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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Aralyne stood in front of the school, pondering how this will all turn out. She looked down at her light blue hands, then back up at the school. She was excited, as one might say, to start the school year and meet new people. She rested her hands near her sides and readjusted her duffel bag where it hung on her shoulder.

Aralyne stepped into the school and marveled at the large, magnificent hallways. Many students had already arrived, and the quartz hallways echoed with their cheerful conversations. Aralyne smiled and headed to the office, her blue hair swishing around her soft face.
Mason smiled "Already keeping secrets from each other I see, well if you didn't buy it, you must have earned it. So yeah I'm going to say you are a good shot. Mind helping me with mine? Maybe not today but sometime soon, I love to practice. Of course we don't need to use your gun, I'll use any." He blabbered the whole time with a huge smile on his face "and If I look human then I must be human" he then scanned the room and wihe smile playing on his face. He continued to feel eyes on him and steadied his eyes back down at the young man "I mean you can keep staring at me if you would like but I rather you didn't, of course if you want to you could, I don't mean to tell you what to do" he chuckled.

He skipped to the bed across from the room that was next to the bathroom. "I get tummy aches often" he laughed and began to unpack his things.

@Dante Verren
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Of the corner of Leona's left eye, she saw a girl with short curly brown hair just entering the school halls. "Her... she shall be the one." With a blank expression on her face, she stop hugging herself and began to walk towards the brown haired girl. When she finally got next to her, Leona bowed for her, and look her straight in the eye, since it's rather rude not to for a lady. "Why hello there" Leona says to the girl. "It's a pleasure to see a wonderful lady such as yourself to grace my presence.... may I please have your name? If it's not too much trouble of course." She asks politely. Leona's nose was hit by this girl's fragrance. She smelled of flowers... very nice flowers. "Such a lovely scent..." She thought.

@Queen of Fantasy
When he had finally reached his dorm, the first thing he did was lie on the bed that he proclaimed his. He had no need for unpacking, as he had nothing, but a black axe he hung on his belt - though, he left it against the wall, beside his bed for now, as he had no need for combat at the moment. He rested on his bed for half an hour, before drifting slowly into the pleasant sensation of sleep. In his dreams, he had no dreams. Just blackness, and a light in the distance. It was like he was supposed to be dead, and every time he went to sleep, Death came to him, before realizing that Cryn had no soul to guide to heaven or hell.

Soon enough, Cryn awoke after just three hours of sleep. He stretched, feeling rather refreshed. A grin then crept it's way onto his lips, as he grabbed a hold of the handle of his trusty weapon, which the then proceeded to hang on his belt. Since everything was set, he made his way down to the library, to maybe read a little. While he was a man of the blade, he still enjoyed the peace and quiet one could get by reading, and getting lost in your imagination with each word read. The one book that he had enjoyed the most - which, mind you, he didn't exactly pay for - was titled "El Libro Secreto de Ascalon", which meant "The Secret Book of Ascalon". It was a rather long, but enjoyable story about the forbidden love of a young jewish woman, and a young christian soldier, whom one day had a child. It became difficult for him to find books that appeased him as much as that one - it was like a drug, almost. But still, he enjoyed reading either way.

When he did find his way to the library, his attention was caught by a large iron creature, talking with a boy who wore a nice set of specks. Nevertheless, he proceeded, and tried to find an interesting read, to maybe take his mind off of everything. Though, all this time, his wide grin never faltered.
“You’re one of those people who can’t stop talking aren’t you? Also whats with that smile. You look like a child who just walked in to candy store for the very first time? It’s annoying.” Amaro moved to sit down on one of the chairs in the room that had been provided by the school. As he sat down his gaze finally drifted away from his roommate as he analyzed the room. Definitely a nicer room then some of the places he stayed at before.

He began to tap his foot to the pattern of a different song. It was quieter then whistling but still made a noticeable amount of noise.
Noel flinched and turned to face the woman bowing at her and speaking as if she was someone special. She blinked and gulped, and she nervously smiled. "Uh, my name i-is Noel." She rubbed her arm, staring at the floor. "Pleasure to meet you as well." She replied, grinning, slightly.

Mason's smile grew even wider and he turned to the other boy. "I am one of those people, I guess now you know everything there is to know about me, whatever you are thinking I am and I like smiling. But I could stop if it truly bothers you. And what's wrong with candy?" He laughed and continued to unpack the few things he had brought.

He pulled on a black beanie over his hair and then shook into place.

Mason then began to sing.

"Now here we go for the hundredth time," and then mumbeling the rest to himself.

He then stopped and turned to him roommate, "any idea where the library is, never a wrong time to polish the brain." He awaited his roommates response.

@Dante Verren
"Noel, tis a rather simple name. Although, a name doesn't matter in the slightest to me." Leona flicks her blond hair, and looks at the girl who was staring down at the floor. "Please, Noel. I rather you wouldn't look down at the floor, I won't be able to see your pretty eyes otherwise." If she was able to show some expression at this very moment, Leona would be smiling madly. But, she must keep this air of grace around her.

@Queen of Fantasy
"E-erm, why do you wish to see my eyes? There's really nothing special about them..." She said, looking up now. She rubbed her feet against the floor. "Do you need something from me?" She asked. She was a tad uncomfortable around someone so straightforward. She cleared her throat awkwardly. "I'm not trying to be rude, please understand. I am just a bit confused as to why you are so interested in me." She spoke honestly, and shrugged while doing so. She was a simple human being, who loves flowers and sweaters. She thought she looked uninteresting, boring, or common. She didn't think she'd be talking to anyone this soon.

“Smile all away. Though no promises that I won’t harrass you about it. As for the Library I have no clue where it is but if we put effort into it I’m sure we can find it. I need to see what kind of selections they have on dragons anyway.” Amaro stood up from where he was sitting. “Shall we go?”
"Ah so we are going to be friends." Mason laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "I was worried, but yeahlet's head out, you could lead." Mason smiled again he felt so excited to make a new friend already so early in the year. He just hoped his new friend wouldn't ask around too much about him or his past. He would hate to have to unveil anything about his old life. He wasn't here to dwell on the past but to create something new. He hooked in one ear into his iPod. Mason needed some music to calm him down he was way to excited.

"So you think we're going to have to fight? How will these classes work? Will they teach us about more magic" Mason asked his new found friend, all the while holding a stary eyed expression.

@Dante Verren
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"The reason as to why I would like to see your eyes, is because it's just proper respect to do so." Leona could see Noel being rather... uncomfortable with how straightforward she was. "Noel, I don't want anything from you. I just simply wanted to greet you. But... since i've seem to have made you feel uncomfortable with my presence, I might as well leave you be." She says with her face showing no expression whatsoever. "If that's what you wish."

@Queen of Fantasy
Aralyne retrieved her key from the front office, marveling at the ancient sculptures and patterns along the walls and ceiling. Many paintings adorned the hallways, but Aralynr paid no mind to them. Her attention was caught by the large fountain that was in the middle of a four way intersection of hallways. Most students passed by it, but Aralyne's eyes shine as she approached the fountain. The water spilled from the top of the marble and cascaded down into the bottom pool. There were many coins and such that littered the bottom of the pool, and Aralyne scowled. Those didn't belong in the beauty that this fountains created. She placed her bag on the ground and sat on her knees, twirling her finger in the pool and humming to herself. She had a slight smile on her face, and the hand in the water was dissolved into the water.
Noel sighed and shook her head. "No, I'm just not used to people talking to me this much. You can still stay if you want to. I just... Don't talk much." She shrugged. She felt awkward around people, but she'd have to get use to it eventually. "Why don't we head to the library?" She asked, not knowing whether or not Leona liked to read.

Amaro answered Mason’s questions as they walked down the halls. “If we do have to fight I hope there is a least someone who will provide a challenge. I have no idea how the class will work and it’s almost a given that we will learn more magic. I would be rather disappointed if we didn’t after all that would mean I came here for nothing.” Amaro glanced at mason’s face and seeing the expression that was their let out a quiet sigh. “What’s with the stupid look hanging on your face? It reminds me of a kid getting served ice cream for the first time.”

A moment later they found huge doors with a sign reading library above it. Amaro stepped to the side and gestured for Mason to enter first. “After you."
"Fun. My friend. Fun. I don't have many friends" Mason answered and then slightly frowned but then quickly smiled again. "But that will hopefully changed. I mean I'm off to a great start. Hey, if you would ever like to train together I may not be much of a challange but I love to learn and practice so just let me know. And not to pry but may I ask why are you hear?" Mason questioned. Mason quickly stepped through and quickly scanned the room, hastily determining it to be safe, his eyes flashing blue for a second and then returning to normal. He pasted the smile back in his face and proceeded to head towards a bookshelf he picked out a book he deemed appropriate and then He waved his new friend over.

"Dragons you said? I've dealt with a few" he said still smiling and then tossed the book he was holding towards his friend as he continue to scan for a book on sword using.

@Dante Verren
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"I see... so she's an introverted person. That's quite handy to know." Leona nods her head at hearing the girl's word. "It would be lovely to go to the library with you, but... I would like to explore other sections of this academy before I go there" She bows once again, this time apologizing. "I'm rather sorry Noel."

@Queen of Fantasy
Cryn sat in a rather far region of the library. He was currently reading a light novel called "A Hell on Heaven". He seemed to be rather amused by it, really. Once could barely say he was the same exhausted person who had arrived at ASG just two hours ago.

He flipped the pages rather quickly, as he was a fast reader. Besides, he wasn't really there for amusement. He was most likely going to read more serious things after that short read, and probably try to search for something on Niemand history, to maybe get a grasp of what he could now do.
"I guess it wound't hurt to let you train with me. Well it might hurt you a bit. As for why I'm here I want to get stronger and I figured this would be the best place." Amaro studied the book Mason tossed at him. The book was on Dragon biology and Amaro nodded satisfied." how much do you know about them?"

Amaro looked away from the book and Mason noticing that there where a good amount of people including what seemed to be some sort of walking steel robot thing. He wasn't quite sure what it was actually called.
"Oh. Alright... If you wish to meet me there afterwards, you can. I do have my heart set on the library. I would like to look at the gardening books." She grinned to herself. Just thinking about flowers made her happy. She sighed and looked at Leona. "Farewell, then..." She turned and headed toward the library, quickly.

She entered quietly, and looked for the section on planting. Finally after searching for a few minutes, she found a book on different kinds of plants and pulled it from the shelf. She made her way over to a chair high off the ground and sat to read.
Kikira's P.o.v

I blinked my eyes three time my tail going straight up in the air while my ears were stuck straight up. The girl I saw had just disappeared out of thin air.

"Maybe a hallucination....no probably a prank from someone else here or no...did I make a illusion without thinking.....noooo can't be." I spoke softly to myself. Gripping my books tightly I sighed my ears and tail drooping down sadly while I walked towards the main office to get my key for the dorm room. On my way there I couldn't help but slow my steps to look at the decor and biting my lip when I noticed how large everything was.

"So...large...couldn't they make this a tiny bit smaller? " I kept walking till I saw a girl walking slightly faster than me. She had medium length messy lavender hair. I walked slightly faster so I could catch up to her, she may know where everything is.

"U-uh hello? I was wondering if you knew w-where the main office is so I can get m-my dorm key!" I asked shyly my tail swaying slightly.

"Hope I'm not bothering you..."

"Who knows I might surprise you." Mason grinned. "And I know lots about dragons, depends what you want to know."

Mason didn't bother looking up in the direction that Amaro was looking.

"Sever the head or make it short circuit, in theory a couple well aimed shots from your pistol could potentially slow it down. Too bad you arnt a good shot" he then smiled at Amaro.

Mason turned and looked towards the ground then his eyes turned blue again slightly scanning the room incase for anything threatening. Mason did it quickly as possible to not alert his new friend. Mason's eyes can turn blue and allow him to be able to recognize the heat signature anything is leave behind. Even if it was miniscule. He pretending to read he book as a cover for his actions and then continued to rapidly read through the book. Flipping pages almost constantly.He finished the book mason he excelled at speed reading.

Mason then closed his eyes invisioning himself using a sword. After he was content with how he looked in his mind with a sword He then opened them again. Mason just learned something new. Along with his new friend, this made Mason extremely happy.

@Dante Verren
Seeing Noel walking off in the distance, Leona decides to explore around the academy grounds. Twirling her dorm key in her finger on it's chain, she was letting out a nice hum as she walked about. Seeing the students converse with one another, and seeing the wonderful structures of the school it made Leona happy. Being alone and traveling, she couldn't appreciate the surroundings she was currently in at the moment. But now, that isn't the case in the slightest. Leona can now take her time looking at the academy environments, and she can talk to others to her hearts content.

"Ahh..." Over in the distance was a fountain, a rather beautiful fountain at that. Walking closer to it, there was a girl sitting on the edge on it. "My, ain't she a looker for my eyes."

Ravensmikey said:
"Who knows I might surprise you." Mason grinned. "And I know lots about dragons, depends what you want to know."
Mason didn't bother looking up in the direction that Amaro was looking.

"Sever the head or make it short circuit, in theory a couple well aimed shots from your pistol could potentially slow it down. Too bad you arnt a good shot" he then smiled at Amaro.

Mason turned and looked towards the ground then his eyes turned blue again slightly scanning the room incase for anything threatening. Mason did it quickly as possible to not alert his new friend. Mason's eyes can turn blue and allow him to be able to recognize the heat signature anything is leave behind. Even if it was miniscule. He pretending to read he book as a cover for his actions and then continued to rapidly read through the book. Flipping pages almost constantly.He finished the book mason he excelled at speed reading.

Mason then closed his eyes invisioning himself using a sword. After he was content with how he looked in his mind with a sword He then opened them again. Mason just learned something new. Along with his new friend, this made Mason extremely happy.

@Dante Verren
This ability would have no use in tracking Cryn. Cryn had no heat signature, which was why he dressed so warm. Cold blooded you could call him. Though, he wasn't a bad person. He was simply a misguided boy who was in search of something evil: revenge.
"Very Funny. I just rembered I wanted to look for a book on poisons too. Probably would be near the plant section." With out waiting for a reply or argument he walked away heading for the plant section.

Once he got their he began looking through the shelves. He beacme quickly frustrated as he realized he didn't understand half the things that he was reading and those where just the covers.

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