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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Aralyne stared at the waters surface, and saw someone approach and stand next to her. She whipped around, spiking the water around her fingertips. She calmed down, realizing it was just another girl. "Hello." She said, smiling at the girl and observing her features. Aralyne loved the way the girl's hair fell over her shoulders.
Leona stare at the girl with her trademark blank expression, and bows to her out of politeness. "Hello to you miss." She says calmly. "I've see you have... taken a big interest in this fountain." Sitting down on the edge of the fountain, she stares into the water to see coins in it. She takes her hand in the water, and pulls out a single coin. "My, my... I will never understand as to why people would put money in waters such as this."

"Yes, the water is beautiful, isn't it." She smiled, and looked back at the water. She also took a coin out of the water, and examined it in her hand. She stared up at Leona. "It upsets me to not know why. It ruins the water. I can feel it's unhappiness." She spoke about the water as if it was a person, which it was to her. She stared at Leona, finding herself tracing the edge of her face and staring at the strands of her hair. She couldn't stop admiring her.
After examining the coin in her hand, she puts in it her pocket. "Though I may have an inkling as to why people do this, I can ensure you. That they mean no ill will against the water" She says as she turns to face the girl in front of her. As she stares at this girl, she realizes that the girl was staring rather hard at her. "My, my... falling for me already" Leona thought, as she flicks her blonde hair. "May I please have the name of this fine woman that stands before me?" She asks while out stretching her to the girl.

Aralyne blushed, the blue on her cheeks turning darker. She quickly torn her gaze away, accepting the girl's outstretched arm. "I'm Aralyne. I'm in dorm 101, following water studies. Might I ask your name?" She caught onto the girl trying to flatter her, but didn't seem to mind it that much.
"Oh. Room 101?" She tilts her head slightly, and felt the warmth of Aralyne's hand despite it's wetness. "Ah. You must be my roommate. Well, i'm glad to have such a lovely lady like you all too myself." A small smile was forming on Leona's face, enjoying the woman's blushing face.

"How wonderful!" She said, blushing some more. She gripped Leona's hand, giving a beautiful smile and a soft squeeze to her hand.
"My, my, my. You... I think i'll like having you around as a roommate" She touches the girl's hair with her left hand, and gives Aralyne a gentle nod. "I have to say, you also have rather lovely hair as well. It suits someone like you."

As lovely as the view was, there were other parts of nature that were much more enticing to her, most of which had to do with people. In this case, it was a group of four students chatting away like good friends while they snacked on some pastries of some kind. If luck was with her, she might meet someone today that she would form some kind of bond with. However, she'd have to keep an eye out for others to see enjoying each other's company in the near future, for now she was growing hungry and she wished to see what the dining hall was serving.

The walk to the dining hall was filled with many more pleasing sights, though despite temptation she didn't stop to enjoy any of them. Once inside though, she took more time admiring the food than grabbing any of it. She did eventually take some of it and find a place to eat it, but as always, she
Aralyne shyed away from her touch, placing her hand in the water and dissolving her arm without giving a second thought. "I apologize," she said, realizing what she had done, "I will see you later tonight, in the dorm." She gulped. She dissolved into the pond, then jumped out the other side, pushing her way through the crowd and moving from Leona. For some reason, something about that touch ticked her off. She tried to shake it out of her mind as she advanced through the crowds.
(I apologize for not responding sooner! I also have to head to bed, so this shall be my last post for tonight.)

Noel blinked. "T-to kill a dragon?" She repeated, wide eyed. "Well... Um that's uh quite the request. I'm not very knowledgeable on dragons, it also depends what kind you're trying to kill. There are different plants for different things. Could you maybe provide me with a bit more information?" She asked.
"Ah... D-Did I do something wrong?" Leona thought as she saw Aralyne run through the crowd of students who were adjusting to their new academy life. She got off the edge of the fountain, and just walks away from it. She didn't want to chase after her, Aralyne probably just need spaces as all. "But why... why did she apologize?" She didn't understand that one bit. Alone once again, she walks through the halls of the academy.
Feeling the anger start to surface again Amaro decided to do the smart thing. "Never mind forget I asked anything and sorry for bothering you. Mason I'm going to grab a bite to eat i will see you back at the dorm." with that he turned around and left the library.

Amaro began to walk in the direction of the dining room. He still felt the presence of his anger so anyone unfortunate enough to get in his path received a glare that could figureitivly freeze a persons blood .
"This sucks." Amaro said to himaelf but it was still loud enough for others close by to hear.

"Hm?" Evie twirled on her heels as someone called out to her, swinging her bag along with her. "Oh. The office? I'm actually headed there as well. It's . . . that way!" she said, pointing both her hands and tail in the direction she was heading in.

"Come on," she said with a smile. "It'd suck if it closed before we got our room assignments huh? We'd probably have to sleep outside or something? Probably not. That wouldn't be good for the school's reputation to have a bunch of students living like bums on the academy grounds." Evie twirled back around before almost skipping for the office. Once there, she'd gotten her key but waited for the kitsune in case the girl got lost again. "Eh? You're not trailing behind are you?"

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Entering the dining hall Amaro got in line and got his food. Once he was out of the food line he looked around to try to find a spot but their wasn't really any open. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a girl sitting by herself with a mostly empty table. Amaro headed over to where the girl was at. The girl was wearing something resembling a cloak but Amaro wasn't to sure. It was blue with white designs and she appeared to have blue hair. "Excuse me miss mind if I sit here?".
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@Dante Verren

As she was enjoying her meal, an apparently young red haired man approached and inquired about having a seat at the table she was at. "Join me at your leisure sir" she responded, her accent noticeable but not heavy enough to make her hard to understand. She took a few more bites before speaking once more. "I am not certain of the time, but it is my wish that this day is good for you." Once more she returned to eating and shortly after spoke. "I am Hilja, yourself?" She extended a hand deliberately to him, hoping the gesture would not seem rude to this stranger.

(I hope I did that right, I'm still new here)
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Nothing was sweeter than the gentle breeze caressing her skin or the sun's soft heat swaddling her with warmth. It was truly an exhilarating experience. A rare feeling of hope and excitement engulfed the elven girl as she soared gracefully toward the marvelous structure, taking in the spacious grounds with a joyous smile. Surely she'd be happy here. The moment of awe began to fade as she took in the clusters of creatures, her heart sinking slightly. Things might be... crowded. Her breathing spiked and her throat started to clench at the thought. Then again, the school was massive in size so surely things would be roomy... This thought calmed Aurea slightly, her heart regaining its normal pace. With clenched hands, the female slowly descended from her vast home, her bright green eyes filled with both fears of the unknown and anticipation of what was to come.
Once again alone, Leona began to wandering around aimlessly in these academy halls. The vast amount of people here didn't help her wanderings in the slightest. Though it was nice to look at some of the local girls from time to time. But like a shining star, Leona just remembered her real reason for coming here. "My oh, my... I almost couldn't believe I forgot about that. Yes... what am I?" Finding a nice clearing in the academy, she took the opportunity and lay her back on the ground. Though some of the students gave her odd glances, she didn't mind one bit at all.
Amaro would nod his thanks and take a seat at the opposite side of the table. Seeing her reach out her hand he would intern reach out and shake it. "Amaro Fortuna." He would then began to eat his meal. He had chosen a pasta dish. " you have a strong accent. Where are you from?"
Aralyne stepped into the cafeteria line and looked out the window, here blue eyes trailing a small elven girl flying around outside. She moved slowly in the line, entranced by the way her hair whipped through the wind and her pale skin. She would have to find this girl.
The question about her accent was not unexpected. "I am from a very small town in a country very far from here, Mr. Fortuna." Though she had taken her time, her plate was mostly clean of food by now. "Where might you be from?" It was more likely that she would have heard of where he was from than he where she was from.
"Italy" was his repsonce and he gave no farther details as he went back to eating his food. He would ocasinally look up from his food so his eyes could scan the room and see what could be seen. His eyes fell upon a blue skinned girl in the food line. His mind went to work trying to figure out what manner creauture she could be when his ears heard someone talking about a flying girl. This place just kept getting weirder and weirder.

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