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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

After training with his hand for a while Amaro decided to get bored so he let out a deep breathe and looked around to make sure nobody was watching him. "Alright I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a little spin." as he spoke to himself he wen to his bag and pulled out a different pistol then he had in his case. he walked back to the center of the gym and held up his left arm placing the open end of the pistol point blank against his arm. "I really need to find a better way to do this" he thought to himself as he pulled the trigger and fired.

As his the bullet pierced through his arm he let clenched his teeth against the pain as his body started to change. His eyes went form that of a normal humans to that of a more lizard look and the wound he had just inflicted on himself began to heal. A red aura surrounded him as he was encased in Armour harder then steel. He reached his right hand forward as a lance began to form in his right hand and a shield in his left. A cape made of flames covered his back and scorched a semi circle into the floor under him.

In one motion Amaro rocketed forward skewering and ripping the bag in half before turning almost instantly to face the next training dummy with his shield raised and prepared to block any attack. This process continued as he worked on his speed until all the training dummies that where present in the room where noting more then shadows of their former selves.
Blue and Red

Blue and Red nodded their heads simultaneously. "Mmmmhmm!" "Yeah it does. It's kind of funny how we are sort of in the same situation." Red began to rock on her heels. "Yeah, I mean, we're hybrids so we don't exactly know what races are in our blood." "Apart from nymph, shapeshifter and elementalist that is." The two girls laughed a bit. Blue started to hover a little bit while Red just watched her with her hands on her hips.

@Angelostar4 (Sorry I was a bit slow. I was updating a book I just started on a site called Wattpad)

(Principle nora is actually right outside her office, speaking with two other characters. :3

@InKryption )

Nora blinked and became stern. "Listen here, young lady." She got closer to the werewolf lass. "This is
my school, and while you are here, you will treat others with kindness and compassion, not being rude or brute to anyone. If I see you doing so, your discipline will be quite unbearable. Do I make myself clear?" She scolded her, closely trying to pop her personal bubble and make her uncomfortable. "Now get your keys and go to your dorm." She commanded. She turned toward the other young lady and sighed. "I have these kinds of children every year. I swear, it's going to be the end of me." She brought her hand up to her temples, and rubbed them, obviously agitated.

@ashlyn heckman @Hitomi
"My, that certainly is the same situation as me." Leona flicks her blonde hair, and then looks at the girl that was floating. "I must say having all that unique blood in you might make the other student somewhat jealous." She then kneels down. "But to me, that only makes me admire the diversity that you girls have."

@Puggie ((It's no thing))
Amaro continued training despite already destroying the targets for another few minutes. As he hit the ten minute mark his muscles suddenly creamed in agony and his bones felt like they where all going to break at the same time.His armor, lance, shield, cape, and aura all dispersed in a wave of embers and soot that spread out across the gym. He collapsed to his knees and when they couldn't hold him he fell face first to the floor and laid there for several minutes. Amaro rolled over on to his back. "Damn so 10 is still my limit huh? Weakling." After cursing himself he realized how exhausted he was and was out cold as soon as his eyelids shut.
Cryn was dismayed to find that not a soul sat inside Nora's office, but then quickly realized that she was actually just outside the door. He felt stupid, but nevertheless, he hovered a bit, waiting for when she wasn't attending any other students. He was a patient person.

@Queen of Fantasy
He thought he had the dog on a leash and had control over it but he was wrong. The dog saw a shadow and all three heads went ballistic and chased after it. Dragging their master with them! Cthulhu eventually fell over and the dog was throwing him around like a toy! "Pooooooccchhhiiieee! Stoooop pleeeasse!" He cried as the dog dragged him to the principals office.

@Queen of Fantasy
A radiant smile spread in response, her large, bright green eyes joyful. "

Thank you!

" she sang as she turned to follow Collin out the library door. "

So why are you here?

" she questioned, not wanting to pry but also not wanting to walk in silence.

@Queen of Fantasy
As she roamed the halls in search of people to watch and meet, the sight of someone being dragged by a three-headed canine of some sort caught her attention, so she followed as best she could at her usual pace. She lost sight of the pair a few times, but managed to track them all the way to someone's office, where a few others including a sphinx stood. She didn't approach much closer, and remained silent as she observed this group with mild interest, but she didn't try to hide herself in any fashion. Hopefully they wouldn't consider her rude.

@Nathan22 @Queen of Fantasy @ashlyn heckman @Hitomi
Nora blinked as a giant three headed dog approached. "Why what an interesting creature." She stated aloud. She felt two other presences in her midst, and turned to find a girl and a boy, both silent as if waiting to speak with her. "Hold on a moment, dears." She chuckled, and turned back towards the dog, and the poor creature in it's jaws. "Drop him, er, Poochie?" She commanded. She helped the poor lad from the ground and chuckled. "Quite the presentation." She stated.


Collin nodded. "You're welcome, once again." He opened the library doors, and continued straight. "I applied for the school, mostly to learn more about magic. I would like to learn new magical spells, that may help me with combat later in life." He smirked. "How about you?" He asked.

"Oh, you need not mind me. Forgive me, but I was just watching." She didn't want to waste anyone's time or rush anyone by leaving them to think she had something she needed to say. With her actions explained, she remained where she was and continued to watch and listen while still hoping she wasn't being a bother. Some people thought it was strange or even creepy how she liked to watch how people interacted and see how they might feel towards each other, but it was a drive she had, much like the drive to sleep or eat.

@Queen of Fantasy
Aurea nodded, knowing how stronger magic might be useful in combat. Her smile faltered at his question but she didn't stop walking as she answered. "

When my parents were killed, I was lost and had nowhere to go. My father had been my only support as my mother was too... ill to fly.

" The elven girl looked straight ahead, her gaze no longer seeing her surroundings. "

I flew away, leaving their corpses there to rot. I had no home, no direction. My life was with them, on the road with no cares.

" Aurea paused, not wanting to bore him with her life's story. "

I suppose being denied sanctuary for what I am drove me to the edge. So here I am, trying to prove both families wrong. Being a half-breed might be disgraceful to them but I'm proud of who I am.

" She smiled triumphantly and glanced at the dark elf. "

Sorry, you probably didn't need to know all of that...

" she shrugged sheepishly.

@Queen of Fantasy
Collin frowned, and listened to her story. "I am so very sorry. It must be difficult." He said, as he continued to walk to the dorms. "It doesn't bother me. Honestly." He spoke, truthfully. He didn't speak for a few seconds, creating a strange aura of sadness between them. "I wish I could say that I know how that feels like, but I don't. With the half breed thing anyway. I don't understand why many find that shameful." He thought out loud.

Aurea sighed in response, her golden brows furrowing. "

I don't understand it much either. It was one thing for the Sun Elves to abandon me but I look much more like an Avariel. Then again, they are a proud people so my existence was a disgrace regardless if I could fly or not.

" She shrugged once more, her features thoughtful. "

It hasn't been terribly hard to live on my own. I stayed in the forest mostly. The birds were friendly - well, the owls could get quite cross with me but only when I pestered them during the day.

" She chuckled at the memory. "

If I didn't have the birds, I might have gone mad long ago... Loneliness is a powerful feeling.


@Queen of Fantasy
Noel smiled and took his hand, standing up. "I was, uh, never one for crowds." She said, quietly. "They scare me, honestly." She said, as they walked together toward the cafeteria. "I wouldn't mind going back outside. I like it outside. But if you'd like to stay in here, I wouldn't mind that either." She shrugged. "I'm definitely in for the botany. They have an extra curricular class you can take, and I took the advantage... I am not looking forward to the combat classes... I'm not very strong in that area."


Collin was quiet. "I see." She muttered. "I have to agree with you on the loneliness being quite strong. It has it's pros and cons though. I guess it depends on the situation." He said, stopping in front of two doors. "Here we are." He pointed. "The left is the girl's dormitory, the right is the boy's. Now these doors are portals, so you will feel a bit strange a first, but you'll find yourself somewhere wonderful, I assure you. I have already tried out the boy's dorm. I'm sure it's not too different for the female's." He chuckled. "I wish you good luck, Aurea."

Mason woke up with a jump breathing heavily. "Another nightmare" he whispered. Mason wanted to train again to clear his mind all trace of his once happy attitude had been left behind with the hours of the earlier afternoon. He was in a fowl mood and he knew it.

He walked through the hallway leaving slight frost through out all the walls. He exhaled and shook his head and concentrated on not leaving behind frozen footprints. He walked into the gym and saw his roommate Amaro punching around a dummy. He completely ignored his friend he was in no mood for a conversation let a alone an argument. So Mason ignored him and began to reach into his pockets. He pulled out long gloves that covered up to half his arm and then he pulled out the same and placed it on his feet. Mason did not want to be exposed or leave behind frost or freeze anything more than he already had. Once done he began to aim his frustration at the a dummy. Kicked aiming at its head and snapping it completely off he aimed a couple other strikes at the wall leaving dents into them. He was in no mood to mess around at the moment.

@Dante Verren

"Um . . . I didn't say anything about games . . . " Evie said, slowly stepping back as her arms wrapped tighter around her bag. Oh god. What did she get herself into? This girl was some psychic fire hazard. And she was sure she heard someone say something about bullets. She knew this was a school for all sorts of creatures. And they did offer combat classes, which Evie didn't plan on taking. But it seemed like it might be challenging to survive the school year, quite literally.

"Uh, mynameisEvie.Nicetomeetyoubye!"
she spat out in a single breath before running off. She didn't know why she ran. She wouldn't be able to escape. They still shared a room, didn't they? Maybe she should buy a fire extinguisher.
Amaro woke up with a coughing fit. Sitting up he looked around the floor and saw the scorch marks he made and the pile of dummies he tore apart with his lance. He then looked around and saw Mason. Rising to his feet he dusted himself off and carefully approached him. "Yo How long you been here?"


"Oh would you hurry up? We need to get there soon!" Said a boy with blue hair. He held tightly onto a skinny thing, wasn't that skinny, had some good meat on it's bones. "How about you shut up and let me drive!" It was now a female voice. Her eyes glistened in the light as the roaring motorcycle went flying down the road. Her brother knew not to worry her, nor scare her, just sit back and wait for it to be over. She sighed lightly as she rolled up to the academy and set her foot on the ground. "You can get off now." She asked her brother and laughed, rubbing the back of her neck. He slowly let go of her and crawled off the motorcycle. "Oh sweet ground! " He praised it and then laughed lightly, grabbing his bag out of her pouches. He smiled brightly and grabbed her own bags as well. Nothing special.

The girl crawled off the bike and grabbed her keys, taking her bags, well most of them. She smiled as her and her
brother walked. "You are such a baby!!" She said loudly as they started to walk forwards to the entrance of the school building. She smiled as the sun glistened off the windows and school, her smile was bright as she walked into the entrance. It was beautiful. The boy walked over to the girl in the front and asked for the keys to their rooms. They didn't know where they were going, but it seemed like fun. He walked back over to his sister and patted her on the head, handing her, her key. She smiled brightly as they walked down the halls, looking for the dorms.

(Sorry, got busy...)
"Heh. Well, maybe we can learn together. I'm not all that great with fighting myself. I mean, I don't have magic or super biology or anything. Plain ol' human here. My main strategy in fights is to run away and shoot arrows from a safe distance." The pair headed back up the path to the academy. "I'm here to study magic from a scientific point of view. There's so much about the universe that science haven't even begun to touch, and I want to change that. Without magic, the universe can easily be described through constants and mathematical laws and such, but when you start studying magic, it all goes right out the window. Imagine what could be possible with magic and technology working together?" Jack gestured broadly, speaking enthusiastically. A tone of wonder and fascination was plain in his voice. However, when they entered the great entrance hall, he fell silent and simply looked up, his mouth agape. "This. Is. Awesome. I am so gonna have to take time just to look at everything here..."

@Queen of Fantasy
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Noel smiled as he rambled about magic and science. It was nice to listen to someone speak about their passions, other than herself. "I agree. That would be quite interesting to see. I'm no crazy being either. I'm a simple human with one simple power... W-which I hate. Immortality. I can't die, but I still feel pain. It's horrible." She shivered, just thinking about some of the experiences she's been through. She switched the subject quickly. "I also think this place is amazing. I bet botany is nothing like I've ever seen." She smiled, just thinking about handling strange various plants.

Blue and Red

The two girls laughed a bit again. They do that a lot. Blue landed on the ground and Red turned to face Leona again. "I guess it kind of would." "Yeah, I mean it's not every day you find a flying, shape shifting, portal jumping, shadow becoming, water or fire resisting person. Wow that was long." "I think you might have missed something. Oh well." Red made a portal next to her and one behind Blue. Reaching her hand through, she poked Blue and retreated quickly, sealing the portal as she did. Blue looked behind her and, seeing no one, faced Leona, unaware of Red's smiling face. "How about you? What's your powers?" "Maybe then we could help you with what you are."

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Puggie said:
Blue and Red

The two girls laughed a bit again. They do that a lot. Blue landed on the ground and Red turned to face Leona again. "I guess it kind of would." "Yeah, I mean it's not every day you find a flying, shape shifting, portal jumping, shadow becoming, water or fire resisting person. Wow that was long." "I think you might have missed something. Oh well." Red made a portal next to her and one behind Blue. Reaching her hand through, she poked Blue and retreated quickly, sealing the portal as she did. Blue looked behind her and, seeing no one, faced Leona, unaware of Red's smiling face. "How about you? What's your powers?" "Maybe then we could help you with what you are."
Seeing the spectacle that came out of these two girls, Leona let a very small smile on her face. "My powers? Well, I can control and manipulate darkness." She says, creating a small pool of darkness in her hands. "I can use it in many different ways. Like putting onto my sword, or using it to make me stronger. Though, the latter does harm me." Leona then made the darkness go away. "Sadly, it's a far cry from your powers."
"Long enough" Mason spoke softly and tore away from his roommate. He then began to slam his fist into the wall over and over again concentrating all of his anger into his punches. He realized he was risking exposing himself by he didn't really care that much anymore. Mason eyes began to flow blue and with one punch he punched into the wall shredding the glove that was on his arm and unintentionally freezing the entire wall. He pulled out his first and groaned before head budding the wall.

He used all of his power to control himself from further risking exposure.

He didn't want to freeze the whole school, especially not on the first day.

He kept his head against the wall until he was able to calm down, keeping his eyes shut and taking deep breaths.

@Dante Verren

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