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Fantasy Academy of the Arcane

"yes sir" he said with a sigh before looking over to grayson "Hey gray" he said with a smile while walking over to the boy, Giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. @Nathan22
IntoTheMist said:
Mia walks into the school. She has been busy for the past days with some important things she had to attend. She then walks and walks until she hears a girl that says that the place is boring. Mia walks up to her and says " Hello, are you new here?"
''Obviously!'' The red head exclaimed. Her green eyes scanned Mia, and she felt a smirk form on her face. Quick as lightning, she pulled out the handy bottle of water and uncapped it. Turning it upside down, she dangled it over Mia's head. The water was about to spill, and all she had to do was tilt it a bit more and Mia would be soaked.
"my sister burned my clothes off and all i had were an extra pair of jeans" he shrugged and noticed the boy's blush "why the blush gray you've seen me shirtless before" he smirked and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist pulling him in a little closer.

"Bloody maps..." Solana groaned as she walked through what must have been the fiftieth corridor. "All these corridors look the same to me! Where on earth is the girls dorm... Or are they both joined? I don't know..." She sighed. A large, papery map held wide in front of her, preventing her from seeing ahead of herself
Liz got up off the closet door and walked out of the laundry room. As she was walking back to her dorm she came across a girl who seemed to be lost. "Do you need help finding anything?" @Trust
QueenWeirdo44 said:
Liz got up off the closet door and walked out of the laundry room. As she was walking back to her dorm she came across a girl who seemed to be lost. "Do you need help finding anything?" @Trust
"Huh? Oh! Hello!" She grinned with a huge smile, her two ponytails bobbing as she turned to the person that had spoken to her. "I am Solana Carstaires! Nice to meet you, I am searching for the dorms but I don't seem to be able to find them... Mind helping me out?" She said with a nervous chuckle
Kaera said:
Andrea woke up after a long while. She stretched as she yawned, her toes pointed and arms above her head. Looking at the time, she almost screamed. She had no time for a shower, or to do anything with her hair. She couldn't even do her makeup. Jumping out of bed, Andrea quickly changed into a white blouse, a baby blue sweater and black jeans. Her blouse she had tucked into her jeans.
After quickly running a brush through her hair, Andrea grabbed her bag and swiftly stuffed all of her books and pens into it before snatching up her timetable and groaning. Combat class. She complained internally. She had no idea how to get there, and nobody to get lost with. Where was Molly last night?

[QUOTE="Matthew Maple]Adam listened to Molly as she said that Andrea had a accident last night he did not like hearing that he did liked when she said that she would try to help him fined his dorm room that would give him more time to talk with the red head " Im sorry to here that Andrea had a accident last night I hope she is ok thank you for offering to help me fined my dorm room It means a lot to me "
he said all this trying not to use any emotions in his voice [ why are you acting like a robot is it because Im watching ? asked his wolf form he did not speak back he just bowed to Molly and stretched out his right hand ] " pleas after you " he tried to smile he did not know if the smile showed on his face

Molly lead Adam to the dorm buildings, "well here we are, I guess I'll see you later." Molly began walking to her building
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QueenWeirdo44 said:
"Of course I'll help, I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Liz or Lizzy. What's your dorm number?" Liz said with a smile.
"I don't know... " Solana smiled, realising the person standing next to her might be her dorm mate. "Nice to meet you Liz, you can just call me Sol, that's what most people do. So... Would you be so kind as to lead me to the dormitories?" She smiled happily
Andrea burst down the stairs, evidently in a hurry to at least attempt to find the combat arena. She literally ran straight into Molly on her way out of the building, sending the pair bowling over.

"Molly I'm so sorry!" She said from her position on top of the girl. Andrea's face was bright red, visible against her skin.
"OH! Andrea! I was just going to look for you!" Molly grinned up at her roommate finding her clumsiness amusing.
"Ok well the dorm are just down the hall" Liz said as her and Sol walked down the hallway. Liz came across her dorm and picked up some mail. She read the letter and realized that Sol was her roommate. "I guess were roommates" Liz said with a smile. "This is my bed." Liz said as she walked towards her bed and placed her bag down. Liz looked through her bag and pulled out her extra key. "You can use my spare key until you get your own, it usually takes a couple days"
"I overslept. Did you just get back?" Andrea looked concerned for her friend, who, if she was correct, hadn't slept that night. She still hadn't moved from her position on top of Molly, not realising just how close they were until her straight blue hair formed her face on the left side. She swiftly scurried back, getting off of Molly with some haste. Andrea had probably sent the wrong signals to Molly by getting up in such a hurry, and she mentally cursed herself for it.

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Sol's face had gone a little pink. "Th-thanks..." She mumbled. She hadn't brought anything with her but what she was currentlt wearing and her two sun-shaped hair clips holding her ponytails up.
Jake kissed grayson's head and turned away to go spar with a random kid that decided to challenge him. he dodged the first couple of punches floating around the room gracefully and skillfully dodging before butting his hands above his face both formed fist and he took on what seemed to be a boxing stance as he moved his head to dodge the persons punch before throwing one of his own, the boy dodged and attempted to round house kick Jake. Jake caught his leg and twisted it before letting go and kicking the boy in the back sending him stumbling forward..
"W-wait for me!" Sol called, sprinting after her new friend. She forced electricity to surge through her body, stinging but allowing her to catch up with Liz. "Ow... Nevermind, so, Let's go!" Sol giggled as they ran, not exactly sure of anything
Adam watched Molly go he put his shades back on and went inside his dorm room he dropped off his bag with out taking any thing out of it he thin put on some new blue jeans from the bag and a new band t shirt this one the who a old band his died mother had liked after he was dun he looked at his school pad that was on his desk he saw that he had combat training as his first class Adam sighed " Im too tired for that " but he know he had to go to all classes

he put his jacket back on and walked out of his dorm he locked it thin started to walk dawn the hall to his first class

Adam watched Molly go he put his shades back on and went inside his dorm room he dropped off his bag with out taking any thing out of it he thin put on some new blue jeans from the bag and a new band t shirt this one the who a old band his died mother had liked after he was dun he looked at his school pad that was on his desk he saw that he had combat training as his first class Adam sighed " Im too tired for that " but he know he had to go to all classes

he put his jacket back on and walked out of his dorm he locked it thin started to walk dawn the hall to his first class he used his wolf's speed to go faster he saw two girl's running a head of him he went a little fast to run next to thim " so let me gess you guys lost track of time too " he said smiling at the two girls
Solana noticed she had been asked a question by another student that was jogging alongside her and Liz. "Forget? No, I'm just brand new to the school" she said with a happy grin. "My name is Solana Carstaires, nice to meet you! But you may call me Sol for short" she giggled. "Good to know that the boys in this school are handsome" she laughed flirtily while running, looking forward every few seconds to make sure she didn't crash into anything
Jake kicked the back of the boys leg and then spun around punching him directly in the chest sending him falling to the ground "well that was fun" he said outreaching his hand to help the boy up but the boy slapped his hand away and got up on his own walking away and muttering something in a different language "sore looser" he shrugged and walked back over to his bag sitting down next to it waiting for more people to come
FrostXShadow said:
Jake kissed grayson's head and turned away to go spar with a random kid that decided to challenge him. he dodged the first couple of punches floating around the room gracefully and skillfully dodging before butting his hands above his face both formed fist and he took on what seemed to be a boxing stance as he moved his head to dodge the persons punch before throwing one of his own, the boy dodged and attempted to round house kick Jake. Jake caught his leg and twisted it before letting go and kicking the boy in the back sending him stumbling forward..
"U-Umm I-I saw your...you know..." He stuttered as he watched you spar. He decided to be brave and pulled a bastard sword off the rack. He stood across from you and got in a ready position.
"I haven't met any cute boys" Liz said as Sol and her were still running. They turned the corner and walked into the classroom. Liz walked near Jake. "Hey Jake, Hey Grayson, this is Solana, my new roommate"
Dalisander said:
''Obviously!'' The red head exclaimed. Her green eyes scanned Mia, and she felt a smirk form on her face. Quick as lightning, she pulled out the handy bottle of water and uncapped it. Turning it upside down, she dangled it over Mia's head. The water was about to spill, and all she had to do was tilt it a bit more and Mia would be soaked.
Before the girl could pour the water over her, she stepped away from the bottle and says "Are you kidding me? That's pathetic. I'm trying to be friendly to you, and you end up almost pouring a water bottle on me? Wow. Real mature. I'm heading to my dorm room.
Adam listened to the girl who called her self sol " nice to meat you sol my name is Adam I know too " he looked a head so he too would not run in to any thing they where all most to combat class " get ready girls we will be turning soon the class is the first one on the right I think " Adam said

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