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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

The dark elf turned his head towards a young lady, who also seemed to be an elf, but with wings. "How interesting." He thought to himself. He straightened and bowed to the elf maiden and smirked. "What do you need?" He asked, crossing his arms.

After a while of walking Amaro turned the corner and found himself in a grassy clearing. Not many people where in the clearing but they where all starring in the same direction. Amaro followed their gaze and he saw a blonde haired girl lying in the grass towards the edge of the clearing. She was faceing awy from everyone else in the clearing. Seeing he had nothing better to do he would walk towards her stopping when he got a few feet away from her. "What are you doing?"
Aurea smiled appreciatively when he responded. "

I'm so sorry to be a bother but I-I appear to be lost...

" her thick elven accent made her English hard to understand and she prayed he was fluent in some form of Elvish so she wouldn't be too hard to understand. Embarrassed by this, her wings twitched and her ears reddened.

@Queen of Fantasy
Mason had no idea how long he had been in the gym by now everyone probably had a million friends he frowned. He decided his best bet was to go outside and get some fresh air. He wonders through the school looking for a clearing, when he found it he walked outside and took a deep breath.

He slipped his shirt and beanie back on and looked forward.

Mason spotted his roommate Amaro talking to some blonde girl just laying in the grass.

he didn't want to interrupt the moment so instead he simply stood there and closed his eyes just enjoying all the sensations around him, and began to find it soothing.
A small smile teased the corner of her lips at his understanding. "

Exactly, I asked for a map but this place is just so overwhelming...

" Aurea sighed, her bright green eyes glancing around the room once more. After a moment, she looked back at the elf, giving him a thoughtful grin. "

I'm Aurea Driiquar - part Avariel and Sun Elf. It's a pleasure to meet you

." Her thick golden locks fell into her face as she curtsied politely in greeting. Straightening, she analyzed him curiously. "

If it isn't rude of me to ask, what elf race might you be?


@Queen of Fantasy

Letting out a bored yawn, Leona got up to her feet and walks out of the clearing. Though it may seem that she is lost, Leona kept a mental image of her dorm room location. So if she was truely lost, she would go there.
Amaro watched as the blonde girl got up and left the clearing with out word. " Fine dont awnser me" he said to himself. Amaro turned around and saw that mason was staning there with his eyes closed. "Hey mason what are you doing here?"

Blue and Red

The two girls had just arrived at the academy. They watched all the other students hanging around outside. Red noticed the problem right away. She grinned and turned to Blue. "Hey Blue? I think we're late." Being spoken, Blue turned her head, giving a grin right back. "We are not just late. We're fashionably late!" She laughed and continued. "Yeah!" Red agreed, laughing as she followed behind. The first thing they did was just fly around to get a good look at the academy. After a quick flight they went inside the building to get their room key before continuing to explore. Eventually they found their room so they tossed their bags in and left for outside again. There they found many other students watching a girl just laying in the grass. They decided to join her. They both jumped through their own portal and landed next to her on their backs. "Hello!" They both said in unison. They followed her lead and just stared up at the sky.

no slide


Out Of Character

( I...have arrived ! )


Hitomi's Status

Currently very shy and overall concerned about what her highschool life will be like.


Other Information About Hitomi

She is quite the sensitive individual. Anything derogatory in meaning will effect her immensely for a long period of time, consciously and subconsciously.

"Huh?" Leona snapped out of her stupor from staring at the sky. She could hear three voices. One of them seemed to be boy who was trying to talk to her, but in that stupor, she completely ignored him. And the other two was from two girls saying hello to her. So, Leona went back to the clearing in the academy, and greets the two girls that we're laying on the ground. Not wanting to be rude, she bows to them. "Hello to you as well." She says.

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(. I never got the tag sorry @amdreams )

Kikira's P.o.v

I smiled shyly before following along but having to run to catch up to her, as soon as I caught up I tried to stay the same pace.

"N-no I'm not you just ran o-off so suddenly, A-anyway....what dorm are you?" I reached for my keys while deciding to put my drawing book up in my shoulder bag with the other hand.

"Say...mine looks awfully similar to yours" I said paying attention to the keys so I didn't stutter but within a couple seconds set my key on fire with bright flames before letting it burn out just as quickly as it started.

"They are fire proof?" I asked not really to anyone my ears perking up as I tilted my head and my tail started swaying even more.
Eh? Oh, uh.. Hey. Cryn spoke in a nervous tone. His smile faltered for a second, as he had been caught off guard when someone had actually spoken to him in many weeks. But he soon regained his toothy grin, and grabbed Kori's extended hand. Yeah, I'm new here. He rubbed the back of his head, and shifted his gaze to the side. Making eye contact with someone this close up was not exactly his cup of tea. Though, he didn't want to be seen as an asshole, therefore, he put up with it when he had to. Name's Cryn. He stuttered.

For a moment, he seemed to become apathetic, and vaguely examine Kori. Where he was from, such a figure was to be marveled at. He then then looked down at the ground, and seemed to regain a stable set of emotions.

@The Angelic Kori
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Mason's eyes popped open and looked at Amaro and he displayed the same goofy smile he had on earlier. "Oh well I couldn't find you buddy so I went for some fresh air." He informed his roommate.

"Aww no luck with the blondie, that's too bad she's kind of cute." He commented towards Amaro and then chuckled softly.

"Where ya headed too now?" He asked him politely.

@Dante Verren
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Ashlynita" data-cite="Ashlynita" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="242927" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>



<p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">A small smile teased the corner of her lips at his understanding. "</span></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="color:#006600;">Exactly, I asked for a map but this place is just so overwhelming...</span></span></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">" Aurea sighed, her bright green eyes glancing around the room once more. After a moment, she looked back at the elf, giving him a thoughtful grin. "</span></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="color:#006600;">I'm Aurea Driiquar - part Avariel and Sun Elf. It's a pleasure to meet you</span></span></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">." Her thick golden locks fell into her face as she curtsied politely in greeting. Straightening, she analyzed him curiously. "</span></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="color:#006600;">If it isn't rude of me to ask, what elf race might you be?</span></span></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="color:#000000;">"</span></span></div>



<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10969-queen-of-fantasy/" data-mentionid="10969"><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">@Queen of Fantasy</span></span></a><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></span></p>







The dark elf chuckled. "Ahh, but I am a simple dark elf. A pleasure to meet you, miss Aurea. You may call me Collin." He smiled. "Is the map not useful to you?" He asked, placing his book into his book bag.</p>


(I'm sorry for short posts. I am currently trying to plan my birthday party this August. :0)</p>
The principle walked into the room, tail swinging slowly. She cleared her throat to the woman at the desk, who was not paying attention to the current student there. The woman at the desk flinched and grinned. "Sorry ma'am. Here is your room key and dorm number." She handed the peach haired girl her things and went back to playing candy crush on her phone. (MY mom. xD Sorry.) The principle smiled and nodded in approval. "Keep your eyes and ears open, Sheri." The sphinx spoke towards the desk woman. She turned toward the student and grinned. "Hello there. Welcome to the academy. I am Principle Nora." She greeted the young girl, looking down on her front her towering height.

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Ryan kept running when she reached the front desk she ran over someone who looked much older than her she knew she either had to be a teacher or the principle. either way Ryan knew she was going to be in trouble. Ryan love cause trouble but that was by picking on the kids or pulling pranks on people evn the teachers. the first day was never a good day to start and now she is pretty worried with whats going to happen.

@Queen of Fantasy
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Blue and Red

"Hi!" Blue repeated. She tends to do that a lot. "I'm Blue!" "And I'm Red!" She added in. They both jumped up to face her. "How about you?" "Yeah what's your name?" They spoke a little quickly and changed the subject faster than most would. "You seemed a bit lonely laying there." "We decided to be a bit of company for you."

Amaro made a dismissive gesture with his hand 1st masons comments. "She's all yours. I was just curious as to what she was doing but apparently their are some people here with even worse manners then me. As to where im going now I have no idea."
Leona let out a little chuckle at the two girls behavior. They were quite quick with their words, but Leona found that rather charming to her. "My, I don't deserve the presence of nice girls like the both of you." She says with a blank expression on her face. "You shall call me Leona Starwell. It's a pleasure to meet you." She turns over and looks at the girl with red eyes. "Red" Then she looks over to the other one "Blue"

Mason laughed "nah, i'm okay. I was actually going to head to the shower since I just finished up training" he commented towards Amaro and sun in his heels.

"If you are interested on heading back to the dorms with me let me know, if not oh well"

Mason smiled as his roommate and began to walk away trying to find his way to the room. About 10 steps in he turned to amaro.

"How do I get there?" He chuckled.

@Dante Verren
Aurea glanced down at the map still clenched tightly in her tiny hands and blushed. "

I suppose I was reading it incorrectly...

" she mumbled, shifting her weight to the other foot. "

I'm not used to maps in general, I just go where the wind blows me.

" She let out a soft laugh, her pale cheeks turning a light pink. "

If you could show me to my room or point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

" Aurea looked at the dark elf hopefully, glad to have met a friendly face.

@Queen of Fantasy
Amaro let out a tired sigh. "Fine I will walk you to the dorm." he began walking in the direction of the dorms glancing behind him to make sure mason was following him. "Its amazing you haven't gotten lost yet."
She had taken her time, but now her coffee was gone now and it was time see what else she could see. Somehow it hadn't occurred to her before when she had mentioned them to Mr. Fortuna, but it was possible that this academy wouldn't have a sauna for her to visit regularly. If there was no sauna to be found here, she'd have to make one by the end of the week. If that became necessary, it would surely be an interesting experience, especially if she managed to get some help. For now though, it was time to return to her dorm and finish unpacking.

(Going out for dinner, yay. I'll see everyone when I get back)


Roleplay Post

Hitomi looked at the woman for a little bit, but then didn't look at her at all."I-it's okay mam...." She said to the desk woman, assuring her that she was quite alright. Besides, it was always said she was hard to detect even by accute eyes. That is because she subconciouslyIt wasn't because she was arrogant or a bad child. It definitely was not that. It was just that she never liked looking people in the eyes, even as a child and baby.She delicately took the keys from the woman, in a slow and steady manner. The reasons she does that is because she thinks that when she hurries up and takes essentially was quite shocked under the woman's harsh glare and surprising height. From a fair distance away, she definitely was quite menacing. When the Principal was staring down at her, she cowered slightly at such a powerful position and aura. Despite her overwhelming capabilities she was always quite scared of those like this. However, the smile from the principal definitely gave her a bit of calmness. In a meek but sincere manner, She told the Principal: " Umm..thank you mam. I..appreciate you letting me in this school. " She said, bowing with a lot of respect. She was not dumb or anything, she actually for a human has a stupendous amount intelligence and is a prodigy in her own right . It is just that she doesn't like answering questions out of fear she will just be called a ' Know it all ' and get a lot of attention. As she looked at her figure and stature, she reminded her of a certain mythological creature. She softly asked: " Umm...Mam. Sorry if i am intruding or possibly barging in where i don't belong...but are...are you..a-a Sphinx ? I'm..sorry for asking.. " and hoped she was right.She was gently grabbing the hilt of her skirt, bowing her head in both respect and fear simultaneously.


Out Of Character

( All is well, Old friend ^_^ )


Hitomi's Status

Currently hopeful..


Other Information About Hitomi

She is actually an All A+ Student, so she isn't dumb. The reasons she holds back is because of what happened as a child. She was called a "Know-It-All" as an Child, by Student , Teacher, and Family. Her parents and many think she is a dumb girl, but that would be quite far from what they were expecting. So, she quite literally makes B- grades to not get noticed as much, and not be disappointing in by her parents. She tries to hold back so she doesn't receive attention. But, there are some times where she will geek out... like this time...*laughs*


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