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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

InKryption said:
This ability would have no use in tracking Cryn. Cryn had no heat signature, which was why he dressed so warm. Cold blooded you could call him. Though, he wasn't a bad person. He was simply a misguided boy who was in search of something evil: revenge.
Mason made a mental note that he was not actually able to use his eyes to sence the boy. This interested him, Mason's curiosity screamed to know why. But instead he decides to ignore it for now.
Aralyne was too preoccupied with the ripples in the water to notice Leona. She stared at her distorted reflection, and sent little spurts of water from the ending pool back to the top. She gave a small giggle and did it again. For some odd reason, things like this gave her immense satisfaction.
Mason walked up behind the Amaro and laughed slightly. "Having some trouble?" He grabbed a book that read "lo mejor de los Venenos" which was Spanish. It roughly translated the best of poisons.

He handed it to Amaro flashed a bright smile and then spun on his heels and began to walk towards the table they were sitting at. He calmly sat back down and awaited his friend to come back.

"Hey amaro, do you think I could make more friends here?" He looked up with a sad look for the first time since he came to the academy.

"Am I like able? I call you my friend but you already said you find me annoying."

Mason began to spiral into sudden sadness he shook his head and switched the music in his iPod to cheerful music and tried to cheer himself up.

@Dante Verren
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After Cryn had finished reading the light novel, he had begun to search for a book on Niemand History, or atleast something related, or that had a mention of it. Though, his luck was low, and he found little of use. His grin began to falter, as he was getting quite annoyed. At some point in time, he grabbed a book, which had absolutely nothing to do with Niemand, or even supernatural beings, and threw it to the ground, making a loud "bang" noise, to relieve some of his rage. It was only after that he realized the amount of stupidity that infested his recent action. He felt embarrassed, but quickly regained his composure, and fled to a farther region of the library, where less people would be.
Noel sat reading her book, silently. Her brows furrowed as she focused. She turned the page to the peach tree. She read the passage, and grinned. She remembered the peach tree from outside, and took the flower from her hair. She brushed her thumb over the pedals, and sighed. For a second, a look of peace was across her face. This is the only thing in her world that would ever bring happiness to her. So she simply sat there, and pet the flower.
The walk was long and the academy felt like a large labyrinth but Hilja was certain she had found the front desk mentioned in her acceptance letter at last, so the rest of her first day here would hopefully be less anxiety inducing. It wasn't that she was worried about being late to anything or simply impatient, she just feared that she might become lost and wander the halls until she died with just how huge and confusing the campus seemed. After a short wait in a line of others asking questions and receiving their room keys, it was her turn. After giving her basic identifying information to the woman seated at the desk, she received the key to dorm room 5. "Might you have a map of this campus that I may use? I would be very grateful for the help."

The map she had received wasn't very detailed, but it was enough to find her way to the dorms. She didn't pack much, but she would still prefer not to have to carry what she had with her as she familiarized herself with the academy. Once she was finished unpacking, she left to have a look at what the academy had to offer as far as sight seeing went.
Amaro sat down at the table and began to flip through the two books he had in front of him and his eyes didn't leave the books. "The chances of you not making friends are pretty low. after all there are a ton of people here. Its just trying to find where you fit in. As for whether or not where friends We just met a few hours ago. I'm not willingly to call you a friend yet but I do feel comfortable calling you a good acquaintance. Of course I don't have any friends either so I'm not one to talk.

His kept jumping back and forth between skimming the dragon book and trying to understand the poison book. "Damn it who the hell writes a book half in English and half in Spanish!" His voice rose to a hushed yell as it was obvoius that he was getting mad and attracting stairs form anyone nearby.
Mason smiled at the word of acquaintance. "I don't know what's scarier the fact that we are so different" he paused and then continued "or so obviously the same."

Mason then turned Way from Amaro before commenting "you are still my friend."

He watched Amaro sudden outburst and watched him calmly with a slightly amused look on his face.

"Just tell me what to translate." He said with a small smile. Mason then eyed a girl playing with a flower.

"Maybe you can ask her? She seems to know a lot about plants" Mason suggested.

@Dante Verren
Tip finally made it to the academy after a long trip to get there. "Finally I'm here." He said with a hint of relief in his voice. He made his way through the main entrance of the academy and towards the way he was told the dorms would be. " hopefully this academy is all it's cracked up to be, I need this knowledge to get rid of the enemy." (Anyone?)
*Amaro quietly let out a small string of curses at the book before closeing it with enough force to make a smacking sound. At the menton of he girl he followed mason's gaze and saw her playing with her flower. Amaro let out a sigh before standing up "Why not. Though im sure it will be as useful as trying to read a book written in a half a language you can't speak. I mean seriously who the hell writes that way."

Amaro would walk from the table that he was at over to the girl." Hey Flower Girl. You know anything about plants and stuff like that." He was still ticked off so it probaly sounded more mean then he meant it to.
After a long, and fruitless search for something that could help him in his search for knowledge, he gave up. His grin was weaker now. Actually, it was more of a sad smile. If you're wondering why he always grinned, it was because it was what his mother told him to do - to smile, even in the bad times, so that, maybe, just maybe, he could feel a little better. At this point, it was just habit, but always stuck by what his deceased mother once told him. Many thought it creepy, and odd, but Cryn really payed no attention back then.

And so, he began heading back to his dorm, to find solitude, hands in his pockets. As he made his way back, his eyes shifted into Mason's direction. Something was off about the boy to him. Though, to stay on good terms, he sent a large grin in his direction, indicating he meant no malice.

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Mason sighed. And tuned to the girl. "I'm sorry for my friends Abruptness." He commented towards the girl playing with the flower

"Can you help us? We wish to know more about plants and poisons if it's not a hastle for you" Mason eyed her and smiled softly.

"Oh and hi I'm Mason, this here" he pointed to Amaro.

"Is my roomie Amaro, he might seem means but he's a softie deep inside, aww dang it I'm probably talking too much. Sorry" He then stopped talking and smiled softly.

@Dante Verren @Queen of Fantasy
"How strange... it would seem that this girl loves water. Maybe a little too much." Leona walks besides the girl playing in the fountain, she didn't disturb her playing in the water, causing ripples and the like. "Now've that i've gotten close to her... my word" She tilts her head, examining the girl. "She is beautiful! I can feel my very heart trying to fly away with sucn beauty!"

*Amaro turned to face mason making moving his hand to look a gun and pointing it straight at mason's chest."How about you stop spewing nonsense or I will make a nice new holde in your chest. Then we can see how much of a Softie I am."
She did not have to travel far before something caught her her attention. A small, simple bench overlooking a large area of thriving vegetation outside the academy. A creek ran through the center, but it didn't seem large enough to represent the amount of rainfall that would be needed to keep these plants in such good condition. Perhaps it was maintained by magic, or someone watered all the plants a little extra. Then again, she could have been wrong. As she stared down at it all, she wondered what kind of creatures lived there.
Noel looked at the two boys and blinked. "I guess you could say that..." She muttered. "Nice to meet you... I'm Noel." She muttered, placing the peach flower back into her hair. "What do you, uh, need to know?" She asked.
As Cryn saw the gun get lifted to Mason's chest, he stopped in his tracks, and grabbed a hold of the handle of his blackened bladed weapon. He waited to see what the situation brought, and if it would require him to use physical power to establish peace.

@Ravensmikey @Dante Verren
"Oh stop I only joke quit fooling around" Mason said while laughing and pushing the Gun down.

Mason then turned to Noel

"My buddy here has a few questions for you, if you don't mind."

He then waited patiently for Amaro to ask his questions to the girl, while humming a happy tune.

He turned his head towards the other boy and softly flashed him a smile and nodded in attempt to establish a greeting, silently hoping he could make another friend.

@Dante Verren @Queen of Fantasy @InKryption
As Cryn saw that no fight had broken out between the gents, he let go of the handle of his axe. Upon seeing Mason send a smile his way, his automatic reaction was to return the smile, whether he wanted to establish a greeting or not. His smile was rater large, and odd. To anybody with certain standards, it would be considered rather "creepy", as to people with the ability to see through people's masked emotions - much like himself - they would see that it was an empty smile.
Grumbling he put the gun away as he turned toward Noel."Do you know of any mixture, plant, and or plants that can create a toxin powerful enough to take out a dragon."
Cody made his way to his dorm, walking into a medium sized room, he tossed his bag onto his bed and smiled, 'I'm finally with people like me...guess that's alright...still miss my normal friends though...' he thought, opening a box and getting out his books, and set them in a book shelf, then proceeded to fill drawers with clothing and other things alike, then he took out a picture frame for his desk, setting it in the corner, he smiled, as it was a picture of him and his mother, at a amusement park, 'I'll kill that man someday mother...don't worry.'. He then walked to his bed and laid down. Reading a book he's been trying to finish.

Mason continued to look at the boy silently and then frowned. He then turned and looked down had he upset the boy. Mason couldn't shake the feeling that his smile was not genuine.

Mason then heard Amaro's question. Mason knew the answer it was easy no poison can take out a dragon but it can be weakened extremely he sighed he wanted to help his friend. But he could not let him know that he knew anything more, Mason has already said to much. And anymore could mean his downfall.

@Dante Verren @InKryption
Seeing as Mason had obviously seen through his grin of a mask, he sighed, but he didn't stop grinning. But once again, it was more of a sad smile at this point. He lowered his head, and walked solemnly back to his dorm, where solitude roamed, and the lights were nowhere to be seen. With him, he had brought no book, as his search had failed. He felt defeated, even in his apathetic sense of being. "Heh. Looks like I need to go back to acting classes" he said, chuckling sadly, speaking for the first time in many days. His voice was deep, and had a very vague, almost unnoticeable echo to it. He spoke quietly, so much that, if one were to want to hear him, all would have to be in silence.
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