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Fantasy Academy of the Supernatural


The small tiny doll-like girl walked down the hall. Ningyo had never had this much freedom and it actually almost scared her. The worse part was like Ningyo was completely lost. She was almost certain she wouldnt be able to make it to her first class at all. Giving up on finding the class she walked over sitting on a bench. She sat down perfectly, her hands placed gently on her lap. She stared straight forward, her eyes only blinking every once in a while. Like this she looked exactly like a life size doll just sitting there


. Shado sat in his class, completely silent. He wasnt entirely sure about this whole school thing, but he needed to create a new life for himself. He played with his powers, his hand turning into a shadow and then not again. His face looked across the class, looking mean and bored.

((Sorry for being so short and boring.))
Fireheart said:
(how can I jump in?)
(I honestly have no idea... You can do what I did, which was arrive late :P )

Rei Kurosawa

Rei looked from left to right, and all around. She was excited-- Very excited, but that didn't mean the white haired girl wasn't nervous. What if they all teased her? What if everyone was mean? Rei didn't want to have any enemies, that's for sure. The fact that she was late cast a bad impression on her, as people might think that she was always late. Letting a sigh escape her lips, Rei entered the building immediately heading to class.

"... On second thought, I don't know where my current class is..." Rei mumbled, letting out a breath of slight frustration. She had seen many classes and areas of the academy, but none seemed to match up with her target, her destination.

(Which class should Rei have now? I want her to meet some of y'all, if that's okay.)
Twenty minutes later, Trivia had still failed to make it to her class. Contrary, she was in the cafeteria purchasing strawberry rice cakes. "You really want ten rice cakes?" The cafeteria attendant said, looking at her doubtfully. "Of course. You know, now that I think about it... it does sound silly. Make it twenty." The man about fell over at her words. A few moments later she was strolling out of the cafeteria, a bag of rice cakes in hand, and one protruding from her lips. Some people just don't like rice cakes, I guess.
(Welp, I'm gonna head towards Trivia, if you don't mind :) )

Rei Kurosawa

Rei let out a few mumbled curses as she continued to wonder the halls. Then, she spotted a girl, with many rice cakes.. "That, is a LOT of rice cakes." Rei noted to herself, but shrugged and walked towards her. Might was well meet someone. Rei was the type that would surely stand out, Her pure white hair that reached the ground and bright, golden-yellow eyes that glistened in any lighting, whether it was pitch black in a room or blindingly bright.

Rei wasn't sure how to introduce herself. 'Hello- Nope. Hi!- Meh, too happy. Hey!-No, sounds like I know her if I do that. Um, I just got here. It would be nice to meet new people- Nope, too... Eh.' She thought of ways to say hi and meet her, but nothing came to mind.
Kayo jumped up,flew up, and started to glide around.

"Where are we going? I am really bored."he said flying in circles.
(I do not mind ^^)

"Hello," Trivia said with a calm smile, removing the rice cake from her mouth. "You look lost." Trivia looked over the girl curiously, making a mental note to ask her about her power. Even if it might have been a few seconds later that she would ask, she tried to remember anyway. Trivia was a forgetful person so it was important to try her best to remember things. She's real pretty. I wonder if she's nice.
(Yay ^^)

Rei Kurosawa

Rei smiled. "Um, hey? I guess I am lost..." She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "But it's nice to meet someone in such little time, y'know? I literally just walked in around 3 minutes ago." Rei sighed, and put her hands in her sweatshirt pocket. She was wearing it because she had been in a train with the air conditioner full blast, and had walked the rest of the way to the academy. "I'm Rei. Rei Kurosawa; May I ask what your name is?" She asked politely. There was a possibility that this girl was of the same species as Rei, but she might not be, and Rei knew that.
Trivia stared at the girl, taking in what she said. "I can show you where the dorms are. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the classes..." Trivia pondered to herself again. Classes? Wasn't she supposed to be in one...? Shrugging it off, she noticed the girl looked rather worn out. Reaching into her bag, she retrieved two rice cakes. Grabbing Rei's hand, she held it up and placed the cakes into her palm. "Mmm... Rei. Pleasant name. My name is Trivia. But you can call me Trivy."

Rei Kurosawa

Rei looked down at the two rice cakes. "Thanks... Nice to meet you, Trivy." She smiled, and opened her mouth to ask a question. "Say... What class are you supposed to be in right now?" Rei waits for Trivia to answer, while looking at the quite random designs on the cakes. "I'm supposed to have gym." And with that, she broke one of the cakes in half and stuck one part into her mouth. The flavor filled her taste buds as she chewed, reminding her how much she loved rice cakes back when he used to hang out with her past friends.
Trivia fixed moved her eyes back to Rei's. She sucked in a breathe to respond with, "I don't know." She lightly shrugged. "...What's today?" As she watched Rei eat the rice cake and saw the delight in the flavor, Trivia gave a big smile. "Oh, if there is anything else I can help with though, do ask."

Rei Kurosawa

Rei nodded. "Do you want to come to gym with me? Oh, I believe it's Monday." She says, and stuffed the other half of the rice cake in her mouth. Rei smiled. "I really love rice cakes." She says, drifting out of the topic. That was a bad habit of hers. The white haired girl spotted a teacher in the same hallway as them. Maybe we could ask where the gym is. She thought, looking at the clock that hung from the center point of the wall. Good. Classes started not TOO long ago. I think.
"Monday..." Trivia murmured quizzically. "Why not? You can have more rice cakes if you like. Just ask, I do not mind." Trivia looked around almost seemingly like she'd suddenly appeared in the school and didn't know where she was. "I wonder where the Gym is..."

Rei Kurosawa

Rei called out to the teacher. "Hey! Can you tell us where the gym is?" She yells, and the teacher looks over. "Oh, go down this hall, turn left and go forward. You should see the door to the gym." He says. "Thank you!" I say, before looking towards Trivia. "Alright. Let's go."
A smile plays on Trivia's face. "Okay." She'd never been to Gym before even though she thought she might have it on her schedule somewhere. Trivia got good grades but she moved around so freely and without reason that she often missed class.
Rei Kurosawa

Rei started walking in the direction the teacher said to go. "I hope we don't catch anyone's attention when we enter." She sighs. But on the inside, she was yelling, "The more people I know the better! I hope someone notices!" The door to the gym was spotted once they turned the corner, and Rei placed her hand on the handle. "First class: Gym." She whispered to herself, and pushed the door open. Inside, there were students running around playing sports, while some could be seen in the outside area through the window.
Trivia noticed the excitement on Kei's face and smiled to herself. She was already growing fond of the girl. Trivia didn't make many friends but this was one she was happy to have met. She followed Kei into the gym and watched all the students doing physical activity. "Ew." Trivia said wrinkling her nose in distaste.
Rei Kurosawa

Rei sighed, after realizing that she wasn't wearing the right attire. She was wearing a sweatshirt and a skirt with black leggings.
"Um, are we supposed to have a gym uniform?" She whispered to Trivia. "Anywho, we should go to the outdoor part of the class. I'm not in the mood for smelling sweat." Rei says, cringing at the smell.
"Beats me." Trivia answered. A thought occurred to her and she retrieved her wand, holding it up. "I could turn them into pigs too. Pigs don't sweat right?" Trivia giggled at the thought of 30 or 40 pigs wandering around the gym. "But outside is nice too."
Rei Kurosawa

"Haaah. That's a funny thought." Rei grinned. "Oh! So you're a witch?" She asked, looking at Trivia's wand. Rei took a bite out of her second rice cake. "Almost forgot I had this one." She joked, not paying any mind to the fact that it might be breaking the rules by eating in the gym.
"W-well, I'm just not good because it's hard to be noticed and I get run into a lot..." She says quietly.
Xenon looked to her" well i notice you so i shall be your partner." He said looking in her eyes.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]
"W-well, I'm just not good because it's hard to be noticed and I get run into a lot..." She says quietly.
Xenon looked to her" well i notice you so i shall be your partner." He said looking in her eyes.[/QUOTE]
She smiles and looks at him, "Thanks, I'm glad to have someone see me for once. And you haven't forgotten me like the others...you're very different, but in a good way."

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