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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Silas looked over his shoulder "The guy your dating" He said sarcastically, smirking as he did "EV will get jealous if he sees someone as handsome as me talking to you" He replied before disappearing completely, not wanting to be there when Night lost her shit for him poking fun at her boyfriend.
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"What the fuck silas!!" Nightmare stood in the hallway cussing and punching the hall while mist jumped off her shoulder onto the ground watching her master.
Silas reappeared by Writer and did what he did to Night "BOO" He yelled at the top of his lungs before bursting into laughter once again.
Writer sat with her legs hugged to her chest. Tears and mascara were streaming down the girls face. She didn't take notice to Silas, seeing she was only looking through old pictures on her phone. Hollow slowly made her way over to the sobbing girl and curled up in her lap.

"*Now really isn't a good time.*" The fox spoke, nudging her head under Writer's arm.
Silas frowned and sat down next to her, thinking of what to do next "What's wrong ?" He asked as he made up his mind and placed an arm around her shoulder, silently hoping she wouldn't turn and try to slap, punch or kill him.
The crying mess just leaned onto him, acepting any comfort she can. She sniffled and her blue/white eyes looked dull and saddened as she turned to look at him. Her pale arms reached to her face as one of her fingers grazed across her cheek wiping away a tear.

"Zac-hary and Z-oe are gone!" She sad in a shaky voice.

Hollow curled up in a tighter ball as Writer began to let out a few more choked sobs.
Silas paused and looked down at the crying wreck "What do you mean their gone ?!" He asked in a concerned tone, he looked further down at the small fox that lay curls up in a ball in her lap and let out an almost silent sigh. He pulled her closer to comfort her and closed his eyes as he thought about where the two vampires could have disappeared or if something else happened to them.
She sniffles, burying her face in Silas' shoulder.

"I mean they're gone... I don't know why I just know they are." A muffled sob escaped her lips as tears began to drip onto the boy's shirt.

She turns her phone off and throws it on her bed, not wanting to look at it any longer. The pictures of Zac, Zoe, and her paining her to look at.
He let out another sad sigh "Oh..." He whispered before looking down at the still crying girl that was burying herself into his arm, he was still puzzled but also scared of what could have happened to the twins could they have been killed, could they have just disappeared, could they have been killed by slayers he knew the last one was a long shot but it was a possibility.

(1st off: Is silas' bro accepted ? 2nd off: Why can I not get the thought of Writer trying to kiss Silas cos she's so fucked up right now xD )
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((Yea his bro is accepted and lol i cant stop thinking about Silas trying to kiss Writer rn xDDD))

Writer pets the fox and raises her feet onto the bed. She continues crying and sobing she lays her head back in his shoulder. This was going to be hard for her and she needed him before she needed Night, cuz she'd only cry as well. She turned away from him and stood up off the bed, adjusting her black shorts and white tanktop walking to her dresser. She rappidly wipped her tears away as she grabbed her sketchbook. She flipped through, page after page, all filled with Zac or her friends. She dropped it on the floor and rummaged through one of her drawers. She quickly grabbed a pill bottle and opened it and dumped one into her hand, popping it into her mouth. She was getting too worked up and this wasn't good especially concidering her health wasn't entirely stable still. She leaned against the dresser, her black/purple hair drapping over her face as her chest heaved up and down rappidly.

"*Silas grab her now please.*" Hollow ordered becoming slightly frightened at the actions of Writer's.

(Why do I have the impulse to now make Silas do dat shizzle... He's sooooo getting slapped across the face if he does though, right ?)

Silas watched this all happen and then looked down at the fox as it spoke "What do you mean, grab her please ?" He said in a slightly quizzical tone the phrase 'Silas, grab her now, please' was simple enough but Writer wasn't going anywhere so why was he grabbing her? Silas stood and walked over to Writer still towering over her due to his height, he looked back at the fox that had ordered him to do this and shook his head in disapproval before leaning next to her "Better ?" He asked, referring to her taking the pill.
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Writer gave a nod and leaned on the dresser. Her heart still racing and tears still dripping. Her arms were shaky as she once again began wipping at the tears that ran down her freckled cheeks. She leaned onto Silas as she began to actually calm down a little bit, but her breaths were still shaky.

"I-I can't believe the-y're really gone." She said, the mascara she had been wearing now stained her pale little cheeks.


(@The Jackal )
Silas nodded " Don't worry... We'll find them" He said before pausing "Eventually" He whispered, barely audible to anyone. He looked back down at Writer before wrapping a hand across her shoulder blades and then over her shoulder, pulling her tight for comfort "C'mon.... Lets go see if anyone has heard of where they've gone" He said before standing with her still in his arm.

She stood up and nodded. Her black/purple hair drape over her shoulders as she slowly makes her way out of Silas' grasp. She grabbed her phone off of her bed, wipping the mascara off her cheeks before exiting her dorm with Silas behind her. She stuffed her phone in the back pocket of her shorts. As she walked near the front of the school, she saw a boy who seemed new.

"Silas there's a new kid.... Should we say hi?" She questions turning to him.

She wanted to say hi, and push all of her problems to the back of her mind, but she also doesn't. She looked at the ground as she waited for his hanswer and knelt down looking at the flowers. It reminded her of soe wonderful memories in the flower garden that her and Zachary shared, memories that she would never dare to forget.

@The Jackal

(btw the new kid is Silas' bro)
Silas spared a glance at the new kid and groaned "No.... Not him anyone but him" He said in an annoyed tone before taking Writer by the arm with an iron grip and then dragging her off. Unfortunately for Silas Adelain had been practicing a lightning spell and had noticed him a mile away before actually sending the unfinished bolt of electricity straight at Silas' feet. Silas jumped back at shot Adelain a glare before swearing at him and dragging Writer off even faster than before.
Writer was a bit confused at the sudden action and wasn't going to leave it unsaid. She decided that if she kept being dragged that she fall and face plant right on the floor, so she quickly snapped her fingers and allowed her wings to spread out and yanked her wrist out of his grasp. She took flight into the air and followed him.

"What's going on Silas?" She questioned, a puzzled look on her face, "and who is he?" She asked, turning her head slightly to look behind them.

After a few minutes she decided it'd be fine to land. She slowly closed her wings inwards and dropped to the ground. She stumbled a bit due to the fact that she was wearing studded hightops.

@The Jackal
Silas sighed "That was my brother" He said before turning to look at Writer "He hates me... That's the bottom line" He said before turning and beginning to walk off again.

(Sorry its short)
"Oh.." She mumbled, fidgeting with her necklace. "If you don't mind me asking," she paused "Why do you guys hate each other?" She questioned, turning to glance at him one last time before turning her complete attention to Silas once more.
Silas shook his head "We just do" He said before spinning around so he was looking at Writer whilst talking "Sibling rivalry" He added before slipping his hands into his pockets, looking back over his shoulder as he walked backwards. Eventually bumping into Night "... Oh shit" He whispered to himself before turning around and taking a step back.

@SkyDust101 @AkwardWriter

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