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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Nightmare felt someone bump into her so she turned around and saw silas and writer. "Yo writer, silas." Nightmare raised her hand up in a waving matter while mist nods her head at them.
Writer immediately had a saddened look upon seeing Night. Her eyes dull and sad once more.

"Oh, hey Night... I need to tell you something." She said in a soft voice.

Her eyes looked from Night, then, to the floor as she spoke.

"Zac and Zoe are gone..." She said wipping a tear that ran down her cheek.

She knew that this hit her the hardest because she knew the siblings so well and she truly loved Zachary. She loved Zoe too, but more of a family way, not the way that she loved Zac. Her gaze remained on the floor as she soved a hand in her pocket to text them for what seemed like he 50th time today.
Nightmare looked to the ground tears starting to appea in her eyes. "I-i..." Nightmare keeps her gaze to the ground while bringing her hands to her face to wipe the tears way but more just keep appearing.
Connor looked up at the school. His whole life, he had been alone. He had looked for friends, people who would appreciate him as a human being. He had looked his whole life. And finally, finally. He found where he belonged. Connor entered the school, and the buzz of activity was overwhelming. Connor strode through the crowd of people, who all looked normal, except for a few tails here and there. But they all were hiding there abilities. Just like him. Connor weaved his way through the crowd, heading for where he thought the office was.
Silas stayed quiet as he came up beside Writer and looked at Night with an emotionless look, not because he didn't care he just didn't have anything to say.
"Okay can we stop talking about this." She said and shoved her hands in her pockets.

Her fingers moved around as she pulled out a chocolate bar and opened it taking a bite.

"What?! You try being on your period." She said, giving a small laugh.
Nightmare let out a small chuckle and looked up to writer while wiping tears out of her eyes.
Silas continued to keep quiet in a hope that if he did no one would look at him and ask him of what he wants to do or whether or not they should continue to look for Zac and Zoe. He was relieved when Writer tried to lighten the mood by telling everyone to not talk about the twins, despite their differences Silas always saw them as twins.

Adelain watched his brother run off with a spiteful look underneath his black hood with a red and grey star on the back before turning and walking back to his dorm, silently hoping that his brother wasn't sharing a dorm with him. After a few minutes he paused and looked around, he'd only just realized he didn't know where his dorm was. He swore to himself before finding a place to sit until something of interest happens.

(What dorm is Adelain in ?)
(Adelain and Connor share a dorm :3 )

Writer continued to eat her chocolate before turning her head and seing Silas' brother.

"Sorry Silas... But he's new and lost. I'm going to go help him really quick... Please don't hate me!" She then, ran off to the male sitting on the bench in the courtyard. "Hey.. Sorry about a few minutes ago, uhm... I'm Writer, and you seem lost." She said giving a teasing smile.

She blew her black/purple hair from her eyes, and toyed with her necklace once more. She wasn't good with new people, but then again she was.
(... Connor is so fucked... Like.... WOW)

Silas watched her go and paused, eventually spinning around and sending a fist into a nearby locker "Dammit !" He yelled in anger as Writer ran off to his brother. He turned back to Night and sighed "I know how you feel when I made fun of you and EV" He said before closing his eyes and covering his eyes in an attempt to calm himself and not go and punch Writer and Adelain both.

Adelain looked up and scowled, the girl from before, the one that was hanging out with Silas, the one he hated right now, the one that he thought was pretty was standing right in front of him. He pulled his hood tighter over his head and ignored her, slipping his hands back into his pockets as a way to try and signal the girl to go away.
She crossed her arms and looked at him.

"Oh c'mon! I'm not that horrible... Your brother is going to hate me after this, but it's worth it. Let me be your tour guide... I don't bite. Often anyways." She giggled at that last part and stuck her hand out.

She was determinde to get his attention and was ready to be punched or something from him or Silas. Which ever happened first.

(i feel like Silas and Adelain are going to end up arguing over something other than their past haha)

@The Jackal
Adelain sighed and eventually looked up to the girl "Fine..." He said before standing, towering over her much like Silas did. He looked down at her before staring at Silas who was over in the distance, glaring at him in a way that made anyone think he was wishing death upon him "Lead the way..." He said in a less than enthusiastic tone while still staring at Silas.

Silas stood with his arms crossed as he watched Writer go and try to speak to his brother, smirking as he pulled his hood tighter over his head, returning the stare when he did and then looking down at his feet.

(Sorry for the short post for Silas... And if I'm correct then are you talking about women ?)

Writer smiled, striaghtening her posture. She noticed the males glare and looked to where he was looking and waved at Silas flashing a big smile.

"Oh my, why do you guys hate each other so much? I mean I 100% understand sibling rivalry, me and my brother used to hate each other. But we're fine now, anywho what happened between you and Silas?" She questioned, having somehow grabbed a few papers from his jacket.

She looked down at the papers and smiled, starting to walk towards the dorms. It didn't take longer than a few minutes to arrive there, and not long after that they arrived at Adelain's dorm.

"Here's your dorm... What's your name?" She questioned handing him back the papers.
Adelain walked along with the girl "Our childhoods happened" Was all he commented before he looked up at his dorm when they stopped, he looked back at the girl when she handed him his paper. He looked back down at the girl when she spoke "Adelain... You know the last name" He said before walking to the door of his dorm and wrapping his hand around the door handle, he looked back at the girl again "And your name ?" He asked.
She just nodded and looked at him.

"The names Writer.. My brother is the one that got the normal name." She rolled her eyes and walked in completely invading whatever privacy he thought he'd have.

She looked around and ploped onto one of the beds laughing.

"Looks like your roomate isn't here yet. You'll most likely end up with a female roommate, but it's possible you'll have a male roommate." She said, sitting up and crossing her legs on the bed.
Adelain stepped to the side when she entered and then entered along side her, looking around before settling with just standing. He looked at Writer again when she spoke "I don't really care who I get" He said before lowering his hood from his head and looking around again, he stayed quiet and didn't speak any more.
"Oh my gosh and you have a face! Woohoo!" She exclaims laughing.

She stood up and her being her, poked his side. 'Oh my... Does he work out?' She though causing her to randomly facepalm. She walked back to the bed and curled in a ball. This wasn't a good time for cramps. Stupid period cramps and their bad timings.

"Kiiilll. Mmmmeeeee." She groaned stupidly pressing her hands against the cramping area putting as much pressure as possible.
Adelain actually smiled at that comment and looked at Writer, frowning when she stood up and poked him and then swapping to a look of concern when she curled back up on the bed. He walked over to her and leaned down, placing a hand on her shoulder "You okay ?" He said in a concerned tone, a few thoughts had crossed his mind of what was wrong the girl the ones that popped up the most being she was sick, she had just been running, she just got punched before she approached him and the one that made him cringe: She was on her period, he was opting on that at the moment.
She just groaned when he touched her shouder.

"....Well let's see. I am curled up in a ball, dying of pain... Hmm... I'm on my period... Now, am I okay? No... No I am not." She spat in a new harsh tone.

She hated her mood swings, especially right now. She didn't know what Aiden could do if she accidentally pissed him off, but he also didn't know what she was apable of either so it was best if neither found out as well.
Adelain removed his arm from her shoulder when she spat at him in a tone he was familiar with that he used to get from his brother. He frowned but knew very well now that she was on her period and that the comment wasn't her fault, he sighed and sat down next to he, keeping silent as he did. He placed a hand on her shoulder again and closed his eyes, concentrating on trying to remember a healing spell he had learnt before he came here.
Writer raised a brow at him and sighed.

"What are you thinking of?" She questioned, slowly sitting up then, quickly laying back down.

She decided that sitting up was most likely not the best option, yet somehow decided that placing her feet on Adelain was. She giggled slightly and allowed a smile to curve over her lips. She had a feeling that with a little bit of persuasion and she could manage to be friends with him and Silas.
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Adelain continued to try and remember the spell and when she put her feet on his lap he wavered in his concentration slightly before remembering the spell. He looked over at her before turning his attention back to the spell, murmuring a few audible but creepy words and then opening his eyes again as a green aura played around his hands and green sparks jumped across his skin. He looked at Writer "This won't hurt... I promise" He said before placing a hand on her shoulder again, the green aura shot off his hand and then encased Writer in a thick layer of green as the sparks played across her body until they found an open wound of any sorts or located a spot of pain. After this happened the mist receded and dissipated and then sparks that hadn't jumped across her skin and healed the wounds sunk into her skin causing a small sting of pleasure before fading. Adelain looked at Writer with a small smile on his face "How you feeling ?... Better ?" He asked in a hope that the cramps would have stops, that was probably the only thing that the healing spell stopped... That and any other cuts, grazes, stings and maybe a sprain ankle.
[QUOTE="The Jackal](... Connor is so fucked... Like.... WOW)
Silas watched her go and paused, eventually spinning around and sending a fist into a nearby locker "Dammit !" He yelled in anger as Writer ran off to his brother. He turned back to Night and sighed "I know how you feel when I made fun of you and EV" He said before closing his eyes and covering his eyes in an attempt to calm himself and not go and punch Writer and Adelain both.

Adelain looked up and scowled, the girl from before, the one that was hanging out with Silas, the one he hated right now, the one that he thought was pretty was standing right in front of him. He pulled his hood tighter over his head and ignored her, slipping his hands back into his pockets as a way to try and signal the girl to go away.

(Oh No, Why is Connor fucked?)
Writer nodded, sitting up and removing her feet from his lap.

"Seriously how do you guys hate each other?! Neither of you seem to be bad people." She aid standind up and stretching her arms.

She knew that she should stop talking about how him and Silas hating each other, but she was nosey and wanted to know. She leaned against the wall and took her phone out. She went to her messages and clicked on Silas' contact and started texting him.


Me: Hey, hope you dun hate meh

Me: He's not THAT bad...

Me: Sorry don't hate me...

~*End Of Messages*~

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