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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

Would it spice things up if a group of undead from the Underlands attacked the base?

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"I'm Drachen, who are you?" He said in response. He was flying in a fancy manner, flapping really fast and doing barrel rolls over here and such. He was just showing off. "This is my stretch of land, I don't get dragons out here often." He followed with. @NightCasterZ
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Nyx had been flying for quite awhile with no particular place in mind. It had gotten dark rather quickly, cueing the dragon to find a place for the night. She had found a small patch of dead trees and wrapped herself around one's base. Nyx let out a sort of sigh, eyes closing as her camouflage was engaged, rendering her nearly impossible to spot with the naked eye, human, dragon, or otherwise. Not much had happened as the dragon slept, aside from the sense of a larger dragon sleeping not too far off, which she didn't mind. She took note of the other living things around her, never falling into a deep sleep. Whether this was due to the constant interruptions or to her new location was unknown.She had taken note of the man who she deemed Dragon Rider as he came up to the other large beast and laid against him, soon falling asleep. She also noted the other man who had walked right past her and engaged Dragon Rider in a conversation. She only heard and sensed, as her eyes were closed. The special sensors in her snout and along her spine allowed her to sense even the slightest change in heat which helped create a sort of mental scape of the things around her. The female continued her nap despite the constant interruptions. That was, until a certain dragon perched onto the tree she was nesting at the base of, if it could be called that. Regardless, this was her tree, at least for now. One eye was opened in a narrow slit, a flicker of her blue inner flame flaring from the socket momentarily before reducing to blue glow. Nix lifted her head and gave a sort of glare to the intruder, allowing her body to return to its original white and gold coloring. The blue glow emitted from her eye sockets and nostrils, along with a bit of smoke from her slightly opened mouth. It wasn't as much a warning or threat as it was a sign of annoyance and curiosity. An odd mix.


(Hello Everybody)
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"So I advise you leave before you get yourself in trouble with some of the bounty hunters that roam here. Just a warning." Drachen cloaked and flew off back towards the Karthe forest. He landed on the giant landform in the middle of the forest which happened to be the Land Dragon. He perched there and then petrified himself on the edge of the cliff. He looked like a statue.
Before Rose got to introduce herself, the other person flew down. "Well... That happens..." She managed a smile and kept looking about the lands. She passed some nice lands but she was not bothering to stop. She was looking for that girl from before.
As It turned night, Drachen came out of his Statue form, Then screeching and taking off. Strom had roared in anger as Drachen woke him. He was already clad in black scales so he was pretty much camouflaged pretty well without the need of his own Camo. He spotted Nyx sleeping in a tree, On what land he had claimed as his. He cloaked and flew down towards here, landing with little to no noise. He scurried into a bush and waited. He scratched the ground in attempt to wake her up and waited. @littlemischief
Ashanti just made a sound in the back of his throat at the man before turning to D'Mago. He closed his eyes and felt D'Mago's mind. "Hey bud, are you alright?" D'Mago's eyes flew open, his breathing picking up as smoke came out of his nose. "You know I hate when you talk in my mind. It makes me feel you're dancing around in my head." Ashanti rolled his eyes. "That's exactly why I did it."

D'Mago began to rise, causing a few pieces of rock laying on him to fall. "It feels like I've been used as a practice dummy." D'Mago snapped as he heated up his skin to clean it until his scales shone.

He sniffed the air, and his eyes immediately zoned in on the strange man in the shadows.

"Where are all of these little worms coming from!" D'Mago bellowed, but Ashanti just laughed and patted his dragon's flank. "Glad you're alive you little wyrm." Ashanti said fondly, and D'Mago nudged him with his nose.

"Now that you're awake, I think its time to get these children in their place."

Ashanti said, and D'Mago made a sound of agreement and crouched so Ashanti could climb up onto the saddle. Ashanti gazed coldly at the stranger before D'Mago flapped his wings and they shot up into the air.

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Roen finally sensed his pet. The large Raven flew down from the sky, and Roen stretched his arm so the bird could perch. Its three beady eyes settled on him as it gave him the news.

"It seems the warrior who removed you from your throne is attempting to get rid of your handiwork for good Master. He's assembled a group of more Dragon Riders, and they're settled near Kof mountain." The bird finished and immediately took off. Even the animals could sense his amulets dark, twisted power. Roen shifted it around in his hand as he made his plan. Maybe he could just eradicate them with his creations. Hm.. and then kill the warrior's dragon right in front of him before slowly torturing him and his friends. A fitting end for the piece of filth who took him off of his throne..He clenched his fists, and felt the amulet pulse. He opened his hand to reveal the bright red ruby. He stroked it gently with his finger, almost lovingly. He would be nothing without it. It was giving him power..So much power..


He stilled at that familiar, sing-song voice that had betrayed him. He gritted his teeth.

"Percae. Finally come to see your handiwork, aye?" A bitter laugh escaped his lips as he turned to face the youngest Fate. Too bad she was as beautiful as the day he last saw her. Her hair was the colour of the freshly fallen snow on mountain peaks and cascaded like a waterfall down her back, reaching almost to her waist, but this was no more striking than her eyes, which were like sapphires set symmetrically into her almost colourless face. Her figure, slender and pale like a porcelain ornament and seemingly as fragile, also looked to be light as a feather. And here she was, almost with an air of pity.

"Roen..I warned you to stop with the wars on the land..I told you the consequences.." She glided forward, the gray robes looking like water and she stepped over the twisted tree roots closer to him.

"Consequences? I have none. I am powerful now. Not even the Fates have powers in these lands, and soon I'll be able to leave and regain my throne. Maybe the only consenquences you speak of are your own." He said with a malicious tone.

"That amulet is just taking over you. Can't you feel it? Its a poison and there is no antidote when its finished with its handiwork. Roen, I beg of you.."

With one stride he towered over her, a crazed grin on his face.

"You can't blame the amulet for what your lover did with it, now can you Percae. Ah, what an interesting story." He could see the pain on her features, and it made him want more. "The famous tale of the brave warrior who won the heart of a Fate. He asked her for treasures, swords, an army for him to command..And finally one day he asked for...What was it? Oh yes.. A blood stone. So the gullible Percae, against her sisters wishes, enchanted a ruby with her own blood. He was immortal and powerful and was getting so reckless your sisters threw him into the pit of

infernum I believe. And this as the very spot I found his amulet. Only the creator can destroy it, correct? And you were too busy crying to remember this. But now, you can't even get close to it because it, correction, we, are too powerful. You had me wrapped around your finger just like your fallen lover, but I have grown too strong, and your charms over me are broken. And I'm guessing this little Dragon Rider is your new champion? Well you can join him in the afterlife because when I'm done with him, you and your sisters are next." He waved his hand and Parcae's slim connection to the mortal world severed, and she returned to her realm.

He set to work on his creations, bones of animals and mangled corpses rising out of the ground, unblinking red orbs set into their eye sockets. He cast fire wards on them, and set them on a path to Mount Kof in his anger at the young Fate. The dead bodies of her champions would join his army soon.

The amulet seemingly pulsed brighter after that.


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Coal said:


Roen finally sensed his pet. The large Raven flew down from the sky, and Roen stretched his arm so the bird could perch. Its three beady eyes settled on him as it gave him the news.

"It seems the warrior who removed you from your throne is attempting to get rid of your handiwork for good Master. He's assembled a group of more Dragon Riders, and they're settled near Kof mountain." The bird finished and immediately took off. Even the animals could sense his amulets dark, twisted power. Roen twisted it slowly around in his hand as he made his plan. Maybe he could just eradicate them with his creations. Hm.. and then kill the warrior's dragon right in front of him before slowly torturing him and his friends. A fitting end for the piece of filth who took him off of his throne..He clenched his fists, and felt the amulet pulse. He opened his hand to reveal the bright red ruby. He stroked it gently with his finger, almost lovingly. He would be nothing without it. It was giving him power..So much power..


He stilled at that familiar, sing-song voice that had betrayed him. He gritted his teeth.

"Percae. Finally come to see your handiwork, aye?" A bitter laugh escaped his lips as he turned to face the youngest Fate. Too bad she was as beautiful as the day he last saw her. Her hair was the colour of the freshly fallen snow on mountain peaks and cascaded like a waterfall down her back, reaching almost to her waist, but this was no more striking than her eyes, which were like sapphires set symmetrically into her almost colourless face. Her figure, slender and pale like a porcelain ornament and seemingly as fragile, also looked to be light as a feather. And here she was, almost with an air of pity.

"Roen..I warned you to stop with the wars on the land..I told you the consequences.." She glided forward, the gray robes looking like water and she stepped over the twisted tree roots closer to him.

"Consequences? I have none. I am powerful now. Not even the Fates have powers in these lands, and soon I'll be able to leave and regain my throne. Maybe the only consenquences you speak of are your own." He said with a malicious tone.

"That amulet is just taking over you. Can't you feel it? Its a poison and there is no antidote when its finished with its handiwork. Roen, I beg of you.."

With one stride he towered over her, a crazed grin on his face.

"You can't blame the amulet for what your lover did with it, now can you Percae. Ah, what an interesting story." He could see the pain on her features, and it made him want more. "The famous tale of the brave warrior who won the heart of a Fate. He asked her for treasures, swords, an army for him to command..And finally one day he asked for...What was it? Oh yes.. A blood stone. So the gullible Percae, against her sisters wishes, enchanted a ruby with her own blood. He was immortal and powerful and was getting so reckless your sisters threw him into the pit of

infernum I believe. And this as the very spot I found his amulet. Only the creator can destroy it, correct? And you were too busy crying to remember this. But now, you can't even get close to it because its, correction, we, are too powerful. You had me wrapped around your finger just like your fallen lover, but I have grown too strong, and your charms over me are broken. And I'm guessing this little Dragon Rider is your new champion? Well you can join him in the afterlife because when I'm done with him, you and your sisters are next." He waved his hand and Parcae's slim conncetion to the mortal world severed, and she returned to her realm.

He set to work on his creations, bones of animals and mangled corpses rising out of the ground, unblinking red orbs set into their eye sockets. He cast fire wards on them, and set them on a path to Mount Kof in his anger at the young Fate. The dead bodies of her champions would join his army soon.

The amulet seemingly pulsed brighter after that.


Roen looks OP. Love it.

When do you think he's going to tame that land dragon? lol.
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[QUOTE="Adonis Williams]Roen looks OP. Love it.
When do you think he's going to tame that land dragon? lol.

nah it can be brought up later
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Coal said:
Ashanti just made a sound in the back of his throat at the man before turning to D'Mago. He closed his eyes and felt D'Mago's mind. "Hey bud, are you alright?" D'Mago's eyes flew open, his breathing picking up as smoke came out of his nose. "You know I hate when you talk in my mind. It makes me feel you're dancing around in my head." Ashanti rolled his eyes. "That's exactly why I did it."
D'Mago began to rise, causing a few pieces of rock laying on him to fall. "It feels like I've been used as a practice dummy." D'Mago snapped as he heated up his skin to clean it until his scales shone.

He sniffed the air, and his eyes immediately zoned in on the strange man in the shadows.

"Where are all of these little worms coming from!" D'Mago bellowed, but Ashanti just laughed and patted his dragon's flank. "Glad you're alive you little wyrm." Ashanti said fondly, and D'Mago nudged him with his nose.

"Now that you're awake, I think its time to get these children in their place."

Ashanti said, and D'Mago made a sound of agreement and crouched so Ashanti could climb up onto the saddle. Ashanti gazed coldly at the stranger before D'Mago flapped his wings and they shot up into the air.

The wind around them stirred slightly as Ko lowered himself to land before Ashanti and D'mago. "Evelyn said you might need a little help" He deadpanned. "Are you feeling alright?" His tone held an air of concern as he looked at D'mago "What can I do?"

(sry all my characters are kinda at a standstill until @Wandering Hollow responds, lol. I needed to post something)
Siduri said:
The wind around them stirred slightly as Ko lowered himself to land before Ashanti and D'mago. "Evelyn said you might need a little help" He deadpanned. "Are you feeling alright?" His tone held an air of concern as he looked at D'mago "What can I do?"
(sry all my characters are kinda at a standstill until @Wandering Hollow responds, lol. I needed to post something)

"Alright. Apple's done, Princess." Arthun said with a grin before getting up and walking off after leaving the apple on the stick stuck in the ground to cool. He glanced up at the sky and raising his hand.

"Hm... Something seems to be going on..." he said before snapping his fingers.


Justicar woke up from her resting place by the fire. She immediately shuffled off towards Arthun and nuzzled his back.


"Ah. I forgotten that you were near the fire. Come. Tonight, we fly." He said before climbing onto Justicar's saddle and hooking in. Justicar shivered in anticipation before taking off into the sky.

(Sorry for the lack of replies! School had me like a shackled prison cell. X_X)
(Oh I know that feel - one week and I'm finished with finals... I'm probably going to turn in for the night after this post because I need sleep. Also sorry for the weak reply heh)

A soft chuckle escaped Evelyn's lips, enjoying the twist of irony that came along with her apparent newly bestowed nick name. She took the apple, examining it before she took a bite. It wasn't long before she, too noticed the sky. Moments after Arthun and Justicar took off, she left to find Ko, her nerves slightly on edge. Something felt wrong.
Boon, perched in the large dead tree, watched and listened to the two men but was left wanting when one of them, the man who had been asleep, arose into the night sky upon his awakened dragon. The other one watched after them as they dissapeeared intot the night. It was then that Boon became astutely aware that he wasn't alone amongst the scorched threes. He looked down to the base of the tree he sat in and saw the clear signs of another dragon. It looked agitated as if he had just woken it. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you down there. My apologies, please, go back to sleep" he leant his head down towards the beast and emitted a small sound from his mouth intended to ease it back to sleep. After a few moments of this, he took of silently once more and soared through the the sky intending to find his own place of rest all the while wondering if there were any other dragons here without a true rider as well as the point to the all to brief conversation he had witnessed.
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Nyx's narrowed eyes remained fixated on the dragon perched above her, even when the other dragon and his rider ascended into the sky. Her head tilted to the side when the dragon spoke, apologizing. She closed her mouth, the smoke ceasing and her eye sockets returning to their normal size and shape, though the blue glow remained. At the male dragon's request, Nyx laid her head back down, though a glowing blue ember escaped from her nostril, quickly fizzling in the cool night. The female tightened herself around the trunk of the tree, trying to gather warmth. The other dragon leaned in closer, making blue flame flare up within the she-dragon, eased only when he began to emit a rather soothing sound. The flare returned to a soft glow as she gave a huff and closed her eyes. Soon enough, the dragon was gone and Nyx relaxed. That was, until there was a temperature change not too far off from her spot followed by a faint scratching. A small growl that sounded a bit more like an annoyed whine echoed throughout the regal beast as she opened one eye into a slit before raising her head in the direction of the newcomer. She could not see the intruder, but she could sense him. Still, the she-dragon refused to speak, not finding it entirely necessary. The other knew she was there and if they had any business with her, they would take initiative and make it known. Or so Nyx assumed.

@Adonis Williams


@Guy @Coal
Boon sailed unrushed through the air taking in all that he could despite the darkness, trying to distract himself from worrisome thoughts. After several minutes of flying around the enormous training grounds, he eventually spotted what he took to be an acceptable sleeping spot. He descended gracefully and landed with a soft thump as his claws touched the ground, the air catching up to him and taking over, gently raising the surface soil around and infront of him. He padded over to a deep trench in the ground. Deep to a human at least but not so much a dragon of his size. How it had got here, he couldn't fathom but that was irrelevant. He descended into the pit the sides of which came up to his knee joints. He spent a couple of seconds checking his surroundings with this eyes and ears, an animals habit. All around him things were calm and quiet. To his left he could see the human barracks were Rickets slept. With so few riders here, he had manged to snag his own room. The lights were off. Boon stared and adjusted his ear towards the barracks. It took him a few moments to realise he could hear Rickets snoring from way over here. Even with his acute dragon hearing, Boon felt sorry for anybody who had to share a room with the guy; "Humph. That one is even noisy when he sleeps". He turned his head away, yawned a big one and then lowered his head and closed his eyes. Tomorrow they would have to train together...
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Aqil scowls at Ashanti as he departs, turning sharply on his heels as he strides away with an otherworldly grace. It would not be long before he crosses paths with Samat, who resides by the rushing waters. Without words, the rider and mount meet and, thusly, mount.

Only much later, after travelling for many hours towards the twisted lands in which Roen resides, does Aqil speak.

"The leader is inept, my dear friend. We must make do by ourselves."

Samat releases a raspy grunt in response. They would arrive to the edge of the swampy Underlands by nightfall, where the usually silent Aqil sits down by a fire and prays. Perhaps the fates would hear his words of begging.

((I'd like to keep the meeting between Aqil and the Fate(s) in PM or something of the sort, to prevent meta gaming. That is, if they meet.))

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Drachen's scratching became more vigorous and picked up with noise, Drachen was annoyed by Nyx's presence, how she didn't get the hint something was watching her,methyl she wasn't frightened at all what so ever, he hadn't experienced any thing like this, anything who didn't flee immediately from his presence, he let out a low growl that came from deep in his throat, he took a step forward out of the bush, leaving a small, three toed foot print. He quickly scuttled across leaving more foot prints. Drachen's goal was to scare her away, not to harm. @littlemischief
The she-dragon's eyes narrowed further when she heard the growl, blue glow turning into a small flame forming from her eye sockets. Nyx's body was filled with her inner flame, usually seen through a faint glow in her nostrils and eye sockets, though when upset, angered, or simply cold, the flames can flare up in the place of her eyes. Yes, the dragon does have eyes, a question she gets a lot more than she'd like to admit, but she only reveals them to those she trusts along with horses and children. As the figure shuffled around, Nyx gave a look that was equivalent to a human raising their eyebrow. She lifted her head bit higher, crossing her front paw over the other. The figure stepped out of from behind the bush, but due to the darkness, the only way she knew someone was there was through her heat sensory and judging by the temperature and size of the heat radiating off of said figure, Nyx figured it was another dragon. With a sigh as the dragon scurried around, Nyx fired a small ball of flame right in front of it, simply burning away anything it was hiding behind while also lighting up the air around it enough for the female to get a glimpse of her company. Ah, that's why I couldn't see you. Your scales are dark as night. Nyx gave a slight yawn, blue sparks flying flying from her maw. Seeing as the other dragon wanted to beat around the bush, pun intended, Nyx decided to speak. "May I help you...?" The she-dragon spoke in a cool, clear tone as her tail lifted and gave a small thump, much like a cat. The blue flame had reduced to a glow once more, seeing as the other dragon wasn't planning on attacking, though she was still alert.

@Adonis Williams
Mephistophelian said:

Aqil scowls at Ashanti as he departs, turning sharply on his heels as he strides away with an otherworldly grace. It would not be long before he crosses paths with Samat, who resides by the rushing waters. Without words, the rider and mount meet and, thusly, mount.

Only much later, after travelling for many hours towards the twisted lands in which Roen resides, does Aqil speak.

"The leader is inept, my dear friend. We must make do by ourselves."

Samat releases a raspy grunt in response. They would arrive to the edge of the swampy Underlands by nightfall, where the usually silent Aqil sits down by a fire and prays. Perhaps the fates would hear his words of begging.

((I'd like to keep the meeting between Aqil and the Fate(s) in PM or something of the sort, to prevent meta gaming. That is, if they meet.))

Ok, pm me then
"I don't get a lot of visitors." Though his scales were very dark, they flaked up and down quickly so it made a humming noise. "There are just a lot of hunters out here. Didn't know what to hint, I was going to get in close, but, you caught me. But it's not my scales that make me hard to see, it just happened to be night time." He said. His voice was a higher, happier tone than most dragons. He waved his tail around. "I assume you have a rider nearby?" He asked. @littlemischief

Ashanti nodded to Ev's dragon. "D'Mago is just a little shaken up, that's all." He patted the dragon affectionally. "But I feel something wrong...Send warning to your rider please."

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The she-dragon listened quietly as the other talked. A scaley brow raised at the mention of hunters. Nyx shifted her weight a bit when the male asked about a rider. "No. I do not have a rider," she said cooly. The female paused for a moment before adding in, "...but there are other dragons with riders not too far from here. And another dragon, though I do not know if he has a rider." She thought back to earlier in the night. "They seemed like they meant no harm, but I find it unusual for so many dragons to be in one place, especially those with riders. Do you know of anything that would ease my curiosity?" Nix tilted her head to the side as she awaited the male's response.

@Adonis Williams
"Erhm, no." He said and then folded his wings in, his scales stopped flaking. He lies down on his side as he was actually enjoying talking to another dragon instead of running from the hunters every 3 minutes. "Probably just a reunion of sorts...On another, I do suggest that you get moving, hunters are everywhere. You never know." He said. @littlemischief
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Fate, or rather, anything but, had willed it that Aqil and Samat strive deep into the Underlands. No being knew what had passed that night by the camp fire, only that it was but a cinder by the morning, with no trace of bedding or, indeed, any form of rest, seen. Dragon and Rider trek through the swamp, heading straight to its centre on what seems like a fool's errand. Only time would tell what would happen, who (or what) they would meet, and in what condition they will be in...

"Onwards, Samat. We rest at dusk..."

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