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Fantasy Academy of the Arcane

Jake shot up panting, and looked at everybody "oh i guess im back" he smiled "thanks sis" 'i can't feel my magic...m-my magic is gone' he stopped him self from crying as he put on a fake smile
Jake hugged the boy back "jeez were you that worried about me Gray" he smiled "where is that demon cat of yours?" he asked looking around but not really caring about the cat 'i-i cant tell them ill get kicked out the school i-ill be normal'

welcome back Jake " Adam said he had for gotten about the teacher that was standing in front of thim " that was some great use of magic dude just dont scare us like that agin " he looked at Molly " how are you feeling did what that healer do help ? " [ am I the only one that still sees the teacher ? asked Adam's wolf form in side his head Adam did not speak to him he was just happy that Jake was safe and was hopping Molly was ok
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Bruce was just standing there did no one care that there was a teacher there. "Why are none of you in class what on earth is going on?" He looked around assumed some one was hurt in some way or another he had to hold his composure if they found out he wasn't a teacher they might get mad it's not like he was trying to pull a prank he was just nervous about meeting new people.
Adam's face got pale when he heard the teacher ask what was going on Adam looked at the teacher agin " um um um will sir are friend Jake used magic to help are friend Molly it was strong magic I think um um we just wanted to make sure he was ok and are friend Molly " Adam heard his fathers voice his head dont miss this up kid you have have bin hand picked from many werewolf's to go to this school make the were tripe's brod and dont miss up

those where the last weards from his dad be for he had lift for the academy he hoped the teacher would not till his father

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"well then I have a few questions 1. What kind of magic did he use 2. Why didn't you bring him to the nurse or a teacher as soon as it happened?" He was getting lost in his character again this always happens he turns into someone and loses himself in the process. If they find out now they might get mad or worse.
Adam was very scared now he did not know what magic Jake had used he did not know that much about magic the were tripe he lived in was not allowed to know about magic Adam held Molly's hand tight he did not even know he was doing it " will will sir I do not know what magic he used sir " Adam looked at Jake and Liz for help his fathers vice kept playing in his head [ dont miss up dont miss up ]

@FrostXShadow @Zachjoker
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"listen let's be honest here I don't care what magic he used just get him to the nurse as soon as possible he needs to be looked at." Bruce walked away saying nothing more he turned the corner and immediately changed back he was just about to lose focus bit he held it together he was nervous if anyone found out it was him they might hate him for it that's why no one must find out. He grabbed his suitcase and started heading towards the dorms.
Adam watched the teacher walk a way [ grr I still say some thing is not right said his wolf form] " don't miss up don't miss up Adam whispered to him self the healer walked back up to thim " how dos every one feel ? " he did not see the teacher he was filling out paper work

Adam was lost in the words of his father he did not here him or say any thing he just kept holding Molly's hand
Andrea briefly woke up, only to throw the blanket off of her in her overheated state and quickly throw some underwear on. She was close to getting a fever. In her momentary wake, she didn't notice the door remaining slightly open.
Jake looked like he was going to barf "G-Gray can i talk to you please" he held back the tears forming in his eyes "it's extremely important" he pleaded looking at the boy

FrostXShadow said:
Jake looked like he was going to barf "G-Gray can i talk to you please" he held back the tears forming in his eyes "it's extremely important" he pleaded looking at the boy
"Yes of course Jake." He says as he leads you up to the roof. "Is this private enough?" He asks.
tears poured down jake's face as he turned and looked at Gray "my magic is gone" he said chocking up "i don't have my magic anymore, i can't feel it" he cried more

Jake cries into his shoulder "t-there going to s-send me away, im human now" he cried as he wrapped his arms around gray "what am i supposed to do Gray"

Kiana wandered away from the group, seeing as she wasn't needed. "People are too absorbed with themselves sometimes.." She mumbled. As she walked past the dorms, she noticed one room was open. Knocking on the door, she sighed. "Is anyone in here? You left your door open.." The red haired girl said.

Andrea woke up as the door was knocked on. Realising how little she was wearing, she quickly threw a robe around her before rushing to the door. "Thank you, I must have forgotten to close it. My names Andrea." She offered a hand out to the red haired girl, her other hand holding her robe together.
Jake wiped his eyes and looked at his sister "the only way to restore a witch's power is to.." he stopped and thought for awhile "where is my Grimoire " he let go of Grayson and ran to his dorm, he grabbed a black book with his family insignia carved on it. he ran back up to the roof "Maybe my powers aren't gone just locked away" he began flipping through the book "if i can create a Moon amulet it could possible unlock my powers but i would need a way to unbind my magic from the amulet and actually rebind it to me but its going to take some time to create it which means we cant let the teachers know that i don't have magic" he said without taking a breath "Grayson i need you to help me the amulet can only be created with magic and the blood of the witch that will use it" he turned and looked at his sister "I need you to cover me in classes" he took a deep breath and looked at both of them "wait we will also need Molly's help" he sighed

@Nathan22 @ejssullivan
Another mermaid. Andrea felt a bit uneasy at this, not entirely sure whether she could trust anther mermaid after what she had been subjected to while attending one of the mermaid schools. "Nice to meet you." Andrea smiled. She was going to avoid telling the girl her race unless directly asked.
Andrea hesitated before nodding. "At least I think so. She might hate me now though." She sighed, having no intention of giving details.

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