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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

Would it spice things up if a group of undead from the Underlands attacked the base?

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As the storm dissipated, Strom come out from the Land Dragons neck, into the open. He inhaled slowly, and then took off, flapping his wings multiple times to get off the ground, with each flap, a wave of dust emitted from the ground. He took off towards the mountains to find anything worth hunting. His electricity was still radiating from him, causing a bright purple flash with each discharge.

Arthun chuckled at the sight of Hikaru hugging Ev. Noting that it was probably the best type of blackmail a guy can ask for... if he was the type. Good thing he's not.

"I'll just be heading for the campfire. Give you two lasses the privacy you need." He said with a cheeky wink before walking off. As he walked, he spotted the flashes of lightning in the sky and whistled. A lightning drake? Those are rare. He thought to himself while wondering who the rider is. Upon reaching the fire, he took a seat close to it and pulled out yet another apple and a broken arrow. He skewered the apple and made a few cuts in its skin with a dagger he carried around before cooking the apple over the flame.

Shouldn't have used up all that honey... That makes it perfect. Arthun thought to himself while the aroma of apple wafted along with the smoke of the campfire.

@TheHappyPikachu @Siduri @anyone near the campfire
Evelyn nodded, she could understand at least part of where Hikaru was coming from. When she was younger she was full of angst as well - her lack of childhood contributed to that, but she was a living testament that those wounds heal. They left scars, certainly, but they hardly hurt like they did all those years ago. Upon hearing Arthun's voice she merely responded with a smirk and a good natured roll of her eyes. "No need, we're just about done here." She turned back to offer Hikaru a few final words of advice.

"The good thing is that you're surrounded by people who care about you right now, and that's all that should matter." She said softly, "Lets get back - the others are waiting for us. I'm sure Ko is ready to give me an earful" She chuckled as she began to walk toward where everyone else was. "You coming?" She asked Arthun


Ko huffed in mild impatience as his rider finally caught up to him. "Took you long enough"

"What did I miss now?" Evelyn asked as she approached Ashanti and the others - it seemed like she couldn't stay in one place for more than five minutes today.
Strom smelled the smoke coming from the campfire. He made a Sharp U-turn, and planted his feet on the side of a mountain, then pushed himself off to gain an initial burst of speed, he was coming towards the campfire quickly, electricity arcing off of him. @Wandering Hollow
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[QUOTE="Wandering Hollow]
"My old name? Hm... Its been 7 years since I said it." Justicar said, shifting her body around to get comfortable on her roost.
"Its Artemesia." She said, resting her head on the ground.

Coal said:
D'Mago chuckled at Amatsu. "I'll only experience cold when my last breath leaves this body." He said as he gave her a toothy grin.
"That is your name? Artemesia? hehehehe! not a bad name.....mine cant be no surprise,they call me amatsu but full name is Amatsumagatsuchi but its to long for most to say it"she said as she laid on her belly,her fins softly swift with the wind as she laid there,her horns glow gold as she use her magic to see,she needed to rest but seeing darkness was something she hates,But as she did D'Mago spoke and heard him say how he only feels cold when his last breath is lost,she chuckles "Well be sure not to ehehe! don't want a fallen kin here now woul-"

she stops suddenly as he head raises,her eyes glow golden as she announce "Something is coming at great speeds!..I can feel it....Lightning"she says as she would give a small screech,the wind began to pick up and get stronger as gust over them,as the wind began clouds form over her,she saw the same in the distance .....it was a dragon with powers..."Its not a Allie...or foe....but a intruder"she said as she began to hover but soon take sky as her fins swim through the air,She inhale and breath out a powerful screech that made lightning burst from the sky as her horns would wrap in a whirlwind of flame....she saw this dragon as a intruder...
D'Mago immediately pushed off the cliff and spread his wings, catching a strong gust that sent him flying beside Amatsu. Weirdly enough, the air patterns near her were quite strong. Lightning struck a few feet away from him, and D'Mago roared as he plunged into a cloud. Fire cloaked his skin as he sent a stream of it from his mouth, lighting up the night sky.


Ashanti heard the roars and raised an eyebrow at the change of weather. Ev and Hikaru walked up besides him, and he could feel their wonder as well. He saw one cloud lighting up with deep orange, and immediately knew D'Mago was out there. What was happening? He heard his friend's familiar roar as well as something elses. Another dragon?
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Strom felt outnumbered and outmatched. He was on fire and in pain, the fire was slowly putting it out but he and he decided to share the pain with with Amatsu while he still had it. He decided to take a route of reckless flying. He dive-bombed towards Amatsu, in attempt to knock us both off flying course into the mountains. He had an aura of electricity swirling around him, it was meant to stun anything that got to close by locking their muscles up for a short period of time. @Yonsisac
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@Adonis Williams @Coal

as amatsu hovered in the clouds as the wind whirlwind surround her body as her horns glow gold and her eyes searching for her but as well she notice D'Mago was here "Mago! Stand back! this is m-"she was caught in mid talk as the lightning Dragon smashes in to her,the clear cracks are heard as her weak body was unable to handle such punishment,such impact cause her whirlwind to burst out clearing the sky of clouds and throwing most out of the sky,she began to spin as she fell down on the mountain scaring off dragons there,she gave out a loud screech as red vains appear on her wings in anger,taking a deep breath as she began to hover over the ground as a sudden powerful burst of fire burst out of her mouth like a tunnel of Flame towards the lightning dragon

Sasha was sleeping in the barracks as she heard amatsus powerful roar.
Strom quickly regained his balance only to be hit by a blast of fire. Strom was knocked out of the sky, crashing into a mountain. A cloud of dust rose from where he hit. Strom gave up and stayed in the mountain. He was only trying to get the Apple Arthun had. He eventually peeled himself off the mountain and flew away slowly, in pain. Back to the forest. He dropped to the ground and quickly walked over to the land dragon. He rested under it's neck once more. @Yonsisac @Coal
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Strom woke up, recharged and healed as wounds naturally generate weak electric currents, and that our cells sense and follow these currents to rebuild. Strom generates his own electricity and combines it with the natural electricity he was born with so the healing process was increased by 250%. (The benefits of being a living conductor)
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Amatsu would take deep breath after the fast battle she sigh and slowly slide against the rock on the roost and laid down,she sigh as the left of her side was badly bruise up,purple in appearance,she was not a dragon for straight on combat,she is a magical being and such magic has made her weak,blind an d fragile but that wont stop her,she sigh "Dam.....Think i should not have gone like that"the moment she said that Sasha would have manage to reach the roost catching her breath,Sasha was still wondering what the hell append up there "Amatsu what in the world has happend- Amatsu you ok?!"she ask noticing her purple bruise at the side of her chest "I am fine just another undead dragon"she said....was it really a undead dragon? Sasha seems impress as she says "a undead dragon....all the way over here?...that cant be"
Strom let out a roar, calling out for Amatsu to face him, There were thick thunder clouds, with heavy rain pouring from them. His roar sounded like a lions roar and a strong electric current with it. He flew towards the mountains, infecting all the clouds with his lightning, making them precipitate. I spread the rainy clouds to where I fought Amatsu. @Coal @Yonsisac @Siduri @Wandering Hollow

"I see. That sounds like a lovely name." Justicar said sleepily and was just about to doze off when she heard the lightning. "..... I don't recognise that lightning drake...." She was about to ask D'Mago when all hell broke loose. Lightning almost struck her and she roared in suprise before taking off high into the sky. Circling above the fight to avoid it.

What in the Fate's name is going on here?! She wondered before flying towards the campfire.


"What in the world if that?" Arthun wonderef at the spark that was flying towards him. His apple was fully cooked now and smelled like the best thing in the world.... To him at least. He was about to take a bite when he heard roaring.

"Hm? Justicar?" He wondered before seeing lightning strike the roost. His heart raced as he stood up.
Justicar! Dammit what's going on here?! He thought before putting two fingers in his mouth and whistled. Loudly.


Justicar heard the whistle and slowly swooped down towards the campfire. She growled softly as she landed ans Arthun quickly walked to her. "Ah. You're alright. That's good." Arthun said with a smile before scratching Justicar's neck.

@Adonis Williams
D'Mago was too bulky to move out of the way and was struck by the lightning. He dropped out of the sky like a rock, the lightning paralyzing him, and hit the edge of a cliff before landing on the ground. This would've been almost fatal of it hadn't been for his strength and size. D'Mago didn't have the energy to get up, so he simply laid there, his entire body aching.


Ashanti felt a sharp sensation in his chest and knew D'Mago had been hurt. He wasted no time racing towards the mountain and shouting D'Mago's name.

Amatsu laid there as she saw some fallen or injured,she soon hear the roar and the storm in the distance "I start this....i will end it..."she said as she wanted for that dragon to know even if she was fragile she wont be taken down so easy,she look down at D'Mago and saw him down,if she has not provoke that dragon nothing would have happen....but now she needed to fix this,she felt some one climbing her back and stand on her neck but she would shake her off as it was sasha "Amatsu! wh- I started this and i will end it!...you stay out of this Sasha! I might be blind and fragile but docent mean anything!"she said as she would cause gust of winds to lift her,as she slowly rise she gave out a powerful Roar in to the air to let that dam dragon know she wont back off! she would quickly fly towards where the storm was as it was nothing for her,just a fly in the clouds,she controls the winds,water,lightning and fire! she wont underestimate her opponent but that docent mean she wont back off,as she was close she would spiral upwards to fly over the clouds,it was clear....free of clouds,swiftly hovering there as she look forward and said "show yourself dragon....i would want to speak with you first....i know you are here...i see you..."she said as she just hovered over the storm,she wanted to see this dragon before battle....with honor...with courage...this unknown storm draken.

"...is everybody alright!"Sasha yelld from the top of the roost,as she look at D'Mago....oh no...and the others are ok?

@Adonis Williams
"why don't you just trust with no question.....i bet we both know not a normal dragon can travel so well in this storms....i don't seek to fight,i want to talk draken....stop flying in the storm and fly to the heavens so we may meet....i don't seek to cause anymore destruction for starting with the wrong foot...answer me this drake....are you undead...or living?"she ask as she could not see only "see" him as a trail of smoke and a bodie flying around,she could not see and this way was how she sees,all she needed to know if this dragon was alive or dead...if it is alive she must forgive as she confuse him with a undead...his body just seem like it but she will try and solve this a more peaceful way if possible.
"........Ascend." Strom said as he flew above the stormy clouds, where the sun shine was. His electricity was still arcing with great intensity. It was literally coming out through the gaps in his teeth. @Yonsisac
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"living....or undead...answer me thunder draken"she ask as she hover over the clouds calm,she knew this was a thunder dragon but she was not scared nether impress by this dragon....she docent fear till she sees what its capable off, appearance can deceive,as she saw lightning her horns would begin to glow orange as fire began to blaze from her horns and the wind around her got hot,she was being sure this dragon dosent kill her right off the bat without putting a fight,hovering there...waiting for a answer by this dragon,she wanted to seek a peaceful way and avoid a fight...if she must she will
"Do you not see? I am living. You owe me an apology, and a favor." The electricity in his mouth didn't let up. It was literally glowing in his chest.
[QUOTE="Adonis Williams]"Do you not see? I am living. You owe me an apology, and a favor." The electricity in his mouth didn't let up. It was literally glowing in his chest.

...she felt offended at what he said,She cant see that is why she ask,as she would growl as her veins glow red and yell "I CANT SEE! I'M BLIND I CAN ONLY "SEE" FORM OF WHAT YOU ARE! I DON'T KNOW IF YOU ARE UNDEAD OR LIVING DRAKEN!I CANT SEE YOUR COLOR OR FACE!"she answered in a offended tone,docent he see her blank golden eyes? such words really get her angry,she sigh and shakes her head taking a few deep breaths as she calms down,this is what she hated,like when she bump into Sasha once long ago as she said if she was blind or something...and she was...pain it is and anger simple,she calm down before saying "Im sorry for both bad deeds i have done draken...but such docent mean i owe you anything,as i attack you...you did the same..i came here said sorry and now we are even...simple...draken lets begin again with the good wing....why you came towards us dragging a storm with you?"
"I caught onto a Delicious scent, your campfire, someone is eating something nice. I came here for what was making the scent, but you attacked me." He said. "I'll be on my way for that now." He dives downwards for Arthun @Wandering Hollow

Arthun was busy tickling Justicar's neck while munching on his baked apple. The softened flesh means that his chewing was less obnoxious and loud then the usual. He happened to glance up and saw something swooping down.

"Justicar, is that your friend coming over?" He calmly asked before taking another bite.


Justicar leveled her head upwards to look. She sighed slightly before nuzzling Arthun and hiding him under her wing. She stood up and roared at the incoming dragon.

"HALT! YOU WILL STATE YOUR PURPOSE." She said in a firm tone.


"Hm. Not a friend then." Arthun muttered before finishing the baked apple and leaning against Justicar's body.

@Adonis Williams

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Strom was silent, he landed in front of Justicar, a wave of dust emitting from his impact. "Do not be protective of your rider. I only seek his delicacy, Remove your wing." He said, licking his snout @Wandering Hollow

"E-excuse me?" Justicar asked in a confused tone. All this.... for apples? What is this world coming to... Justicar huffed.


Arthun roared with laugher upon hearing what the lightning drake just said and stepped out from under Justicar's wing. He took out a fresh apple and skewered it.

"Greetings Drake! I heard what you said and I apologize for Justicar's behavior but if I had to guess, you were the one that attacked the roost no?" He walked over to the fire and plopped down on his previous seat.

"So let me propose a a little treaty of sorts." He starts cooking the apple. "I, Arthun Aznable, will make you baked apples if possible but only if you come here in peace. That includes starting storms too. It was such a wonderful evening too." He said with a smirk.

"So. Do we have a deal?"

@Adonis Williams
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"I wasn't the one who attacked the roost, The blind one attacked me first. She had me mistaken, I had only come here for the apple.." He said. "But I do agree to your terms, as long as you supply me with loads of these delicacies. Deliver them to the forest just by the Mountains base. There should be a large land form. Leave them there." He said. He took a step back and folded his wings in. @Wandering Hollow
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