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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

(@TheNeonStranger it was a little overstatement)

Adelain listened to her speak and smiled when she said she was better before taking on a look of annoyance as she asked why he hated Silas so much and Silas returned to hate ten fold. He stood up and placed his hands on the back of his head, covering his neck and lower skull "Childhood stuff... I'm not gonna talk about it" He muttered the last part under his breathe before taking a seat on the bed again.

Silas looked around and drew his phone from his pocket, still fuming from before, and read the text. He sighed after reading it three times over and replied.


Me: Don't worry about it

Me: Still not going to talk to him though

Me: I don't hate you

~*End Of Messages*~

He then put his phone away and walked off to go look for someone to talk to, it was probably better for both him and Writer if he didn't talk about Adelain for a while.
She rolled her eyes and sat on the floor with her phone.

"Yeah yeah, childhood stuff... You guys will get better over time, and if not then, you two are missing out." She said flashing a smile.

Her blue/white eyes glistened as she looked through her music. She had always gotten over excited when it came to music. She was currently obsessed with Metro Station and Set It Off. She didn't know what song to pick so she decided to confuse Adelain and ask him.

"Shake It, She Likes Girls, or Bleak December?" She questioned, with a bit of a grin.

She felt her phone vibrate and went back to her messages. She rolled her eyes as she read them and began to text him back.


Me: Omg I'm worrying about it so much, and whatever

Me: Dun lie I know you hate me (*^*)

~*End Of Messages*~

Ashton decided to finally leave his room after locking himself in his dorm for the morning. He had on black jeans, a black Marilyn Monroe t-shirt, and his famous leather jacket. He saw Silas and allowed a chuckle remembering their first day of classes. He decided to walk over to him.

"Hey, have you seen Writer anywhere? She's probably dying." He joked sticking a hand in his pocket.
Adelain paused as she spoke "What ?" He asked when she spoke again. Adelain rarely listened to music and had no clue of what a Bleak December, She Likes Girls or a Shake It was. He stood up and began pacing in the same position with his hands behind his head and neck and his head all the way back staring at the roof.

Silas took his phone out again and checked the texts before his thoughts were interrupted by Ashton, he looked up and shrugged "With my brother... Where he is I have no idea" He said before looking back down at his phone.


Me: Ashton wants to know where you are

Me: I don't hate you O-O

~*End Of Messages*~
She groaned and just clicked on a random song. A laugh escaped her lips hearing the beat of She LIkes Girls playing. Her music tended to scare people, but eh it's time Adelain run away now instead of expecting something else. She quietly sang along with the song.

"I thinks she likes girls, everytime she flaunts you wanna get real and tell me whatcha want, I think she likes girls I think she like girls. I think she likes girls, I can see the signs, you wanna kiss her lips, but your scared to get caught. I thinks she likes girls, I think she likes girls." She laughed and st quiet, occasioanally humming with the words.

She clicked on her messages, the music still playing as she text back.


Me: I'm at Adelain's dorm...

Me: Don't tell him that! He'll think wrong, freak out and kill me... Ugh. God damn me!

Me: I'll be there in a second...

~*End Of Messages*~

She quickly stood up, a worried expression over her features.

"I've got to go... My brother's possibly going to kill me depending on what Silas has filled him in on. You can come with or stay here, but I really have to go." She said, waiting a few minutes for his answer of going with her or staying.

Ashton furrowed his brows.

"You have a brother?! And why is my baby sister with him?!?" He took out his phone and went to his contacts.

Once he found Writer's he clicked it. A light growl escaped his lips hearing it go straight to voicemail. He shoved his phone back in his pocket and looked at SIlas.

"When you see her, tell her to come find me." He said, before walking away, his hands curled into fists.

@The Jackal
Silas looked at Ashton realized why he as worried "Oh no, no not like that... She was showing him to his dorm" He said in an alarmed tone, knowing full well why Ashton was angry. He stood up and drew his phone from his pocket again "Its not like that... And jesus christ if it was I'd already be killing Adelain myself" He muttered the last part as it was probably not gonna make sent.

Adelain listened to the music and furrowed his lip in a way, actually enjoying his 3rd taste of music. He lowered his hands from his neck and looked over at Writer as she said she had to go "I'll come... Hopefully your brother doesn't kill me as well" He said before heading to the door himself, opening it for Writer and then exiting behind her with his hood up.
Writer gave a sigh of releif once she saw Silas and her brother wasn't with him. She bit her li and looked at him.

"So what DID you tell Ashton?" She questioned with a raised brow.

She hoped that he didn't say anything that would earn him a punch in the face. She then, elicted a small laugh faintly still hearing her music from her pocket. She sudenly felt emense tension from the two boys and cringed. You probably coudln't even cut it with a knife.

@The Jackal
Silas looked at Writer and then stood when Adelain came up behind her with his hood on, when Writer spoke he looked at her and away from Adelain who was returning the stare "That you were with him" He said, not even wanting to mention his brothers name.
Writer sighed in relief then, crossed her arms.

"Was I this annoying when me and Ashton hated each other?" She huffed, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.

She had gotten so used to everyone getting along so well, that she grew irritated with all of the sibling rivalries that went on. Her gaze turned up to the sky and a smile urled to her lips seeing the clouds. She remembered when her, Ash, Zoe, and Zac would lay in the grass and try and decipher what shap the clouds would make. Suddenly she found herself teary eyed at the thought of them. This definitely wasn't going to be easy on her, Ash, Silas, and Adelain. Silas and Adelain because they had to deal with her and then, Ash because he felt the pain of them leaving as well. She wipped at her eyes, plastering the most realistic smile on her face that she could manage.

@The Jackal

(aaaaaannnnnnddddd... Suddenly people are dead ;~ ;)
(*places hand to mouth* SHHH SHHH SHH SHHH... I'm busy)

Silas glared and Writer before straightening up and sighing it annoyance "See you two lovebirds later" He sneered before disappearing from view, his laughs becoming ghostly as he dematerialized. He reappeared walking with Ashton "Sup ?" He asked in his regular sarcastic tone, knowing that Ashton was still on edge and ready to blow at a moments notice.

Adelain looked up at the word 'lovebirds' and swore under his breathe before taking a step back and looking back at his feet, pretending he didn't hear his brothers smart-ass remark. He looked around and sighed slightly, annoyed that there was no one around that could interrupt in an awkward conversation that he knew would happen if he stayed here any longer.

(hehe sorry i have no life outside the internet.. other than school xDDD)

Writer rolled her eyes and grumbled, "I thought I was the one on my period not the other way around!" She shouted to Silas, before seing him disapear out of view.

She turned to looked at Adelain and frowned. She knew that he felt rather uncomfortable. He'd most likely want to be somewhere else other than be with a moody, weird, 17 year old girl.

"You can go if you want." She said, sitting on the concrete sidewalk.

Ashton shot a glare at SIlas when he saw him.

"Is she still with him?" He questioned his hands still in fists.

His brown eyes were hazed with anger. She didn't like the thought of his baby sister being alone in a dorm with a boy he didn't know. He allowed it with Zachary only because he knew that Zac wouldn't try and pull anything.

@The Jackal

(speaking of outside teh interwebs.... today was fun xD )
( xD Ha ha... No life)

Silas chuckled "No clue" He said before slipping his hands into his jacket pockets, his thoughts of Ashton being in a bad mood were correct which made him smirk. He looked around before sighing out of boredom "Watcha doin ?" He asked out of boredom, he didn't really care what he was doing he was just bored.

Adelain looked up and nodded "Uh, yeah I'm gonna go now" He said before turning and running off, pleased that he didn't have to talk to Writer any more. He quickly disappeared down the dark areas in between one of the many dorms, entering his shadow form before reappearing in one of the shadows near Silas and Ashton. He waited until they were near him before jumping out and striking Silas across the face with a single punch "Fuck you" He whispered before disappearing into the shadows again.
(Well first off... Not really possible.. Second off: Make a character if you wanna join Thirdly: speak in brackets when not speaking normally)
Dru flitted through the school moving at high speeds mainly seen when he slowed down enough to stop and look around. Dru wasn't sure exactly what he should be doing but he did know he was bored.
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"Hey can you show me around" Emma asked the boy flying through the hallways

After he igorned her and kept flying Emma went to find someone else to help her
Writer sighed as she sit on the concrete floor. Her eyes darkening to a grey. So this... This is what lonliness was. She fet a whole in her heart, one she hadn't felt in a while. She laid on her back against the hot concrete floor, looking up at the clouds. All of the clouds look like blobs... Just blobs. She sighed, and took a pen out of her pocket and wrote on her wrist "We could've gone to Neverland", she wrote it on her wrist refering to a quote from Peter Pan.

"Why didn't we go to Neverland... Until forever came to it's end?" She questioned to herself allowing a tear to run down her cheek.

Zac and Zoe were one of the best things that ever happened to her. They've up and left her so many times, yet it still hurt each time. Her heart ached and her lungs felt heavy in her chest. She knew she should've gotten up and gone back to her dorm, but she lay there on the floor knowing what was to happen next. Suddenly she felt her breathing stop and knew what was happening. She tried to cough, hoping to feel some sort of relief between her and air, but unfortunately nothing. Her eyes were white, wide, and filled with fear. She sat there hoping someone would take notice as her face turned pale.

Ashton sighed, turning to Silas and groaned.

"I'm going to my dorm.. What do you want?" He asked looking at him, with anger still obvious.

His eyes widened seeing someone come from the shadows and punch Silas in the face. He couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Who the fuck was that?" He questioned with a raised brow, a grin still plastered on his face.
Adelain reappeared in the shadows near his dorm and slowly made his way to the door, a devilish smile on his face. He silently opened the door and slipped in before heading to his bed, slumping on it, drawing out his phone and opening a maps app he found. He smirked when he noticed that the map had no results and that this place was completely off the map, just the way he liked it. He scrolled across the map for a while out of curiousity of how far that the dark area lasted.

Silas rubbed his jaw as he slowly stood "My brother" He said in an annoyed tone before lowering his hands to his sides "That fuckin' hurt" He muttered to himself before looking at Ashton's grin and throwing a punch of his own, laughing as he struck him across the face. He continued to laugh as he took a step back and dematerialized.
As Emma was walking around the school she had no idea where she was in the school,but then she saw a pale girl it looked like she stopped breathing,"Are you okay" Emma asked hoping for an answer otherwise she would think this girl is dead
Writer lay there, her face turning red. She shook her head rapidly wishing she could yell at the girl for asking. How is she supposed to answer when she cant breath.
"Ok can you tell me where the nurses office is" Emma said worrying for the girl

"Nevermind I'll just get you there with this map"Emma said before summoning a block horse,putting the girl on it and making it to the nurse's office in 20 seconds showing the girl to the nurse,"she stoped breathing" Emma said worried
Adelain lay in his bed for a few more minutes before standing, slipping his phone back into his pocket, heading to the door and leaving. He roamed around the half darkened academy and smiled at how long the shadows were. He looked around and clenched his fist once or twice before the shadows seemed to scurry towards his hand and then take blurry shape in his hand, he stared at the shadows for a few more seconds before the misty blur of something became a solid construct of what looked like makeshift scissor blades. Adelain smiled and set off with the scissor blades in his hand, not a care in the world. A few minutes of walking and Adelain jumped back at the sight of a shadow horse and... Writer ?! He paused before entering his shadow form and pursuing the horse, thankfully it was a horse made of shadows and Adelain was able to transport himself to the back of the horse where he took hold of Writer's arm and stared at her in silence, wondering what to do.

Silas stared at his brother as he created the scissor blades, noticed the horse with Writer on it, pursue the horse, and then appear on the horses back.... Wait Writer was unconscious on the back of a shadow horse ? Silas took a step back and disappeared himself, appearing crouched on the back of the horse "ADELAIN, THE FUCK DID YOU DO ?! THIS IS A SHADOW HORSE YOU MAKE THINGS OUT OF SHADOWS !" He yelled at his brother who looked up and shook his head, the smoke like shadows trailing behind him. Silas looked at the rider and tapped her on her shoulder "STOP THE FUCKING HORSE" He yelled over the rushing wind.

@AkwardWriter @WoodenZebra

(Adelain's weapon:

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Emma turned around and saw two guys behind her so she stoped the horse,"Who are you,whatever I have to go"Emma said picking up the girl summoning a teleporter from pokemon jumped on it and teleported to the nurses office
Adelain jumped from the horse and went to punch the girl, the one rule he abided was never hit a girl but this was an exception. He rose his fist and went to punch her before she disappeared and he punched thin air, he looked around in a way before slumping back "Where the fuck ?!-" He yelled before turning to Silas. They both exchanged a glare for a few minutes before Silas turned and ran off, without Zac or Zoe around Writer had no one to keep her safe which had pissed Silas off because he knew that if he tried to find her he'd look like an idiot.. But if he let his brother find her Adelain would look like the idiot, this thought made Silas smile. Silas dematerialized as Adelain ran over to the horse and mounted it, leaning down and petting the horses neck and then whipping the reins in a hope to find Silas and Writer.


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