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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

FennikKun said:
"Scaring you was kind of the point of all this..Eh, whatever. Do you know where the dorms are ? This place is freaking Hogwarts."

He pulled out his keys.
Seer flicked his ears at the sound of keys, strange sound. "Dorms... no. Oracle and I were trying to find them earlier. I think he went to look without me..." Seer sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "What is a Hogwarts..?" He mumbled before remembering that his job was to find the dorms, and maybe Oracle. "We could both look, if you don't mind that is." He offered.
Amaro broke out into a fit of laughter from what he just watched. "That was *Snicker* great *Sniker*. Your to freacken *Snicker* easy!" After he finished the struggle of speaking his laughter resumed for another minute before he was able to control himself. "Well I think I juts found one of my new favorite buttons to push." A smile still on Amaro's face. The first actual smile he had sense coming to the school. "This is going to be fun" he thought to himself.

@Ravensmikey @PixieDusts
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InKryption said:
This seemed to make Cryn rather uncomfortable - the handshaking, not the glowing of Oracle's heart. Ahem. Cryn said, when his hand had finally been released. He then reinserted it back into his pocket. Yeah. See you around.. And with that, Cryn continued on his indiscriminate path around the campus. The being he had just interacted with was an odd one, but a rather interesting one at that. He found closure in the fact that the creature obviously was not socially skilled either.
Oracle then ventured off, looking through the large hallways, he had remembered what Cryn had said about the directions of the dorms, now going into that direction. Hopefully he wouldn't get lost, this place was so big. Maybe even bigger than Seer's temple back on their planet. There sure was a lot more activity than inside the temple.
Mason shook his head and breathe out heavily.

"That's not funny," but he couldn't help but laugh harder when he saw Amaro laugh.

He smiled widely and then turned to his friend.

Mason shot a quick glance at the girl to make sure she wasn't laughing at him to,

Or at least to make sure she didn't hate him.

Mason then turned back to Amaro.

"Enough bullying me, where are we headed too now?"

He said with a small laugh and titled his head.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts
"Your right its better then Funny. In all honesty I would like to swing by our dorm so I can drop off my bag." He looked gestured to the gym bag hanging over his right shoulder. It wasn't heavy or anything but he din't want to carry around anything unless he had to. "Shrimp can come to if she wants it will be real quick so I doubt she would get in trouble. Plus if we do get in trouble we can always through the blame onto someone else."

@Ravensmikey @PixieDusts
"Sounds like a plan. It gives us a destination." He agree with Amaro and began to follow him in direction of the dorms.

"Besides I want to change my clothings, and I need to put on new gloves and stuff. Hopefully this will prevent me from messing with temperatures in the room."

He coughed and since the incident a few moments ago was pretty much refusing to look in the direction of the girl. Mason felt way to embarrassed.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts

"Sounds good to me, let's go." Fennik smiled, before turning into a small crow and flying forward.

After a while of searching, the two find the dorms.

Fennik turns back into human, and looks at his room keys that had a small piece of plastic attached to it.

"Room Five." Fennik opens the door, it's a pretty nice room, but apparently it's supposed to be used by two people.

Fennik being...Himself ? was already thinking of putting the two beds next to eachother so he could use both before his roommate appeared.
A small blush darkened her pale cheeks, her eyes glancing toward the floor.

"I'm afraid that's everything I own

," she whispered, not realizing it was abnormal to own so little. Recovering, she gave the other a sweet smile. "

I travel, so I need to pack lightly so I don't overdo it. Avariel have hollow bones so the heavier the bag, the greater chance I have of it harming me

." Aurea shrugged and picked up her crystal longsword. "

This is the heaviest thing I own - I made it a while back with a glassteel spell my mother taught me.

" She smiled fondly at the weapon and placed it gingerly atop the bare mattress. Aurea did well to remember every bit of knowledge her parents had passed on to her in her time with them. "

Aside from that, I carry my instruments and a few changes of clothes.

" She rifled through her belongings, touching the soft fabric of her favorite silver dress. It was simple but elegant in its own way, a purchase she would never regret. "

I hope it's not too strange, I mostly stayed in the forest. Well, until I needed new clothing. I would sing or play my instrument if I needed any money. It was soothing, to say the least.

" Aurea gave another sheepish shrug, a small smile on her face. It was slowly dawning on her that her life had been much different from many others here at the school.

@The Angelic Kori
Sweating and sighing. Vaskar sheathed his sword as several holograms lay limp around him as a sign of their defeat by his blade. Bowing to them he spoke. "End session." In a flash the holograms disappeared and the system powered off. Stepping out of the training room Vaskar wiped his face with a cloth and walked to the exit. As he walked through the long corridor, he half held his hand over his swords guard. He was lonely and needed someone to talk to, but he wasn't the best at approaching people.

(Anyone wanna jump in?)

Yuubarin said:
One left, and the one she followed here mentioned they were lost. She had quickly gained a decent idea of where things were and likely wouldn't forget anytime soon, so there wouldn't be much issue if she were without her map now. "I'm sure this will be of some help." She approached the figure she had followed earlier, map neatly folded in the hand she was holding out to him.
"Thank you." He says as he takes the map and bows. "I am Cthulhu. And you are?" He asks as his three headed hound begins to cautiously sniff at your feet.
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VaskarTheHunter said:
Sweating and sighing. Vaskar sheathed his sword as several holograms lay limp around him as a sign of their defeat by his blade. Bowing to them he spoke. "End session." In a flash the holograms disappeared and the system powered off. Stepping out of the training room Vaskar wiped his face with a cloth and walked to the exit. As he walked through the long corridor, he half held his hand over his swords guard. He was lonely and needed someone to talk to, but he wasn't the best at approaching people.
(Anyone wanna jump in?)
Oracle floated around the hallways, trying to get a sense of direction of this place. He seemed lost. Soon he noticed that a warrior looking student came out of another hallway, maybe he should ask him? Oracle floated towards Vaskar. "Hello, I am lost." was all he said. What an awkward space being he was.
FennikKun said:
"Sounds good to me, let's go." Fennik smiled, before turning into a small crow and flying forward.

After a while of searching, the two find the dorms.

Fennik turns back into human, and looks at his room keys that had a small piece of plastic attached to it.

"Room Five." Fennik opens the door, it's a pretty nice room, but apparently it's supposed to be used by two people.

Fennik being...Himself ? was already thinking of putting the two beds next to eachother so he could use both before his roommate appeared.
The realization hit Seer. "I never got my keys!" He then grumbled. "Say, would you happen to remember where you got your keys?" He asked with a nervous grin."I don't want to stay in the wrong dorm."

(See ya later!)
Vaskar stepped into another joint hallways and as he was about to turn almost bumped into this being before him. As they asked him questions he slowly nodded. "Follow me, I'll take you to the desk lady." Pulling out the map he found where they were and then found where the receptionist was. Stepping forward he softly placed his hand over his sword as he walked along. He placed his hood over his head as they made their way down the hall

Cryn had eventually reached a garden that was seldom visited by others on the campus. He found a bench, and hoped to seat in peace. He then reached into a pocket inside of his coat - out from said pocket, he grabbed the one and only other thing in his possession: a journal, which he had started writing in, after he found it abandoned by another author - what was written on the first pages, he wouldn't tell, nor would he tell what he had written. It was sort of like a journal, where he had dialogue with another being unbeknownst to even Cryn - as in, whenever he wrote a question, or simply wrote something else down, maybe even drew a simple picture, something else would reply it's thoughts, or an answer through writing in the book. How it worked, Cryn didn't know, but he hoped to find out here. He began having another "dialogue" with it. This book was the main thing that kept him company in his long periods of solitude - it's probably what kept him considerably sane.
The small girl blushed and smiled. "Thank you. I'm not sure about magical art though. Wouldn't that be considered cheating?" She questioned aloud, folding and placing clothing into her dresser. "I've collected those books over the years. A lot of the languages are... Different. The woman who raised me was in fact a witch. She wanted me to learn the spells inside, and I've never really gotten to it yet." She explained, as she moved onto another drawer. "I'm not even sure if I want to practice magic." She shrugged.

VaskarTheHunter said:
Vaskar stepped into another joint hallways and as he was about to turn almost bumped into this being before him. As they asked him questions he slowly nodded. "Follow me, I'll take you to the desk lady." Pulling out the map he found where they were and then found where the receptionist was. Stepping forward he softly placed his hand over his sword as he walked along. He placed his hood over his head as they made their way down the hall
Oracle couldn't help it, he was staring again. Everyone was just so unique here, he had never seen such a collection of different beings. It made him feel less odd. He spun around while he floated beside Vaskar, glowing, blue sparkles of energy came from his wings. He was careful not to hit him in the face too.
"I suppose if you were just making a drawing by using a spell to make a photo with a pencil, yeah, that could be cheating... But what about artistic applications of magic itself? Like... Uh... I dunno, a sculpture of an impossible shape or something? The mind boggles, really..." Curious, Jack opened up one of the books he couldn't read and looked at one of the arcane diagrams. "Maybe... If you don't like your power, knowing how it works is the first step to finding a way to improve your situation." He flipped a few pages and found a picture that seemed, somehow, to have layers. "Weird. This one looks like... Uh... There are different people occupying the same space, or something."

@Queen of Fantasy
Vaskar watched as this being walked along beside him. He couldn't help himself. He had to know. "So what exactly are you?" Vaskar spoke in a steady toned voice.
Noel stood and took the book, and looked at the page he flipped to. She suddenly closed it, and put it away. "That spell is the one that made me eternal..." She sniffed. "I don't exactly like to talk about it, but they're transferring souls. Both of my parent's souls are in me... Which is why I'm immortal. Everything good and their life forces were strong enough to make me live forever..." She went back to pull out her blankets and pillows, to make her bed. She was silent for a few moments. "It's difficult." She muttered.

VaskarTheHunter said:
Vaskar watched as this being walked along beside him. He couldn't help himself. He had to know. "So what exactly are you?" Vaskar spoke in a steady toned voice.
Oracle was a bit unprepared for this question. "What am I... I don't exactly know. There is only one other of me. You can call me Oracle, though." He said and grinned, showing his fang-like teeth. He wasn't trying to be threatening by this.
Jack quickly fixed the image of the page in his memory so he wouldn't forget before moving closer to Noel. "I'm sorry. I..." At a loss for words, Jack went to the only other means of communication he really knew in times like this... And gently put a hand on her shoulder, offering a hug.

"I don't yet know enough to truly understand, nor enough to attempt to do anything to help with the problem itself... But I am able to be here for you. And I promise I will not turn you away, or betray you, or leave you if I have anything to say about that. Ok?" He spoke in a deeper voice than normal, and spoke softly, almost a whisper.

@Queen of Fantasy
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Vaskar nodded as he marched along with Oracle. He had noticed the wings and fangs, but was not afraid not threatened by it. Given his abilities he was able to defeat almost anything that dare cross his path. "My name is Vaskar Donashta. I am the only surviving member of the black hand samurai clan. As they walked to the reception desk he bowed to the lady and gestured her attention to Oracle.
Noel sniffed and accepted his offer for a hug. "I haven't known you for long, my friend. But you have proven to be someone trustworthy. Thank you." She said as a tear trailed down her face. She backed up from the hug and pulled the peach flower from her hair and gave it to him, since she didn't have much to offer.

Jack took the flower from the tiny woman, cradling it in his fingers and looking between it and Noel several times. "I'm just making it up as I go along. Thank you for... Letting me in." Twisting, he tucked the stem of the flower safely into a strap on his backpack. "I'll get a bottle of water for it when I get to my room." He looked back down at Noel and smiled, brushing the tear from her cheek. "Let's finish up, hmm? Maybe get out and take your mind off things when we're done?"

@Queen of Fantasy
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