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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

Would it spice things up if a group of undead from the Underlands attacked the base?

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"Tsk tsk tsk. Picky picky. Now now, I'm a dragon rider, not a cook. I'll send these tasty treats when I have the time. And apples to spare." He said with a chuckle. The apple was starting to smell good now.

"Its almost ready. So, Drake. What do I call you? Do you have a name?" Arthun asked.

@Adonis Williams
Strom whiny noise, which actually just sounded like an electric current. "My previous rider called me Strom." (And yes, I meant to spell it like that. It's german for electricity) @Wandering Hollow
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Evelyn huffed, appearing to be quite unimpressed. Though, she was quite a master a schooling her features. The frustration and worry that boiled underneath left no traces on her face - that's not to say looks couldn't kill. Ko's lithe snarling form behind her didn't soften her image any. D'mago still hadn't risen from his fall and last she saw of Ashanti, he'd been running to help his companion. "Ko, help Ashanti with D'mago" she said as she headed toward the camp fire.

She'd never seen a dragon with lightning powers, though, now she could say the sight wasn't as impressive as the sound.

"Well that was quite a show - think you managed to blow out my eardrum..." She said as she approached them, one of her hands rubbing her ear "so what was that? Figure you want an apple so you cast the storm from hell upon us?" she snapped.
Strom's attention wasn't drawn from the apple. "Don't blame me. Blame it on the blind one, Her actions offend me. Calm down." He responded quickly and calmly. "How do you deal with this all day?" He spoke to the man with the apple @Siduri @Wandering Hollow
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Evelyn let out a slightly amused scoff. "Do I look like I'm yelling?" She asked "I'm just trying to figure out what the hell happened while I was gone," She proceeded further and sat by the fire. It had been a long day - talking down Hikaru and now this little brawl. She was thankful Ko had not been involved, though, the beast would likely have sat this one out even if he was here. He wasn't quick to fight. "Where do you come from anyway - mind if I have one of those?" She glanced at one of the apples almost as an after-thought.
"I came from a cave in the Underlands. Why?" He stood, looking at Evenlyn. His skin was literally glowing with streams of purple electricity. His wings were massive. At least 50 feet long on each. @Siduri
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"Hey. Drag me into this and I'll eat this apple myself." Arthun said, glancing at Strom. He stuck the skewer with Strom's apple into the groud to let it cool before preparing a second apple.

"So, Princess. Do you take your apple crunchy or soft?" He jokingly asked as if he was preparing a steak.

@Adonis Williams @Siduri
Hikaru nodded, wiping her eyes desperately, Miharu then walked up to her rider and wiped them away for her "Calm down... you'll be fine." She said in a soothing voice, the horned girls smirk seeming overly-cheerful in the current situation, as they arrived at the campfire Hikaru turned her head down and looked away, water dripping from it, Miharu gave everyone an apologetic smile before both were startled by the roar, looking up wide-eyed.

@Adonis Williams @Wandering Hollow
Rickets laid back and sunk into the warm, soapy waters. Since coming here he had barely left the bathtub. Having spent his life amongst mud, feaces, rats and other unhygienic folk; he couldn't get enough of this simple luxury. The tub was outside and Rickets sunk lower to avoid the cool evening breeze; "wow, this is the life right buddy?". Boon stood next to him, his new master requiring an infrequent blast of flame to keep the waters hot. He was bored and unimpressed; "Indeed it would seem that way". He flicked away a wondering pig nonchalantly. "when do you think we can get to the task at hand?" He asked frustratedly. Rickets splashed the bath water as he made for the soap. "Look buddy, this place is more like a holiday camp" he said with a chuckle, "you can go off and wonder as you please, even the trainers are more like tour guides, all they've done since we got here was ask us once to show what we can do and then gave us the grand tour" he laughed again "HaHa, it was probably because you brown noted that guy, I've never seen seen a man in such a dignified position change his face so quickly!" He reached down the side of the tub and picked up a loafer. He proceeded to scrub himself with it, "yes, well he thought it funny to pass judgment on my, ahem, lack of 'spice' as he called it", "hey Boon" he grinned up at his accpmplice, "don't worry about it, at least I've found a use for it" he laughed at his own joke. Annoyed, Boon let out a continued blaze of fire right beneathe the tub, the flame was weak by dragon standards but still hot enough to heat the water so much that Rickets had little choice but to jump out naked; "ow! Ow! ow!, Hot! Hot! Hot!" He danced around as if on fire; "okay okay! Turn off the heat! We'll train tomorrow and you can make friends!"

Boon smiled a little, picked up a large container of cold water and threw it over Rickets. He stood soaking wet and shivering, his hair matted into his eyes. He mumbled something, grabbed his tunic and trousers and trudged back into the dormitory. Boon watched him dissapear and shook his head and allowed himself a little chuckle. He then spread his great wings and took off into the night his great form becoming one with the shadows.
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Lucent and Aphotic watched from a good distance as everything began to repair itself and the new dragon arranged for his apple supply.

Aphotic tilted her head in curiosity. "He says he comes from the Under lands, do you think we know him? "

Lucent shook her head. "I have not seen him before. Just because we are from similar locations does not mean we know each other."

Aphotic, spoke, more to herself than to Lucent. " I wonder if he would share his apples."

Again Lucent shook her head. "Look at all the trouble he went through to get them. I think its highly doubtful."

Aphotic and Lucent continue to watch from the air, though drawing closer due to the hostility being over.
Ashanti finally reached D'Mago's still form. He slowly put a hand on his neck, and after a minute, finally felt a slow intake of air. Ashanti sighed in relief. He was just asleep. "You had we worried bud." He sat down and leaned on D'Mago, deciding thats where he would stay the night.
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"Well if that is all that was required, I'll be off." Strom spreads his wings and takes off quickly, not a spark of electricity coming from him as his deal with Arthun required him to control it. He glides off into the distance to the forest. He lands and rests under the sleeping land dragon's neck.

The night blankets the entrance of an odd pair.

Standing tall on his dragon with staff and light in hand, Aqil gazes at each and every person with a nonchalance that only a stranger may hold. Samat offers no sound apart from the shift of scales as he slinks below a nearby tree, allowing his sand-struck rider to dismount. The soft grass comes to a great surprise to the Numarian, who raises his eyebrows a fraction and stares downward. Though the orb of light clears his way, he still pinches a blade of grass and pulls it close to his face, as if examining it.

Only when he is satisfied with the meagre leaf does Aqil stand, taking in his surroundings. With a single hand, the dark-skinned stranger pats his way up the dragon's rump, muttering something night-inaudible to the beast. They part, the creature heading to a nearby stream as Aqil remains in the shadows, his light fading to give others the respite that darkness offers. Should nothing else occur throughout the night that would directly affect either Aqil, D'Mago or his rider, Ashanti would find himself waking up beneath the stern eye of Aqil.

Stood before the leader, with both hands on his staff, the desert-borne finally parts his lips to speak.

"Awaken, Leader. I must speak..."

"We must speak."
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(Omg wait for me pls I'll be on in an hour or two I don't wanna miss it! I'm in the car but I'll respond when I get home!)
Mephistophelian said:

The night blankets the entrance of an odd pair.

Standing tall on his dragon with staff and light in hand, Aqil gazes at each and every person with a nonchalance that only a stranger may hold. Samat offers no sound apart from the shift of scales as he slinks below a nearby tree, allowing his sand-struck rider to dismount. The soft grass comes to a great surprise to the Numarian, who raises his eyebrows a fraction and stares downward. Though the orb of light clears his way, he still pinches a blade of grass and pulls it close to his face, as if examining it.

Only when he is satisfied with the meagre leaf does Aqil stand, taking in his surroundings. With a single hand, the dark-skinned stranger pats his way up the dragon's rump, muttering something night-inaudible to the beast. They part, the creature heading to a nearby stream as Aqil remains in the shadows, his light fading to give others the respite that darkness offers. Should nothing else occur throughout the night that would directly affect either Aqil, D'Mago or his rider, Ashanti would find himself waking up beneath the stern eye of Aqil.

Stood before the leader, with both hands on his staff, the desert-borne finally parts his lips to speak.

"Awaken, Leader. I must speak..."

"We must speak."
Ashanti was burning. Smoke filled his nose as fire licked his heels as he ran. He realized his surroundings were familiar... too familiar. He recognized the dark tunnels he wasted away in for years. Ashanti looked down to see everything below is torso doused with the red hot flames, and remebered the agony, the way his skin bubbled and charred, and he cried out. He heard shouts, and he turned to see the faces he remembered vividly that haunted him, all writhing in agony..

Ashanti woke up panting, his brow covered in sweat as his eyes swiveled around nervously. He closed them, as he tried to regulate his erratic heartbeat and breathing. He thought he was used to his nightmares, but he was wrong. No wonder he hated Karthe so much. He slowly opened his eyes and was met with someone elses peering down at him.

He didn't feel threatened, surprisingly. Ashanti got up on shaky legs, waiting for the man to speak as he tried to shake off the effects of his night terrors.
Drachen had once again killed a group of bounty hunters in the Numar desert, the sand was stained red and the Numarian horses and hunters were savegley killed and eaten, only leaving small bits of limbs and organs. Drachen screeched, victorious. This had yet again raised his high bounty. Drachen picked the last of some meat off the bone of the bounty hunter then dropped it. He took off again, in interest of killing more bounty hunters who dare try to fight him.
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Rickets made himself comfortable in his new bed, which he felt could have been better but wasn't complaining since his previous bed had been little more than a cramped cot without even a mattress.

Meanwhile Boon had decided to use the cover of darkness to scout out the terrain and to seek out any others that may be about in the hopes of finding somebody worthy enough to be his rider. As he flew around he saw only a few people and their dragons. He figured they were new recruits also, by the way they seemed to lack discipline. He disregarded them as they were already riders with their own dragons. As he soared through the air, his dark scales hiding him in the darkness, he spotted somebody that stood out. His keen eyes noted this man looked older and more experienced than the others and that his dragon, whom he seemed to be lying by, seemed also somewhat more impressive even though it didn't seem to be moving. What was moving, however, was another figure, himself seemingly a dragon rider if the large serpent behind was anything to go by. This man stood silently over the other clearly about to speak. Boon decided he would listen in too pick what he could about this place. He glided silently and unseen towards some burnt trees. He landed stealthily and turned his ears towards the pair.
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Coal said:
Ashanti was burning. Smoke filled his nose as fire licked his heels as he ran. He realized his surroundings were familiar... too familiar. He recognized the dark tunnels he wasted away in for years. Ashanti looked down to see everything below is torso doused with the red hot flames, and remebered the agony, the way his skin bubbled and charred, and he cried out. He heard shouts, and he turned to see the faces he remembered vividly that haunted him, all writhing in agony..
Ashanti woke up panting, his brow covered in sweat as his eyes swiveled around nervously. He closed them, as he tried to regulate his erratic heartbeat and breathing. He thought he was used to his nightmares, but he was wrong. No wonder he hated Karthe so much. He slowly opened his eyes and was met with someone elses peering down at him.

He didn't feel threatened, surprisingly. Ashanti got up on shaky legs, waiting for the man to speak as he tried to shake off the effects of his night terrors.

The Numarian remains silent for the most part, allowing the silence to permeate for slightly too long before he utters.

"Your organisation is anything but. You need a person who is capable of instilling order in this chaotic mess."

"On that note... You may also need Sleep Sap."

Yet again, he allows the silence to slip into the conversation. Far off, a wingless dragon dips its snout into the tearing waters of a river, allowing the liquid to pool into its mouth before taking a large sip.
Rose looked about he land, now in the sky. Her wings had a slight glow to them that only other dragons would be able to see. "All humans should just die..." She muttered to herself as she floated aimlessly in the sky. In the future, she'd seen many takers abusing their dragons. She couldn't stand it... Humans were disgraceful little maggots... She thought all these horrible thoughts before continuing flying again. Despite looking human, she was truly dragon, hoping to save herself from this fate. "I just have to wait a year..." She sighed as she flew, curious as to where that girl had gone.@TheHappyPikachu
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Drachen noticed said glow and flew into the sky to meet the dragon with the glowing wings. He was not invisible at this time. He only wanted to say hello so he retracted his talons and. He was quickly on the elevation with the dragon. He didn't say anything, he just simply flew at her side. @NightCasterZ
Rose glanced at the dragon by her side. "Who are you?" She asked simply. She wasn't in the mood for a fight so she decided to talk instead.

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