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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

Would it spice things up if a group of undead from the Underlands attacked the base?

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The raven watched the man and his dragon as they neared the outskirts of the Outerlands. No one had visited this place in years, besided the recent one from the Fate. He could sense his master's interest spiking from afar. The raven took off from the branch and flew down, and landed right on a tree's twisted root in front of the pair. "Why do you walk to your death Dragon Rider?" The bird cawed as he flapped his wings, his eyes settling on the man.

Coal said:


The raven watched the man and his dragon as they neared the outskirts of the Outerlands. No one had visited this place in years, besided the recent one from the Fate. He could sense his master's interest spiking from afar. The raven took off from the branch and flew down, and landed right on a tree's twisted root in front of the pair. "Why do you walk to your death Dragon Rider?" The bird cawed as he flapped his wings, his eyes settling on the man.


Aqil's eyes hone in on the three eyed creature, a slight shift of emotions playing over his eyebrows before he grins wryly.

"Perhaps I do. What would you know, though? You are a crow. I cannot convey anything useful to you."


The bird shifted on the branch, his head making tiny minuscule movements as birds do. "I am a crow whom you are discussing with of right now. You are quite capable of conveying information, as you are quite capable of dying by my master's hand if you continue." The bird tilted his head before he bird shifted on the branch, his head making tiny minuscule movements as birds do. "I am a crow whom you are discussing with of right now. You are quite capable of conveying information, as you are quite capable of dying by my master's hand if you continue." The bird tilted his head before continuing. "You are an idiot if you think you will slay him. He will destroy you and use your mangled corpse as part of his army that is headed towards the Dragon Rider Base as we speak." The bird hopped off the root and flapped in front of the man and landed on top of the dragon's head.

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Coal said:


The bird shifted on the branch, his head making tiny minuscule movements as birds do. "I am a crow whom you are discussing with of right now. You are quite capable of conveying information, as you are quite capable of dying by my master's hand if you continue." The bird tilted his head before he bird shifted on the branch, his head making tiny minuscule movements as birds do. "I am a crow whom you are discussing with of right now. You are quite capable of conveying information, as you are quite capable of dying by my master's hand if you continue." The bird tilted his head before continuing. "You are an idiot if you think you will slay him. He will destroy you and use your mangled corpse as part of his army that is headed towards the Dragon Rider Base as we speak." The bird hopped off the root and flapped in front of the man and landed on top of the dragon's head.

Just like that, the crow would meet the jaws of what could be a very premature end, as premature ends go for crows. Samat, evidently displeased with the crow's idea to land on his head, would snap towards the creature with lightning speed, as befits a dragon that has never had the benefit of aerial surprise. Aqil, however, has time only to open his mouth in warning as his dragon snaps.



The raven was quickly was snapped up, its head bouncing on the ground. But the dragon spit the body out, obviously finding the putrid stench of decaying flesh rather disgusting. The head wriggled, the body slowly fusing back with it. Once more, it cawed and flapped its wings. "We're all dead here." The bird croaked as he flew off, his wings beating at a odd, jerky pace towards the center of the Underlands. "We're all dead here!"

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Dryn is riding Tatsuya around in a field. He soon makes it near the spot where Rose is. He realizes he is about to crash into Rose. "O-oh c-crap!" He says, pulling Tatsuya's reins hard to the right. Tatsuya turns abruptly, causing Dryn to fall off his dragon near Rose. @NightCasterZ
Rose flies down, catching Dryn before she hits the ground. She slowly floats to the ground with him in her arms. She lays him down on the ground. "Are you alright?" She asks him.
Coal said:


The raven was quickly was snapped up, its head bouncing on the ground. But the dragon spit the body out, obviously finding the putrid stench of decaying flesh rather disgusting. The head wriggled, the body slowly fusing back with it. Once more, it cawed and flapped its wings. "We're all dead here." The bird croaked as he flew off, his wings beating at a odd, jerky pace towards the center of the Underlands. "We're all dead here!"

Samat hacks at the taste of decay, the flesh around his teeth curled up in disgust. It does not take long, however, for both of them to continue their journey to the centre of the Underlands. It would not be long before they reach their destination.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm f-fine. T-thank y-you." Dryn says. "A-and s-sorry f-for a-almost c-crashing i-into y-you." He says as Tatsuya walks over to the two of them. @NightCasterZ


Roen sighed as the raven flew towards him and landed on his shoulder. Roen observed the birds oddly angled head before turning back to his amulet.

"I wonder why he is coming here. I cannot be beaten by one Dragon Rider. I can't even be beaten by the Fates, what makes him think he is capable?"

He sighed tucked the amulet back under his shirt. "I'll wait for this strange man. Should be interesting." The raven cawed in agreement.


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A woman, average in height, with long raven hair that cascaded down her back and past her shoulders, walked alongside her delicate dragon with an elegant ease in her strut. Her toned muscles warm inside the leather sleeves, heavy with pads of silver adorning her shoulders. Her leather corset, a chain-link atop her, protecting her from whatever dares to pierce her from behind, exposing her bosom to the cool air surrounding them. They've been traveling for hours by foot, on behalf of the woman, as she exercised her legs. Of course, her dragon stirred impatiently, huffing every so often and the woman couldn't help but chuckle halfheartedly. "Oh, Zyla," she cooed, her voice like honey. "Don't pout, it's unbecoming of you." Another soft ring of sleigh bells jingling in the wind met the reptile's ears and she couldn't help but huff. As much as she admires her dear, halfbred companion, both of them had needs, and this dragon needed to stretch her wings. They were nearing a clearing soon, about a half hour away from any sign of life, their lights bright in the distance as a mile rested just beneath the hill they were close to standing on.

"I shall pout, and you shall laugh, and I will continue to huff 'till my flames accidentally burn those gorgeous dark strands of a horse's tail off your beautifully shaped head," at this Zyla would laugh at the thought, her menacing thoughts clouding her senses as she would blow through her nose, a great amount of heat blasting the cool air behind the woman.

"Zyla!" the reprimanding tone in the woman's voice was enough to cause the dragon to sit down immediately, her back straight as she peered down at the tiny woman beneath her sharp grey eyes. The petite figure of the woman immediately turning around to give the dragon a good glare with her bright blue optics, a smirk was easily heard in the dragon's voice as she mocked her, "Missy?"

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D'Mago and Ashanti flew in lazy circles above the base as they watched the grey clouds slowly roll in. Somehow, they brought an unusual feel of unease with them. Everyone at the base apparently felt it too, and were now somewhat calm. Even the annoying stray dragon had left, which was good since D'Mago had sworn the next time he saw that dragon he would burn it alive. "There is someone down there," D'Mago said, angling his head towards the hill north. "It seems we have another Dragon Rider." The dragon mused, smoke drifting from his nostrils. Ashanti sighed as he fidgeted on the saddle. "The Fates have given me too much work. Leading obnoxious children isn't exactly a fun past time, and don't even get me started on the stray dragons. And now there's some evil presence coming our way, and It's probably Roen's work." Ashanti slumped in his saddle as he laid his head on the dragon's neck. D'Mago snorted before turning back to the two figures below. "Its not safe to be out and about beyond the base. We need to warn them." D'Mago said, and immediately went into a steep dive that nearly sent Ashanti flying off the dragon's back. As they neared the two figures, D'Mago opened his wings and they quickly stopped and gently landed on the grass. "God..I think I'm going to throw up.." Ashanti mumbled weakly. D'Mago ignored him and turned to face what seemed to be a young girl and a white dragon. "If you are here to join the Dragon Riders of Froyza, I advise you fly the rest of your journey. The land is not safe now that there is an evil force brooding." D'Mago stated firmly as he surveyed the two.


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Coal said:
D'Mago and Ashanti flew in lazy circles above the base as they watched the grey clouds slowly roll in. Somehow, they brought an unusual feel of unease with them. Everyone at the base apparently felt it too, and were now somewhat calm. Even the annoying stray dragon had left, which was good since D'Mago had sworn the next time he saw that dragon he would burn it alive. "There is someone down there," D'Mago said, angling his head towards the hill north. "It seems we have another Dragon Rider." The dragon mused, smoke drifting from his nostrils. Ashanti sighed as he fidgeted on the saddle. "The Fates have given me too much work. Leading obnoxious children isn't exactly a fun past time, and don't even get me started on the stray dragons. And now there's some evil presence coming our way, and It's probably Roen's work." Ashanti slumped in his saddle as he laid his head on the dragon's neck. D'Mago snorted before turning back to the two figures below. "Its not safe to be out and about beyond the base. We need to warn them." D'Mago said, and immediately went into a steep dive that nearly sent Ashanti flying off the dragon's back. As they neared the two figures, D'Mago opened his wings and they quickly stopped and gently landed on the grass. "God..I think I'm going to throw up.." Ashanti mumbled weakly. D'Mago ignored him and turned to face what seemed to be a young girl and a white dragon. "If you are here to join the Dragon Riders of Froyza, I advise you fly the rest of your journey. The land is not safe now that there is an evil force brooding." D'Mago stated firmly as he surveyed the two.



Moirai and Zyla were so busy having their petty banter regarding consideration; how Moirai would love to walk every once in a while, and how Zyla hates cramped spaces all of a sudden, when a large dragon dove beside them in a ferocious flutter. Sparks flying from its mouth as it addressed them in its tremor of a thunderous voice. Zyla stood up then, staring up at the large, ruby scaled bull, and regarded it with her steely gaze. Something's not right, the vixen thought.

I would've sensed an evil presence, we've been walking for hours in that forest behind us," her voice came out firm, and lisp as a snake, mumbling more so to herself then to the bull before her. Moirai nodded in response.

Angling her neck to fully address the duo before them, Moirai took a moment to count to herself, calming her startled nerves as she examined every inch and scale before her. She hadn't expected any company thus far, or life within their proximity, but it made enough sense to her. They were nearing the infamous coop of Dragon Riders, hoards of wild dragons and tamed dragons were to be expected around these parts. After finishing her small mantra, Moirai backed up against her companion and rubbed her right hand at the base of slightly exposed belly thoughtfully. Chewing gently on her bottom lip as she contemplated where they would go, her left hand lifting to expose her ear as she tucked thick strands of raven hair behind it, a soft point exposed, giving away her half-bred Karthenian lineage. Meanwhile, Zyla thought, no way would they go to that village if there's danger nearby, Moirai disliked unnecessary encounters, so she spoke on her friend's behalf, although she knew the smartest course of action.

Where do you expect us to go, we're simply trespassing, and I believe we'd be just fine," Zyla's voice hiccuped at the end as the unexpected pull at her neck caused her head to snap back and snarl at Moirai. She was fastening that saddle a little to tight, probably for payback maybe, so the reptile closed her eyes and angled her long neck back to the looming gem above her.
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Ashanti sighed and slid off D'Mago, bouncing lightly off the heels of his feet and stood tall. "If you haven't sensed it, I'm afraid your senses are lacking," He said tiredly. He hadn't slept in days and now there was an upcoming battle. D'Mago let out a deep grumble in annoyance of his rider's tone, and a few sparks flitted from his mouth and set Ashanti's tunic on fire. He sighed and grabbed the fire in his hand before extinguishing it. "Look lady, all I'm saying is there could possibly be undead creatures roaming these parts because of our past great and jolly King Roen who is out for revenge. If you would like to meet them, enjoy your walk. I bet the weather is perfect for it. But if you enjoy this life, I suggest you either fly to our base where your fellow Dragon Riders are, or away from here. Which doesn't exactly make sense because obviously you're here for a reason since nobody really travels out here in the mountains for nothing. It's your call." D'Mago lowered his head until it hovered right over Ashanti and stared at the two with curiosity as fire randomly appeared on his scales before vanishing and moving elsewhere on his body. @Leviersa



Zyla huffed through her nose, sparks flying as she would turn her head elsewhere. She didn't like how he addressed her, her senses lacking -- oh the nerve! Zyla, outraged, stomped down the hill, passing the large dragon, and ignoring the steady gaze Moirai gave her as she watched her leave. Iridescent hues of cerulean skies would watch 'till the tail of her companion disappeared. "Alright," the woman finally spoke, her honey tone thick, making it loud enough for her vixen to hear, her hands now folded in front of her as if she were some regal priest's unfortunate daughter. "May you please direct us to your base?" Moirai couldn't help the nagging feeling that he was right about them being there, there really was no other reason for them to be traveling in the mountains other than to go there. Either way, it was their call, and Moirai won't deny the fact that she was curious about this 'well known' base. Everyone she talked to had asked her if she was among the infamous Dragon Riders, and she would always reply with such sass.

She hooked her Scimitar swords in their well deserving hilt that rested on the left side of her belt, her satchel attached to the hip on the right. Just before walking past the male, that slid off of his dragon, to follow her agitated friend, she regarded the male with a teasing side ways glance, a glint in her abnormal blue eyes. "
I suppose you're in no hurry, since you slid off of your dragon? I'll be seeing you later, I guess?" Her lips quirked teasingly, she nodded her head to his dragon, to which he gazed at her with his golden optics. "Thank you very much for informing us about the dangers that lurk nearby."

With that, Moirai began a slight jog down the hill, looking around for her dragon before she spot her brooding at the foot of the hill, her paw lifted, clawing at the dirt beneath her while stomping farther away. "
So rude," she heard Zyla mumble between the great distance. She still had a ways to go before she reached her. "The nerve!" A small flare escaping her nostrils as a golden trail began on her spines, scales changing from white to a pale blue, while the glow traveled all the way from the base of her back to her snout as she hissed. Moirai gave a deep sigh, running her hand through her hair some. Zyla, she thought to herself.
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Ashanti cocked his head as the girl walked off. "What did she mean I'm in no hurry?" He asked D'Mago. The large dragon had no idea either, but quickly shrugged it off and picked Ashanti up like a mother cat does to her kittens and took off, his wings causing the grass to flatten and catch on fire from the flames. "D'Mago! Put me down you rat-snake wench!" Ashanti screamed as he shot through the sky as his dragon made a loud smashing sound that was his form of laughter. "This was my favorite shirt goddammi-" His voice faded out as they flew out of range of the other two.


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"Lyyyyn. We've been walking all day - my pads are sore! Let's stop for a bit?"

Lynxa grit her teeth against Aedai's whining, halting the fleet-footed stallion - Ser'kel. She turned her steel grey glare on the overgrown snake, but seeing his pathetic look she relented.

"There's a stream coming off the hill up there, let's stop there yeah? Be careful, though, the man in the last town talked of monsters roaming these part-- and he's gone." She sighed as Aedai bounded off before her, causing the ground to shake and trees to moan. He really needed to learn how to fly if he was going to get much bigger.

Lynxa urged the horse forward - even he seemed worn out. As they walked, she began to feel... watched, so she drew the hood of her cloak over her head and tapped her heels into Ser'kel's sides. The stallion understood her urgency, and slid into a canter, soon breaking from the treeline and splashing into and across the shallow stream. Something was very wrong. Where was Aedai? One doesn't just lose a dragon like that.

A few yards upstream, a low growl echoed, vibrating in her chest and causing her to force the stallion into a gallop. It was clear the horse didn't like this one bit, and she didn't blame him.

And what did she find? Her glorious dragon baring his fangs at... a forest cat that clutched a wriggling silver fish in it's maw and stared flatly at the dragon as if it'd seen a mouse that held more danger. As Lynxa began to laugh, the cat finally turned and trod off to it's own business and Aedai snorted, turning to bump his nose against the girl's stomach and nearly poking her eye out one of his antlers. She quickly pushed him away and slid off of Ser'kel to let the horse graze.

"I'm soo proud of you, Aedai! You sure scared that vicious cat away!" Lynxa chortled, watching him lumber back towards the stream.

"It stole my fish..." He grumbled, plopping his rear on the bank and focusing on the creatures beneath the water as Lynxa busied herself with re-filling waterskins and nibbling on the last of a stale loaf of bread. They would need provisions - and soon.

@Coal (I shall be going to bed now, I will message you later on around 3:45 PM EST-USA my time.~ New York Time.~)

Moirai sighed, hoping they would've caught on to her indication to wait just a little while longer. She pouted as she watched the large dragon disappear. Hmph, appearing beside a raging white dragon as she stomped her tail on the ground, Moirai cupped her hands as she yelled into them. "Zyla!" She called, running beneath her belly and in front of her, mid-flame, as she leaped in the air whilst waving her arms frantically. "Zyla, please! Calm down! Lets go!" Zyla simply huffed, as if the idea was ridiculous, Moirai rolled her eyes. This dragon, she thought. "Zyla, we have a specific place we need to go to, now please! Be a bit calmer sinc--"

I am not going to go to that heaven forbid, sanctuary of a bunch of pet-like humans with no sense of manners and respect! Oh! The audacity of that ma--" Immediately, Zyla was cut off with a gust of wind as Moirai slapped her across the face, her hues icy and furious. She had no time to lose, they were about to loose sight of that dragon. Snarling, Zyla responded by singing the girls feet with a ball of fire, and instinctively, Moirai jumped back before it even touched her. "Vixen," Moirai hissed.

Wench," Zyla responded immediately. The two huffing and cocking their head the opposite direction before they both submitted to one another. Zyla dipping her head as she allowed her dear friend to climb atop her back and settle herself onto the leather bound saddle that rested between her blades. Zyla wasted no time at all either to take off immediately, nearly knocking the wind out of Moirai's petite human lungs, her heart jumping into her throat before she clung immediately to her reins. After three powerful thrusts of her wings, Zyla was just a tail's length behind the red dragon, she boosted her speed with a playful - and mocking - spin in the air, just to mess with her Rider before she was in tow with the Bull and his Rider. Moirai's screech and laughter was infectious as Zyla grinned, pleased with herself before they fell into a comfortable silence. The unfortunate specimen of a men dangling in the mouth of the dragon entertaining Zyla as she stared at him, every so often, the entire ride, contemplating whether she should singe his bottom with a small ball of flame just to mess with him before thinking otherwise.

Many leagues still separated the Necromancer and the Dragon and his Rider when the sun kissed the top of the sky, but they did not falter in their travels. Be it the relentless, chocking smog of the swamp or the chilled fear that shuddered through both their backs, they never paused. Before, Aqil had been standing tall on Samat, but he will have long sat back down, staff lying behind him as his Dragon lumbers. For a man who spends most of his time on Dragon-back, even this journey proved tiresome. As for Samat; the creature could not surf these swamps as he did the desert sands, and much bog and waste was clinging to his feet, slowing him further.

Finally, words are spoken.

"Samat, you are tired. I do not ask you to continue this path all day, in this dreadful place. Shall we rest?"

Samat did not respond, as was usual for a mute. Instead, he slumped beneath a nearby tree. It might have been the work of exhaustion, or perhaps the twisted magics flowing thick in the Underlands, but the pair were asleep before they knew it, only to rise a few hours later. With aching muscles and creaking scales, they silently resume their path to what most would call 'damnation'. Aqil reaches down, thumping hard on his Mount's neck. A small, sad smile creases rare lines on his features.

"Thank you, my friend...For all..."

Samat grunts.

It wasn't until the clouds spread to reveal the, very obvious, Dragon Riders base, when Zyla began to dive gracefully. Her large ivory wings, glistening azure as they reflected the elements of the sky softly, folding to her sides as if she were a butterfly getting ready to leave her cocoon. Diving eighty feet beneath the clouds, keeping her mussel pointed in the direction she was headed in expertise, her wings catching the wind - gliding expertly as her neck craned.

Her eyes glistening in the dark, vibrant green rings circling her reptile irises, the silvers in her hues darkening before fading into a soft green, like fireflies, the closer they got to ground.


, Zyla,




she whispered, patting where her shoulders met her neck with an observant gaze. The woman's eyes were deeply set on the base below them, her ravenous hair whipping in the wind; it felt weightless as dark strands curled and whipped into her visage every so often.








yla would lean to her right, curving into a sharp cut as she began to descend in a round-about dive. Moirai curling her fist into the soft fluff of a golden-azure mane her vixen had that would travel beneath her strongly developed scales at the top of her head and down her neck.

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"That sounds completely, and truly crazy. Let's do it!" the Karthinian girl cries, a gleam of mischief and adventure in her eyes. She pumps a fist into the air and twirls delicately around in a 'borrowed' white blouse that extends to her small knees. However, even though she acts and looks like a child, she is far older than she appears. All the while she was asleep for all those years she absorbed knowledge through powerful magic where she was kept as a pet, a thing to be looked upon, but never touched. When she freed herself and found herself in a particular situation with a snowy dragon, she simply went with it, for she had nowhere else to go.

"Well, duh, I'm a genius after all, and risks make for some pretty interesting stories too," Her white-scaled companion answers, quivering with un-contained excitement. His fleshy spiny covered tail flips to and fro as he discusses his plan with his rider.

"So if I flatten down my spines like so," he shifts around his back, the sharp quill-like spines indeed flattening down, "And you sit right behind me shoulders, we should be able to achieve perfect, and unhindered flight."

Gwyneth looks along the dragon's back, calculating their success, and it seemed far better than the last time they tried. She shudders to herself at the thought.

"Well, we don't have all day... So let's go already!" She gestures for him to kneel. The snow-colored dragon bows down long enough for her to scramble up onto his back before he stands up again, his long wings billowing outward. Carefully, she tightens her grip around the spine in front of her and tightening and bettering a grip with her thighs.



Without another word, Ishar raises his wings and gives a mighty thrust upward. The ground falls away from them as they increase in altitude. A squeal erupts from from his rider, echoing on the valley below as her wan golden hair streaks past in long swirling wisps. They fly, for what seems like hours before a problem decides to pop up.

"Uhh.... Gwyn?"


"I don't know how to land."


And so now the pair circles aimlessly, contemplating the most un-fatal way to land. They notice another dragon on the horizon, and they gently bank in that general direction of their new objective. They draw nearer, the brisk air starting to creep goosebumps up Gwyneth's arms.

"Hellooooo? Can you help us?" She calls out as Ishar swoops downward, even closer, close enough to just barely touch the top of the trees before catching a thermal upward again.



The dark mage twiddled a small bird's skull idly in his deformed hands. The magic he was usuing had changed his body, he had to admit, but it must be for the better. "Where are my troops?" He asked as he eyed the raven. It was the only one of his creations who could talk, and sadly enough, Roen missed companionship. The bird may be feather-brained and monotonous, but he still was something to communicate with. "They're almost at the base. Shouldn't be long. But what will you do if they're defeated? They have quite powerful dragons and riders. Our numbers may be large but-" The bird found his tongue to be removed and wriggling on the muddy ground. "I know they will defeat my army. I'm not stupid. It might take a while due to the fire wards and of course, them not being able to die, but they will find a way. I just wanted to see how, and it'll also give me some time to work on finding and waking the land dragon. When I do, it will be their end." The bird simply rustled its wings in agitation, and Roen sighed and the tongue attached itself with one flick of Roen's wrist. @Mephistophelian

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Moirai was idly enjoying herself in her well-deserved silence and impassive facial expression, eyes closed, 'till she heard a child calling to her. it was so strange and so close, she thought she had some super hearing enhancement. That was until she found her self looking into the depths of a petite eight seasons old girl. The peculiar spectacle before her left her in a bewildered muteness as she leaned forward on her dragon before she cocked a smile her way. The way her cheeks grew warm in excitement, the plead in her voice, and her stature -- so small! "What do you need help with?" The Numarian woman called over the wind. Zyla glided, her wings spanning eighty-one feet as she tilted, dancing with the wing and capturing a thermal from the breeze that knocked them back slightly. Although it did no good, but cause her to have to yell over the jets, she could still see the small girl from where she was positioned.

Zyla huffing misty air from her nostrils, scoffing, as she stared at the familiar - yet unfamiliar - bull before her. Ears slapping against her head due to the jets, her wings giving one big thrust, pushing her forward whilst she came face-to-face with a dragon with scales, and a face somewhat similar to hers. No doubt about it, Zyla was anxious to find out more about this dragon and where he came from, in due time will she get that chance.

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