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A forced love, With Creepylover

I quickly freeze around me buying me a few more minutes with my reflection, "I don't know what you are saying, how do I stop him?" The reflection places his hand on my head and shows me images, the he collapses into a puddle of black water. Time then unfreezes and I collapse to my knees.
i turn a corner and i see charles collapsed on his knees,i run up to him"ch-charles what happen..."i help him up and sigh,"i-i thought he got you...i thought he killed you...i-i'm glad he didn't get you"i hugged him tightly and didn't let go for awhile.
While Lizzy is hugging me I say, "I was right then, you father is coming back. I came down here to talk to my reflection so I could find out how I could help you fight him." I then hug her tightly as well.
tears coming down my cheeks,"y-you cant charles...i'm sorry but this is something that me jinx and my mother has to do...i-i cant let you do it this time...my father will be much much stronger than before...and he will kill you...you are number one priority after that all he has to do is just kill my mother and take me and jinx...i dont want to lose you"i hug him tighter as more tears fall down my cheeks.
"Rebecca, you can't expect me to stand Idle and let your father torment you. I want to protect you."
"i know you do...i can tell you want to help me...but it's my fault to begin with...i'm the reason he isn't truly dead the potion i threw on him only took away alot of his powers and made him weak...but he had enough energy to create jinx...but now he is getting stronger as we speak...i knew i should of killed him when i had a chance but i just couldn't and now it's my fault he's still tormenting me".
"Rebecca we could destroy his soul, killing him permanently. That was what I was shown, no one can survive without a soul and no one can be resurrect with out one."
"d-destroy his soul...that's it that's all we have to do"i look at him,"b-but my father has no soul...he's the demon god...and he has no soul...he's cold hearted,rude and mean".
"Rebecca everyone has a soul no matter what they are, death has a soul mother iris has a soul and your father has a soul. It is an unescapable aspect of life."
"o-ok...mother and jinx aren't going to like it...but i will have to explain to them"i get up and begin to walk back to the bedroom again.
i walk into the bedroom and go back to sleep,the next morning i woke up before charles and went to mothers and jinx's room."h-he knows...i'm sorry...i cant stop him now...but i think it's for the best he helps","yes...he will be of help especially since he is part angel","well it's settled then Lizzy.Jinx he will help us and together we can kill him forever","y-yes...but remember him and his army will be ready for what ever we do...so we have to do something that he never expects","your right Lizzy...AH i have an idea"Jinx whispers to us what we have to do."th-thats genuine...and with are powers together we will be able to do it" we look at each other and smile"ok girls now we have a plan for the end...but Lizzy you cant tell Charles this...no matter what happens...this is something that the three of us has to do at the end of the battle","yes i get it this time...i promise i will try...but i just cant keep things from him","Well try Lizzy...do anything you have to do to"."i said i will...now i have to get going...i'll see you guys later",i walk out the room and back into the bedroom to get ready for a new day.
I wake up and see Lizzy is already getting ready for the day, "Wow morning already?" I get out of bed and start getting ready my self. "Have you talked to your mom yet?
"yes i have...they where kind of mad at first but they got used to it"i try not to look at him i brush my hair and walk out the door.
"It is a good thing you talked to them better to let them know then leave them in the dark." I put on my shirt and begin to put on my shoes.
i close the door and continue to walk to the dining hall,once i get there i see an arrange of food set up,"wh-where did this come from...i thought we made the food"i llok and see four maids smiling at me."hello we are the new maids of the castle and we cant wait to serve you my queen","wh-what...o-oh i forgot about that".
After I finish dressing I go into the dining room, "wow, look at all this food." I look around at the different meals lay out on the table, "thank you ladies, this looks great."
"it was no problem at all...if you need anything else just yell for us and we will be at your service"i sit at the table and look at them."what are your names" they look at me in confusion,"u-um my name is Bella and this is lexis,abbey and ruby"they bow and smile i chuckle at there response,"nice to meet you four my name is Elizabeth Minx...But you can just call me Lizzy there's no need for queen or miss" they chuckle and curtsy to us "thank you L-Lizzy...we shall serve you the best we can","thank you...you are dismissed...i think we can handle things now"they nod and walk out the room.
I smile at her, "that was nice of them, and I am glad that you treat people so well." I take a fork full of food and savor its flavor. "This food is so good, I never knew being a king would have so many perks, but we haven't done anything for our people. We need to find a way to repay them, maybe we could invite them into the castle and teach them magic. Or we could start a magic academy."
i pick at my food while eating it,"yes...i just hope father doesn't come while the people are in the castle...i just dont know when he's coming...if anything he better hurry up so we can kill him".while i wasnt paying attention i accidentally stabbed my plate from my anger my father has caused me,i look up startled by the noise and look at the plate,"*sigh*i...need a break"i stand up and fly out of the room.
After breakfast I clean up not allowing the maids to do so, "Lander, how so we give back to the kingdom? I want to give back to them because they have given so much to me and it is the least I could do." I say when I see him. He sits down at the table and thinks to himself, "That is a good question indeed my lord, I will need time to think on it.
i fly toward the room when i hear Jinx call to me i stop and look at her"what is it now...i have no time to be keeping more secrets","wait no thats not it...i have some information on fathers arriving"i go up to her"what do you mean by that,"h-he contacted me...he told me that he is coming tomorrow so we better be ready...thats all he said i told mother about it...now it's your job to tell charles he's coming"i smile"no prob"i walk away and chuckle happily"soon you will be destroyed".
i go find charles in the throne room and run up to him,"charles i got good and bad news...well it all depends on how you take it...the good news it that father is coming tomorrow...bad news is we dont know when...he contacted Jinx and she told mother and me...so i had to tell you...i am going to gather herbs and i'm taking Jinx with me it should be faster if the both of us go" i turn around and see Jinx walking towards us "are you ready","yes...lets go"i wave goodbye and go into the forest to collect herbs.
me and jinx go into the forest and collect herbs and things to make potions and spices,as we do jinx picks up a gem and shows it to me"Hey Lizzy whats this suppose to be"i look at the gem and see a symbol engraved in it"NO put that down Jinx"i smack it out of her hand and break it,"What was that for you could have gave that to charles" i look at her"no i couldn't...we should go back now...we have enough"i take her hand and lead her back to the castle.

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