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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Mason slowed down his environment. It was little trick he picked up, in his past. It allowed him to slow down the molecules in a small are to make everything appear slower to him. He hadn't fully developed it so he didn't exactly have full control but he used in order to time when exactly Amaro would start throwing his first punch. He breathe deeply and awaited the moment. Mason wanted to help Amaro and himself to become better than what they were. He realized that the only way he would truly get Amaro to accept his friendship would be to prove his worth.

So he was determined to do that without hurting him or anyone else in this school. In order to help the boy he needed to help himself.

Mason decided he would teach Amaro everything he knew about dragons in order to help the boy complete his purpose so he was one step closer to completing his. All Mason every wanted was to spread good in to the world and prove to everyone in his past that he wasn't a monster.

@Dante Verren
Now that he had somewhat of the principle's attention, he sighed in relief. Though, he waited a little bit more, seeing as she was dealing with the "Poochie". When she did attend him and his requests, he said, in a rather not-so shy tone for Cryn Principle Nora. I would like to request permission to reside in a different dorm, where I shan't have company. His voice faltered a time or two, from doing something so bold for his standards, but nevertheless, he managed to get the sentence out. When he had finished speaking, he looked down, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and awaited a response.

@Queen of Fantasy
A look of confusion crossed the female's face as she listened to Kori, the other's actions slightly concerning. Had she done something wrong? Aurea furrowed her brows and replayed Kori's entrance in her mind, a faint understanding washing over her. Her roommate must think she was fearful of her when she was actually just easily spooked. With a gentle yet confident smile, Aurea knelt down in front of Kori, her green eyes bright. "

You're forgiven, I just didn't expect you to arrive so suddenly. Really, I'm thrilled you're here now.

" The small girl gently took hold of the others hands and outstretched her own wings. "

Your wings are very lovely. If you'd like, we could fly together.

" Aurea paused and glanced toward her unpacked bags. "

That is, after I've settled in. I wouldn't mind the help, either...

" Feeling guilty for upsetting her, Aurea made it her mission to befriend the other winged creature. Besides, flying with another seemed like fun and made her feel less lonely. In that moment, the female decided she would rather enjoy her time here.

@The Angelic Kori
Amaro completely fell for masons trap as his short fuse was set off. With a hiss Amaro swung his right fist towards masons skull. He was completely unaware of masons power.

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Mason saw the punch coming and he closed his eyes and steadied his concentration and focused on making his upper body turn into ice.

He times just enough to take Amaro's first first punch, effectively making it so Amaro punched into pure ice.

Mason then sidestepped and simply jabbed Amaro in the throat and took him down with a leg sweep.

"Patience. You need to relax. Look at the situation as a whole. By not being in control of your emotions, your thoughts, you were unable to control your actions. This makes you predictable, makes you weak. Don't think your temper helps you, it hinders you. All I have to do is apply pressure to you the right way and you react how I want. Easily manipulated, this will cause you to loose many fights if not corrected. Before any fight unless you really have to, always know what or who you are dealing with."

Mason then went and threw the clip from Amaro's pistol that had gone missing.

"Had to see what I was dealing with." He commented with a simple smile.

"Your biggest strength needs to be, your control, don't be manipulated, don't be exposed. From the moment we met every little interaction between us has meant something. The Library to see what your motives were, you said something about dragons. The fact that you showed interest in poisons lead me to believe that you did not want to kill one but rather incapacitate one. Another thing your quick temper when it comes to the matter seems to lead me to believe that a dragon has done you terrible wrong. But when I spoke about killing them you were in shock rather than relief. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe either a close friend of yours is a dragon who you wish to stop or cure or help. or it is yourself that is a dragon and you wish more control. You ask why I smile so often. 1. I genuinely am a very happy person, most time. But more importantly smiles get overlooked everyone recognizes a frown, or anger. A motive such a friendship, seems to be almost child-like therefore is quickly dismissed. Even as I exposed parts of my power to you, you simply recognize it as ice-manipulation, for although it is subconscious I have implanted in your mind that I a mere smiling fool could not be all that powerful. But again this is all speculation. I'd like to help you, but only if you want to help yourself." Mason finished his rather length rant and offered Amaro a hand.

@Dante Verren

The girl smiled to her brother and shook her head, "I'll see you later?" She questioned and smiled lightly, walking the way to her room. They both had room 5, which was funny considering that they were twins. Her brother on the other hand had no time to answer to her. He just smiled, waved goodbye and started heading to his room. He wanted one alone, because he normally shared a room with his sister, but it was sorta covered up, there were two sheets to separate each others space. Anyways! He shared a room with her because of what happened with his mom. The girl on the other hand was fine with sharing a room. She reached her room and unlocked the door with her key, stepping in. There either was someone there, or someone had moved in and walked away from the room. Either way, someone's stuff was in her room, must have been sharing. She smiled lightly, just in case someone was in her room, that way she didn't look stupid as she walked in.

Meanwhile her brother was messing around in his room. He didn't share it with anyone... or so he thought. Sooner or later he was going to have to share. It just, might be later? Anyways! The boy moved in quickly and smiled to his room. He was a jock so there wasn't much he could do in this school. He didn't wanna go to the library, he just wanted to make friends, one of the two had too. He walked out of his room and locked it, shoving his key in his pocket, he walked around the school.

Anyways! The room was nice, two beds, She laughed lightly as she sat her stuff down, where there wasn't anything. She moved in swiftly, wanted to check out the school more, it was beautiful. She didn't know if anything had started yet, so she grabbed a notebook and pencil and moved down the hall, locking her door behind her. Her eyes shifted to the paintings and artwork on the wall. The design this place was amazing. She just moved and sketched, not really stopping. If she got in someone's way, they would have to move, cause she was sketching this place out.

(Open for interactions {Both})
Amaro stayed in the ground for a minute tyring to calm himself before sucking up his broken pride and accepting the hand. "First off your wrong about me not wanting to kill dragons. They are nothing more then rampaging beast who need to be exterminated like the animals they are." the anger was evident in his voice as he spoke. "I'm sure half the people in this school have had some tragic event that lead them here and they all have their own reasons for being here as well. Mine is to simply become stronger. Strong enough so that I can kill as many of those monsters as nessicary."

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Mason thought to himself slightly and smiled wildly. "Well then let's become dragon hunters?"

After he helped Amaro up he began to walk back towards the library.

"Let's get all the information we can find, I'll tell you some stuff that I know Mason spoke while looking backwards and not looking forward.

This caused him to completely run into a girl who seemed to be sketching and walking.

Mason fell hard and assume the poor girl must have fell harder do to his mistake.

He jumped up and quickly tried to apologize.

"Oh jeez, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention" Mason laughed awkwardly.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts
A first hint of a smile apeared on his face as mason went from acting remotly cool to completely failing by running into the girl. "Who knew you where such a klutz?" he studied the girl for a moment and realized he haddnet met her yet.

@Ravensmikey @PixieDusts
Mason turned to his friend and scratch the back of his head. "Everyone has there weakness" he said with a laugh. "Social awkwardness is mine, that's also why I want more friends" Mason frowned slightly then chuckkled. Mason blinked softly and then turned his attention back to the girl.

"It's nice to meet you he extended his hand, I'm Mason." @Dante Verren @PixieDusts

As soon as the girl was ran into, she squeaked, hit the floor and was covered in a cloud of smoke, as a red panda took her place. She moved her tail, bringing her notebook and pencil behind her, wishing that no one had seen it. She looked up at the boy who had ran into her, her fur was the color of a red panda's, duh! That was the one thing that was funny, she looked exactly like the animal she turned into. Quickly the girl concentrated on her, and her only. She didn't know if he had left yet, her eyes were shut. She wanted to say sorry before he walked off. With that the cloud of smoke was gone, and the short girl appeared. She was sitting on the ground, so quickly she grabbed her things, jumped up and bowed to the boy. "N-no. I'm truly S-sorry. I should have been looking instead of sketching." Her sweet and innocent side had just popped out. She growled at herself as she straightened her back and smiled thoughtfully.

The girl being extremely short, and boys being boys who like to grow, made her neck hurt, not a lot, just hurt from looking up all the time. She clenched onto her notebook and just stood there, smiling as she looked at the two boys. One had grey/white hair. It was harder to see since it was kinda dark. The other boy had red hair, seemed like blood. Her own hair was weird... so she gave up on trying to detail the boys out.
"I-I'm Roseamay..." She said and looked at his hand. She knew that she should shake it, but she wasn't used to touching people. She extended her hand and acted cool and calm, shaking his hand lightly. "It's nice to meet you too. And your name is...?" She asked the red headed boy and just smiled.


@Ravensmikey @Dante Verren
Mason laughed awkwardly this was the first person since flower girl that he talked to and he really didn't wanna blow this oppertunity in make a new friend.

"That's Amaro. He don't talk much but when he does ya better listen cuz he can be pretty scary."

Mason smiled at the girl slightly and began to look at the floor trying to think of something intresting to say.

He nervously tapped his foot coming up with nothing.

"Soo, could I ask what you were drawing?" He bit his lip, hoping she didn't freak out and run away.

"I can't really draw much, I mean I've never tried, but even if I did I'm sure I'd be terrible. I feel like drawing take a lot of talent or is sketching more appropriates. I'll be honest I don't quite understand he difference." Mason's nervous were getting the best of him and he couldn't help but continuously ramble.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts
"Amaro Fortuna." He seemed to be completely unphased by the girls transformation but on the inside he was cracking up laughing.

"Nice to meet you." Roseamay said with a smile and shook her head lightly. "I was sketching the school. A Drawing is a picture that you finish, something made with a pen or pencil, normally not paint. Technically your final draft. Now a sketching is maybe just a doodle, where you draw something quick. But it's also like your rough draft in a way. " The girl looked up at them and laughed nervously, "So um... I don't wanna make this weird, and we just met and all, but what are you guys doing...? A-and if you don't mind, can I tag along? I just got here and would like to keep sketching the school out, but it's more entertaining when you have people to talk too." This was really the first time she asked to hang out with a guy, normally she would just do it. Girls are to dramatic, so she had a lot of guy friends... that's why she was always called a slut. Anyhow! Roseamay just awaited their answer, trying not to turn form again since she was really nervous and didn't like changing, it was one of the useless powers here.

@Ravensmikey @Dante Verren
Mason's face beamed, he was excited for more friends. Now he just needed to make sure that Amaro was okay with It.

"May I see your sketch? And Well it's okay with me as long as Amaro says its cool." Mason looked over to his friend and awaited his response.

"What do you know about dragons?" He asked the girl.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts
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"One thing I hall not let you see. I've never shown anyone anything of my drawings, nor doodle, nor sketches. My deepest apologies." Roseamay said with a giggle and smiled lightly, she moved her face to the floor in disappointment of herself and then when was asked the question, her head sprung up. "I know a lot about dragons." She smiled lightly as she began to ramble on. "Most of them have scales to protect their fragile skin underneath. Though some also can turn human. There are many types of dragons, as well the myth of them liking to live in caves is harsh. Some dragons live in houses, as humans. They also may live in woods, or even dark places, yes. It all depends on the type of dragon. Even more so, the dragons can be tamed. You just gotta control it yourself. Some can control when they change, and others can't do it alone. I tell you that now. Um... Honestly you just gotta talk to a dragon yourself, get to know them. The thing is, they may be hard to find, but it's not that hard to kill them, still hard, but not that hard, just gotta learn it's weakness." She paused and rubbed the back of her neck. "I'll stop talking now..." She mumbled and laughed nervously.

@Ravensmikey @Dante Verren
Mason turned to Amaro "I hope you found that useful." He turned to the girl and smiled at her.

"Well I'll keep hoping one day you will show me these sketches, or drawings or doodles. Uhm I don't mean to sound weird. But I was hoping that maybe you would allow me to be your friend?" Mason looked at the floor.

"I don't have many friends and I have a hard time making them, but I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." Mason commented softly.

He breathe deeply and nervously awaited her answers. He never had a friend that was a girl before so it was hard for him to know what to say.

@PixieDusts @Dante Verren
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The principle blinked, and furrowed her brows. "You don't want a roommate? How unfortunate." She commented, pondering for a moment. "Well, let us wait a moment to see how many will be arriving today. This place may be magical, but we still have room limits. I will look into though." She smiled.


The girl, Roseamay, laughed lightly. "It's fine. You aren't being weird. I have hard times making friends too, so yes. I shall be your friend." She laughed nervously, hoping that she didn't sound weird as she held tightly onto her notebook. "Maybe one day I will show you, but for now I will not. I have showed no one, and plan to in the future, but it might be hard for me to show them to you." She didn't wanna be rude, but the last time she showed someone her drawing, it all filed and ended up, her being a laughing stalk, and a ripped drawing. That was when she was only 7.

@Ravensmikey @Dante Verren
Cryn sighed; half from relief that the principle didn't just straight up reject his request, and half from the chance that it might not be possible for said request to be a reality. Thank you, principle Nora. He said, now speaking lower like he did before, shy and all. He bowed his head down, and began walking off in another direction - he didn't really want to have to meet his roommate, especially since he had requested to be in a lone dorm. It'd give off a bad impression, and the last thing Cryn wanted was to have enemies - though, he didn't want to make many friends either.

@Queen of Fantasy
Mason smiled at the girl again. He finally found a new friend and boy was she interesting. Mason was very grateful at her kindness.

"Well I will eagerly await that day. So you can shape shift? Or is the panda specific?" He questioned her softly.

He looked at the girl kindly and continued.

"Because that is really cool, much cooler than anything I can do anyway." he said with a small laugh.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts

"No!" The girl stopped the boy and sighed, placing her hands on her hips. "I am not a shapeshifter. I can turn into animals, not shapes. So I am known as a shifter." She shook her head in disappointment and sighed, laughing lightly. "And what can you do? Wait no! Lemme guess!" She said, a little energetic. "Hm...You can manipulate water? Wait... Um..." She touched his skin as she studied him hard, "Yep. I'm going with water."


Mason bit his lip he felt as if had offended his new friend.

"Oh I'm sorry and what's your favorite animal to shift into?"

Mason watched as the girl touched his skin, he flinched.

He wasn't used to being touched and he didn't t want to accidnently freeze his new friend.

Mason then shook his head.

"I know how to do that to an extent, but I'm more comfortable manipulating ice. Specifically I can Slow down partials which allows me to lower its temperature which hence the ice." He whispered softly.

He eyed the girl she was the first person here he told that to and he wasn't sure why he did but he was worried that he was going to scare her away. And he figured he was going to tell Amaro soon anyway.


Once Mason had flinched, the girl pulled back her hand and just smiled happily. "My favorite? Has to be my fox form... it's so cute and fluffy!" She said and then chuckled lightly, "Anyways, your power is interesting. I would love something like that. Have you ever tried to speed up particles? Some would think that if you slow them then you can make them faster too, but what would that make? Fire. Lord I would hate to do that. Anyways..." She looked him up and down and then shook her head lightly and smiled.

Jack gasped a little as he realized the implications of what Noel just said; witch hunts. He filed the information away for later... He wanted to know more... And to ease her pain. Somehow.

"I'm from the Deadlands. Illinois. I spent some time in small towns and in Chicago, my family moved around a lot." He was silent for a moment. "I'm here mainly as a researcher - my grant sponsors want me to look into ways to revive magic in the Deadlands. That's some really primordial magic, so I'll start with the basics and... Well, generally study anything and everything magical... Maybe I'll be able to start to understand the deeper workings of it all."

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