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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

After leaving the girl with the nurse Emma dicieded to wonder around the school forgetting about the boys that are after her
Silas materialized in his dorm where he grabbed his lance and then spun it slightly before flipping it over his shoulder and dematerializing again. He rematerialized atop one of the many sentry towers and looked down at the shadow horse along with the shadow rider, his brother and that crazy girl's horse. He looked around again and soon spied Writer through a window in the infirmary, making him grin devilishly and dematerialize. He once again rematerialized crouched on the horses back before tapping his brother's shoulder "She's in the infirmary" He yelled over the rushing wind before dematerializing and reappearing at a good vantage point to watch the show and most likely laugh his ass off.

Adelain looked over his shoulder and his eyes became even more enraged when he saw his brother, he loosened up slightly when he yelled at him before he returning his attention to the horse who was now speeding through the academy. He gave the horse a light kick in the side and whipped the reins at the same time to increase his speed, reaching the infirmary in mere seconds before dismounting and running through the infirmary doors, giving the nurse a fright as he was still in his shadow form and then walking over to Writer's bed where he entered his solid form and looked down at her.

Emma got lost and went back to the infirmary to check on the girl and saw the two boys that went after her in there so Emma went inside the infirmary
Jasmine landed on the academy's roof with a small thud and quickly tucked her wings in. She scanned the courtyard while taking a seat on the edge, now in deep thought. It's been awhile since she's been in contact with anyone.
Right before she went in Emma heard a thump on the roof so she went on the roof to see a girl,"Hey what are you doing up here" Emma said to the girl
WoodenZebra said:
Right before she went in Emma heard a thump on the roof so she went on the roof to see a girl,"Hey what are you doing up here" Emma said to the girl
(Okay... Not hating and all but you really REALLY need to not magically and "Coincidentally" be able to roleplay with everyone at once)
AkwardWriter said:
(Agh!!! Im alive! Sorry i havent been on for a few days, but im back... school has really been kicking my ass.... ill work on my response right now @The Jackal @WoodenZebra @JasTheGamer @Drumonkey )
(YAAAY... Adelain is with Writer in the infirmary after she stopped breathing xD ... Also would you be interested in a post apocalyptic roleplay ? I made it :D )
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The nurse had just hooked Writer up to a breathing machine moments priar to Adelain coming in. Slowly Writer's color began to turn normal, but her pulse still not even halfway normal. The unconcious girls eyes fluttered open, everything blury and the room spinning around her for a few seconds. Once her blue/white eyes adjusted to her surroundings, she was a little frightened to see Adelain, but relaxed when she realized it was him.

"Hey." She said in a quiet and weak voice.

She sat up slightly, having to use both of her elbows to support her due to her weak state at the moment. She took in a sharp breath and sighed quietly as she looked at the ceiling. The memories of breaking her legs and her arm flooded into her mind as she cringed.

@The Jackal
Adelain smiled once she opened her eyes and spoke "You okay ?" He asked, lowering himself to a nearby seat as his eyes fixed on hers. He stayed silent and lowered his hood from his head before speaking again "What happened ?" He added, still curious about why the girl was on a shadow horse then in the infirmary.

She felt her cheeks flush out of embarrassment as to why she had ended up in the infirmary.

"It's honestly pretty stupid... I kind of have a medication I'm supposed to take, but I didn't take it today. So whenever I got all worked up over some old friends it caused my body to react in a negtive way... So basically it's because I'm stupid." She looked at the ceiling once more, avoiding eye contact.

Her pulse was close to being normal again giving her a bit of relief.

@The Jackal
Adelain stayed quiet and then looked up at Writer again, half understanding what she had spoke about. He tugged lightly at his sleeves as the nurse put on one of the heaters in the corner, unzipping his jacket and then slipping it off so it was only over one hand. "So you forgot to take your pills ?" He asked, glancing back up at her as she stared at the roof.

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She let out a chuckle and looked at him. Her lips curled into a smile as she spoke.

"You could say it was pills that i forgot to take." She said with a grin looking at the band aid on her arm. "Or you could know that it's a needle injected medication."

She found what she was saying amusing. She laid back down and looked at him. She reached into her pocket pulling out a sheet of paper with a drawing on it. She handed it to Adelain for him to see that it was a bunny. It was very detailed and shaded with pencil and outlined with pen.

"Is it good?" She questioned seeking approval of the drawing.

@The Jackal
Adelain chuckled slightly before taking the paper, raising an eyebrow at the bunny before smiling at Writer "It's brilliant" He said, smiling before looking down at the picture and grinning as a thought wandered into his mind "Watch this" He said as he stared at the bunny, looking as though trying to think something. The shadows around them flickered and shimmered until a blurry outline of the same bunny appeared in Adelain's lap before the bunny was completely formed.

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Writer's eyes went wide as she saw the bunny shadow in Adelain's lap. It was amazing and she was in complete 'awe'.

"Wha- How?! What is this sorcery?!" She jokes, laughing.

It was amazing, meanwhile she was just a fire breathing derp like her brother. She reached her hand her hand out to touch it, but chickened out and retracted her hand. She continues to stare at it as if clarifying that it's not a dream.

@The Jackal
Adelain watched as Writer tried to touch it before smirking as she retracted her hand, slowly placing his hands underneath the bunny and then lifting it up. He slowly hovered it over Writer's lap before letting it drop onto her lap where it laid down like a small bundle of fur "Not witch craft" He said with a smile, the shadow bunny bouncing closer to Writer's upper waist where it laid down in a bundle of fur again.

She smiled, petting the bunny that lay as a ball of fur on her waist.

"Lies," her voice was joking and more daydreamy.

She bit her lip as she stare at the bunny. Writer still trying not to deny the fact that it's real and there.

(Sorry the posts are short im trying to draw)

@The Jackal
Emma was reading a book about as thick as all the Harry potter books put together and decided to take a break and check on the girl.On the way to the nurses office Benji popped out and walked by Emma to the Informery
Adelain smiled as the bunny stood onto it's back legs and looked around before bouncing away under the bed, Adelain raising an eyebrow as the bunny hid in the shadows. He looked back at Writer and smiled softly before standing and brushing his jacket from his arm completely "Mind explaining what happened ?" He asked, glancing at her again.

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