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Fantasy Academy of the Arcane

QueenWeirdo44 said:
Liz was walking to combat class and saw Grayson with another boy. She walked up to the two boys. "Hi Grayson, who's your friend?" @Nathan22 @Delacare
"I am Prince Belladonna Evensong, of the Fluttering Faeries. It would seem that Grayson has withdrawn into himself."
Delacare said:
"A witch...doctor?" He cocked his head in the way only a fairy could and a way the Fluttering Faeries had perfected.
"I have never met a witch doctor before. Do you actually practice apothecary? Actually, 'under the Hill' is a euphemism for another dimension. We had the terrible habit of constructing world gates at the base of mountains. My grandfather told ONE mortal that they led underneath the mountain that was actually only the size of a hill in our world and suddenly a maddening sensation was born." The tone of his voice was the perfect blend of exhaustion and amusement.
"We practice...satanism, voodoo, and necromancy..." He whispers. His face relaxes when his friend Liz come by. "Oh hey." He said.
"why am i here so early this class doesn't even start for another 10 minuets" he walked out the class and ran into grayson and liz along with another person "Hey Gray..Elizabeth" he mumbled his sisters name he looked to the new person "um hello"

@Nathan22 @Delacare @QueenWeirdo44
Liz looked at Belladonna. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Liz or Lizzy". Liz remembered about class and checked the time. She saw that class started in 10 minutes. Liz saw her brother Jake. "Hey Jake, I thought you were in class". @Nathan22 @Delacare
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"i didn't know anybody and they were.." he looked at his sister "all of them were giving me the death stare and talking in other languages" he told his sister speaking fluent latin knowing she could understand him. he looked back at belladonna and gray "so you guys going to combat class?" he asked them in english
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Nathan22 said:
"We practice...satanism, voodoo, and necromancy..." He whispers. His face relaxes when his friend Liz come by. "Oh hey." He said.
"I understand. Thank you for explaining it to me."

FrostXShadow said:
"why am i here so early this class doesn't even start for another 10 minuets" he walked out the class and ran into grayson and liz along with another person "Hey Gray..Elizabeth" he mumbled his sisters name he looked to the new person "um hello"
@Nathan22 @Delacare @QueenWeirdo44
"Hello, I am Prince Belladonna Evensong, of the Fluttering Faeries."

QueenWeirdo44 said:
Liz looked at Belladonna. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Liz or Lizzy". Liz remembered about class and checked the time. She saw that class started in 10 minutes. Liz saw her brother Jake. "Hey Jake, I thought you were in class". @FrostXShadow @Nathan22 @Delacare
"It is nice to make your acquaintance Elizabeth."

FrostXShadow said:
"i didn't know anybody and they were.." he looked at his sister "all of them were giving me the death stare and talking in other languages" he told his sister speaking fluent latin knowing she could understand him. he looked back at belladonna and gray "so you guys going to combat class?" he asked them in english
"Jake, is it? Why do you change languages as you speak?" He cocked his head.

"There are very few human tongues that are not known to me; Latin is not one of those tongues."
"it is a habit, sorry Belladonna" he said honestly when ever he would talk to his family he would revert to Latin since it was the language he learned before English "i was basically force fed the languages of other species" he shrugged waving it off dismissively "are you heading to combat class it would be nice to have someone i know in there" he smiled to the boy

FrostXShadow said:
"it is a habit, sorry Belladonna" he said honestly when ever he would talk to his family he would revert to Latin since it was the language he learned before English "i was basically force fed the languages of other species" he shrugged waving it off dismissively "are you heading to combat class it would be nice to have someone i know in there" he smiled to the boy
Belladonna nodded.

"I see. Yes, I am about to attend combat training."
"so how good are you at hand to hand combat Belladonna" he started walking to the class realizing that they only had 5 minuets till the combat class started"

@Delacare (( so how is the combat class gonna work do we need a teacher orr are we just going to spar?))
Liz walked with Grayson, Jake, and Belladonna. "I heard there's gonna be a learner circle or something" Liz said to the three boys.
FrostXShadow said:
"so how good are you at hand to hand combat Belladonna" he started walking to the class realizing that they only had 5 minuets till the combat class started"
@Delacare (( so how is the combat class gonna work do we need a teacher orr are we just going to spar?))
"Actually, my proficiency lies in archery. I'm the worst close quarters combatant in my family."
Liz looked at her brother as if she was going to rip his head off. "I said learner circle or SOMETHING" she said as she flicked her hand making a container fly into front of his feet, making him fall. Liz let out a little laugh. "But at least I have the better power" Liz walked to the bench and sat down @FrostXShadow
out of anger Jake glared at his sister glaring holes into her literally, her clothes burst into flames then fell off her turning into ashes leaving her in her bra and underwear "what was that about the better power oh and i forgot this Iter facite ei!" he said and made the box she used to make him trip flying at her legs causing her to fall face first onto the floor

Liz grabbed her bag and drunk a potion making a huge smoke bomb. As the smoke was around her she got redress, then grabbed another potion from her bag and threw it on Jake making his clothes burn completely off (making him naked). After her brother was completely naked she threw another potion on him making him frozen for 5 minutes (he's still naked). Liz froze her brother and ran as fast as she could to the one place he wouldn't find her... the laundry room closet (because Jake rarely did his laundry xD ) @FrostXShadow
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the ice melted because of his abnormally high body temperature and his fire magic, he really didn't care that he was naked, he growled lowly in his throat ELIZABETH MARIE DAVENPORT I WILL BURN YOU TO ASHES AND THE FORCE FEED THEM TO MAXX" he shouted through the hall way he tapped his foot angrily still naked
he sighed and pulled some jeans from his book bag but since he didn't bring a shirt he stayed shirtless "well maybe if mom and dad hand't made the first 15 years of my life miserable i would talk to them" he muttered and walked in the class still shirtless, he ignored the girls and some of the boys staring at him and leaned against the wall
Adam listened to Molly as she said that Andrea had a accident last night he did not like hearing that he did liked when she said that she would try to help him fined his dorm room that would give him more time to talk with the red head " Im sorry to here that Andrea had a accident last night I hope she is ok thank you for offering to help me fined my dorm room It means a lot to me "

he said all this trying not to use any emotions in his voice [ why are you acting like a robot is it because Im watching ? asked his wolf form he did not speak back he just bowed to Molly and stretched out his right hand ] " pleas after you " he tried to smile he did not know if the smile showed on his face
Andrea woke up after a long while. She stretched as she yawned, her toes pointed and arms above her head. Looking at the time, she almost screamed. She had no time for a shower, or to do anything with her hair. She couldn't even do her makeup. Jumping out of bed, Andrea quickly changed into a white blouse, a baby blue sweater and black jeans. Her blouse she had tucked into her jeans.

After quickly running a brush through her hair, Andrea grabbed her bag and swiftly stuffed all of her books and pens into it before snatching up her timetable and groaning. Combat class. She complained internally. She had no idea how to get there, and nobody to get lost with. Where was Molly last night?

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Belladonna witnessed the siblings' bickering and subsequent spellslinging with an acute understanding and a blank expression. His brothers acted in a similar fashion, usually with much more embarrassing results.

"Come on Grayson. Let's get to class."

He flew into the combat class after Jake and simply floated beside him, waiting for the instructor to show up.

"I realize that this rivalry you have with your sister may come quite naturally to you, Mr. Davenport, but perhaps you two should refrain from using magic so haphazardly on school grounds. If the faculty or staff caught you, the consequences could be dire." He was still looking forward, and spoke so that only Jake could hear him.

@Nathan22 @FrostXShadow @QueenWeirdo44

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