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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Adelain stayed quiet before raising his hand, an exact replica of the sword appearing in his grip "I've got the same thing" He said, a smirk on his face as the shadowy blur filled in and revealed the shadow sword. He ran his own hand across his blade a smile on his face before glancing at the girl and then at Writer
Her eyes glossed over in a haze of curiosity before Adelain's voice snapped her back to reality. She turned her head and saw the shadow sword of the legendary Excalibur in his hands. Her jaw dropped open and a small frown appeared on her face.

"Is there anything you guys can't make appear? You both now have an Excalibur, and all I have is stupid fire breath which will soon, one day be my death," she gave an exasperated sigh and slumped her shoulders.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on her face and she stood up straight.

"Wait why am I complaining?? Fire and wings are awesome! Who needs fancy powers... Well I mean, no offense." Writer spoke as her cheeks flushed pink, hoping she didn't offended her friends.

@The Jackal @WoodenZebra
Adelain paused as though thinking "Well I can't make a copy of somebody already alive... While I can make a semi-sentient being I can't make things with emotions" He said blandly, the sword disappearing as she stood and pulled his jacket on. He smiled at her comment before shaking his head and a shovel appeared in his hands, him patting her on the head with it "It's fine... Plus I can make wings any time" He added, a smile on his face.
She puffed out her cheeks and crossword her arms like a child.

"Unless you're planning to bury me, don't touch me with that shovel." She said fixing her hair.

She looked at his jacket and raised a brow as to why he was wearing a jacket. It felt perfectly fine to her, but then again everything was a bit warmer for her due to the fact she has fire inside her. She decided not to question it, but simply attempt to steal the jacket from him. Yet her attempt failed because she is extremely short compared to most people on the campus.

@The Jackal
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/me nods to the lady and says to her with a shy whimper. "Ummm I'm trying to find my room miss...." her bright blue eyes dim as she was nervous they often flared up in brightness when she was happy energized or liked someone but were dim when she was scared, shy or just nervous @AwkwardWriter
The woman looked to her and sighed. She raped her nails on the desk before opening a cabinet and going through files. Once she found the right one she handed it to her as well as the key.

"There is a map of where your dorm is and there's is you key. Goodbye." The lady turned on her heels and walked in the opposite direction and entered a room.

@Annie Xavier
AkwardWriter said:
The woman looked to her and sighed. She raped her nails on the desk before opening a cabinet and going through files. Once she found the right one she handed it to her as well as the key.
"There is a map of where your dorm is and there's is you key. Goodbye." The lady turned on her heels and walked in the opposite direction and entered a room.

@Annie Xavier
*looks at the key and nods as she goes to find her dorm hopefully not getting lost and all but knowing her luck she would she was terrible with direction*
Adelain shrugged before the shovel disappeared, replaced with a black pearl. "Look at this" He murmured as the pearl almost transparent pearl shimmered into a necklace. He bundled it up slightly before holding it in the light, it shimmering slightly as he swung it slightly. He glanced around and then at Writer. "Want it ?" He asked, holding the necklace out to her.

Writer flashed him a sweet smile.

"Really?! Sure! It's beautiful." Her voice was sincere and joyful.

She stared at the necklaces watching the light reflect off of it. She liked all of these little things, and appreciated all of the small things in the world, but sometimes it'd take longer for her to realize how special the small things are. She snapped back into reality feeling her phone buzz in her pocket. A small grin appeared on her face seeing that it was a notification from YouTube. She paid no attention to it, feeling it would be rude to ignore him for YouTube so she shoved her phone back in her pocket.

@The Jackal
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Adelain smiled and handed her the pearl necklace, it shimmering in the light as it lay in her palm. He smiled and pulled his hood up before glancing at her hand as she drew her phone out, glancing at her face as she slipped it into her pocket again.

She put the necklace on and smiled. She couldn't help but to wrap her arms around him into a hug.

"Thank you." Her face glowing with joy.

She turned and smiled, then suddenly had a random thought but brushed it off.

"Why are you wearing a jacket?" She questioned still very unsure of why he seemed to be cold.

@The Jackal
Adelain paused and glanced at Writer, shrugging "I dunno" He murmured, tapping lightly at her nose "Don't ask" He added. He looked her up and down, nodding slightly "Feeling better ?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he glanced around in a hope that he could leave this place.

Writer nodded and looked up at him due to how short she is.

"Yeah I'm fine... You can go, if you want." She said, her smile turning into a straight face as she sat down.

She seemed to be thinking of something, but whatever she was thinking of left no hint over her frail features. She took her phone out her phone, biting her lip and sighed at what she was looking at before going to something else.

@The Jackal
Jasmine cautiously stepped outside into the courtyard, looking around. The sky looked clear and perfect for flying. Usually, the dirty blonde would've instantly taken the chance to fly, but strangely today she didn't feel like it.
Adelain nodded to Writer as she spoke before turning and exiting, entering his shadow form as he simply shifted through the door. Once he was outside he looked around, still in shadow form, before taking a leap into the air and allowing himself to soar through the sky onto a nearby rooftop before landing again. Repeating this action until he was essentially flying from roof to roof in complete silence.

@JasTheGamer (If you want to notice Adelain or not)
Jasmine caught a glimpse of a dark shadow on the ground and looked up curiously, and saw a figure jumping from roof to roof. She held up her arm to cover the sun from her eyes as she watched, unfolding her wings slightly.
Adelain could feel something, something watching him, it wasn't hostile but he didn't take kindly to be watched. He came to an abrupt halt and glanced around before resting his gaze on someone below in the courtyard, watching him. He returned her stare with dead eyes, clenching his fists every now and then before taking a step near the edge of the building and dropping down softly.

Jasmine took a step back, not knowing what to think as the stranger dropped down. She instantly felt shy and tucked her wings back in, not looking away. She didn't recognize him, so she figured he was a new student.

"H-hello..." It barely came out as a whisper as she looked down at the ground, her hair now covering her face.
Writer smiled as the nurse came in and said she was allowed to leave. The first thing she saw once she exited was Jasmine, and her face lit up.

"Jasmine!" She yelled out as she ran towards her. "Hey Adelain, don't scare her too much 'Kay?" She said, grabbing Jasmine's arm.

"So, Jasmine this is Adelain... Adelain this is Jasmine. Now I need to speak with Jasmine... So uhm, yeah.. See ya around friend!" She exclaimed, running off with Jasmine.

Her black/purple hair, blew in her face and she mouthed a "your welcome" to her before stopping.

Adelain jumped in surprise and took a step into the shadows, almost completely blending into the shadows. After a moment he realized it was Writer who had spoke and took a step back into the light as the shadows seemed to fade away from his skin, showing his face as he glanced from Writer to Jasmine. He smirked at Writer's comment "Can't make any promises" He said before watching Writer grab Jasmine by the arm and run off with her.


Jasmine tried to process what all just happened as they stopped, and looked around. “Th-thanks..." She said, looking back behind them. The dirty blonde then turned to face her friend Writer.

“So... Long time no see! How've you been?"
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