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Fantasy Academy of the Supernatural

Siel chuckled as her pitch black eyes turned back into their normal purple, delighted with his response. "That's a good boy, maybe I should... reward you" chuckled the girl, mischievously, "I am Siel, and you are?" continued to the weird girl, she brought her hand away from his chin; it was getting to be hard work to stretch up that far; he had more then a foot on her.

Iyonna quietly sat as she continued to read her book, glad that so far no one had come up to her; that would have made her actually talk to people, something she was not able to do without nervously stuttering like a schoolgirl would when talking to a crush. That reminded her, she hadn't seen Hikaru yet; she was usually able to catch a glance of him by now, maybe he was sick?
"Hello Mai" replied the boy, his long ponytail shaking a little as he smiled. A crystal grew out of his shoulder, piercing his clothing a bit. He ripped it out, a perfect rhombus shaped crystal with a rainbow of colors, growing even more pretty when it reflected sunlight. He gently offered it as a peace offering to the girl, hoping to calm her mind with a pretty distraction. "I'm pretty sure it can, and if it can't; I can always help" stated the boy optimistically.
Toru smiled at the girl "I can control fire and electricity with a little telekinesis as well" toru replyed "your thank you is enough for me" she said.

Hikaru looked at her "what do you mean reward? All I did was take your picture" he asked "I'm Hikaru" he added
Mai let go of his arm for a moment and she stared at the crystal that he was handing to her. Stepping towards him, she slowly went to take the crystal from him before going back to her brother's side. Looking at it, while moving it around to allow the sun to catch it, she smiled up at him. "Thank you for this? What are you?" She asked him.

"Don't be rude, Mai." Tomi chastised her gently.

"Sorry." She murmured to him.
Xenon was inside a black unmarked limo. He had traveled to this location from washington D.C. It had taken several hours to arrive at the nearest airport, and 3 morw to get to the acadamy. The limo pulled up towerds the acadmies main gate where he was allowed entrance into the school grounds. The black limo pulled up to the main entrance. The driver exited the vehicle wallking around to open the doors for Xenon.

Once the doors opened xenon stepped out his silver hair flowing from the sudden breeze. His bright green eyes looking out at the acadamy. He could see several students moveing about he turned towerds the driver xenons personal butler" Henry please have my belongings moved into my dorm by the days end, then feel free to head towerds Triad HQ see that thee lab is set properly." Xenon said with a air of authority. The butler henry bowed his head" With pleasure sire." He said making way back to the drivers seat after closing the doors taking off away from the school. Xenon turnedd towerds the school thinking to himself' know to see what this school is about shall we.' He in his mind proceeding to walk gracefully towerds the main doors.
Mellie tilted her head to the side. "Telekinesis... Is that how you fixed my door?" she asked. She shook her head and brushed it off. "Anyway, my name is Mellie. It's nice to meet you," she smiled tentatively. Mellie looked over Toru's shoulder. She thought she saw a pale blur in the background, but now there was nothing there. She shrugged and turned back to Toru. "Do you know anyone else here?"
I look out the doorway and see a sleek black limo pull up. I blink, and keep watching. The man who emerges has a strange air around him, and it suddenly makes me feel quite aware that my clothes are just shabby over large black tshirt and faded grey jean shorts. I shake my head and scold myself, "it doesn't even matter what I wear, no one sees me..." I continue to explore the school grounds, mostly keeping on the edge of things and watching from a distance.
"Oh, It would be wrong to take the crush of someone else..." chuckled Siel mischievously as she began to turn and walk, after a few moments she turned her head back to him and grinned, "Oh, good luck with that curse" stated the girl before turning her head back and continuing to walk, she wondered if he would follow, after all she just revealed some juicy cliff hangers to him. The curse though, it would last for a day at most, though she suspected he didn't even know about the curse until she just now mentioned it.
Zeke smiled at the girls wonderment and questions before turning back up to the boy, "Don't worry, I don't mind" stated the boy before turning back down to Mai before answering her questions. "Your very welcome, I am a crystal humanoid," explained the boy, hopefully it wouldn't need anymore explaining besides for that, except maybe for the word humanoid, she looked really young so he suspected she was bound to have a set vocabulary.
Mellie shrugged when she saw Toru looking behind her. "I think it was nothing. My eyes were just playing tricks on me," Mellie rubbed the stitches on the back of her neck. "Would you like to go find him? I'd like to meet everyone here before classes begin. I also need to find out who my roommate is."
Mai looked at him when he answered her questions. It was something that she had heard in passing but didn't understand, even though she was sort of sure about what it was. "Oh, so is this your human appear... human look?" She asked the boy. Now that she looked at him, he looked about the same age as her brother. "How old are you? Maybe you and my brother can be friends?" She smiled when she said that, looking up at Tomi.

"Maybe, little one. Maybe not. It all depends on how they are towards us." He murmured to her softly, patting her head gently and keeping her close to him. After the little present that he had given her, she has taken a liking to him.
Siel chuckled at the sight of his frantic questions, she had him in the palm of her hand. "Oh the curse? its a truth curse, hope you don't get embarrassed around people easily" grinned the girl as she paused and turned around and staring at the boy once more. "The crush? You'll find out soon enough, I'm sure you know her" Siel paused for a moment for dramatic affect. "But of course, the secrets I know can be bought, with the right price" grinned the girl before blowing him a kiss.
Nero sighs, even though she had been being quite loud (at least she thought so) there'd been a few close calls where she had almost been trampled. She walks back to her room, tired and all excitement gone. "...why am I even here again? Oh yeah, I don't have anywhere else...oh well, at least I can talk to myself without seeming crazy. Right, Nerotik? That's right, Nero!~"
"What price?" Hikaru asked curiously, he'd never been liked before and he very badly wanted to know.

Toru smiled "he might be busy unpacking" she said putting her finger on her own chin thinking "I also heard classes will start later, they were delayed for arrivals" she said excitedly
Zane nodded, it would be nice to have a few friends already, though in his book they were both already friends. "Yes, but to be more specific, I'm a Crystal dragon" chuckled the boy, seemingly purposely leaving out the word dragon the first time. Crystal humanoid, true that was the label of his kind, but his specific kind was dragon.
"You really wanna know that badly huh?" chuckled the girl, she was going to have him pay her a normal fee when a thought popped in her mind, she remembered that she needed something for a certain ritual she was going to preform later and didn't wanna go get it herself. "I'll need YOU to pick me up some horse-plants, you can find them in the courtyard; they usually grow near a certain bench" replied Siel, if her guess was correct then she would have some good entertainment for a little. "Oh, the curse will last for about a day" added Siel before the boy could respond.

What the boy didn't know was the girl she was talking about was sitting at that bench reading a book shyly, she moved one of her hands and pushed her big glasses up with a single finger before turning the page, the girl really was...a sight to behold in a sense.
"I wonder what types of classes they teach here. I don't know much so they'll probably all be challenging to me," Mellie said, perking up. "It's exciting! Everyone here is exciting!" She clapped her hands together strongly. But she accidentally used too much force and her left hand flew off and hit a wall. "Ah. Oops," she said sheepishly. "I'm coming apart at the seems." She picked her hand up and pulled some black string out of her bag. Putting a needle in her mouth, Mellie carefully threaded a string through the loop, then busily attached her hand back to her body. After the operation was complete she slowly moved her fingers, testing out her range of motion. "Sorry about that."
When she heard that he was a dragon, her eyes lit up. Looking up at her brother, she wanted to ask to see his form. It would be really cool to see a real dragon type person. While she liked dragons, without seeing one a wolf was the only thing she could turn herself in. And probably that was her limit.

Understanding what she wanted, Tomi looked at the boy. "She wants to ask to see your form. As you see I am a neko hybrid. Sort of a Yokai if you know what they are. Half half. Mai is a Wizard." He told him, relaxing slightly around him. It would be good to have friends. Maybe he would be their first and help looking after Mai.

((Hey guys. I am going bed. So I will reply in the morning. It's almost 10 pm here. Goodnight.))
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Hikaru quickly ran to benches searching for the plants, he really wanted to know what she was saying, he eventually saw the bench and ran to it, realising there was a girl he's seen around the school before he didn't know what to say, she barely talked to anybody and was always reading books "u-uhm do you know if those flowers are Horse plants?" He asked

Toru looked at her fallen off hand "woah" she said "oh and I'm sure you'll get the hang of the classes" she smiled
Nero walks up and down the halls, singing quietly to herself, observing other students. Some of their powers were quite interesting, while others didn't show anything yet and seemed like normal students so far. "I wonder when classes are...I probably won't be any good in any of them..."
(Ugh no notifications, xD )

Siel chuckled to herself as the boy ran towards the bench, with a snap of her fingers she used her dark magic to teleport to the roof and silently watched, hiding from plain view with a grin on her face.

Iyonna looked up from her book and nodded, not realizing who it was,
"Y-yes th-those are~" she froze up immediately after looking who she was talking to, Hikaru, No no no, why? why? why? asked the girl to herself as she pretended to look at the plants. The atmosphere around her changed as she quickly became much more shy, her stuttering even more so. "Th-th-th-those are-are-are-are-are ho-o-o-o-orse p-p-p-pl-l-lants" the reason why she never talked now easily now showing.
Zeke nodded his head, agreeing to show her his dragon form. "Lets head to the field so I don;t destroy anything while changing" chuckled the boy before starting to walk towards the field, motioning them to follow him. In the short time he was here, he memorized the map of the school; an easy feet for him.
Noyeh teleports inside the school, near the entrance. "So this is what the school is like. Stealing Eyes." He walks in the halls, looking at each and everyone's information. Learning about magic and what they do. So.. I guess classes are comin' huh? Better find out what classes there are, if there are any choices. Noyeh tries to find his way around the school.

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