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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

*Annie eventually comes out of her room and looks around the school again the shy girl often no one for talking with people she was mostly just surfing the web on her iphone*
As the shadows once again enveloped Adelain he glanced back at Writer and Jasmine before the shadows enveloped him completely and he was gone. He reappeared standing next to Silas who stood atop the rooftops and looked down at the area below, Silas noticing him and then trying to throw a punch at his brother. Adelain simply caught the fist and sent his own fist back at Silas who stumbled back, recovered, threw down his lance and then ran at Adelain for another go.
Zachary and Zoe Hallow arrive back on campus, after yet another long-lasting adventure. The vampire siblings look obviously worn from their experiences, whatever those may be, and the male is slouched with shame. How could they leave everyone behind again? How could he leave Writer alone again? She probably hates him now, and he doesn't blame her.

Zac blinks back his tears from falling and sniffs the air, trying to clear his head. When he does this, however, the male smells his true love. Somehow, the distance has made her smell so much stronger, and Zac's brain immediately remembers all the memories they made together. His heart aches to have Writer in his arms... her lips against his lips... her-- His thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the girl he reluctantly claims to be his little sister.


Zoe yawns, tired from running so far, and her emotions are all over the place. She's excited to be back but nervous to see everyone and angry at Zac for forcing her to leave and sad that she has been away from Ashton, excuse me, Mr. Fuzzy, for so long...

To express all these feelings at once, the female screams as loud as she can, convinced her actions will piss off Zachary enough to let go of her wrist. Lately, he hasn't been letting her get more than five feet away from him because the outside world is so unsafe. Zoe understands this, but she also knows that the school is super safe.

Just as she expects, Zac releases Zoe's arm, and she skips off to see their old dorm.


With his sister gone, Zachary has nothing to distract him from Writer's presence. He runs after her scent, following it to his girlfriend's dorm room. He then knocks as though he is just another friend stopping to borrow a pencil.
Writer's drawing is interrupted when she hears a knock on her door. She slides the drawing under her pillow and stands up, stretching a bit. She walks to the door and opens it. Her eyes widen and her thin lips curl into a smile.

"Zac!!!" She exclaims wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. "I thought you weren't coming back," her voice sounded sad, and hurt as she rests her head on his chest.


Ashton sat in the courtyard, suddenly hearing a scream. He raised a brow, thinking it sounded like Zoe. He shook the thoughts away, a frown appearing over his features. He missed Zoe more than anyone knew and he felt his heart shatter knowing that she was somewhere other than his arms.
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((Getting all snazzy with some font shit O,o))

Zac hugs Writer back, and he can't help his emotions any longer. He cries with his chin on her head, causing tears to fall into the girl's hair. He doesn't want to let her go, but he doesn't feel like he deserves her any longer, if he ever did... but he can't break up with her.... he can't keep using her, either. The male is confused and angry with himself, so all he can do is cry and try to stop crying.

After a few minutes, Zachary manages to control his breathing enough so that he can answer Writer. He bites his lips and his tears start to slow.

"I'm so sorry, Writer.... I'm...sorry... I don't know why I do this shit to you. I don't.....I don't know what to do to fix this..."

The male says 'this' in a vague way as if he could be meaning his crying or his confusion, but, really, Zac means their relationship.

"I think I've done too much, Writer. I love you more than anyone, but...I can't do...I can't hurt you anymore."

He didn't mean that... but he did... Zac blinks his eyes madly, trying to stop and prevent the tears.


Zoe arrives at her bedroom and unlocks the door, finding the inside exactly how they left it. Her clothes are thrown about and Zac's side is organized, for the most part. The girl grins and falls onto her bed, excited to sleep on something comfortable for once, Her eyes close with fatigue, but all she can see is Ashton. She needs him to cuddle with her.

With this decision made, the younger sibling jumps out of bed and runs off to search for her boyfriend. Why didn't she look for him sooner?

After a few minutes, Zoe sees the male sitting outside, and she tackles him from behind, screaming with excitement,

"Mr. Fuzzy! I missed you so much! Zachary made me leave, but now, we are back! I'm never leaving you again!"

The female giggles with peaked joy and curls up in Ashton's arms, suddenly tired once again.
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(Screw it I want to see what happens when Adelain and Silas show up while trying to beat the crap out of each other)

Silas and Adelain continued throwing punches at each other, their fighting terrain has now changed to the sidewalk below where they continued to throw punch after punch and kick after kick. After a moment Silas was sent flying back a few feet after Adelain had punched him as the shadows enveloped his arm before leaping from his fist and striking Silas head on. "C'mon, fuck face ! Lets go !" Adelain taunted catching hold of Silas' foot and spinning him around. Silas smirked before catching himself and returning the 'favor' by punching Adelain in the throat and then kicking him in the waist.

(Anyone can notice them at the moment)
Writer feels his tears drop on her head and her frown remains. Her heart shatters hearing his words.

"Zac, you're not? Are you?" A few tears slip from her eyes , feeling that he's about to break up with her. "We can fix this.. I love you, and I always will.. Zachary." She laces their fingers and pulls him inside.

She sits on the bed, her eyes filled with hurt as she looks up at his tall frame.

"I can deal with the hurt, as long as I have you in the end to help heal the hurt. And so far that's happened. Zac you mean the world to me, hell you were still there after the countless times I've almost died," Writer allowed a small laugh to escape her lips remembering the past.

The small girl stood up and walked to her dresser, grabbing the flower crown she had made him months ago. It was starting to die, but she still placed it gently on his head.


Ashton was surprised and in shock hearing Zoe. He wrapped the girl in his arms and placed his head next to hers, kissing her cheek.

"I've missed you so much," he said breathless as if trying to process the fact that this isnt a dream.

His smile was wide, kissing her lips shortly, but sweetly. He noticed she seems tired and just toyed with her hair.
Emma finished the book and looked up seeing the boy with someone else this time and went to them,"Hey" Emma said getting ready in case one tried to hurt her
Zachary grins, realizing the female is right. They can work out anything life throws at them, just as they always done. Writer doesn't hate him. They don't have to break up over a bump in the road; he just needs to find a flat path again.

"I know.... I don't know what I would do without you."

Zac laughs, as well, and wipes the remaining salt water from the rims of his eyes. He watches the girl in awe and bends down a little, so Writer can place the crown on his head. As childish as it may seem, the flowers truly make him feel like a prince. Then, the male sits down on his girlfriend's bed and pulls her by her waist onto his lap.

"You're so beautiful, Writer."

He kisses her forehead and wraps his arms tightly around her, keeping the girl as close to his body as possible, without hurting her. Zachary thinks for a moment about the amount of time he has been away. Surely, there had to be some drama between someone on campus. His eyes form into a dark glare suddenly. If anyone hurt or flirted with Writer, they better hope Zac doesn't find out. He gently lays his head on Writer's shoulder and playfully kisses her neck.

"Hey...uh, what happened since I left? Anyone's ass I need to kick?"


((Assuming Emma is talking about Ashton and Zoe! @WoodenZebra tell me if im wrong!!))

Zoe's face blushes, remembering how much she missed Ashton's affection. She closes her eyes and attempts to sleep, but she can't with the constant grin that seems to be tattooed on her lips. Instead, the girl peeks through her eyelids at the surrounding trees and other details of her home that she missed so dearly. It's weird how everything here looks brighter and more colorful to her than anywhere else.

After a few minutes, the girl's view is changed. A stranger walks into her line of sight, and Zoe immediately sits up straight and hops out of her boyfriend's lap. A new person. Finally! She had missed making friends.

"Hi! I'm Zoe! You might have heard of me and my brother, Zachary. We went away for a while, but we're okay!"

The younger sibling is convinced everyone already knows Ashton, but she takes his hand to prove to this other girl that he's in a relationship. She grins with excitement and stares at the other girl.

"What's your name?"

@WoodenZebra @AkwardWriter
"Umm I'm Emma but you can call me Emm and I don't know a Zachery or that guy,"Emma said pointing at the boy behind Zoe
((Trying to go back and read EVERYTHING I missed ;-; O.o ))

Zoe gasps dramatically and scrambles to her feet.

"Really?! This is Mr. Fuzzy, but you can call him Ashton. He's my boyfriend, and his sister, Writer--- You know Writer, right?--- is dating my brother. And err you call call Zachary, Zac to make it easier. Not that many people call him Zachary."

The girl explains this quickly, happy to point out all her connections. Maybe Emma knows someone else?

"Have you met anyone else, yet? Most people are pretty nice, right, Ash? "

The younger sibling glances at Ashton, hoping he hasn't gotten into any fights lately. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know.

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Zoe dresses like Kaori sometimes ^-^))
((When you're off work at weird hours and your boyfriend has the kids and you don't know what your life is without them .-.))
"Yeah I met Writer and someone else I don't know his name but I met writer after I rescued her" Emma looked around and saw him so she pointed,"That guy" Emma said as the guy punched another guy
(Reheheeheheeheeheh Adelain and Silas are fighting, but just ignore them, lets just do that, lets just ignore them... Memememe DONKEYS !)
Writer allows a smile to curl on her lips when Zac bends down slightly for her to put the flower crown on his head. Her heart fluttrs feeling him grab her waist and pull her in his lap. She missed the affection she'd receive from the male. The girl gave him a quick kiss as to relax him, seeing how protective he was getting.

"Nope, no one needs their ass kicked... But while you were gone, I started talking more with Silas and it turns out he has a brother who now goes here and they kind of hate each other like me and Ash did. His brother's name is Adelain, and he's pretty cool I guess. But Ash flipped his shit because all I did was go to Adelain's dorm for a second while I was showing him around," the girl rolled her eyes to express how stupid it was that Ashton freaked out because of it, then she continued. "Oh and there's also this new girl named Emma who practically saved my life because... Well.. Erm.... Ihadaminnieheartattackbecauseiforgottotakemymedsandiwasreallyupsetbecauseyouandzoewerenthereandiwasanemotionalwreck." She spoke the last part as quickly as possible, hopping he wouldn't understand what she said, but he most likely understood every word of it.


Ashton noticed Emma and smiled. He rests his head on Zoe's shoulder, and looks over at the two fighting boys. He cringed remembering fighting Silas. He stood up letting go of Zoe's hands and walked towards the two boys, but not too close.

"Aye Silas come on stop fighting this guy and come hand out with us! Zoe and Zac are back I was thinking we could maybe celebrate if you can manage to stop fighting for two seconds!" He shouted with a smug grin on his face, still keeping a good distance away from the boys.

@FrankieLynn @WoodenZebra @The Jackal
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