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Fantasy Academy of the Arcane

Trust said:
"I don't know... It would be a little strange to be dating someone that looks like a cat all the time..." Solana mumbled into the shapeshifting lady's chest, considering she was quite a fair bit older than her. "I don't know anything about you..."
"Oh well then I'm sorry..." Kylie said discouraged. She turned into a cat and laid at your feet.
Nathan22 said:
"Oh well then I'm sorry..." Kylie said discouraged. She turned into a cat and laid at your feet.
Solana picked up the cat, unsure of what to do and returned to where they had been before Kylie's owner had left for the bathroom. She pet the cat softly, her face pink and slightly disbelieving at what had just happened
in her sleep, Andrea mumbled a short sentence. "I love you both, please don't make me choose." She was dreaming about Molly and Adam, the pair having both captivates her in different ways. She was hopelessly in love with both of them.

@ejssullivan @Matthew Maple
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Molly heard and looked up she looked around for Adam and saw he was moving away, she lit a fire in front of him. @Matthew Maple
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Adam was shocked when fire hit in front of him he looked back and saw Molly and Andrea he ran back over to thim " is Andrea ok ? " he asked making it back to thim
[QUOTE="Matthew Maple]Adam was shocked when fire hit in front of him he looked back and saw Molly and Andrea he ran back over to thim " is Andrea ok ? " he asked making it back to thim

Molly was actually pretty proud of herself and pulled Adam in so he was next to Andrea and touching Molly.
Adam was a shocked when Molly pulled him next to Andrea he could feel he was touching Molly he blushed a little he prushed his hand on Andrea's cheek hopping Molly did not mined " we are here Andrea me and Molly are both here "
Andrea jumped and woke up with Adams touch. "Is everything okay?" She asked, suddenly concerned. She was wedged between a dragon and Adam, and flushed upon realising this.
Adam smiled at Andrea " nothing is wrong we are just laying around " Adam said trying to torn the way they where laying in to a joke to make every one relax a little a blush apeared in his cheeks because he was this close to Andrea and to Molly " how are you feeling ? " he asked Andrea [ can I pleas get a know body pleas said his wolf form in his head he is killing me Adam tryed to not listion to his wolf he was more worried about Andrea at the moment
"A little exhausted. Anger tends to do that to me." Andrea smiled softly, yawning afterwards as though to make a point. "I just need a bit of sleep I suppose."
Adam listened to Andrea " would you like me to take you back to your dorm ? I can thin come back and wait with Molly for her to be aboul to torn back in to her human form thin go with her and get the work you missed today from todays classes " he waited for her answer
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Andrea shook her head. "I wanna stay with Molly. She'll wake me up when she's turned back, won't you Molly?" She smiled up at the dragon, curling up against Molly again. "Did something happen? I don't remember even falling asleep, but I remember you were heading to class Adam."
Adam Listened to Andrea he heard her question he did not know how to answer it " umm umm thats right I I I was ummm " he looked for some thing to use as a reason why he came back [ I would think of a good reason she is very smart said his wolfs voice who sounded like he was enjoying this from in side his head ] that was when it hit him he took off his shades and held thim out so she could see

" I lost my shades they mean a lot to me so I came back for thim " after he said this he gave her a odd smile he hoped she would not ask why he was so close to her when she waked up [ I wish I had popcorn in here I would love to eat that will I watch this said his wolf form in side his head
"Forget classes" Jake walked back his his dorm and laid on his bed stsring out the window, as he looked out he saw red eyes looking back at him. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, looking back up the other osir of eyes disappeared "weird" he ssid dtill laying there
"You're lying." Andrea stated, a small smile on her face and her eyes closed. "I can tell." She giggled slightly. "Real reason?" Andrea's eyes remained closed, and her body rested against Molly. "Don't worry about being so close, it's perfectly okay with me." She opened one eye and held her hand out to him, with the intention of pulling Adam next to her.
Adam smiled when Molly put her arm around him and Andrea " I gess the truth is Im starting to care for you Andrea you was the first pertion to ever speak to me with out hate in your eyes " he looked at Molly as he took Andrea's hand " the same for you Molly where I come from dragons are the people that makes sure every one that is my race stays in line

when I met you I was scared you would be like thim but your not your very nice and " he stop and looked at thim both " I shoud say your both very beautiful to me " adam hoped he did not say too much [ his wolf was snoring in his head so his speach had put him to sleep he looked in to Andrea's eyes hopping she understood what he was saying
Molly licked his face before trying to shift again
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Andrea pulled Adam over next to her, close enough that he could have been sat on her. Her face flushed bright red at his confession. "You really think all of that?" She asked, placing her hand into his and her other onto Molly. Please shift back Molly. As much as I admire your dragon form, I want my Molly back.
Molly was starting to get really distressed at not being able to shift. She huffed and snuffled
Adam enjoyed the lick that Molly had given him when Andrea pulled him close to her he blushed bright red he heard her question he held her hand in his one free hand he thin placed the other one on Molly " Yes I mean every word all of it " he stared in to her eyes for a long time he thin said " I feal the same way Andrea dos Molly your dragon form is amazing but I would like are molly back as will pleas try to shift one more time for both of use

he said are Molly so Andrea would know that he would not let nothing bad happen to Molly or her he all so said it to till Molly that two people that cared for her where thare for her no matter what happend he waited looking in to Andrea's eyes and looking at Molly off and on to see what would happen

and to till her he was staying with her
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"Molly calm down. Just relax. Think about whatever you usually do to shift back. Just stay calm." Andrea smiled, blushing at the words Adam had said. Her face went redder at the boy staring into her eyes.
IntoTheMist said:
I'm not weak okay.
Kiana moved away from the corner, and brushed some of her red curls out of her eyes. Straigtning her back, she watched Molly, Adam and Andrea leave. "I think I found my next targets!" She told Mia. Heading to the exit, she beckoned Mia to follow.

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