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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Mason cringed at the word fire and suddenly got very uncomfortable. "I Uhm, yeah I don't know I've never tried that before." He shifted awkwardly and then looked away from the girl.

"A fox is pretty cool, I wish I could shift into animals. I think I would want to be wolf" he whispered softly.

"So what brings you to this academy? I want to make friends. Amara wants to learn about dragon. What brings you here?" Mason asked the girl curiously.

The door seemed to fly open, two strange beings seemed to struggle to get through. What made it harder is that they were trying to go through at the same time. They eventually figured it out... so much for a cool first impression. Seer observed the dining hall and the other lifeforms in it, keeping Oracle behind him, just incase anyone wanted to make trouble. Oracle on the other hand, rolled his eyes and quickly walked over to a seat, near a few of the others. Seer's eyes went wide as he levitated quickly towards his mate, he didn't want to be left behind!

"Other than I can't get my power under control? I was rejected at home, this is a lot better than my house." Roseamay said as she laughed lightly and smiled at the other boy. "Interesting. Being a dragon, some would think he would know a lot." She mumbled to herself and then looked around. Only reason why Roseamay knew the boy was a dragon... or a least part dragon was the smell. Everyone had an interesting smell, but being a shifter, she could smell other shifters, and other animal like beings. She smiled up at the boy and looked back forwards, "Sooo whatcha guys wanna do? Or what were you guys going to do?" There was a small glimpse of awkward silence... and she hated that.

@Ravensmikey @Dante Verren
Amaro watched the exchange between the two in silence and froze when he Gerard her call him a dragon. Enhanced hearing was one of his "gifts" of being a half dragon. He quickly regained his composure and finally decided to speak. "We where originally going to go to the library but I'm not really in the mood to read right now. What do you think Mason?"

@Ravensmikey @PixieDusts
Mason picked up Roseamay's mumble and jumped up in joy. "So I was right, no no more secrets from you mister." He grinned from ear to ear at his friend.

"We were going to look up more information on dragons and we'll become dragons hunter, I need friends and Amaro here needs to kill dragons. He will be my friend if I help him" Mason smiled widely content with his answer.

"Maybe we can find information on shifters and help you learn to control better." Mason began to walk signaling them to follow him to the library even though he had no idea where he was heading.

Mason's excitement was getting the best of him, he had been right about Amaro and he had gained a new friend. He couldn't help but drop the temperature in the room by a couple degrees, chilling every room that the trio walked through.

Mason then stopped and dressed Amaro "of course I am also down to explore other stuff. I can't help it like to read" he laughed loudly and waited for his Friends to make a decison.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts
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Mercy looked at the green grass outside, silencing for a minute. She walked around the school and went in her dorm. "Oh, hi Ryan, what are you doing?" she looked at the paper she was writing on.

@ashlyn heckman
A horrible aura spread through the school as a dark monster landed on the school's front.

The monster lost all of it's dark colors, turning into pitch black and then taking the form of a young man, which walked into the school as he regained his color.

He walked to the front desk, and was greeted with a smile.

"I suppose you are Fennik Kussen, here are your keys."

Without saying a word he took the keys and started walking around the school, the sight of a new student attracted some.

Ryan looked up from writing "Mercy right?" Ryan quicky put her paper under her pillow "nothing just some doodling." She got up and put the paper under her pillow and guarded her safe and the put the paper in it.

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GlytchMeister said:
Jack gasped a little as he realized the implications of what Noel just said; witch hunts. He filed the information away for later... He wanted to know more... And to ease her pain. Somehow.
"I'm from the Deadlands. Illinois. I spent some time in small towns and in Chicago, my family moved around a lot." He was silent for a moment. "I'm here mainly as a researcher - my grant sponsors want me to look into ways to revive magic in the Deadlands. That's some really primordial magic, so I'll start with the basics and... Well, generally study anything and everything magical... Maybe I'll be able to start to understand the deeper workings of it all."
"How interesting!" She took another bite from her lunch. "I've never really thought about the whole 'backstory' of things. I generally just leave it be. Might be interesting to learn how everything works." She shrugged.
Seer and Oracle, after eating the food set out for them, decided to go and explore a bit. Exiting the cafeteria, they walked through the halls, hand in hand. They had tucked their wings in for now so that they didn't get in the way, or possibly hit another student. The school halls, they were something. Seer grumbled softly, drooping his ears a bit and turned away from Oracle. He felt a drop in his stomach.. was this homesickness? Oracle while trying to comfort his mate, turned towards him, they stopped walking. Now they were blocking some of the hallway with their large bodies. They seemed oblivious to the fact that others were trying to get through.
Cryn's eye may have been caught by this strange new student, but he payed no mind to him as he walked by. He had seen shadowy figures in the past, but presumed that this one meant no real harm for now. In fact, this one was a bit amusing to him, really.

Even while Cryn walked alone, he walked with an unnerving grin spread across his expression, which caused him to receive odd looks from those who walked passed him quite often, but he honestly couldn't care less.

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"Are you sure? Cause you seem to be really hiding that piece of paper. Just tell me alright? I won't say anything to anyone."

She was confused about why she was hiding it in her safe.

@ashlyn heckman
"I'm sure now leave it be" Ryan was getting pretty angry her secrets were hers to keep and she wasn't going to tell anyone. she went back to her bed and read "it really doesn't concern you so just don't worry about it"

Jack nodded, taking a swig from his flask. "Scientia potentia est. Knowledge is power." He chuckled briefly. "Although it's starting to hit me just how much I don't know. I never knew magic was... So capable. I'll definitely not be bored. I think I'll have to make an effort to get out and do other stuff. Have fun... Spend time with friends..." He smiled at Noel.

They were silent for a while as they finished their meals.

A sudden thought struck Jack like a bolt from the blue. "OH! Have you gotten your room key and moved in yet? I'm sorry, I hadn't thought of that until just now... I could help you get your room put together so you aren't in a rush. Mine won't take hardly any time at all, don't worry about me."

@Queen of Fantasy
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Noel nodded, smiled, and finished her lunch quickly. She blinked a few times, then shook her head. "No, I haven't moved in yet. I was too busy hanging around the peach tree. Aha, I did leave them in my room though." She grinned. "It would be nice to have some help, so thank you for offering!"


Oracle then noticed a strange young man walk past him, the hallway was pretty large so they weren't taking up that much room. However, Oracle seemed puzzled to why the man was smiling to himself. Unconsciously, he left Seer's side, to follow the other student. Maybe he knew where else they were supposed to go.

(When you tag the wrong person, I'm so sorry..)
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"Great!" Jack bounded up, picking up their empty trays and offering Noel his arm again. "Let's get these back and- huh?"

The trays both seemed to slowly dissolve to nothing in Jack's hand.

"I... Guess that takes care of that. Ok. I get the feeling I'm gonna have ta get used to being surprised by all this magic. I suppose we can head straight to your dorm? I can get us to front desk, we'll have to walk the rest of the way. I don't actually know where the dorms are, so you'll have to show me once I get my key. Ready?"

@Queen of Fantasy
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Noel nodded and held on tightly to his arm. She shut her eyes closed and prepared herself for transportation! Suddenly the two were transported from their picnic to the main hall, in front of the desk. She shook her head and blinked a few times before speaking. "That's going to take some time to get used to." She laughed.

Cryn noticed this rather quickly. He could see the other student begin to follow him in the corner of his eye. Though, he let it fly for now, and hoped that said student wasn't following him to find out where they were supposed to go.

Gripping his duffle bag over his shoulder as his hood hung low over his face. Vaskar made his way to the entrance of this academy. Passing a girl that stood as she eyed the walls and sealing, dropping his papers infront the women sitting behind the reception desk, he stepped back and bowed low as was in his cultures tradition. The woman eyed him for a moment and pointed to the left handing him back his papers. He nodded as he headed passed her and entered a large hall. Setting his pack down again he sighed and pulled off his hood showing his scarred face and the handicap that was his right eye wrapped with a cloth patch. @Queen of Fantasy
FennikKun said:
A horrible aura spread through the school as a dark monster landed on the school's front.
The monster lost all of it's dark colors, turning into pitch black and then taking the form of a young man, which walked into the school as he regained his color.

He walked to the front desk, and was greeted with a smile.

"I suppose you are Fennik Kussen, here are your keys."

Without saying a word he took the keys and started walking around the school, the sight of a new student attracted some.

Seer suddenly felt a vibe of dread. He didn't understand why as he had just composed himself. He looked around so see a student coming down the hall, his beaming red eyes watched the student as he passed. He had a feeling something wasn't quite as it seemed with this one. Seer huffed a bit and walked aways behind the strange one.
Jack felt a bit of a rush when the diminutive Noel clung to his arm and smiled as he teleported them both.


The lady at the front desk jumped in her chair and bobbled her phone. "HOY, Uh, hi! Well! Hello there! Wh-what can I do for you?" She asked, a little wild-eyed.

Jack flashed a roguish half-smile before responding. "Name's Jack Cooper. I'm here to pickup my key, and I'm also going to help Noel here get unpacked, so if there's any sort of security that would prevent me from entering a girl's dorm...?" He looked back down at Noel. "No kidding. I remember the first time I tested it out myself... I ended up dropping myself on my head three miles away."

The lady behind the desk handed Jack his key. "You're the Deadlander with the research grant, huh? How'd you teleport without magic?"

"Multi-link quantum entanglement to keep me from flying apart, and mass simultaneous quantum tunneling. I literally cease to exist in one place and come into existence somewhere else, with no time or distance traveled in between. It's all tech."

@Queen of Fantasy
InKryption said:
Cryn noticed this rather quickly. He could see the other student begin to follow him in the corner of his eye. Though, he let it fly for now, and hoped that said student wasn't following him to find out where they were supposed to go.
Oracle continued trailing behind Cryn. "Hello." He suddenly said via telepathically. His voice was rather deep, and echoed. Neither of the creatures were very good, socially. "I don't mean to bother you, but do you know where I'm supposed to go?"
.Noel smiled at the lady at the desk, then look up at Jack as he explained his teleportation device to her. It was fascinating. Noel grinned once they were finished, and lead Jack to the two doors that led to the female and male dorms. "Okay so just focus on my room number, which is #12, and enter the left door. It's a portal so it should teleport us directly to the room. There shouldn't be any security devices during the day, if you know what I mean." She opened the door and entered with Jack and were instantly in her room. Bags was on one bed, the other was still unoccupied. "I guess my roommate hasn't arrived as of yet." She muttered. Though she seemed disappointed, she was quite relieved. She didn't want to burden anyone.


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