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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

Would it spice things up if a group of undead from the Underlands attacked the base?

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"Aye, we stand right in front it." he pointed his finger towards the structure. "I'm Yakone. Yakone Dulak." he still kept his weapon in his hand. "This is a dragon a I found tied up, his name is Gilder."

Gilder looked down at Yakone "Do you have to tell everybody our names?" there was a bit of annoyance in his tone.

Yakone frowned, "Well they should know our names if they are to come with us." he raised his voice a bit.
"I'd love to come with you! I'm Arthur. Arthur Smith,. and that over ther-" "I am Drachen." He said in a rushed tone. "Yes." Followed Arthur. "I actually brought a gift for these dragon riders." A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Have you seen any of them yet?" He asked, tilting his head slightly, he moved the strands of hair that was covering his face, the smile at his mouth slowly fading. Drachen approached Gilder. He folds his wings in. "Gilder, was it?" He said in an approving voice. He sighed and looked at Arthur, who nodded to him. "I hope we can be----- Friends." He said that reluctantly. He glanced over at Arthur once more. Drachen had a large sack of what smelled like food. Along with other sacks of supplies and remedies. @Sexy McGee
Gilder's face was solemn "Friends? I don't have many of those, Yakone found me I serve him and him only."

Yakone's face was plain "Don't get too much into it. You're only coming with us because we need someones help finding the Dragon base, but here we are, you also were looking for this place, weren't you?" Yakone took out a bottle of mead before drinking it. The mead slithered down his chest and beard. "Erm," he thought for a moment "Shouldn't we enter?" he finally asked politely.
"Aye to both." He said, "Drachen, come." He followed it up with. "Glad to here that, I feel just the same about Arthur." He said as he walked by. "So where ye' from?" He asked. Drachen nudged his head between Arthur legs. He forced himself through, sliding Arthur onto the back of his neck. Drachen started to walk around, trying to sniff the dragon riders out. He lies down on Drachens back as he tries to sniff them out. @Sexy McGee
"That doesn't matter." Yakone instantly replied. Gilder just continued walking, not answering the question. "I'm a former raider. I found Gilder tied up, I freed him." Gilder lifted his wing and slapped Yakone on the back "Dammit, human!"

"Relax, Gilder. It's not like they're going to kill us." Yakone rolled up the cloth part of his armor, revealing scars and tattoos. "I got this from the raiders." he pointed at the tattoos on the side of his head.
"Neat. I am- Was a fisherman from Diarta. All I have is bread and a sack of fish." He said. He pointed at the sack that Drachen was carrying. "So like, you're a raider? Think they'll like you." He said sarcastically. "It's ironic, A raider becoming a hero? It's comical, isn't it?" He said to Yakone. "I found Drachen-" "I was attacking his camp, thought it would be an easy meal. I didn't go as planned." He interrupted. "As you see.... You think this is the wrong mountain?" Arthur asked. "There's no one to be found." @Sexy McGee
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D'Mago let out a deep chuckle at the young man, liking his boldness. "Our base it right up ahead, Beatles between those mountains. You'll fit right in." He gave the small man a toothy smile, or what passed for one.


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"I'm no hero. I just need a place to call home, so does Gilder." Yakone sighed, as did the dragon. Yakone dropped the bottle of mead on the floor and sat down on a rock. Gilder sat, obediently "So, what now? We're just going to talk about our woe?" The golden dragon grumbled, "Look at the human, talking about such trivial matters."
"Mm." Drachen stopped as well. Arthur hopped off his dragon, Drachen and Arthur lie down together. "Seems so." I looked at Gilder, then back at Yakone. "So, you only looking for a home? That's not much. I don't think they'll let you in just for wanted walls that hold back the wind." Arthur chuckled. "So, what made you want to turn from a raider into a rider, Eh?" He asked. Drachen perked his head up, he also wanted to hear this. Arthur scratched under Drachen's chin as he waited for his reply and for someone to come evaluate them. @Sexy McGee @Coal
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In response to the fiery dragon, Strad gave the best nervous chuckle a dragon could make. "Well then, friends, thank you for the help." He grabbed William's waist with his tail, slowly dragging the man away. "I would love to stay and hear your glories and woes, but we really must get going-"

Strad's voice was cut off as William squirmed out of his grasp once again, running back up to the dragon. "Hold on, Strad!" He faced the other dragon, eyes lighting up with wonder. "So, you guys are riders, right? Tell me, what is it like to be a rider? What is it like to soar theough the skies, to defend your homeland? Also, can I get my dragon to stop being such a cowering old coot?"

At this last part, Strad snorted. "William..." he growled.

Boon flapped his wings and hovered overhead of the two riders and their dragons. The more capable looking one caught his question and returned an answer. He thanked her and took off in the given direction which took him a little ways beyond the training grounds. As he flew a strange feeling of awareness took him. When the young lady had responded to him her voice had not been directed straight at him but rather towards his back as if he had been baring a rider but he knew for sure he was alone "what is that look of confusion for...Horatio?" a sickening voice slithered into his ear as if, indeed, he was carrying a passenger and they were now leaning over to talk in his ear. He gasped, "you!?, but how? How can you be here!?" The passenger laughed aloud, a high pitched shrill that Boon felt in his skull. "I am always here Horatio. I took a piece of your soul and a drop of your blood and now you are mine forever. Just as you wanted" the creature laughed again and Boon tried to shake him by doing a barrel role. It didn't work. "You can not shake me so easily. I am forever your rider Horatio!" He laughed again. "You don't control me!", Boon boomed, And my name is not Horatio!" He attempted to shake the apparition once more but it had no effect.

It is your name, or would you rather sully her memory and take the name given by a fool?" The voice asked somewhat distainfully. Boon didn't answer, "and what's more, Horatio, this is not control just a voice in your ear, you know what I can really do" he spoke smugly. Boon snorted, "if that's all this is then how did those riders see you?" Boon continued to fly as they spoke, "I confess I do not know. Perhaps they are gifted, perhaps it was a mere trick of the light...perhaps I wanted them too" the voice seemed to move closer at that last part as if taunting the dragon. Boon roared and flew straight up. "Leave me be demon!" The voice laughed again at Boons rage, "Very well Horatio. I will go, for now, but know you cannot deny what you crave and you know that worthless boy you claim to be your rider is no such thing. You cannot sustain the lie for long. You will be alone again and then you will come back to me because I can give you what she did." Boon closed his eyes and he saw images of her, the woman who was once his rider, her eyes big and wide as they stared at him with fear and the realisation that she was about to die. "Gah! Just shut up, SHUT UP!" He roared again flew around without direction. "You see her don't you?" the voice came as though he was smiling. "Is it her final moment? When you let her die?" It laughed again, this time it was deeper and less playful. Boon didn't answer. "Eneough games. You will come back to me. All the other riders are taken" the voice seemed to take a thoughtful pause, "unless you were to kill one of their dragons of course" the voice seemed to smirk. "But not D'mago. He will be mine also". The voice dissapeared with a trail of deep laughter. Boon was sweating, if dragons could do such a thing. He didn't know what the voice wanted but he knew at least it couldn't directly influence him from this distance. What it had said was true, however, he needed a new rider and soon.

Once composed enough, Boon continued his flight and eventually found who he was looking for. The big, red dragon and its rider where below on a wide pathway conversing with others. It looked like more riders wher arriving every day. His great for blocked out the sun as he descended upon the group of strangers with his warning...
D'Mago's lit up at the mere thought of all the battles he had been in. "Aye, we fly around the entire land fighting off evils that lurk. We burn down raider camps, track down valuables that have been stolen, we do it all!" The dragon said with a smirk. "It is quite the adventure." He said as he smiled at the small human male.
"Dear lords," William muttered to himself, eyes still wide with curiosity. Meanwhile, the dragon behind him sighed in exhasperation, conpletely and utterly overwhelmed by William's nonsense. "Do it all, huh?" The man turned back to Strad. "Hear that, ya old dog? Adveeenture! Raiders, evils, theives oh my!" He jumped up and down with excitement. "Can we please follow you? You know, just to see what riders can do?"

Before Strad, no one had ever heard a dragon sigh so loudly.

Boon descended rather rapidly and ungracefully before landing between the meeting interrupting as he he did so. Shaken by his experience, Boon struggled to hide it but managed to convey his message regardless "you...are the leader of this little get together? The one who will command us?" He addressed the large red dragon and his rider, completely ignoring the other two present. "I have smelt a great ill on the wind, tasted it even. Something evil is approaching the camp, maybe the city too. We should return with haste!"...
Meanwhile, back at the camp, Rickets had succeeded in dressing himself. He now wore his tunic, leather trousers and boots. On top of it however, he had added pieces of armour from the suit he had snuck into the training grounds. It was still all a little big for him but it all fitted a little snuggier with the thicker clothing underneath. He moved around and found it all a little clunky and uncomfortable but figured it was best to be protected. After several minutes of making minor adjustments and getting a feel for it, he made for the barrack door. Stumbling out of the room and into a narrow, connecting corridor lined with simple lamps, Rickets used the walls to keep himself upright and headed for the exit. He flung open the door and stepped out into the fresh morning breeze and promptly fell forward and onto his front. The bulky suit weighed him down and the helmet fell over his face. He struggled up onto his elbows as they sunk slightly into the damp morning mud. Managing to prop himself up he move his helmet back onto his head a looked around at his surroundings hopping nobody had seen him.

He scanned the horizon in front of him taking into account the large wall that ran all around the camp. It was tall and thick and as such all he could see beyond it was the sky. It was a clear and warm day but far off in the distance a dark blot had appeared on the horizon. It seemed to swirl and swell. Then a noise, it started faintly but quickly grew louder as other, similar noises joined it becoming a large chorus of panicked sound. They were the bells of the city ringing out loudly across the air. Rickets struggled to his feet and stood listening. All around him nondescript personnel started appearing and dissapearing as they all went off in different directions as if commanded by the bells. A smile then appeared on rickets face. He rubbed his hands together, "yessss! Breakfast!" He moved quickly as he could from his spot and headed over towards another long and low building. The dinning lodge....

Ashanti managed to get across the rapid river, and climbed on shore chilly and breathless. He walked to the two D'Mago was talking with and simply rested his back on D'Mago, and his clothes immediately dried. Before he could say anything, a dragon swooped out of the sky. It landed awkwardly, but quickly began speaking. "you...are the leader of this little get together? The one who will command us? I have smelt a great ill on the wind, tasted it even. Something evil is approaching the camp, maybe the city too. We should return with haste!" The dragon looked panicked, and was shuffling around nervously. D'Mago turned to Ashanti. his eyes speaking of worry. "It is what we feared." The dragon said slowly. Ashanti nodded, and turned to the dragon.

"Please fly to the base and get everyone alerted. We don't know what we will be facing, but we need some defenses." Ashanti said, before turning to address the blond man and his green dragon. "You better head back to the base. Follow this dragon. Me and D'Mago will scout ahead." Ashanti clicked his tongue and D'Mago lowered his great head so Ashanti could climb on and settle in his usual spot. The huge dragon opened his wings and with one flap, shot into the sky.

@Guy @Lotusy
William shielded his eyes as another dragon suddenly fell from the sky, interrupting his conversation with the large red dragon. Though the dragon brought bad tidings, all Will could think of was the new evil about to attack the city. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and he smiled to himself. When the red dragon took off, William covered his head again, running over to the newest dragon. "Hello, sir! The, uh, other dragon, he said you'd take us to the the camp, right?"

Strad, on the other hand, almost had the dragon equivalent of a heart attack. The poor old dragon couldn't really handle William's excitement. The dragon walked over, defeated, and stood by William. "We are in your care, younger one."

Boon was slightly offended by the older dragon referring to him as a 'young one' as if he were a child. It allowed him to capture his composure momentarily, "come then, it is just a little bit this way", he turned his back to them readying himself for take off but then glanced back towards the other dragon "and do not fall behind, old timer". With those words he turned his head back and took to the skies headed back towards the training grounds, the other dragon and his rider in hot pursuit...
Rickets arrived at the dinning hall after a long slodge through mud that had already been walked through countless times that morning alone. The building was long and low. A single storey affair and built very much in the same manner as the barracks. He stood before the door and, with his usual gusto, pushed it open causing the door to snap back on its hinges and straight into his face pushing him back whilst the weight of his armour forced him once more to the sodden ground on his back. He huffed and heaved and struggled to his feet. Much like a turtle he couldn't get straight up so he rolled over onto one side and then onto his front before pushing himself up and onto his feet once more. He looked down at himself and sighed at the amount of mud that covered him. He had only been dressed for ten minutes!

He turned back to the door and this time, having learned his lesson, pushed the door gently. He didn't get very far with it though, before a barrage of people burst out of the door and pushed him once more to the ground face first, their feet pushing him into the mud. He lay still, gurgling obscenities. Then he felt a pair of hands pick him up and pull him from the mud. A loud sucking sound came with it as his body detached from the mud. One of the soldiers had bothered to notice and hauled him to his feet. "You alright?" He asked. Rickets tried to reply in a daze "brea...k...fa...st?" As he spoke mud spat from his mouth and dribbled down his chin. The soldier looked at him with an awkward face. "Err...looks like you've eaten already". He looked at Rickets for another brief moment before the constant sound of the bells rang back into his mind and reminded him what was happening. He looked around. The camp was busy with activity as people ran around dressing and arming themselves. "look kid, the city is under attack. You need to find somewhere to hide or arm yourself" he studied Rickets. He noted the ridiculous armour and his bowed legs. But then he noticed the royal insignia and the familiar blue tunic. He took his arms away from Rickets who managed to stand himself up. "You one of them. A rider, with the dragons?" Rickets nodded. The soldier snorted, "guess you can look after yourself then". He pushed pass Rickets and headed towards the armoury, as he did he spoke back over his shoulder, "and you've missed breakfast!". Rickets watched after him before before turning back and entering the lodge which he managed this time. Before him he saw a low hung seeling decorated with wooden beams, lamps and a very long oak table which ran the whole length of the room and was itself surrounded by many chairs. At the other end of the room was a large door which had the word 'kitchen' written next to it. Next to this door was a similarly large service hatch through which part of the kitchen could probably be seen. Rickets moved around the great table fully aware of the plates of food,some of which was untouched, that sat upon it. He took a seat in a large chair which stood at the head of the table, the only one he could fit into with his armour, and began to eat.
Windows98 said:
"Mm." Drachen stopped as well. Arthur hopped off his dragon, Drachen and Arthur lie down together. "Seems so." I looked at Gilder, then back at Yakone. "So, you only looking for a home? That's not much. I don't think they'll let you in just for wanted walls that hold back the wind." Arthur chuckled. "So, what made you want to turn from a raider into a rider, Eh?" He asked. Drachen perked his head up, he also wanted to hear this. Arthur scratched under Drachen's chin as he waited for his reply and for someone to come evaluate them. @Sexy McGee @Coal
(Sorry for late reply)

"I left the raiders, I felt Gilder needed a home as well somewhere peaceful. I think this place is for Gilder and me." he looked at the sign again. "What if they don't accept me?"
"Not a problem, hatchling," Strad said, though his voice carried no hint of mockery. Hm. I merely observed, yet he seems agitated. Insecure? He shouldn't be. Youth is a beautiful thing. As Strad thought this, though, William jumped onto his back like a frog, whooping and hollering. "Woohoo! Let's get going, old-timer!" Strad sighed. Then again, maybe youth isn't so great after all. With that thought, the green dragon flapped his wings, pushing off and following the dragon ahead of them to the training grounds.

Boon sailed through the air back towards where he had come from. As he flew he became astutely aware of the ringing bells and shouting from the direction of both the training camp and city itself. The threat, whatever it was, had gotten closer. It had revealed itself to the humans and they were preparing for an attack. Boon flew on asking a question, seemingly to himself; "is this your doing?" He quietly demand. He waited for a response but none was forthcoming yet he thought he had heard a quiet chuckle at the back of his mind. He shuddered, closed his eyes momentarily and began his decent into madness; the training camp know full of confused action as soldiers and other staff ran for their positions and arms...
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Back in the dinning lodge Rickets had made himself comfortable by removing his helmet and gorging himself on the remnants of breakfast. Even though there had not been a full contingent in here, there had still been plenty of hungry mouths suddenly distracted from their breakfasts. He had managed to wash most of the mud from his mouth by using water from the big jugs sat on the table and now he enjoyed bread, porridge along with some eggs and bacon. Much had clearly been touched already but he didn't care, he was from the slums, the lowest of the low and had certainly eaten worse. To him this was the best meal he had ever had and he took full advantage of it.

As he munched through his fifth sausage he heard a clanging from the kitchen quickly followed by the banging of a door and then a voice. "Wh...what are you doing in here AND in that chair!?". Rickets looked over his shoulder and saw a plump man wearing whit and carrying a whole bunch of shiny cutlery and other utensils. He looked agitated. Rickets tried to speak with a mouthful of food, "bre...k...fast" he managed to mumble whilst simultaneously eating a smiling at the same time. He looked at the man and then to his arm full of shiny things. He pointed with his knife and then looked back up at the man with a now inquisitive face. The stranger looked at him, flabbergasted, then followed Rickets gaze to his own arms and the bundle of shiny silver. "It's the kitchen...err I mean MY silverware. I AM the head cook so of course it's mine! He didn't sound entirely convinced even by his own words. "Somebody has to protect the things of value around here!" His face had turned red in embarrassment. "Anyway, I'm not the concern here, that would be you! How dare you come in here now AND sit in the High chair! That's for the leader of whatever troop is in here and you don't look like a leader!" He stared intently at Rickets clearly annoyed. Rickets could do little else but look sheepish and swallow meekly. He wiped his mouth with his tunic. The cook saw the colouring and seemed to realise something, his anger seemed to intensify, "your one of them? A dragon rider? Bah! Nothing good can come of dragons! And you riders shouldn't be in here now either! you all eat AFTER the actual soldiers. You know, the people who don't hide behind a big, slobbering beast!". He stood fuming for a few moments more but then the sounds of the bells reached his mind again. He glanced down at his prizes and realised he had more pressing concerns. He took one more look at Rickets, "Grrr... I don't have the time for this. Be sure to see yourself out, wash the dishes if you like, but don't you EVER let me catch you in here by yourself again you hear me!?" Rickets nodded quietly towards the cook who made to leave but stopped momentarily, "and for god sake clean yourself up boy, your a disgrace to all of us!" With that he stormed all the way down the length of the room but stopped at the door. Rickets watched him gingerly open the door before peeking beyond it. He then slipped rather gracefully, considering his size, through the doorway and into the caos outside as if he had done this before. Rickets watched for a few moments more thinking of the things the man had said, he looked down at the filth covering him and felt his stomach growl a little. He shrugged and returned to what he was doing, stuffing his face with food....
@Sexy McGee

"They'll accept you, man. With all of the attacks that I've seen going on up here, They could use more people like you." He said. "I'm the one who should be worried, I'm just a fisherman who found a dragon." He chuckled.

With a sigh, the Numarian Woman continued on. Her back straight and her shoulders squared as she walked further into the camp. Among her were countless dragons, huts, and riders. She ignored their gazes, iridescent eyes glistening, chin tipped upwards. There was something she wanted at the moment and it was a good drink and some really good food. Of course, Zyla thought other wise. She was ready to nap, and she was considering plucking her rider from the ground with her jaws and carry her to the closest pile of hay and nap there for the day.

Zyla sniffed, as she glanced down at her rider as she said, "Why can't we just find some place to stay for now?" Moirai scoffed, she didn't know what she was doing or where she was going. All she knew was, there was something at the heart of the camp and she was going to continue heading straight to it in hopes that whatever was there will supply her with both a room and some food. "Come now, Zyla." The way she purred her dragon's name made Zyla slightly uncomfortable. She needed to regain her dominance, she thought. @SolisNighsun

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