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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

(I haven't been getting notifications all day from this thread. That's odd :( ))

Aralyne finished her way through the food line, then stood near the entrance of the cafeteria. She drew accidental attention to herself just because of her blue skin, but despite that she sat and ate her apple in social peace.
Mason happily followed his friend smiling the whole way though. "I'm exhausted." He thought out loud. And began to look around as Amaro guiding him though the school. "Meet anyone interesting, today?" He asked Amaro

@Dante Verren
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Evie looked over at the girl's keys, trying to find her room number. "Oh, it looks like we're roo-WAH!" The succubus jumped back as the keys ignited itself. She gathered up her bag as her tail coiled itself around her leg. Was it possible to request a new roommate? As nice as the girl seemed so far, Evie wasn't that comfortable sharing a room with the human torch. What if she set the room on fire? Evie's posters. Her games. All her years of hard work achieving the all clear endings. Her husbands! No!

"Well, normally, metal isn't flammable but it can still melt, you know!" she said, almost screaming. "Don't touch them yet! The metal might still be soft. It could deform itself." Her eyes frantically went from the keys to the girl and back again. "So . . . this a normal thing? Because I've got some posters I'd rather not get burned up if that's alright."

"So far I have only met you, The flower girl who I think her name was noel , and a girl named Hilja in the dinning hall." Once Amaro had arrived back at the dorm with mason he got hit with a bad feeling. The feeling hat he was missing something. His first instinct was to go straight to the briefcase under his bed. He used the key he kept around his neck to unlock it and gently opening it to reveal his treasured pistol and the ammo to go along with it. He searched through it to make sure everything was in place and the right number of clips where present. However as he finished counting he fell into a state of panic.One of his ammo clips where missing. "No no no this is not happening where did I put it!" He thought quickly though back to everywhere he had taken the case and remembered the last time he counted them was back at the office Before he had to have it inspected.

Amaro quickly slammed the case shut locked it and slid it back under his bed before rushing out of the door. He rushed down the hall dodging around students as best as possible. As he rounded the final corner tell the main office he charged forward with one last burst of speed ramming the door with his shoulder and swinging it open with a loud "Crack".

Amaro quickly walked to the Front desk ignoring the fact that the principal and another student where in the same room.
"My name is Amaro Fortuna I came through here earlier today to get my room key and number. While I was here I went through an inspection of my briefcase. Something is now missing from that case and I need to know if its here or not."

Definitely a good start. Some seraphim would barely speak a word to her back home were she to try and spark a conversation. Here would be different. Here she could make everything different. Here is not the place to mess things up. Cryn had accepted her hand and responded although looked a bit intimidated. Kori stepped back a bit.

"Ah, pardon me if I came off a little strong. I'm a little excited to be here and wanted to offer any or all the help that I can while I can," she replied with her gaze aimed downward and with a friendlier tone. "What brings you here, Cryn?", she asks softly bringing her eyes back up. She hoped to keep these things in mind for the people she meets. If it is something she can help with then it's her duty to do it.

Kikira's P.o.v

I giggle putting my hand close to my mouth while my tail swayed really fast.

"Haha I can control my flames! Thank you very much!" I smiled softly before my eyes widened and I lifted the keys infront of my lips before blowing on them till they cooled down.

"O-okay It won't change f-form now! Glad to kn-know we are room mates!" I held onto the keys and put the key onto my bags strap.

"Y-you said something about Ga-games....what kind? If you don't mind me asking!!!!" I said the last sentence really quickly before waiting for her answer.

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Everything in the room was unpacked, put away and arranged nicely now, so it was time to answer her earlier question by searching around the campus. The map she had received didn't list one but it gave her an idea of where a sauna would be based on what was nearby and that was better than nothing. Locking the door behind her as she left once more, she started on her way through the halls.
Cryn's grin faded into more of a sad smile for the third time today. I guess.. To learn more about myself. This was truth masked by it's incomplete form. And don't worry about it. He said, making a gesture with his left hand which accompanied his sentence, as a bit of a more nervous smile crept onto his lips. He didn't know why, but he didn't seem to feel as threatened by this person as by others, and therefore he wished to maybe attempt to make conversation - even if only for now. I'm just, er, not used to people talking to me. He explained, putting his hands in his pockets, and burying his chin in his scarf, as his gaze was met with the sight of the ground.

@The Angelic Kori
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Blue and Red

Blue and Red both smiled back at her. "Awwwww..." "You're so nice." They gave each other knowing looks. She hasn't seen anything. They listened to what she had to say before speaking again. "Leona? That's a nice name." "It's also one we've never heard of before, and we be heard many." "Yeah but they were mostly from creatures in a forest like Norgard the dragon or Charleston the unicorn." They continued on with the names, probably taking about ten minutes of time. "So basically, we know a lot of names. Never found anyone else with a color for name though" "That just makes us unique." Red nodded as Blue spoke. "So anyways, what's your race?" "It sounds like a really weird question." "Yeah, I guess you're right."


"My... race?" Leona paused for a bit when the girls asked her for what race she is. Now juggling the fact she has a lot of names in her head in the span of ten minutes, her brain was cluttered at the moment. But, taking a deep breath, Leona gives the girls her answer. "I simply do not know my race" She says smoothly. "Truth be told, i've been wondering what I am for a long time. So, I hope that if I display my powers in this academy, people would know what I am." She tilts her head on it's side. "Is that answer satisfactory my lovely maidens?"


Mason sighed deeply as he watched Amaro freak out and Rush out the room he was extremely tired. Way to tired to help his friend. So instead he decided he needed a shower and got into the bathroom and showered he than decided to sleep and began to get comfy in his bed.

(Sorry gotta go early today)
Amaro quickly turned around and pointed a finger at the girl who was next to the principal. "Hey you pink haired girl. Have you seen an ammo clip laying around here?"
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Kori noticed Cryn's sad smile and hoped she hadn't brought his mood down too much. She smiled, "I hope you can be successful in your endeavours, I've been told exactly what I am and what I should be my entire life, now I'm just hoping to reach the peak of that image", she tried to add optimism to her words in hopes of cheering him up a bit.

They way he seemed to bury himself in his shyness ended up being a little cute and Kori let out a small giggle. "I don't talk to others often either, but you have to try sometime" she replies smiling at Cryn. He seemed to be opening up a bit, a win in her book.
What a good start to the year, she thought.

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"Ah... I wonder if it has anything to say about all of these fascinating moving plants and trees... So much fun to play in, by the way, if you've a mind for climbing." Jack stood and patted the tree affectionately , without looking, caught a peach that was dropped in response. After a quiet moment spent eating the peach, he found a bare spot of loose earth and planted the pit before returning to Noel. "Have ya had anythin' to eat yet? Peaches are all well and good, and these ones are quite tasty, but I'm gonna need something a bit more substantial..." Jack peered at the young woman, who seemed to shrink down under his shrewd gaze. "I get the feeling you might not want to brave the seethin' masses of the cafeteria. Want me to grab somethin' for ya? We can chat over lunch a bit if you'd like before I get my key and find my dorm."

@Queen of Fantasy
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Aralyne finished her apple and stepped outside, observing the open sky and beautiful scenery that surrounded the school. She was yet again entranced, and someone merely talking to her wouldn't be able to shake her. Aralyne found too much beauty in the real world around her to notice the students bumping past her, swearing and yelling. She eyes sparkled as she trailed a bird with her eyes, looked at cloud shapes, and simply observed the nature around her.

(I hate the autocorrect on my iPad tbh)
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Heh. Cryn chuckled a bit, as he heard her optimistic words. Glad to hear that. His expression gained a more genuine grin. And as he spoke, he lifted his gaze once more, to meet Kori's. Uh, also, what's so funny? He inquired, having heard the giggle that escaped her lips. He seemed confused, as he had never actually seen somebody else laugh while around him, as to many other people, he's a sketchy character who's quite unnerving. Or so he's overheard.

For a second, the black axe that hung on his belt shined because of a passing light, of which source is unknown. To any man who lives by the blade, it's quite a bewildering sight to see.

As this happened, he turned a bit, in such a way that the axe was facing away from her, in hopes that his weapon would not be brought into the conversation - it's a bit too much of a touchy subject for him to think about.

@The Angelic Kori
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Noel blinked and smiled softly. "Th-thank you." She muttered. "That's very kind of you. I would love to chat for a while. And eat." She quietly laughed at herself. She closed her book and placed it by a flower. She stood from her seat, and brushed of the dirt that she was sitting upon. "I can come with you, but I would prefer to eat somewhere else. " She held her hands behind her back, and looked at the floor.


Collin smiled and nodded. "I could show you to the dorms. I do have to say, it's not your fault you couldn't read the map. This place is so large, I wouldn't be surprised if people got lost." He nudged her, as he walked past to the doors.


The principle blinked at the girl and smiled once more. "You're very welcome. And yes, I am a sphinx. But do not be intimidated my dear. I don't ever harm any of the students, let alone eat them." She chuckled deeply. Suddenly another girl ran and tripped on her tail. Nora stood and turned to look at her. "My goodness, child are you alright?" She asked.

@Hitomi @ashlyn heckman
After a while of searching Amaro returned to his dorm. he quietly entered his dorm and brought out the case from under his bed again. He recounted to make sure he was missing one and it was still missing. Letting out a deep sigh he grabbed the smaller of the three bags he brought with him into the school and left the dorm heading to the gymnasium.

Once he arrived at the gym he found that one part of it was filled with training dummies and punching bags. He placed the bag of to the side by the nearby wall as he started to use the punching bag. He let his mind go blank as fist after fist connected with the bag and smiled as the sound echoed throughout the empty gym. His thoughts where not spoken with words but with his fist as he transferred his frustration and any anxiety he had into his blows.
Kori giggled again, her wings lightly fluttering. "It's nothing, don't worry about it," she replied, glad he was finally meeting her eye level. She looked down a bit and notice something shining in the light, but Cryn had turned just before she could see it. Was he hiding something? A weapon? Whatever it was, he didn't want her to see it. Was there a reason for that? No, she didn't need to question those kinds of things right now. She needed to stay composed. In the end, he didn't look as if he wanted to talk about it. Perhaps it'll be a subject for another day. She would have to keep it in mind.

Suddenly a chime went off from her watch, alarming her that her time was waning. "Oh no, time got away from me. I was supposed to be back at my dorm room by now. I was hoping to catch my roommate." she exasperated . No no no, she needed to be more careful with her time. She needs to be better, no time for chatting. "I'm sorry to cut this conversation short, but I really must leave, Cryn." she said as she started to walk away, but turned quickly to say, "Oh and if you need anything, I'll be in Dorm 107," hoping he'll forgive her for her rude retreat from the conversation.



Roleplay Post

Hitomi was somewhat teary-eyed when she was told to leave her alone in such a manner. She softly wiped her eyes, which fresh tears was still running down. She did not speak any sort of words after the harsh exchange. She was not angry at he person, only sad at herself. Did she cause that to occur ? Did she ask wrong ? She did not know why she felt like this. It was her who was wronged, not the raven-haired individual. She definitelyw as not angry. Believe me, if she was angry you would very well know that .


Out Of Character

( Wow... Harsh mode activated... xD )


Hitomi's Status

Sad and insecure, but not at all Mad.


Other Information About Hitomi

She does have quite the powerful temper if poked at enough. It is one of the many things she inherited from her parents. An Tranquil Anger that like her mothers : " An calm but wrathful storm that envelops all in her path " ...sounds terrifying, No ?

Oh, uh.. See you later, Kori. He said, waving goodbye. He actually felt rather good after that. His spirits were lifted seeing somebody that enthusiastic about what they planned to do. It was contagious, even. His wide grin returned, but appeared more genuine this time. Many of the negative emotions that haunted him before had disappeared, and were replaced by better ones. 107... He said to himself, keeping it in mind for if he ever wished to see the girl again. But then he realized, he himself needed to check if he had gotten a room mate - because if he did, he planned to talk to principle Nora about it, and hopefully persuade her to allow him to switch dorms to a more secluded part of the building. And so he was off - off to check if his dorm had been inhabited by another being.

When he did finally manage to find his way back to the dorm through the maze of a campus, he walked up to his door, unlocked it, and peered in to see what he would find.

@The Angelic Kori

(Assuming Tip has already been to his dorm, this is Cryn's reaction).

Cryn was shocked to find that another had been there. He was not at all pleased, and therefore, he did as he planned to do if a situation like this arose: he started walking the path that lead to principle Nora's study.

When he finally found the place, he opened the door no more than a few inches. He poked his head in, and hoped to see principle Nora sitting at her desk.

@Queen of Fantasy
She had to search a few places, which took a considerable amount of time, but Hilja was able to find the sauna near the gym. It wasn't the sort she was used to back home, but it was a sauna nonetheless and that meant she'd be back here at the end of the week. With the sauna found, it was time to meet more people, and from the sound of it someone else was using the gym. Investigation of the noise turned up only the young man from the dining hall using a punching bag in one of the larger rooms of the gym. She didn't want to disturb him and watching him might be rude, so she continued on her way out of the gym to roam the halls some more.
A large herd of monks and black shadow dogs surrounded Cthulhu as they walked up the stairs to the school. They were singing what seemed to be the halo 3 opening music. When they reached the entrance they dispersed except for one three headed shadow dog named 'Pooch' which continued to follow his master. He walked around the school looking for the office and its headmaster.

(Open for interaction. Also Cthulhu wants hug?)

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