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A forced love, With Creepylover

i chuckle"yeah...but i think she would look really pretty in it"i put it back in the closet and look at him"so what's next".
Lander walks into the room, "My lord, my lady. the wedding will be starting soon you both need to get changed and ready for the wedding." I then walk out of the room waving to Lizzy, "I will see you by the alter in the garden."
i wave to him and go into the living room with mother and jinx,"come on guys we need to get ready"we go into a room and begin put everything on.
I get dressed into a tuxedo and head to the alter in the garden, half of the kingdom is in the chairs and I wait for Lizzy. Behind me was Mother Iris who was ready to marry us.
help Aine into her dress,once i put on her dress i look at the others,"perfect","ok now it's time to put on your dress","oh yeah i need to hurry"i put on my dress and showed them."it looks beautiful","yes it does","th-thank you...now we must go to the garden the people are waiting on us" we go and get to the alter in the garden.
I look at Lizzy and as Mother Iris is saying her traditional speech I tell Lizzy, "You look beautiful." Then Mother Iris says, "do you take this women to be you lawfully wedded wife." I smile and say, "I do."
i look at him and chuckle,"thank you...you look cute too"then i hear mother Iris say,"do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband"i smile and say,"until death due us part...i do"i look at mother and back at charles.
Mother Iris then say, "By the power inside me you are now husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" I then lean into Lizzy and kiss her.
i blush and kiss charles back,afterwards i hear the crowd applaud us,i look at charles and laugh,"i guess we are now officially husband and wife now"i say happily and hug him.
"Well I hear there is a great after party in the ballroom, will you be my date?" I ask her jokingly. I then lead her back to the ballroom.
i take his hand and follow him to the ballroom.once we get in the ballroom music starts to play and i dance with charles.
i've never been more happier in my life,i dance with charles and enjoy the day until me and jinx pass out on the floor."hahahaha nice too see you girls again i see my own little creation has betrayed me",(wh-what are you doing leave us alone we told you we never want to see you again..why cant you just accept that),"because with you two by my side i will take over the world",(have you ever thought that if you take us that we will just kill you instead),"hahaha thats why you need to be fully evil",(AAHHH I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE AND YOU JUST HAD TO DO IT ON MY PERFECT DAY),"hahaha i am much stronger than before and i will kill everyone...especially that guy you really love".
After Lizzy falls asleep I carry her to our bedroom and set her in the bed, mother iris and Mrs. Minx carry Jinx back to her to room before they go to bed. I lay next to Lizzy and fall asleep.
(YOU TOUCH HIM AND I WILL DESTROY YOU),"hahaha just think about what would have been of you if you never of met him",(i refuse to know...i dont care i love him no matter what AND YOU WILL ACCEPT IT),"hm thats what you think remember i'm coming back and you better be ready".i wake up and go to jinx's room"jinx-jinx we have a much bigger problem now" she looks at me,"i know he is coming..we must prepare he could come anytime","th-this is all my fault...this is all my fault...if only i killed him right there this wouldn't of happen","no it's not...we will defeat him once and for all this time i promise you...but we must have no bodies help...only me you and mother","y-yes...b-but i dont think charles will agree to this".
"i am sorry lizzy but this is the only option we have...we cant let him get involved or he could die","i-i understand...thank you jinx...we will continue this tomorrow...since mother isn't leaving for a little we have a little bit of time...im going back to bed","yes we should get our rest".i head back into the bedroom and go back to bed.
i look at charles and jump,"ah you startled me...i-i just went to get s-some fresh air...thats all"i climb into the bed and cover in the blanket.
"You know as you have your sixth sense, I have my own I can tell you are hiding something. But if you don't want to tell me I will let it slide." I then lay down and start to fall back to sleep.
i sigh and turn facing foward him,"i-i want to...but i just cant...im sorry"i burry my face in the pillow and fall back asleep.
As soon as Lizzy fell back to sleep I got out of bed and went to the same place as where I first change into my angelic form. Again I pull out a knife and drop a drop of blood into the black water. "Charles back again my old friend." I look at my reflection. "I fear it is not yet over, I can tell Lizzy is hiding something and I believe her dad is coming back and even more powerful this time. What do I do." The reflection walks out of the water and becomes human like. "You have already begun learning how to defeat him. He has a soul like everyone else. All you have to do is crush it."
i open my eye and see that charles is gone,"wh-where did he go"i get out of the bed and look for him worried.
"How do I proceed?" The reflections laughs at my question. "Charles you already have, you force souls to meet in neutral territory then you moved one soul. The answers you seek are within you." I then yell at the reflection, "That is why I came to you, you are a part of me!"
i hear yelling and run towards it,i end up underneath the castle and it was kind of dark from what i could tell,"CHARLES-CHARLES...WHERE ARE YOU"i yell out to him hopefully to get a response.

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