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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Once safely on solid ground, Aurea's green gaze flittered from face to face, fear gnawing its way through her. She wasn't entirely sure if this was the right place for her but she had received her acceptance letter and assumed she was wanted. Besides, she needed to be here. Taking a deep breath, Aurea wrapped her large, eagle-like wings around her small figure, hugging herself tightly before folding them neatly against her back.

'Facing one's fears is what makes them stronger, right?'

Exhaling, the small female began making her way toward the entrance, her heart pounding faster as each step brought her closer to her new life.
"Does it snow in Italy?" She had done a bit of traveling in her life, but had stayed in the more northern parts of the world of the most part. "This food is very good, isn't it?" She followed his gaze and noted his reactions to the other students. Perhaps he was unused to such a variety of people. As far as first proper conversations in a new place this one was alright.
"Northern Italy gets a decent amount of snow while the rest of the country not so much. The food is pretty good. Better then anywhere else in my opion but that also is some bias since I grew up there." Amaro's eyes continues to anaylize the room. He had seen non humans before but this many in one place was a first for him.
"I suppose I will have to taste this food for myself to be able to say for sure then." She smiles slightly and and finished what remained on her plate. "Italians don't have saunas do they?" She twirled her utensils slowly in her hands as she waited for his response, her gaze shifting very slightly as she did so.
Amaro finished up the last of his pasta before returning back to the conversation his eyes now focusing on her. "I'm sure some do. I personally have never seen one but a rich person or someone who loves the heat probably has one. The food is always good but its never the same unless done by an Italian chef."
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She nods. "I see." Saunas were a pretty important part of life back home, so hearing that some Italians had made it part of their lives was interesting. "Excuse me." She stood up and put her plate where it belonged, walking with her usual care. Returning to the table, she sat back down, waiting silently for an appropriate moment to speak again.

(I should be calling it a night about now. Have a good one everyone.)
Amaro followed her example by putting the trey in its proper place before returning to the table. " by the way your dressed, your accent, and the common use of saunuas in your home I'm guessing you come from somewhere pretty far north. Of 31st least somewhere very cold."
Leona blankly stares at the sky. If only she could express herself well, she would look at the sky with a great smile, not a neutral expression. Feeling the tired boredom hitting her while laying down on this clearing, Leona move onto one of her sides, facing away from the sky. onto the grassy ground. "I mean... it's not that this gaping feeling of lost in my being. It's... rather unbearable and horrible. Hopefully when I demonstrate my powers to this academy, i'll know what I am... hopefully. "
Cryn was sulking in some region of the academy, as his venture back to his room was not exactly coordinated. His mind was infested with bad thoughts, and predictions, therefore he was not exactly paying attention to where he was going for the majority of the time. And so, he found himself lost. He supposed nobody would find him sitting on the bench by the actually extraordinary garden. He wouldn't admit it, but the decor and gardens around here actually were quite breath-taking to him, as he had never seen anything alike. Though, his mind was currently trying to focus on more important matters - maybe trying to get a grip. But a nearby demon wasn't making that easy, as it was whispering demotivating things and false prophecies into his ears - Cryn, of course, didn't fall for anything it said, but it still made it quite difficult to not be negative about his situation.

He pondered whether he should just try to end it all - but then he realized that's exactly what those bastards would want. So that Axen's sacrifice would be in vain. But Cryn reminded himself of the vow he made to avenge everyone that was put through the suffering Axen had to, just because of bearing the name Berrange or Ascaneo.

With these thoughts, he was filled with a deadly determination, which made a glaze in his eyes appeared, and his wide grin reappeared. This was all probably just a rough start anyways.
Noel frowned. Did she do something wrong? Why did the two boys leave after she offered to help? Was she annoying? She sighed and closed her book, and going over to the desk to check it out. Afterwards she headed back outside to the peach tree and flowers. Her face was flushed and suddenly the tree became concerned. The girl hugged the tree (literal tree hugger, pfft.) and then quickly sat under it. It decided to just drop more peach flowers into her hair, hoping to make her feel better as she read.

It was well into the day by the time Kori had settled into her room. She was informed that they could use the entire day to situate themselves to their dorms, but she wanted a head start so she arrived much earlier. That way, she could use the rest of the day to get a feel of the campus or even introduce herself to some of the students and teachers, if the time allowed her, without having to worry about dorm arrangements.

While she didn't have a lot of items, Kori wanted the dormitory to look perfect before she left it so she arranged her items in an orderly manner and divided the dorm into equal sections for herself and her roommate of which Kori had only the name of, Aurea Driiquar. Kori hoped she wouldn't be too much trouble. If anything she could request a room change, but she hoped to avoid that if all possible.

Once everything was in place, Kori looked at the clock to verify the time.
I still have plenty of time to explore. I hope the dorm looks well enough..., she thought. After readying herself and straightening her posture, she left the dorm and started her own personal tour around the campus.
Cryn found himself wandering the campus aimlessly, taking mental notes of his surroundings, in case he needed a quick path to run in a situation where things got hairy - even though the chances of that happening were rather slim in the well-protected ASG.

At some point in time, while he was wandering, he saw the one known as Kori exploring the campus. He said not a word, and continued on his uncertain path.
"You would be correct. I doubt you've heard of the town, but I came here from Finland." As she finished speaking, she caught a familiar scent and excused herself once more to grab some coffee. Even she thought it was odd of her to want coffee, considering she was actually warm, but that didn't change the fact that she did. When she returned to the table, she lowered her hood and and brought the coffee to just under her nose to inhale the fragrance. Some people thought coffee was too bitter when it was black, but she thought the notion was a little silly.
"Finland Huh? From what I've heard it a country covered in snow as far as the eye can see. I don't know if its true or not but I have never been their to see for myself." Amaro watched her lower her get the coffee and wiated for her to sit down before asking his next Question. "Besides from your blue hair you seem to be a normal huuman. However I get the feeling that their is more to you then that." He placed his chin in his hand as he anaylized her for any sign of responce to signify if he was right or wrong. "I don't mean to be rude but what are you? If you come from Finland I assume its nordic based."
Mason sighed everyone was leaving. His friend has left him, sure he told him where he was heading but Mason didn't know how to get to the dining hall. He had tried running after him but that just made him lose sight of another potential friend in the flower girl. "Ugh" he groaned out loud.

Mason was getting upset it's like nothing he could do was right. He tried to help Amaro but instead was treated as an annoyance. He tried to be kind to the flower girl but instead was seen as a monster.

He tried to be nice to the other boy but instead was seen as a joke.

Mason was starting to get angry and the heavy drums sound pumping into His ear wasn't helping.

Mason plugged in the other earbud and let himself indulge in the anger. His eyes flashed blue before he pulled them back a bit.

He looked to his left and luckily enough he found one of the gyms.

He walked over to the other side and began to quickly but softly tap the walls with his fist. He began to hop around and spinning on his heels and punching the air.

If he couldn't make any friends then he was going to train.

It's the only thing that made him sane.
She sipped lightly at the coffee before resting her cup on the table. His description of her homeland was more fitting of Siberia, though his ignorance was understandable considering he had never seen it. "You're right, though I am uncertain just what I am myself. Perhaps there is no precedent for one like myself." As she tended to, she said only as much as she liked.
As Kori walked the grounds, she observed the many different personalities and species present around her, some recognizable, some completely unknown to her. It was very interesting to see all of them gathered at once and she hoped to make good standings with all of them. She would not let a single one look at her with disgust. That was the goal anyway, perhaps a little foolish, but those are the standards she must meet as a seraph.

However, none of them would truly get to know her till she talked to them. A boy with oddly colored eyes passed by her and the two seemed to notice each other at the same, a worthy candidate for conversation. "Ah, excuse me, are you a student here as well? My name is Kori Maion, it is nice to meet you", she offered a hand to him and tried hard to maintain a graceful stance and calm tone while speaking. She prayed for good standing.

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Aurea's large green optics widened upon her entering, the décor more or less taking her breath away. Both inside and out, this place was painfully gorgeous, so much different from the deep forest she had grown accustomed to. Composing herself, the winged elf pulled the letter she received from her pocket and hurriedly looked for the front office. "

Ah... um... I'm Aurea Driiquar. I-I'm here for my room assignment?

" The small elven girl blushed deeply at her own awkwardness, her light sing-song voice shaking had only added to her embarrassment. Once she received her key, and a map upon request, Aurea walked slowly as she took in the interior, her eyes sparkling with amazement.
"Going off of your awnser I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say you don't like to talk about yourself very much. Though it does add an air of mystery to the conversation. Well played." Amaro Looked around the dinning hall and saw that it was only getting more crowded. He stood up from where he was standing and stretched his legs which had begun to fall asleep. He turned to face the girl again. "This place is becoming a little to crowed for my taste so it is time for me to take my leave. Thanks for letting me use the table and the interesting conversation."
He was right, she didn't like talking much about herself and sometimes she preferred to listen rather than speak at all. As he made his leave, she waved goodbye "Näkemiin, and thank you for the company." Having said goodbye, she returned her attention to the coffee in front of her, drinking and occasionally taking a look around the room.
Mason pulls of his shirt and beanie and began to really train. He began to do flips and handstand, kicking and punching through the air with grace, speed and ease. Before he knew it he had been training in that gym for about 4 hours.

He stopped flipping around and sighed deeply he was still slightly upset. He leaned his head against the wall and just relaxed he then turned around and let himself slide down the wall and sit down to rest.
Amaro Had been wandering the hallways just exploring and trying to find places where there weren't a lot of people. He finally found one hallway that was deserted of people. As he walked down the hallway he began whistling the same song he had done in the morning. The sound echoed off the empty walls and could be heard bouncing around the other hallways but to his knowledge no one was there so it didn't matter. He stopped to look at the decorations on the wall for a minute before he kept went back to his wandering and whistling. When deserted these hallways where kind of creepy.

A young human clad in a red hoodie, black longcoat, athletic shoes, carrying a backpack and a bow slung diagonally across his back, suddenly appeared in the middle of the street, attracting startled looks from passerby.

He immediately gasped as he took in the sight.

Jack stood at the foot of the mountainous academy and looked up, his jaw dropping. In his travels on his own continent, he had never seen such arctic turtle and engineering feats as this. The statue of the dragon reared up into the sky, clutching at the towers of the academy itself, spires and turrets that, to Jack's knowledge, should not be possible. "Magically enhanced architecture and engineering... Wonderful! Magic permeates everything here..." A nearby rustling tree caught his eye and Jack went to investigate, quickly discovering it was moving of it's own volition. "Amazing..." Jack reached out and slowly approached the tree, gently touching the rough trunk as if he was meeting a new horse. "Hello..." He spoke softly, and before he could continue, the tree reached down a sturdy branch, as if offering him a leg up.

"Well, how can I pass that up?" Jack scampered up the tree quickly, moving as naturally as he would walking along the ground, and began to leap from one tree to the next, making his way up to the Academy. The thrill of the run was wonderful, and he began to get the hang of moving with the trees, their actions becoming cooperative and simultaneous as he went along.

Soon, he was laughing as he jumped, climbed, and ran through the branches.

Just before he made it to the building itself, he came upon a peach tree that seemed to be treating a young woman very dearly. Intrigued, Jack slowed and cleared his throat at a distance to ensure he didn't startled ear before approaching from a massive creaking oak.

"Hi! Aren't these trees wonderful? Never seen anything like it... Ooh, What'cha reading, there?"

As the woman looked up, Jack jumped down from fifteen feet up, landing with a deft roll, ending up sitting in front of her, flashing a roguish half-smile from under his deep hood. "Name's Jack, by the way. Nice ta meet ya."

@Queen of Fantasy
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The small girl continued read, intrigued by all that was said inside. She soon forgot her anxiety. She furrowed her brows and stuck her head out from her book as cheering and laughing was heard from the tree tops. Suddenly a boy dropped from the peach tree and Noel jumped with surprise. She blinked and cleared her throat.

"Yes, I do very much like these trees. I haven't seen anything like them either... They have minds of their own, I suppose." She stated, as she placed her small hand onto the trunk of the peach tree.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Noel. I'm just uh, reading a book on plants. It might be a bit boring to others, but it caught my eye in the library." She smiled softly, as the small flowers waved back and forth, as if they were happy.

Despite having a map, the size of the building threw Aurea off guard and she found herself... lost. "

Oh no..

." she whimpered, her wings twitching anxiously. Though it wasn't much, the two bags she carried began to burden her frail body, her strong shoulder muscles, already aching from her trip, were now being pushed to their limits. To her surprise, no one seemed to be in this part of the building and she couldn't place why - it was just as lovely and grand as everything else she had seen thus far but it was, indeed, troublesome not being able to ask for help. After a moment, Aurea came across a large door but she had no idea what lay behind it. Was she supposed to be here? Fear apparent on her face, the tiny elven girl opened the door and peeked inside, unsure if she was supposed to enter.

Aurea blinked several times, fear subsiding as she took in the vast amount of books. "


" she breathed, relief flooding her. This was the library. With a wondering gaze, the female stepped into the large room, her green eyes curious as she searched for another soul. There, next to a large golem creature, was a fellow elf, though of a different species. "

E-excuse me,

" she called, though softly as not to disturb any readers, "

I was w-wondering if I could have some assistance?


@Queen of Fantasy

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