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Fantasy Academy of the Supernatural

"Anything I can do for an actual name?" He asked getting more and more frustrated.

Nylah sat down in a random spot, poking at the food she didn't know if it was gonna be good or not, her usually being a servant she was used to making the food, considering tgatd what she was created to be but was eventually sent here to learn how to be a normal girl.
Xenon turned towerds the individual he could sence was scanning him via magic. He locked eyes with the male his glowing green eyes slitted focusing on him.
Siel pretended to think about it for a little, while bring her finger to her chin. "Over here" she beckoned him to come and stand over where the front half of her body was.
"Bend down, its a secret" chuckled the girl dressed in tight clothing, her book hanging with her left hand down to the ground. The whole time she was wearing a grin, a mysterious grin.
She silently put down her book before using both her hands and grabbing his face and bringing him even closer, most of her hands covered in a thin tight fabric, "You were about to bring her water" chuckled Siel before planting a kiss on his cheek and releasing him from her grasp.
Hikaru stood up, his face slightly red he said "thank you" and walked back to iyonna handing her the water "here you go" he said wondering if he should say he knew.
Iyonna looked up from her book, her face still slightly red like always, "Th-thank y-y-y-you" shyly thanked Iyonna as she took the water and took a sip of it before placing it down and closing her book.
"Umm, s-s-s-someone said wh-wh-wh-what?" asked the girl, completely confused at what he just said, it sounded like he said Some one stayed on a potato,but that couldn't be right now could it?
Xenon switched his attention to the conversing group which appeared there was some emotional build up going on. He ate some of the food infront of him while listening it. It would appear things would get interesting.
(Someone stayed in a potatoe? You killed me)

Hikaru wrote it down on a blank peice of paper, he couldn't muster up the words to say it

Hayden walked into the cafeteria I'm like a walking tree... he thought as he sat down and began to eat the welcoming dinner
(Someone stayed in a potato, its now cannon lol)

Iyonna took the piece of paper and read it, how could someone be shyer then her for a moment about someone staying in a potato?(
xD ). When she read it, she realized what had just happened and her face flushed up immediately, her face one of shock as it froze. She slowly got her book and quickly got into the corner before opening it and hiding her face as she curled up in a ball, bringing her feet up to her chin, she felt like yelling right now.
"Are you okay?" He asked seeing she was trying to hide

Hayden finished the food and stood up to get a drink, a couple students having to look straight up at him, you better not be thinking I'm part tree somehow... he thought letting out a puff of air.
Iyonna continued to hide in her curled up position, she shook her book along with her head in response to the question, to nervous and embarrassed to say anything or do anything else. The girl was shaking badly, the truth was out and she felt like she was going to die, even if her crush now knew that she liked him.

(@LunaCrosby : If it makes Hayden feel any better, I think he's part tree (:3) )

Hikaru stayed silent, she obviously wasnt gonna talk I should of said anything... in so stupid! He thought as he watched her shake

Hayden got himself some soda, he was skbderung if he should start making girls feel gid about themselves today or tomorrow.. I'll start if I need to.. he thought as he made his way back to a seat.
(Last post for tonight, night night :3)

Iyonna slowly brought her head out from behind her book, still blushing heaver then any other time she blushed before, her trying her best to stay calm. She stared extremely sheepishly at the boy, unsure of what to say or do.
Tomi picked up Mai and let her ride his back. They made their way to the field and they leaned against the tree as they watched Zeke transform into his form. It would be cool to see what a crystal dragon would look like.

It seemed that Mai was a lot more happier and friendly, smiles and all, than her brother was. Though saying that, it was a perfect balance to their pair. They knew they wouldn't be together in rooms or classes either, so they were going to take all the time they had together. "Can we see?"
"I-i shouldn't have told you.." he sighed, things now seemed awkward between them since he told her he knew.

Hayden saw a girl dressed in weird clothing, he decided to walk over to her without hesitation "your clothes look different from every body else's" he said, him being used to talking to girls he didn't hesitate

Iyonnas' eyes turned to the ground to avoid eye contact, her face still blushing as she did so. "Y-y-y-you w-w-would ha-ha-have f-f-f-found ou-out event-eventually" sheepishly the girl spoke, her stuttering increased now.

Siel looked up to see that another boy had come to her, she grinned mischievously as always and chuckled a bit at his comment.
"Yes, now why don't you go bark up a tree?" replied the girl, no hate nor coldness in her voice; it was more of a joke.
Zeke chuckled a bit at the sight of the two, the siblings sure did seem very close, and now Mai was being more open; that was nice to see, little kinds shouldn't be shy. With a flash he grew in size, transforming into his Crystal-dragon form, he was easily about 20 feet tall. With a mighty roar he spread his wings, stretching them as for a moment he completely forgot about them. "So?" asked the dragon boy.
(If that was a tree joke it was spot on)

Hikaru stared at her "in pretty clueless when it cones to this stuff" he said honestly.

Hayden took a drink of his drink then said to her "what if I did?" A small smile appearing in his face.
Iyonnas' eyes came back to focus on the boy but quickly turning back to the ground, blushing even more as he stared at her. "P-P-P-Please d-d-d-don't st-st-stare" stated the girl in a super small and shy voice, almost inaudible.

Siel chuckled at the boy before bringing her hand up and shooing him to the side, "Your blocking me from the show, move" demanded the girl.

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