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Fantasy Academy of the Arcane

"Lets give her some time, hand me my skirt and corset will you?" she blushed when she realized she was naked. "So Jake, what was keeping me from shifting, could you tell?"

Adam's face got apple red when he saw that Molly was naked he picked up Molly's skirt and handed it too her trying to look a way so she could get dressed with out him looking he wanted to make sure Andrea was ok but he know giving her time was best
If Andrea had her way, she'd avoid Molly for the next several years they were at this damned Academy. I'm such an idiot. She scolded herself, angry at how stupid she had been to let her emotions control her again. Of course she's ruin something amazing. Andrea swam over to the edge of this lake where here was a small land border to the next. She decided to make a seaweed bag, which would keep her clothes dry, and then dived from one lake to the next, figuring she could lie low in the dorm room for a bit. Somehow, Andrea managed to pull herself up the stairs in her mermaid form. She got stuck a couple of times on her way up, but made it onto her bed. She drew the curtains and lay there, her seaweed bundle down next to her.
Adam looked at Molly " how are you feeling now that your back in human form ? " Adam asked Molly worried that some thing was dun to her and that was why she could not shift back to human
"Pretty good I guess, but I feel like I am stuck in human form" she shrugged, "It shouldn't be a problem for a few days until I need to sleep in a fire."
"it was..." he didn't finish the sentence because he passed out falling to the floor unconscious, he had used a type of magic that could possibly kill him. he could hear everything that was helping but could not respond
Adam was about to ask if Molly needed any food when Jake passed out Adam ran over to him he got on his keens " hey Jake's you ok he tryed shaking him "Jake's come on dud this is not funny !" doors where starting to open and he could here peoples voices but he just kept his eyes one Jake's Jake was one of of the first friends he had ever had he did not want any thing bad to happen to him
While waiting to change back, Andrea managed to fall asleep again on her bed. She didn't care that se was missing classes, being far too exhausted to attend them in the first place. She shifted back in her sleep, remaining where she was but instinctively curling up in her sleep. She lay there naked, her clothes beside her and her blankets underneath her. That way she remained for a while, going through nightmare after nightmare. Her sleep was restless, and Andrea just tossed and turned the whole way through her sleep.
Matthew Maple]Adam was about to ask if Molly needed any food when Jake passed out Adam ran over to him he got on his keens " hey Jake's you ok he tryed shaking him "Jake's come on dud this is not funny !" doors where starting to open and he could here peoples voices but he just kept his eyes one Jake's Jake was one of of the first friends he had ever had he did not want any thing bad to happen to him [/QUOTE] Molly rushed to Jake as well "Jake!" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17189-frostxshadow/ said:
"ugh great, your lucky im your friend molly or i would have so not done that' he said in his subconscious he sighed 'great what am i supposed to do now i can't move oh my gosh what are they going tell Grayson' he mentally ranted.
" I I I I think we need a healer " Adam looked at Molly " why don't I go to the hospital wing and get a healer to help Jake's he asked Molly there was a group of students around thim all talking Adam waited for Molly to answer his question
Molly nodded "I should come with you, I still feel stuck and should get checked out." Molly wobbled a little
'crap molly won't be able to shift for a couple of hours till my magic leaves her system' he sighed mentally 'just take me to a nurse or something' he grumbled through his subconscious.
Grayson woke up from his nap and decided to go on a walk. He got dressed and stepped outside. He saw his friends so he walked towards them. Then he saw Jake on the ground, it became clear what had happened and ran over as fast as he could and knelt next to him. "Jake?! Jake wake up!" He cried out.

Unconscious Jake ' i would get up if i could Gray but unless you know emotion magic don't even bother he sighed mentally 'great how long will i be stuck like this'

Adam was about to pick up Jake's legs when Gray ran up and asked what was wrong " he passed out when he used his magic to help Molly shift back in to her human form we where just going to take him to the hospital wing " Adam said to gray Adam looked at Molly when she said that she still felt stick Adam put his hand on her shoulder to steady her

@Nathan22 @FrostXShadow
'um would you guys mind hurrying up with ground is seriously not comfortable' he complained silently cursing because no one could hear him 'just pick me up all ready unless you guys can get to my Spell book and use magic to counter the Emotion magic then take me to the infirmary' he said even though no one could hear him

Adam did not like how Molly was panting he looked at her thin look back at Jake " why dont if you think you can do it Molly take his legs I will take his top haf gay can you make us a path out of this crowed ? " Adam asked going over to where Jake's head was
Adam put his hands under Jake's arms so he could have some thing to hold on to he looked at Molly " when your ready I will lift up just let me know when your ready "

(should we wait for gray to write back ? )
Adam smiled at Molly " no rush I think Jake is just laying around right now and I do not have any where to be that I do not mined skipping " Adam said to Molly

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