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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

Would it spice things up if a group of undead from the Underlands attacked the base?

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(Sorry for short GTG seeya)

"How much longer amatsu?"

"we are near,thus i feel it...the clouds shall cover us,we wont be sighted from the ground on thus our way towards the crater,your "Friends" have tried a lot to find you"

"They....are not my friends"

The wind was calm and clouds where white,Sasha stood on the great dragons neck as her hands hold one of the golden horns to stay standing and not go off balance,they flew there way towards there location but to remain unseen the great dragon use the clouds for camouflage and drag them along till they reach there destination. Amatsu dint posses wings but lots of fins and membranes that keep her afloat in the air without needed to flap wings,magic made it a easy task as well,being blind the great dragon needed her magic to see,her magic is what kept her alive as with no magic she could not see,fly,or move.Sasha knew this after what she saw long ago,how she met amtsu,she lost most of her power and needed to recover from the hunters,if Sasha dint find her amatsu would have been a pile of bones.amatsu would give out a shriek as the clouds near them slowly vanish and depart,they where right over the are and every cloud over it would has slowly moved away or vanish.

"we are thus here Sasha,is right below"

Sasha just nodded at her as the great wyvern would begin there descend towards there meeting area as gales of wind surround the great dragon,Sasha dint see anybody but amatsu sens they where here.the winds got slightly stronger as they came down only for them to be just about a few feet from the ground,amatsu dint touch the ground just hover over it,but once her scaled belly touch the soil she slowly laid down and the strong winds vanish like nothing,Sasha hop's off amatsu as she looks around for the rest "it seems the others a busy-..oh never mined i see them near the lake"she said as her sight changes towards the lake,there where a few there....and there dragons just made it easy to spot,Amatsu just laid on the ground with her head raised unable to walk on land,her blank golden eyes gave off her inability of sight as she ask "A lake?...please tell me how it looks..."the dragon ask as she was facing it like Sasha but sadly was unable to see it,Sasha gave a faint smile but Vanishes quickly as she would begin to describe"well...its preaty large first off,its water is clear as the sky and blue an-"

"That is enough....i can imagine it now...thanks you"

Sasha nodded towards the dragon as she sigh,Sasha would think being blind might be bad,but as well good....you would not see the horrors of this world.Sasha pet amatsu on her head as she began to make her way towards the lake to meet the rest,amatsu on the other hand just laid her belly and tail on the ground as her head was raised looking in random directions as she used her abilities to atleast "see" what is around her.
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Evelyn blew a heavy breath - memories came flooding back with each angry word he spat. They sat in silence as she pondered a hundred ways in which she could respond to him. His words made her angry. They made her sad, and guilty, and they filled with righteous fury because all in one it seemed as though he understood so little and so much about who she was and where she came from. Several years in Karthe may have taught him the struggles of the poor and the greed of the rich, but nothing was that black and white. And then, all she could really think of was those walls. How trapped she felt. And when it really came down to it, he was right - Karthe was a terrible place, and for even the rich, the bad memories outweighed the good. Nobody was truly safe there under the king. And now - well, now the very thought of returning plagued her with fear. She never let it show, of course. Pretending to be indifferent was a specialty of hers. Perhaps Ashanti was a close friend, though. Perhaps he deserved more than that. She ran her tongue quickly over her lips before speaking,

"I don't know, actually." She said softly, refusing to meet his gaze. As her chin rested on her hand she chose to focus on a small leaf which fell from a tree and floated lonely on the surface of the lake. "I haven't been back there in... quite a long time."

Ashanti heard every bit of the feminine boy's rant, and was on his feet in a flash and was striding over to him in a heartbeat. He towered over him, his expression unreadable. "I'm not good enough." He said simply. "And I never said I was. But I have every right to hate that city. You're right; we all have our stories. I don't know yours, and you don't know mine. But whatever has happened in your past does mean you are entitled to act like a little brat. You've scarcely been here for a couple hours and you've alredy attacked one of your team members. Your family."

He could see the boy's eyebrows form a confused expression for a moment.

"Yes. Family. Most of us here haven't had one for quite a bit, and I have a feeling you can relate. Here we eat together, train together, work, sweat, bleed together. And I will not have you, a entitled little stick of a boy, damage that. You either realize this, or you can go back to wherever you came from. Which would be a shame, since your dragon would flourish here amongst her kin."

Ashanti spun on his heel and walked off, hearing a loud thump behind him. Probably the boy having another tantrum. He ignored him and started off towards the barracks until he noticed a large form descending. He whistled for D'Mago, and the two approached it. It was a dragon, about D'Mago's size except where he was tall, this dragon was long. He walked up to the figure that had hopped off, and quickly suppressed his anger from earlier. His usual grin slid onto his features easily; his disguise. "Hello, I am Ashanti, and this is D'Mago. Welcome to the Dragon Riders of Froyza's base." He held out his hand in greeting, while D'Mago stood over him, curious.

Hikaru listened to the man, glaring until the word... 'family'... was brought up, a look of confusion briefly crossing her face before looking down, hair covering her eyes "No." she muttered under her breath and continued as he went on 'th-they'll... never be my family... it's useless... 'family's'... they abandon you, I bet this mans had a pretty good life, one with at least someone to love him, even if their parents passed away.... they'll never understand what it's like never having one that wanted you in the first place!?' she thought viciously.

As he brought Miharu into this Hikaru was about to snap, every fibre of her being wanted to punch that man right then and there but resisted, well, not so much resisted but instead felt a throbbing in her head, as she turned she slumped into a tree, causing a thump in synchronisation with another, she didn't respond to what had landed next to her, in fact she didn't seem to be responding at all, she fell to the ground.

A moment later she clambered up on hands and knees, heavy breaths, falling the small noises of Ev until she reached her "Help... me..." she mumbled weakly, like this, in such a weak state the hot-headed 'boy' seemed so fragile, her pale skin reflecting the last of the setting-suns light and small stature, on closer inspection it was even clear that this 'boy' was in fact a girl, she didn't hide this, simply it was never a pic that was brought up.

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Arthun Aznable

Arthun and Justicar were soaring high in the skies above the camp, doing their usual training regimen of speed and agility. Arthun's mask hid a small smile as he felt the wind rush past as they flew. He gently rubbed the rough scales on Justicar's neck. "Alright Justicar, just as we practiced." Justicar made a growling noise as she understood, doing a spin in midair before entering a steep dive. Arthun kept his head low and a tight grip on his bow and the three arrows in his hands. Their target, a series of 3 metal dummies spaced out below.

The ground was approaching them at high speed before Justicar pulled up to avoid crashing. During that small window, Arthun fired off his arrows. The first struck the first dummy in the chest, the second struck the second dummy's neck and the third stuck the third dummy's arm. Arthun clicked his tongue in frustration as they pulled out of the dive and ascended. "Hm. My shooting's gone rusty, Justicar." Justicar glanced up at her rider. "Oh so you think its like that eh?" Justicar's ears wriggled with mirth as Athun folded his arms in defiance. "So you're saying that I need to practice more, Missy?" Justicar did a midair roll with Arthun calmly holding on thanks to the harness he wore that freed up his hands. "Alright, alright. I'll practice more. I'd say we earned ourselves a break then. Let's go." Justicar roared and Arthun laughed.

"Three times the speed? Why not! Let's go!" He cheered before they zipped off back to camp at high speeds before using a midair loop and grinding to a halt. Arthun glanced back at the 6 meter long gash in the ground while Justicar scratched the ground with her claws. "I'd say we hit the landing well enough." Justicar growled happily as Arthun got off and scratched her neck. "Ahaha! Yes, yes. You landed well."

Rose had been flying and seen a boy fall to her knees. Quickly, she started diving down. Upon arrival, her wings folded up and she looked at the boy. Upon inspection, she saw the he was actually a she. "Are you ok?" She said, not too caring. She didn't looks exactly caring with her arms open. She offered a hand to her. "While I'm here, I might as well d somthing useful." She looked at Hikaru after staring about the land quickly.
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Evelyn's meandering contemplation was abruptly interrupted when suddenly Ashanti strayed from their confrontation to confront Hikaru. She had heard the younger dragon rider's rant and was hoping he would ignore it. Sadly, that small glimpse into his mind was all she'd really get in their short conversation. She watched their encounter with a furrowed brow, regretting how quickly his day had turned sour - and she was partly to blame. Damn, Karthe - she wouldn't be bringing that up again any time soon. She slowly rubbed her face and eyes with one hand in mild frustration, her tense shoulders relaxing only once Ashanti had left, and she simply deflated, staring into the undisturbed water at her feet.

She was almost startled by the sight of Hikaru when she approached her, letting out a small "oh!" in surprise. She knelt down to examine him. Had something else happened? Or was this merely the result of the emotional strain of the fight? Either way, she pressed the back of her hand to the younger girl's clammy cheek. "Are you alright?" She asked, brow furrowing in concern.
Hikaru didn't respond to the girls words, they seemed distant in her mind, her small body was breathing in and out in heavy breaths, suddenly Miharu bursted through the trees, the dragon girl stared at Hikaru wide-eyed, looking from Ev to her master with wide and desperate eyes, as if screaming for help.

'Everything... feels so cold...' Hikaru thought weakly 'just like-... it did back then... why?... why did I always smile?... pathetic...' she continued, sweat dripped down the girls pale face, she seemed flustered, her pinks slightly pink in colour, probably not helped by the armour.

Rose looked at the girl, slightly confused. "What's wrong?" She seemed to care at least a little more now. She saw the other people there. "What's going on?" She asked them all as she placed her oxygen cannon in her back. She got down on her knees and looked at Hikaru. "Are you alright?" She asked her again. Suddenly, she spaced out.

"Can we go to the park today?" A young child asked.

"Sure we can..." A sweet voice replied to the child.

You could hear smashing and pounding.

"Open up!" It was harsh really.

Back in the present, Rose fell to th ground, shaking.
"...what?" Evelyn narrowed her eyes, confused by Hikaru's mumbling. She didn't look up when she heard Rose's voice, her mind focused on checking Hikaru's vitals, but she was glad the other girl had arrived. She was going to need her help. "It looks like she's had some kind of stress induced panic attack," She shook her head. If Hikaru really was this fragile, they'd have a long way to go in training. "Could you give me a han--what the hell?" Her head snapped toward Rose's direction after hearing a soft thud on the ground beside her. Ashanti was now nowhere in sight and she was kind of at a loss for what to do.

"Can I get a little help over here?" Evelyn was a relatively reserved person most of the time, but she could certainly yell - her call echoed through the trees, but she wasn't sure if anyone was close enough to hear it.

There was a soft gust of wind and as if on cue, Ko had seemingly decided to rise from his slumber. "I sensed a bit of stress coming from you" He made light of his observation, offering her a wry grin. She responded with a sarcastic snort of laughter. "Yeah..." She rolled her eyes "You could say I've got my hands a bit full at the moment"
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(Im so sorry i took so long was not on all this time and busy! Im sorry if i forgot some one pleas tell me in the OOC! i will do my best to fix!)

Sasha as soon she saw some one walking towards her she stops,and saw a man,well tone and with a red drake that she think was a flame wyvern,she stood straight towards the man and heard the man introduce himself and his dragon D,Mago,Sasha bow slightly as she would extend her hand and shake his gratefully as she add "I am Sasha sun,once member of "Dead Echo"....call me sun,This is amatsu my companion its a pleasure to be here,i came far to thus join you and i am please for this greeting once finally reach my travels"she said with a small smile that soon disappear,amatsu heard her name as she would straight up and say "As Sasha said yes i am amatsu pleasure to meet you"she said with a slow tone and calm one,but she was not facing them directly,in fact some other direction towards the left,Sasha would look back and see the error,she clear her throat to signal amatsu she was...not facing the right way,The female Drake sigh as she quickly did her best to know where they where and face them and bow once again as her Golden blank eyes watch where they are"Pleas forgive her....she is...blind"Sasha said with a sigh as she wish she was not,but her abilities have cause her to,Sasha would straight up being distracted from the thoughts and would say towards the man "sorry for the pause,Ashanti and D'Mago...our travels have been tiresome,would you mined showing me around?....In the mean time how many riders are there here?"
It would be our pleasure Sasha and Amatsu. He began walking, the woman and her dragon following. D'Mago walked alongside Amatsu, occassionaly nudging the dragon in the right direction as they trailed the humans while talking about whatever dragons talked about. "We are slowly getting members. Finding Dragon Riders is surprisingly difficult, but we have about six, excluding me. Not a whole lot, but still quite a force." They continued their stroll to the training ground and the rest of the base. "This is mainly where we rest in between missions. The barracks are right there in that building. You should probably unpack. Mess hall is right across, and the cook usually has food prepared all the time." Ashanti noticed the newcomer-Arthun he believed- practicing. He waved and turned back to Sasha. "The dragon roost is on that mountain over there. D'Mago can lead Amatsu there if you like." He said. Ashanti suddenly remebered Ev. He had stalked off mid conversation. "Sorry..I have to take care of something really quick. If you have any questions you can ask D'Mago or a fellow team mate!" Ashanti raced back to the lake.
As sahsa follow with her hands behind her back,hearing that current rider count was only six,six dragons,six riders,as much it sounded less dragon riders posses great connection with there dragon meaning one dragon rider and there wyvern can cause untold havoc in train hands,"Six dragon riders are well enough to take a army in right hands...."she said in a confident tone as she follow being introduce about the locations,the training ground would be her main place of course,the barracks reminded her when she serve in the knights so memories will pop,she just hope the mess hall had some good food is all she hope,Amatsu on the other hand being...Unable to travel on land with her thin feet and membrane cover,it was a great problem walking on land,she very slowly took weak steps and waddle behind them,as land was like walking on magma for a ice dragon,but with the help of D'Mago she gratefully follow them with such easy work "Thank you...its not easy being in such state"as she heard to unpack as a suggestion she nodded "happily" and said "Thank you i thus will"she said but soon heard the man needed to get something done and left her with his trusted companion,with a nod she would look at D'Mago and would request "D'Mago can you lead Amatsu to the dragon roost pleas as i unpack? with her sight she might not be able to fined it or....even fly towards it,she would do it by herself but her magic needs rest so she docent fall apart again...can you pleas take her there?"she ask as amatsu would nod at such request,no one was like her here...so help would be grateful.Sasha would ask question but right now Amatsu was a bigger importance than a question that could wait.


(Goodnight will reply tomorrow!)
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Hikaru continued to breath heavily, Miharu kept looking at Ev with worrying eyes 'If... I take the armour off they'll find out that she's a girl..' Miharu thought to herself, before shaking her head, trying to take the armour off anyway by rolling Hikaru onto her back, she began to take off the chest piece first, as soon as it was off it was pretty evident that the 'he' was a she. Hikaru seemed to be breathing easier, suddenly Miharu reverted to her dragon form, the giant water dragon blocking the view of the others as she did something to the girls body before reverting back.

Hikaru sat up suddenly, wide-eyed and gasping.

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Ashanti raced back to the lake. Ev was probably going to ignore him for days because of his little stunt. He nearly flew into the young boy's dragon. He quickly hopped back. He hated any water that wasnt boiling hot bathwater. He quickly noticed Ev and... it seemed to be a girl..but it was the strangest woman he'd ever seen. He was at a loss of words.

Meanwhile, D'Mago ushered Amatsu to the roost. He quite admired the dragon; he could sense her magic and her features were very interesting. They landed amongst the others, who greeted them. "Just pick a spot. Unless you're not social. There are a lot of caves around here. Just pick one like I did." He said.
Hikaru continued to gasp, upon spotting Ashanti and Ev, realising the chest piece was off she quickly jumped into the lake, only her face and head submerged above the rippling surface, a small blush managing its way onto the emotionless girls face, it was odd to see her like this, It was in fact Rare to see Hikaru move quickly at all so the sudden jump into the lake was quite odd, Miharu smiled from the shore, swiftly transforming back to her human-like form and watching Hikaru with a giggle.

Lucent watched from the shadows as a..(.girl?) jumped into the lake. She had been watching the group, trying to understand their different dynamics but kept her distance. Her dragon stayed further hidden, waiting for direction or a signal. Curious as to what was going on, Lucent crept a little closer to the assembled group.
The swiftness with which everything had changed had thrown Evelyn through a bit of a loop. She stood, scratching the back of her head, merely nodding toward Ashanti to acknowledge his presence. What really confused her was Miharu's giggling, as though her owner hadn't just collapsed in a fit of hysteria. "Hikaru, what the hell was that?" If this was some kind of joke, she was not interested.

Ko chuckled "Oh, now you're in for it, kid" He shook his head, all too used to his rider's temper.
Hikaru raised an eyebrow at Ev "No." she muttered, still blushing slightly "It wasn't. I-.... it's not important." she added, covering her chest area with her arms, the chest piece of the armour still on the shore. (Sorry for short post, going to go get blood-tests.)
Rose scanned everyone here. It was clear she was not from this time, especially with her wings and air cannon, both on her back. She almost managed a smile. "I might as well have some fun whilst I'm here..." She may be mostly heartless, she knew how to have a good time. Mainly when she was drunk... She flew to the shore, passing the girl her chest piece. "Nice to meet you. I'm Rose."
Evelyn shook her head, dismissing Hikaru's flustered response as if there was no need. If there was anything she knew, it was that she was in no place to judge others for anything. "I'm just glad you're alright" She said brusquely.
Hikaru looked away stubbornly, staring at her neck and shoulders covered in scratches and bruises "..you call this alright?..." she muttered under her breath before turning back to them Miharu smiled at the girl "Tan..kyou?.." she said slowly, obviously not good at speaking english but 'thank you' was relatively clear as to what she wanted to say.

Coal said:
Ashanti raced back to the lake. Ev was probably going to ignore him for days because of his little stunt. He nearly flew into the young boy's dragon. He quickly hopped back. He hated any water that wasnt boiling hot bathwater. He quickly noticed Ev and... it seemed to be a girl..but it was the strangest woman he'd ever seen. He was at a loss of words.
Meanwhile, D'Mago ushered Amatsu to the roost. He quite admired the dragon; he could sense her magic and her features were very interesting. They landed amongst the others, who greeted them. "Just pick a spot. Unless you're not social. There are a lot of caves around here. Just pick one like I did." He said.
As she saw D'Mago accept to help amatsu she nodded as a thank you,departing from the area she walk towards the barracks to unpack and make herself at home,she thought maybe the barracks are for different each,girls in girl barracks and guys in guys barracks,but if was not like she would not mined kinda the same deal anyway,once there she began unpacking her needs on one of the beds that she choose as hers.

Meanwhile amatsu would sens Sasha leave and gave a sigh,her sight would change towards D'Mago as he would nudge her to follow,with a nod she would feel the gust of wind as he took off and she needed to follow,amatsu would take a deep breath as her horns began to shimmer slightly,a noticeable strong gust of wind began to pass through them,it got slightly stronger as it was like a intake,the wind directed towards amatsu but soon the wind was gusting upwards,Lifting her from the ground slowly,as soon she gain air she was wrap with a gale of wind,the streams of strong winds can be seen swirling around her,she heard D'Mago,s roar as a signal to follow where he was,as she began to slowly making her way there but each time picking up speed to stay on his tail,clearly using the strong gust of wind to fly and not wings,she just...swam through the air.

as she flew kinda beside the great flame drake,sometimes going off course by re-directed by D'Mago the right direction,thank to his help at least she would have been lost without him,as soon they both land she would slowly land on her belly beside him as the gale of wind disappear to nothing,her golden blank eyes look around as she heard him say to pick a spot,with a nod she would give a smile as she would ask "Would it be ok for me to choose the very top of the mountain? i have been all my life with the wind and the feeling of it its something i don't want to stop being with....if its not a problem of course D'Mago,i can choose a different spot if not"she said looking towards him as she would hear other dragons....there are more? seems she wont get that bored up here.

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