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A forced love, With Creepylover

I eat my sandwich and talk to Lander, "my lord, our kingdom now has our own arm and we have ten loyal villages surrounding the lake. The castle as you know is now filled with loyal servants who will wait on your family day and night. I take that Jinx is your ward, am I correct?" I take out the gems, gold and silver handing it to Lander, "Your correct Lander, this is to improve our kingdoms economy."
i look at jinx and smile "this is going to be really good...i will contact mother and and tell her to come to the castle...where we will have two surprises for her...i cant wait i finally have a sibling","yes but Lizzy are you sure mother will be happy about me...i am the dark side of you...thats why my name is jinx","th-that doesn't matter...you can still be good...i know you can and i shall help you...i will make sure father can never contact you or me again".
Lander walks away and I turn my attention to Jinx and Lizzy, "Jinx if you need help, I can get you training so that you can have better control over your self. I doubt that you need it though, I know you are strong with out it. if you need me, I am going to begin other preparations for the wedding." I then leave the dinning room and enter a large lobby like room.
me and jinx say goodbye too charles and go into the bedroom,i close the door and look at her,"ok jinx so we need to do somethings for the wedding too...but first we must call mother".i enchant a spell and a black cloud forms around me,"mother are you there?","yes i am is something the matter","no-no-no nothing like that...it's just that i'm going to have a carriage pick you up and bring you to the castle...i will tell you everything then","oh-oh ok...i will start packing right now i'll see you there Lizzy","yes i will see you in a couple of days mother...goodbye".the black cloud disappears and i look back at jinx,"she's coming".
I wave my hand and the room is transformed. The windows have red drapes and the floor is covered in a red carpet. Table are lined all across the wall with red table clothe. "Mother Iris, Mother Iris." She then appears, "What is it my child?" I then make a statue of a man and women holding each other tightly by the tables. "Mother Iris I am getting married, I was wondering if you would be the one who joins us together, considering that you are a goddess."
after me and jinx call everybody i look at the list,"ok now we must go get dresses...i know just the dresses we can use".i look in a closet and pick out the dress mother used for her day,<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/black-and-red-gothic-wedding-dresses.jpg.86a6207aee3c2d37960cd6db12ea0f14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83580" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/black-and-red-gothic-wedding-dresses.jpg.86a6207aee3c2d37960cd6db12ea0f14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> .i give her the dress and smile"dont worry just have fun and be yourself...not your demon self your nice self".<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/JohnGaillano.jpg.4db118724c8ca5767385da5dbe4bf8fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/JohnGaillano.jpg.4db118724c8ca5767385da5dbe4bf8fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I look at my list, "the ball room is finish, now where to next?" Mother Iris goes into one of the guest rooms and prepares her self for the wedding. I go into the garden and I see all of the wonderful efforts of Lizzy. I then raise my hand and the flowers grow even more felling the whole area, then they are forced to bloom. I then set chairs facing the lake and prepare the alter for the wedding.
i hear a knocking on the front door and get it,i open it up to see my mother standing there,"you made it im so happy you got here so quickly","yes the carriage was quite fast".i invite her in and take her into the living room,"ok i have some news for you and its good news","ok what is it","well the first one is that...well jinx"i yell for jinx to come in the room,"i-im here"mother looks at jinx and scrowls."you what is she doing here lizzy she cant be trusted","yes she can...we made sure of it please mother calm down"she looks at me and sits back down.
I finish the preparations in the garden and decided to the living room to relax for a moment, then I see the minx family talking and decide to watch for the door way to give them their space.
"um-well me and charles are getting married...and i would like you to be my bridesmaid","so you two are finally starting your future together i would love to be you your bridesmaid","thank you mother".i look towards the door and see charles there,"you know...i can sense you were here" i say walking up to him,"it's kind of like a sixth sense".
she looks up at us and smiles,"y-yes this is great news im so happy for you guys"she runs up to me and gives me a big hug.afterwards she looks at jinx,"so you going to be apart of this family i would love to have you in this family"she looks at me and charles and cry happily."mother dont cry","im sorry im just so happy for you...it feels like just yesterday that you were learning to talk and use spells...but now you're a grown woman and you found your special someone","oh come on mother".
she looks at him and smile,"thank you...but that is ok Lizzy has told me everything about the castle from when she got here","Hey..it was only from excitement...what can i say im a blabber mouth when i get really excited"i cross my arms and look at her.she looks at me and chuckles,"you always were the kind of child that talked to much","HHHHHHHHHeeeeeeyyyyy".
I wink at her Mrs. Minx, "are you sure she told you everything, besides don't you think it would be more exciting to see it for your self?"
"i am fine thank you for the offer though"she looks at me and jinx,"so have you two gotten dresses yet","yes we have..all we now is your dress and i think we have the perfect dress for you","well i cant wait to wear it".
I sighed, being shot down by Mrs. Minx. "Well I am going to go prepare more for the castle."
i look at charles "oh i'll come with you...i'll let mother and jinx get to know each other better" i look at jinx and wink at her,"th-thank you Lizzy"mother looks at her and back at me and charles,"oh...yes-yes i will stay with jinx and get caught up with her you two go and do your thing"she smiles and sits with jinx.i whisper to charles"dont worry about her she can be a real party pooper sometimes...plus she would have told you things that only me and her know...and she knows that...i know my mother more than anyone"i laugh and begin to walk out the room"so where first...i can help you with anything you need".
I lead Lizzy as we dance traditional dances, "The wedding will be soon is there anything else you need to do?"
"i-i dont think so...except...have you seen Aine anywhere"just then i hear what sounds like running i look behind me and see Aine running up to us."ah Aine slow down".
We finish dancing and I pick Aine up, "Should we dress her up?" I hold her up looking her up and down, "I am sure we have gold dragon clothes, I don't truly know though."
i look at her and smile,"i have the perfect thing...follow me"i run towards a closet that had all kinds of clothes in it,i dig in the closet and pick up a dress that was white that had yellow flowers and red flowers on it and show it to him.
I chuckle a little, "Its perfect, but it is a little funny to think that a dragon will wear a dress."

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