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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Angelostar4 said:
Leona just shook her head of the girls guesses. "Maybe the dark elementlist... but i'm certainly no necromancer." Leona just plant her bottom on the ground, feeling the grass beneath her. "But even so, dark elementlist doesn't feel right for me... who knows. I might be part of a rare species or something of the like."
(And I'm back!)

Blue and Red

Together, the twins sat cross-legged in front of Leona. "True, now that I think of it, a necromancer deals with dark magic, not dark manipulation." "Hmmm, I guess so." Blue was still unaware of Red's little prank on her. They both listened to her and how she could be a rare species. "Rare is always much more cooler. We only know one type, but you don't fit under the category." "We call 'em twilight bearers, since their abilities revolve around manipulating twilight.They live in an entirely different world from us." "We've never met one, but the creatures told us stories of them. They say they have great big black feathery wings and control all the monsters there." There two girls seemed to be sharing a mind, as they both were picturing how the twilight bearers looked like. "But there not here so we shouldn't really worry. So anyway, do you want to go anywhere?"

Noel sniffed and smiled warmly. "Yeah... Let's finish up." She went back to making her bed, and so the sad aura would go away, she hummed a small tune whilst doing so. She would glance back at Jack every once and awhile, to admire his unique appearance.


"Twilight bearers... hmmm, that's food for thought for little old me." Leona stood up from off the ground, thinking of a place to go with the two. When the thought came to mind, she nods her head and look at Red and Blue. "Why my dear maidens" She gave them a bow, and a charming smile, despite her eyes looking rather dead. "How about we explore the school together, and discover some breath-taking locals... shall we?" Leona winked at them for good measure. "And if we don't find any spots, at least I spent time with two interesting ladies."

@Puggie (Good to have ya back!)
Amaro began to pick up his walking pace putting distance between himself and the other two. Rounding corner after corner without any doubt of where he was going. He also easily dodged and weaved his way around students that where in his path. He would look over his shoulder after every turn to make sure they where still following him but otherwise he could care less about how far behind they where.

@Ravensmikey @PixieDusts
Angelostar4 said:
"Twilight bearers... hmmm, that's food for thought for little old me." Leona stood up from off the ground, thinking of a place to go with the two. When the thought came to mind, she nods her head and look at Red and Blue. "Why my dear maidens" She gave them a bow, and a charming smile, despite her eyes looking rather dead. "How about we explore the school together, and discover some breath-taking locals... shall we?" Leona winked at them for good measure. "And if we don't find any spots, at least I spent time with two interesting ladies."
@Puggie (Good to have ya back!)
(I was kidnapped and then taken to the beach against my will. Luckily I escaped. xD )

Blue and Red

Once again they simultaneously nodded their heads before getting up, soft smiles on their faces. They were really good at acting like civilized people. "Alright, let's go!" Together they walked off with their new found friend, still chatting away. "You know, I think I saw a girl who seemed to have made friends with the trees." "I saw a girl who looked to be an elf with wings. They were quite pretty actually." Then Blue turned to face Leona, a question in her mind. "Leona, what was your life like before you found this academy?"

Puggie said:
(I was kidnapped and then taken to the beach against my will. Luckily I escaped. xD )

Blue and Red

Once again they simultaneously nodded their heads before getting up, soft smiles on their faces. They were really good at acting like civilized people. "Alright, let's go!" Together they walked off with their new found friend, still chatting away. "You know, I think I saw a girl who seemed to have made friends with the trees." "I saw a girl who looked to be an elf with wings. They were quite pretty actually." Then Blue turned to face Leona, a question in her mind. "Leona, what was your life like before you found this academy?"

((Sounds like me when I got taken to the beach as well...))

Since the two girls chatting away filled Leona's heart with delight. "I wonder if I have any siblings..." She thought as she absent-mindedly walks with the girls. She focused once more when Blue asked her about what she did before this academy. "Ah! That's a rather good question Blue, and i'll be happy to answer it!" She coughs a bit, preparing herself. "Well, I was a traveler with no real goals in mind except finding out what I am. As I was traveling, I woo the hearts of fair maidens and put some joy in people's lives. Sooner or later, i've been asked countless times on what kind of creature I am. And I always say the same thing... 'I don't know what I am'"

"I can't wait to shower" Mason commented as he hurriedly to keep up with Amaro.

"Hey Amaro what's your rush bud? The dorm isn't going anywhere."

He jogged up to Amaro and tapped on his shoulder.

"Do you think we will have other roommates?"

As he finished his question the trio arrived to the boys dorm room and Mason quickly grabbed his towel and short and went into the shower.

He showered rather quickly and came out in his shorts he laid in his bed and Waited for Amaro to finish up what he had to do in the room.

@Dante Verren @PixieDusts
"Put some more clothes on you freaken savage" Amaro yelled to his roommate as he through his bag on his bed. sliding his gun case out from under his bed and gently placing it on his bed. He unlocked it and stored the pistol he currently had holstered in one of the side compartments. He then gently picked up his prized AF2011A1 and slid the clip that Mason had returned to him earlier into the gun. Once he was sure it was loaded he placed the opening of the gun under his chin. Satisfied with the motions of the gun he but on another holster this one running over his chest and placed the gun in the holster. "Alright Im done with what I have to do."

Angelostar4 said:
((Sounds like me when I got taken to the beach as well...))
Since the two girls chatting away filled Leona's heart with delight. "I wonder if I have any siblings..." She thought as she absent-mindedly walks with the girls. She focused once more when Blue asked her about what she did before this academy. "Ah! That's a rather good question Blue, and i'll be happy to answer it!" She coughs a bit, preparing herself. "Well, I was a traveler with no real goals in mind except finding out what I am. As I was traveling, I woo the hearts of fair maidens and put some joy in people's lives. Sooner or later, i've been asked countless times on what kind of creature I am. And I always say the same thing... 'I don't know what I am'"

(Not many would feel the same, but it was so cold, and rainy! (Not a good beach day))

Blue and Red

The two eagerly listened to her story. They felt amazed by it.
"Wow you sound like a savior to these people that you met." "Of course she does! She's probably lifted the spirits of dozens of people." They seemed to respect her more because of her quick story. "Ours is pretty pathetic compared to yours." "Yeah, so basically we lived with humans free of magical capabilities who lived right in front of a forest that thrived with magic." "Yeah, that's where we met all those creatures we gave you the names of." By then, the trio reached the library. "Look it's the library." "Yeah Blue, we couldn't tell by the sign that says 'library' and the immense shelves of books." Then she started to think a bit more, and was about to say something when Blue beat her to it."Hey! Maybe we might find something about your race!"


Puggie said:
(Not many would feel the same, but it was so cold, and rainy! (Not a good beach day))
Blue and Red

The two eagerly listened to her story. They felt amazed by it.
"Wow you sound like a savior to these people that you met." "Of course she does! She's probably lifted the spirits of dozens of people." They seemed to respect her more because of her quick story. "Ours is pretty pathetic compared to yours." "Yeah, so basically we lived with humans free of magical capabilities who lived right in front of a forest that thrived with magic." "Yeah, that's where we met all those creatures we gave you the names of." By then, the trio reached the library. "Look it's the library." "Yeah Blue, we couldn't tell by the sign that says 'library' and the immense shelves of books." Then she started to think a bit more, and was about to say something when Blue beat her to it."Hey! Maybe we might find something about your race!"

((Maybe i'm just weird then.))

As the trio reached the library, she smiles greatly at all the praises she was receiving from Red and Blue. "Ah... it's nothing girls, honestly. I was just doing what felt natural to me" She says with an ounce of dignity. "Besides," She puts one of her hands on Blue's head, and another on Red's. Then she starts to gently pat them on the head. "Your adventures were a lot more interesting then my own... so, don't downplay yourselves, you girls are too good for that." She then lift her hands off the both of them. "Now then, let's look for that book... ladies."

Mason threw in some clothes and then grab a spare of gloves and stashed them into his pocket in case he needed to use them.

"Alright Alright I'm changed. Where too now?" He asked Amaro and hopped out of bed.

Mason grabbed a small knife and tucked into his shoes in case he was going to need it.

He cracked his neck and then his knuckles and proceed to walk out of the room

@Dante Verren
Ryan decided to go look around so she started walking past the boys dorms seeing if there was anyone cool there or to see who is living were so she could pull a prank on them.

@ Anyone at the boy dorm who wants to talk
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Vaskar decided then that Oracle could handle himself there and took his leave for his dorm. As he walked into the hall where his room resided, he noticed a young woman slowly walking. "Are you lost as well?" He asked. Maybe she really was like Oracle. She must be new.

@ashlyn heckman
VaskarTheHunter said:
Vaskar nodded as he marched along with Oracle. He had noticed the wings and fangs, but was not afraid not threatened by it. Given his abilities he was able to defeat almost anything that dare cross his path. "My name is Vaskar Donashta. I am the only surviving member of the black hand samurai clan. As they walked to the reception desk he bowed to the lady and gestured her attention to Oracle.
(sorry I died for a moment, I just got so tired that I had to nap, I didn't have such a great nighttime sleep)

Oracle nodded at him and then turned to the desk ledy. She knew what he wanted right away, probably because she had been getting the same question all day long. She didn't give him time to speak, only the keys. Oracle explained that he was not alone, and that he'd come with someone, and got a separate set of keys for Seer.
Vaskar watched as another person appeared in front of him and by instinct half gripped the hilt of his samurai sword. He had been in both sides of an ambush before. But after a moment he relaxed. He had forgotten this was a school not the waste lands.

@ashlyn heckman @Dante Verren
"I'm just looking around since I already got somewhat comfortable in my dorm" Ryan thought this dude is nice she thought he would be a good person to pull a prank on another thought going through her head was that he's to nice to pull one on as well. Ryan saw someone coming out of there dorm.

@VaskarTheHunter @Dante Verren
Seer and Oracle finally met up, they were both a bit disappointed that they'd been separated, one more than the other. (Seer..) Oracle was trying to look on the bright side, maybe they'd meet new friends this way. Both watched the various next door students. These were their neighbors, they guessed. Seer was still unhappy with the fact that they had been separated.

(I didn't mention room numbers, they can share a dorm with whoever)
Amaro narrowed his eyes and reacehd for the pistol holstered on his chest as he watched the man reach for the sword. Once he saw the man move his hand away from his sword Amaro dropped his hand from his pistol. "Well you two are a couple of new faces I have yet to see before. Though I'm not really sure your suppose to be here" Amaro said while pointing at the girl.

@ashlyn heckman @VaskarTheHunter
Angelostar4 said:
((Maybe i'm just weird then.))
As the trio reached the library, she smiles greatly at all the praises she was receiving from Red and Blue. "Ah... it's nothing girls, honestly. I was just doing what felt natural to me" She says with an ounce of dignity. "Besides," She puts one of her hands on Blue's head, and another on Red's. Then she starts to gently pat them on the head. "Your adventures were a lot more interesting then my own... so, don't downplay yourselves, you girls are too good for that." She then lift her hands off the both of them. "Now then, let's look for that book... ladies."

(We're all weird (I'm gonna take a shower then sleep so goodnight!)

Blue and Red

As they entered the library, the two girls smiled at Leona as she pat their heads. It felt really nice to them. "Aww you're too nice." "Don't forget modest." She was really loving the patting and was almost saddened that it was over but she remained cheery. They had work to do. "Alright so I feel that if we split up we can search more of the room." "Cool! So let's start now." They both then walked to different aisles to search. Blue and Red barely even realized that they wouldn't be side by side. They were too busy helping out their newest and only friend. Soon enough they realized though and started to slow down as they started to look for each other instead.

Puggie said:
(We're all weird (I'm gonna take a shower then sleep so goodnight!)

Blue and Red

As they entered the library, the two girls smiled at Leona as she pat their heads. It felt really nice to them. "Aww you're too nice." "Don't forget modest." She was really loving the patting and was almost saddened that it was over but she remained cheery. They had work to do. "Alright so I feel that if we split up we can search more of the room." "Cool! So let's start now." They both then walked to different aisles to search. Blue and Red barely even realized that they wouldn't be side by side. They were too busy helping out their newest and only friend. Soon enough they realized though and started to slow down as they started to look for each other instead.

((Night to ya!))

Leona when on her own to look for some book that somehow hold what race she is. Taking some glance at the twins, she soon realize that the two of them are looking for each other instead of a book of races. Leona could only smile at them. "Gosh... their inseparable. That's really cute in it's own special way." She thought with an obvious smile on her face.

Ryan walked up to him and put her index finger under his chin "what you think I'm going to do something?" she then walked away to the other boy and whipped her hair in front of the guy. and had a big grin she loved teasing people.

@Dante Verren @VaskarTheHunter
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ashlyn heckman]Ryan walked up to him and put her index finger under his chin "what you think I'm going to do something?" she then walked away to the other boy and whipped her hair in front of the guy. and had a big grin she loved teasing people. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/39773-dante-verren/ said:
@Dante Verren[/URL]
Seer saw this from outside the dorms, where the others were. (right?) He felt something weird inside his stomach, his heart starting to glow, luckily it was pretty dull to where he could cover it up. Why was he blushing?! He wasn't even the one being teased!

Oracle growled in a low tone, he didn't take this the same way, teasing people and being flirty was his job! Sorta. He felt threatened by this new girl.
Ryan looks back at the boy "what's your name and age" she scoffed and she knew he was just trying to push her buttons "lets see you and me sorry but I'm way out of your league." she then walked back up to him and said to him. " one thing I want to see is how smart you are in class."

@Dante Verren @FlamelaPG @VaskarTheHunter
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