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Fantasy Academy of the Supernatural

Nero jumps around another person, who keeps walking, oblivious to her. She grabs Noyeh's hand. "Aright, that would be faster."
"Concealing Eyes." A pulsating sound emits as both of them teleport inside the Headmasters Room. "Yello! Noyeh Zhujiao, signed up a few days ago. Than got here..." He talks to the Headmaster. (@LunaCrosby I'm wondering if your gonna do the Headmaster Voice? I don't know what to do right now.)
After typing a few pages xenon sent his work closing gus laptop, and putting it away. He then proceeded to head into the hall. He walked for some time before reaching the central hub of the school. He sat on a bench waiting for this dinner they spoke of.
((What the fudge I got zero notifications the past hour lol))

"Urm... Its a thing that happens," Mellie announced sheepishly. She then excused herself to the girl's bathroom to calm down her raging nerves ((i.e. figure out what happened to everyone else in the past hour))
Noyeh said:
"Concealing Eyes." A pulsating sound emits as both of them teleport inside the Headmasters Room. "Yello! Noyeh Zhujiao, signed up a few days ago. Than got here..." He talks to the Headmaster. (@LunaCrosby I'm wondering if your gonna do the Headmaster Voice? I don't know what to do right now.)
(Yea ill do it)

"Ah yes I see you got here safely, I do hope you'll be participating in the welcoming dinner" the headmaster said

"Your welcome" he smiled

OMG, that smile! thought Iyonna to herself as she started to hyperventilate a little. Quickly she tried to change the subject by asking "S-s-s-so, wh-wh-why are y-y-you collecting horse p-p-p-p-plants?
Nero tugs on Noyeh's sleeve, because that's how she's used to getting people's attention. "U-um, do you want go to the dinner now?"
Xenon got up from his position walking over towerds the location designated for the dinner. Xenon found a chair, and sat at the table waiting for others to arrive.
Mellie exited the bathroom, limping. Today's excitement brought much wear and tear onto her body. She'll have to spend hours on first aid tonight. Oh well. Its not like she has to sleep. Mellie looked down at her watch. It was nearing dinner time. She hobbled to the dining room and sat down at an empty table, kicking her bad leg up on the bench beside her. She grabbed herself a piece of bread to keep up appearances and began to pick at it.
NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO! mentally screamed Iyonna, she couldn't believe it, that someone would tell him! And sell her out for...for...for...for... PLANTS?!? She needed to find the girl who was going to tell her and...and...and what? It wasn't like she could do anything... What she didn't realize was that she was blushing heavier and heavier as these thoughts went through her head, she completely lost; tears began to build up on the corners of her eyes. She quickly closed her eyes and brought her head down to her lap in shame,ashamed that she was too weak to do anything.
"Are you okay?!" Hikaru asked as he saw her gave go red, he then quickly started fanning her off with his hands "what's wrong?" He asked really worried.
Iyonna felt a slight cool breeze blow across her face, it felt really nice right about now. She took off her glasses and wiped the tears away before putting them back on and looking up, opening her eye she saw that Hikaru was fanning her, asking her if she was alright, actually worried about her! This made Iyonnas' heart flutter as she stared, completely frozen in place by his beautiful blue eyes. "YYYYes" replied the girl, a complete lie she just told.
"Are you sure? You were crying and your face went red!" He said still worried, "maybe if I bring you inside!" He said grabbing her hand and guiding her inside with the flowers in his other hand.

(@Federoff )
Iyonnas' face lit up once more as he touched her hand, guiding her all the way inside to... wherever they were going? The touch completely melted her, her unable to make any intelligent sound at all, just the lightest of mumbles.

Siel chuckled at this sight and snapped her fingers before teleporting inside to the cafeteria (I'm just guess we are going there lol) an layed down at an empty table, everyone else trying their best to not be around the strange girl.

Hikaru guided her to the cafeteria "we might as well with come in here, the welcoming dinnerd about to start anyways" he said letting go of her hand as they entered the cafeteria "do you feel better?" He asked

Iyonna continued to follow the boy, her hand in his, completely and utterly dumbstruck by the touch. When he spoke again, Iyonna shook herself back to reality and blinked twice before looking around to see the cafeteria; most of the people were on the right side and one the left side was a lone girl laying down on the table.
"Y-y-y-y-es" replied the girl sheepishly, her blush still very present.
Mellie eyed the witch girl that just appeared in the cafeteria. "That girl looks like the people that resurrected me," she thought. Mellie chewed on a plastic fork and narrowed her eyes. The witch girl was even wearing the same clothing! The zombie girl picked at her stitches. "It's probably just a coincidence. After all, those people were all old men with weird goatees."
"Your still red... ill go get you water!" He said running to where the drinks were located, as he made his way back he spotted the witch girl and quickly decided to drop the plants off, "there noe ehos crushing on me?" He asked quickly.

Noyeh successfully teleports into the cafeteria, looking around, trying to figure out what to do. I swear, you get accepted into a School and you have no idea what to do still! He was very confused on the diplomatic area, too many people on the right, as only one was on the left. Could there be a mock battle? I'm very excited if there is gonna be one. Noyeh tries to figure out what's happening, he activates Stealing Eyes, collecting information from each and everyone in the cafeteria, preparing for a mock battle if needed.
Toru made her way to the cafeteria sitting down she played her head on the table waiting for her brother and for it to begin

Nylah exited the library completely forgetting her book on the table she rushed to the cafeteria, mostly to see what kind of people are here and if shed be safe.
Iyonna frowned momentarily when he let go of her hand to go get her some water, though it was still very nice of him... even if that's not what she wanted.

Siel smiled and looked up at the boy, obviously very frantic about something. She took the plants and snapped before they disappeared, grinning mischievously to herself.
"Good luck" chuckled the girl before laying back down, adding "You've known her for a long time now"
Xenon looked around his glowing green eyes scanned th various students in account. One a witch from what he remembered, as their sent. He looked to them before returning his gaze to the food before him.
"Can I get a name or is that all I'm gonna get..." he asked a little frustrated that all she did was give him a hint.
Siel grinned to herself once again, obviously pleased with his frustration; it was always fun to watch people get frustrated. "I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with the word Bellona" chuckled the girl, obviously not going to give a direct answer unless persuaded. Her hair acted like a miny pillow for her body as she was not lying directly on the hard seat.

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