanced through her and she tried her best not to cry out. Her vision faded slightly and instinct made her reach out for something to no avail. As the initial pain subsided, she crouched down as another pain began to wash over her entire body. Her back began to contort, forcing her spine to arch backwards. Her body was then thrown forwards and she was forced onto all fours, her shoulders cracking, breaking and reforming as her fingers shortened at their digits, her hands becoming paws. Rapid breaths, somewhat panicked, interceded groans of pain as the transformation continued. A feeling like a million needles stabbing into her covered Fia's body as her snow-white fur began to emerge, and her ears twitched as they became pointed, moving to the top of her head.

Fia felt her shins snap and reform and she couldn't help but let out a muffled, animal-like scream. Her feet, much like her hands had become paws. She felt a pressure begin to build at the base of her back as her tail began to form. Her fur now covered her body almost fully and Fia grimaced as she felt her teeth sharpen, becoming fangs. With a scream, she felt her face move forward, pushing into a muzzle. Her scream became a snarl as her features became entirely that of a wolf's, her fur now a thick pelt and her tail its full length.

The wolf stood still for a moment, panting, regaining its breath before shaking off its fur. Fia took a glance around, her ears twitching as she adjusted to her new form. She took a couple of shaky steps before she recollected herself and moved over to the door, hoping somebody would come and open the door for her.
She was glad to hear the others' names. It made things feel less awkward for her, though that wasn't saying much. Everything felt awkward to her. She nodded at Kasimir, mustering as friendly of a smile as she could currently. Eleanor would have shrugged at Zamani, she just didn't have the energy. Staying here wouldn't matter. No one would be waiting up for her at home. Besides she was tired enough to sleep in her place currently. She was rather grateful that this woman had offered to share her home with Ellie for the night. So she just nodded, unable to keep a yawn from erupting.

While she covered her mouth, she glanced at Kasimir who was glancing at the door, for the umpteenth time. Eleanor knew they had a great bond of some sort, and this only seemed to confirm it. Kasimir appeared anxious. Though Eleanor wasn't sure why. His friend was the strongest person she'd ever met. At least, so far that she
knew. Still, she did share in some of that anxiety. She was always somewhat anxious, and she was trusting Alistair to bring back her most personal and important possessions.

When she had finished yawning, she thanked Zamani kindly, and stood. She glanced towards the one who'd called herself Fia, as she exited the room first, calling back something about doors and paws. Eleanor blinked owlishly after her. Whatever that meant. After a moment, she turned her head. "I'm sure Hiro will return soon, too," she said assuringly to Kasimir. She'd have liked to have reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, but it was just unlike her to touch a stranger like that. As the strange cracking sounds and pained vocalizations erupted from the bathroom, Eleanor turned to look towards the hall once again. Her eyebrows drew together and she ventured to move and look down the corridor. Was the room down...

Suddenly she was anxious again. She didn't know what those stomach turning sounds were, but venturing past them to the spare room just wasn't something Eleanor wanted to venture to do tonight. She gripped the doorway of the room they were in, heart pumping at the sounds of Fia's turning and suddenly unsure if she should really stay here at all.


There was no doubt in Cade's mind that the woman they each spoke of was his witch. He watched Alistair while he spoke, but his mind still lingered on other things. "Very well then," he said simply. While most beings would cower in his presence, stammer on their words and bend over backwards to accommodate his whims, it was always refreshing when someone still showed honor in doing it. It was something he did in fact, expect, from a pureblood. He wanted them to be noble, lest their kind be made fools of. The lesser vampires did that for them enough. It didn't mean that Cade wouldn't kill him in an instant though, should the need arise. It simply meant that Cade did hold Alistair in a higher standing than most other vampires he might encounter. He could appreciate Alistair's will.

Being in no hurry, after all, who could be when they were this old? Time drug by so slowly now... Cade would make another request. "Let us take our time," he said. "It has been quite some time since I saw this town last." Cade wanted to smell, hear and see all of the things on his way to Zamani's. He wanted to see what kinds of vampires lingered about, and well the humans were following the curfew, for himself. He began to walk in the direction that he had seen Alistair arrive from. "What is your title?" he inquired to know. He wouldn't offer his own, assuming himself to be known already.

((They gotta go somewhat slow after all. I want Eleanor to not be present when they arrive. ^_^ ))
Abigail and her family watched the interaction with mock interest. Once he came back and asked the question, Lord Thornstone replied.

"I'm on the Council, and we thought that, historically, it would be a good idea to move the Thornstone family here."

Abigail stepped in, feeling that she needed to.

"Please excuse my interruption father, but I beg to differ. We moved because I revealed our secret to one of my good ex-friends. She didn't take it so well, and I am the one to blame." She could feel her parent's eyes burning through her, but the truth needed to be said. To swallow down the lump in her throat, she took another sip of her blood.

"I think it is getting late, and we should get going," her father said, standing up.

After a few milliseconds of silence her mother stepped in with a new sparkle in her eyes.

"Why don't you show our Abigail around? You seem like a sensible young man, and we can pay for your escorting deeds." She inwardly groaned, she really just wanted to get back to her new Homotopic Higher Algebra book.
Eldris watched from a top the roof of the building, his ghostly white eyes fixated upon the scene before him. Partly illuminated by the street lamp, an officer stood with his back pressed against the wall of the building behind him as he smoked a lit cigar. From this distance, Eldris's enhanced sense of smell could easily distinguish its particular brand, though truth be told they were all just as disgusting as each other, the smell of nicotine never did sit well with him. Slightly hungry and with no other task of importance to attend to, Eldris disappeared from the top of the building, landing in the darkness of a separate alley way.

Soon the sound of a metallic bin being kicked across the road could be heard echoing along the walls of the building and alerting the slacking officer to something amiss. The bent and disfigured bin coming to a stop in the middle of the road and drawing more suspicion from the officer. Dropping the cigarette, the officer reached for the baton along his waist and slowly began his approach, his other hand grasping towards his torch as he turned the corner into the dark alley way. With light in hand, he shone the torch ahead of him only to reveal a dead end, the alleyway coming to an end a few meters down. Disturbed and confused, it was no surprise that his heart beat began to quicken and it was this faint sound that gave pleasure to Eldris's little game.

Without making a sound, Eldris had maneuvered himself behind the officer, approaching the man with silent footsteps before tapping him on the shoulder with the tip of his finger. Shaken and not knowing what was going on, the man jumped at the sudden contact against his shoulder, quickly turning around and raising the hand that held the baton in preparation to strike, though try as he might his hand to his shock remained motionless, held firmly by Eldris's own. Unable to fathom what was happening, the officer barely registered the fluid motion of the white haired boy before him as his neck was grasped with the free hand, sharp dagger like protrusions digging into his neck as the grip tightened and he was pushed back against the wall. Powerless to the overwhelming strength, his hand released their grip on their respective tools, the flashlight's glass smashing as it made contact with the hard road beneath. The man tried in vain to shout, to alert someone of his predicament yet no sound escaped his opened maw, for his windpipe had been crushed underneath the pressure of Eldris's grip. It was only a matter of a few minutes before the struggling had stopped and the man's body hung limp, much to the disappointment of the white haired vampire, he never did like it when they stopped moving so quickly and it was far worse when they stopped moving before he had even gotten to have a taste. With his left hand still grasped around the arm of his prey, he lowered his right arm to his side, and began to lean in towards the man, his mouth slowly opening to reveal large fangs which were soon sunk into the mans neck as Eldris began his feast.


With his hunger satisfied, he released his grip and turned around, not even watching as the lifeless body of his victim collapsed onto the road. Making his way out of the alley way and across the street his attention was quickly diverted back to the alley that he had just left, the silent mewing of an animal catching his attention.

With inhuman speed Eldris was back across the dark alley to where his victim lay, his hand now grasping the scruff of the felines neck. A hint of curiosity crept along his face as he made eye contact with the white ball of fluff, his head tilted ever so slightly as he examined the small blood smear across the cats fur. Several seconds passed and he remained in silence, watching as the cat continued to hiss at its captor, its fangs ever visible as it attempted to scare the boy into releasing him, though they both knew that this was all a ruse, a facade and within a few moments the cat was silent, its tongue darting in and out of its small mouth as it licked the blood that coated its lips.

"Now, Now, its not nice to eat other peoples leftovers"
remarked Eldris, as he watched the feline hiss in front of him. He was obviously referring to the limp body of the police officer he had drained, a smile ever present across his face. Shifting the cat so that he held it firmly underneath his left arm, he turned and knelt before the officer on the floor, his right nail dragging along the cuff of the mans shirt as he tore away a piece of his sleeve. With a large enough piece, he quickly returned his attention to his new companion, dabbing the torn clothing against the felines face as he removed the traces of the mans blood from its fur. A child like smile present across his face.
Our Abigail....Our. That one little comment bothered Damian, it's as if her mother was referring to her as a piece of property and not as a daughter. He stared at the girl for a few moments before he decided to answer, she made comments or asked questions but was instantly shut down by her parents, he felt a bit sorry for her. He smiled "Sure, why not" He took another sip of his blood "You don't have to pay me though, I don't mind helping out" He wondered what Abigail would act like without her parents around to constantly glare at her.
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Lady Thronstone's eyes glinted maliciously as she opened the velvet clutch she had on her lap.

"I insist that you are paid sir; we do not associate ourselves with the freeloaders that seem to be so abundant in this town." Lord Thornstone nodded in utter agreement, and Abigail's mother handed him $XX.00.Her parents stood up.

"Thank you for your kind services," the Lady said, smiling politely.
Abigail looked at her parents expectantly, and each took her hand before going out of the door. She wasn't sure what the right action was at this moment. Was it to converse with him, or simply sit still?

She drank the rest of her blood in one gulp, exhilarated to not have the eyes of her parents on her. She finally had the chance to look around the cafe, and at the server. He definitely looked around her age, but he had said himself that he was much older, like her parents. The cafe was well kept, and she wondered if the lady with the knife was the boy's friend, mother, or lover as her eyes scanned the room with a sense of free pleasure she hadn't experienced in a long, long time. She looked at every chair, every table, anything she could lay her eyes on, finally drinking the atmosphere in with no one there to scold her.
He watched as the moment when her parents left Abigail started looking at everything in the room including himself. He sat there, slowly drank the last of his blood and stared at Abigail, she said she moved due to trusting a friend with a secret, he was curious as to what happened but he wouldn't pry. The less he asked about her past the more likely it was she wouldn't ask about his. He smirked "Well you seem like your enjoying the view" He looked around at the cafe which has been his home for the past 10 years, he thought the place looked beautiful on the inside, it looked better than most of the other cafes around. Mary's parents were on vacation right now so it was just the two of them staying here for now.
Zamani shifted in her seat at the sound of pained, muffled screaming. She had seen werewolves transform and it was unbearable to watch, and even worse to listen to. It reminded her of when she first created the spell: as it took her mortality away, pain coursed though her body and left a permanent mark in the witch's mind that would haunt her every so often. She could sense the pain traveling up her spine and into her head, causing her to rub her eyes. I need to do something to get my mind off of this.

The witch removed herself from her seat and made her way towards the doorway. She placed a warm, gentle hand on Eleanor's shoulder. "It's alright mtoto, she won't hurt you," she looked down at the girl with gentle eyes. "Please wait here." She walked down the hall as if nothing happened.

Zamani got to the bathroom door and opened it slowly. To her delight, nothing was destroyed and the window was open partially. It wasn't long before her eyes rested on the wolf standing in front of her. The moonlight coming in from the window made the fur brighter than usual and she had to blink a few times, but she remained calm. "I do wish you were a bit quieter: the girl is terrified now. But you look very nice." She took a step backwards to let the wolf out of the bathroom.

Her attention turned back to Eleanor. "The spare room is down here. You can make yourself at home."
The door opened slowly and Fia couldn't help but think that this was down to caution; something she couldn't really blame the which for. Seeing things from this form's perspective always made Fia feel somewhat weird, at least initially, but she always adjusted to it quite quickly. This hadn't always been the case but as of recent months she had begun to adapt a lot quicker than before.

Taking a couple of tentative steps forward, Fia stopped when the witch started talking to her,
"I do wish you were a bit quieter: the girl if terrified now."

The wolf let out an annoyed growl; as if she had any control over how much pain the transformation caused her. If this witch experienced what Fia had, she was sure that she would be screaming so much louder than Fia was. She took a glance up at the witch as if ready to say something before the witch continued,
"But you look very nice."

Unsure of whether or not the witch was being sincere, Fia padded pass her into the corridor. She slowed down her pace until she was walking and eventually came back to the room the humans were in.

Stopping just outside of it, she noticed the seer standing against thw doorway. She took a glance at the seer and waited; Fia didn't want to scare the girl by any means and she was debating whether or not she should greet her properly in this form. As she tended to as a wolf, Fia tilted her head, studying, waiting for the seer to react.

Out of the corner of her eye, Fia noticed the man that had been so flirtatious with her earlier. She wondered if he would patronize her in any way, diminish her. If he did, she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't snap out at him.
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Abigail finished her scan of the cafe, and fixed her eyes on Damian curiously.

"I've never met another vampire who looked my age," she said, trying to figure out how to converse with someone without her parents there. It felt strangely exhilarating, and at the same time she'd never been so nervous in her life. She wrung her hands together, trying to organize her thoughts, that they could roam so freely. If she wanted, she could take the tight corset off, or the uncomfortable boots, or even her new hat. The thought of doing,
feeling what she wanted to feel, was pure bliss, and she inhaled the feeling.

Her first move was to take off her shoes, and then let her feet feel the open air, looking down at her pale toes as she wiggled them, ecstatic. At this point, she didn't even care about the server's opinion of her, and she loosened her corset so she could breathe properly. She felt so loose, so open. Taking off her gloves third, she looked at her hands, which were bare in the cafe light. Habitually, she touched her necklace on her neck, and she felt the true smooth, cold surface of the garnet. She inhaled, trying to find tension in her body. Back. Shoulders. Neck. She loosened all of them, and slacked into the chair she was sitting in. She let loose her tight braided bun, and the braid fell loose on to her shoulders. She really did feel naked to the world, but if this is what everyone felt like all the time, she didn't know why anyone was unhappy in the world.

She smiled widely, stretching her legs, and then finally looking back at the server, straightened instinctively. She cleared her throat and gather her hair together, putting her hands to her stomach, which even with her many layers seemed surprisingly open without her corset.

"Please excuse me sir," she said, nodding her head, eyes wide, and looking down respectfully.

What the hell am I doing? My parents could be right outside the door.
Damian nodded, vampires almost never do look as young as them. He watched as she started taking off some of her clothing, he got tense until he realized she was only getting comfortable, he let himself quietly sigh in relief. She seemed to realize something when she looked at him because she straightened back up. "Relax, I'm not gonna yell at you for getting comfortable" He stood up and stretched. "So It seems I'm an escort now, is there anything you want to do?" What would this girl do with this moment of freedom, hopefully nothing crazy that would make him regret agreeing to this.
Kasimir was hardly paying attention to the others. Fia had moved on to the bathroom to 'change', Eleanor seemed nervous and only increasingly so as Fia made those noises while changing. Kasimir barely noticed these things, as he paced about, stopping only to look out each window that he came to. Alistair could handle himself, Kasimir hadn't seen a creature yet that could out match his vampire friend, but Kasimir didn't know of the existence of originals. If he had, he probably would have been far more worried than he was at this moment.

When Fia had finished changing, Zamani let her out of the bathroom, Kasimir glanced at her, giving her a flash of that charming smile for a moment before he returned to pacing and peeking out windows.

Alistair watched the ancient one closely for a few moments, then nodded as the other suggested they take their time. He knew Kasimir was probably worried about him, but he couldn't openly deny such a request. A few extra minutes shouldn't hurt. He moved when the other moved, intending to keep whatever pace the other set as he led this potential danger to the house where his friend and several others were. Alistair was questioning himself as they moved, could he really trust this creature to not harm the humans and that wolf?

His thoughts were interrupted as the asked for his title. For a moment Alistair didn't answer, unsure if the man meant his name or an actual title. It took a few moments for him to respond.
"I am simply called Hiro. All other titles I discarded many years ago, for they are rather useless and only serve as a reminder of the past."
Gripping the door jam, Eleanor peered after the witch who had gone to open the door. The girl was tense as she watched the wolf exit the bathroom. The witch wasn't worried, and neither was Kasimir, so probably it was okay. Right? As Fia, though it was hard thinking of the wolf as Fia, came down the hall, Eleanor could see that she wasn't being any kind of threatening, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't be sure of anything anymore, but was glad she didn't have to feel threatened here. She'd be lying if she said she didn't find Fia's fur lovely, and if she said she didn't love animals. Though, she didn't want to think of the woman as an animal, even though she was, at the moment.

Eleanor's eyebrows drew together. It was too complicated for her tired mind tonight. While she wondered why Fia had chosen to turn her form into that of a wolf, when it was obviously painful, she assumed she couldn't very well ask either. When the witch spoke to her, she looked down the hall and nodded, moving passed Fia and only glancing at the wolf once more over her shoulder as she entered the room. "Thank you," Eleanor said to Zamani in a tired tone. "I really appreciate you letting me stay. You don't have to do that." Though the witch more than likely wouldn't hear of sending her off now, so Eleanor moved further into the room to make herself comfortable.


Cade watched Alistair from the corner of his eye while he took in the small changes of the town. If he thought about it, he might find that he held some form of respect for Alistair after his words and actions as of yet. But, Cade didn't and probably wouldn't think of it. In fact, it would probably take something quite large for Cade to hold Alistair in any respect and actually acknowledge it. He did note that Alistair was different from other purebloods though, in his demeanor at the very least. That caused the ancient to glance at the blood stains on his shirt once more.

"Do you not travel with your own kind?" He questioned almost lazily, not seeming to really care as his eyes wandered again. Cade did have to assume that if Hiro was unaware that Zamani was a witch, the friend he would protect would have to be one of the humans, or the werewolf. He would have to know Zamani better than that to consider her a friend worthy of risking his life. Yet he had a hard time considering that any vampire would want to protect a mangy dog, capable of killing vampires with a single bite. Naturally, Cade had deducted that this particular vampire dealt in humans, in the human world. Though for friendship, would be something that Cade would refuse to understand. He no longer believed that humans and vampires could really be friends, or coexist.
"I do not, for they are usually rather obnoxious." It was a simple answer and mostly the truth, Alistair held much dislike for most others of his kind, and held an obsession for humans. As close as he remained with humans, they were still always out of reach, he longed for the mortality that they had. To feel things as passionately as they did, to experience things the way a human did. He understood that what he was far surpassed any human, but still, that did not stop this odd longing in his heart. However, he would not tell anyone of his desire to be human, Kasimir knew of it, but even Kasimir would not tell others quite that much about Alistair.
"Something interesting, and maybe dangerous," Abigail said carefully. Her eyes lit up, turning a blood red, and she gripped the tablecloth to keep the rare rush of adrenaline she had at bay. Was this how all vampires felt, or just all teenagers?

With her senses on a high, she knew her parents weren't anywhere near her. Looking at the server, she stretched a bit, relaxing a little bit more.
"What can you do like that in this town?" she asked him curiously, writing the Taylor series absentmindedly on the tablecloth as she did so. She tapped her foot against the floor energetically.
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Fia took a glance at the seer as she moved past her; she'd expected a more negative reaction, Fia couldn't help but admire the human's calm demeanour. The wolf turned, looking over her shoulder before she shook her fur lightly and padded over to the door. She'd noticed the charming flash of a smile and felt an annoyed growl rise in her throat: that human was beginning to get on her nerves; that flirtatious attitude was something Fia simply wouldn't be able to put up with consistently for too long. The wolf took a couple of steps towards the human before she stopped and glanced back at the witch.

Telepathy was something she knew she had after her third transformation; it's only real use was communicating with others while she was in her wolf form. The voice she projected was calm, composed, neutral in every sense of the word,
"Would you mind opening the door for me? I just want to go outside for a bit, it's normally a bit better the night before a full moon."

She took a look back at the human,
"Or you could open it for me if you want." She sighed, noticing how worried he was, "If you're that worried we can both go and look for him."
"What?!" Barto let out. Owner of the Fanged Lady, Barto was a large, firm, man, standing behind the bar.

"Yeah!" Victoria exclaimed, "Teleported! One place, then another, poof." She rubbed her forehead, leaning onto the bar. "I mean... luckily he seemed more interested in fighting the female Vampire, but I have never seen anything like this. You know... given my short time as a hunter. I was still pretty confident that I got it." She took a swig of the beer in her hand, finishing it off. Inhaling and exhaling deeply she continued, "... How am I supposed to stop that sort of power? To protect anyone against that?" She looked up at Barto, eyes serious with concern.

Barto placed another full glass in front of her, "on the house."

More people started to enter the bar, not many, but a few. It was much darker and later now. Guard were sweeping the streets, making sure they were clear of people. Upholding the curfew, if only slightly better. The Fanged Lady, aptly named, served under Bartos rule, as a safe haven of sorts. As though some unwritten law hung over the bar. Barto made it a place where Vampire and Human could share space in peace. Whether they liked it or not. So as patrons entered, Victoria kept watch. Keeping a sharp eye out for any who were Vampire. For once they left the safety of those walls... it went back to simply hunter and hunted. And Victoria liked to be the one holding the knife when it came to that.
The cat squirmed in Eldris's grip, clearly reluctant at having its face dabbed with a 'cloth' much less being in close proximity with a creature outside of its own species. This cat was a stray, born and raised to live in the streets, never making any contact with these giants unless it was to steal something edible. So to be captured by one now was clearly an uncomfortable position for this feline to be in and it sure as hell was letting Eldris know with its constant mewing. "Hush!" spoke Eldris, his voice kept its melancholic uncaring demeanor yet his grip had tightened around the scruff of the cats neck. While it was firm, it was by no means crushing or suffocating, a simple reminder to the ball of fluff that he was the one in control now. A couple dabs later and the cats face was now free of blood. "All better" remarked a satisfied Eldris, nonchalantly dropping the bloodied rag over the body.

"We can't leave this here can we?" he questioned in a sarcastic tune and speaking to no one but the cat. To Eldris, this was just another game. another role or facade for him to play along with in a vain attempt to past the time. Continuing with the charade, he lifted the cat, twisting his grip around so that they were looking at each other eye to eye, their faces separated by a few inches. The cat, now knowing its place did not retaliate in any ill manner instead it leaned forward, nuzzling the tip of Eldris's nose and giving it a wet lick, to which Eldris withdrew from and wiped with his free hand. "Any idea's on how we should get rid of this mess?" he asked in an almost childlike innocent voice. The cat mewed again,"Ah! I know" His smile widened as he remembered something important about himself that he had forgotten over the last hundred years or so. Gently, he switched the cat over to his right hand and walked over to the officers body, the fingers on his left hand moving ever so slightly as Eldris went through the mental process again.

Slowly, he lowered his left hand to the exposed chest of the limp body and began. Barely noticeable at first, the body was soon beginning to change; the muscles that once covered its body steadily disappearing, leaving the saggy skin to hang from the bones, the puffy cheeks soon clung to the bone as if it were glued to it, The whole process took a couple minutes, largely due to how out of practice Eldris had become in regards to this ability of his, but the deed was soon done as a pile of dust now occupied the floor where the man had earlier been left, only his clothes remaining to indicate that this pile of sand had once been a living person. "Voila!" he raised both hands skyward, his right still gripped around his companion. He half expected a round of applause for his little magic trick; the usual response the previous owner of this ability used to get and the main reason in why he had wanted it in the first place, thus the lack of any sound aside from a loose window knocking against its frame in the wind came as a disappointment. Not one to let it bother him for long, he lowered his arms again and turned to leave the alley, just as a gust of wind began to blow the fragments of dust away.

"Now where shall we go?".
Of course she wants to do something dangerous. "Well...." He scratches his head as he tries to think of an answer, his hand stopped as he had an idea. "We could go around and find feral vampires to make sure they don't kill people, that's what I usually do at night" That's the only thing he could think of for the time being, hopefully she's fine with that and she doesn't decide world domination is more her style. Honestly he didn't know anything else he could do that was dangerous....unless "Well there's also the fanged lady" He's heard about the place but has never went there
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Abigail stood up and put her hands on the table.

"Either one sounds great; I-I can't even decide between two choices," she laughed, a little more high-pitched than usual.

Palms sweating, elevated heartbeat, increased breathing-- she concluded that this was most definitely her first adrenaline rush in a very long time. And she utterly loved it. She wondered about all the potential encounters, all the adventures that were to cross her path. There was really something new to this feeling, and she began to genuinely smile.
"You don't have to decide, we'll do both." he smiled and walked back over to the knife "we can stop any ferals we see on the way to the fanged lady" he picked up the knife and held it out to Abigail "here. Borrow this for now" He smiled, actually a bit happy to have someone do this with. He appreciated the company that he would have tonight opposed to the usual, however if they did have an encounter keeping her safe would need to be his top priority.
Abigail took the knife, studying it and sliding her hand against the shiny blade.

"I've never had any training with weapons," she said bluntly, turning it so the café light glinted off of it.

"Are there going to be a lot of feral vampires out there? Do they always want to kill the civil ones?" She had so many questions filling her brain it was almost unbelievable she wasn't jumping up and down with curiosity. After a pause, she added,

"Is it weird that I'm excited about this?"

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