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1x1 with Beauty and Bittersweet symphony

After dinner, the ladies meet in the parlor while the men meet in the kings' den. Their guests had been there for a week already, causing the King and Queen to have to take their leave back to their kingdom. They'd be back just before the wedding, though, and Olivia's eldest brother was to stay and watch over her.

"I believe this was a very wise decision," The King tells Olivia's father as the servant walks around, pouring everyone a glass of alcohol.
Arianna had followed the Princess into the parlor in case she was needed. She wasn't sure if she would be need but she was there just in case. She watched the royals quietly, staying out if the way and keeping quiet.
"Your Olivia will be in exceptional hands with Cynerik," The Queen promises, smiling at the other brightly.

"We haven't done that here in years," Cynerik's father laughs, sipping his glass. After a few hours of drinking, everyone in the room in the room is smashed. The talking is loud, almost to the volume of taking, and when one person laughs, everyone elses laughs even louder. No one puts a restriction on the amount that's allowed to be drunk... Until the queen comes in.

"That's quite enough, I think it's about time to go to your quarters. Everyone else is already in bed and you're down here waking us all up. Go."
Arianna walkes into her room and went to her closet to change into her nightgown to get ready for bed. Then she planned to read a little bit before going to bed. He r lashes were beginning to hurt again, vut but enough for her to sa anything about it.
Cynerik stumbles upstairs, hanging onto the wall as he goes. He figured he had no reason to monitor his drinking, so hos consequences were becoming completely hammered. His feet trip him up, causing a little stumble in his step which ended up in almost face planting.

Cynerik loudly curses, the sound echoing down the hall as he straightens up the best he can. Instead of going into his room, though, he goes straight over to Olivia's.
Arianna got changed and rushed her hair, before going to her bed and crawling in, grabbing her book. he winced softl as she heard Cynerik's cursing. She leaned back very carefully against her headboard, and began to read again.
Cynerik lifts his hand to open Olivia's door then lets it drop. He doesn't want her, he wants Ariana. His Ariana. Turning around he makes his way to his loves' room, throwing the door open.
Arianna jumped in complete surprise as Cynerik threw her door open."Cynerik!"She said, a bit hused as she closed her book after marking he r page. He was drunk. She could tell that much."Cynerik, you're drunk."Se said softly as she looked at him.
"No, shhsh I'm not," Cynerik loudly whispers, still slurring his speech. He starts to strip his clothes off clumsily, getting his jacket stuck over his head.
Arianna got up quickly as Ge started undressing, quickly closing the door."Cynerik! You are drunk. You are wasted."She said as she looked at him, shaking her head softly.
((Sorry, I didn't even get the notification. I've been waiting for your response lol))

Cynerik finally wrestles out of his jacket, falling over onto Ariana's bed with his pants at his knees. Too drunk to get back up or move so his whole body is on the bed, he simply pats his chest for her to come join her.
Arianna shook her head softly as she walked over to him."Cynerik.....you're drunk....."She said softly as she climbed onto the bed beside him. She wished he wasn't drunk. But he was. And she had to deal. oth it.

((I was at my riding lessons, sorry))
Arianna nuzzled into his neck softl ly as she she lied on top of him, looKing down at him."You're gonna have such a bad hangover tomorrow Cynerik....."She said softly.
Arianna sighed softly ss he passed out. She got off him, and managed to get him positioned on her bed, before she crawled under the bed to go to sleep.
Cynerik woke up to vigorous knocking on the door, groaning and covering his eyes. "Go away," He croaks, rolling his head to the side with his arm covering his eyes.
Arianna woke to the knocking amd shook Cynerik."Cynerik! Get up! You're not in your room. You're in mine!"She said a bit hused as she shook him again.
Cynerik groans, swatting at Ariana slightly. "Go away, I'm sleeping!" He calls out without looking.

"Cynerik!" Olivia cries, throwing the door open to see him naked in her servants' bed. "Cynerik!"
"You're Majesty! Get up!"She said as she shook him more, looking over at the Princess."He stumbled in drunk laSt night and passed out. I couldn't wake him up again."She said quickly, hoping the Princess would believe her.
Olivia stands with tear filled eyes as she watches. Of course she believed the servant, the princess heard them all last night and her brothers were hungover to no end. She comes into the room, smacking the Prince repeatedly while chanting, "Get up get up get up!!"
"Your Majesty please!"She said as she pushed Cynerik slightly on the shoulder."Prince Cynerik, GET UP!"She called as she looked down at him."I think he thought it was his room...."
"For Christ's sake," Cynerik groans, pulling himself and looming over Olivia in all of his drunkenly naked glory. "When did I take my clothes off?"

"Last night after you barged into my servants room ," Olivia tells him, her face red with anger.
Arianna let out a breath of relief as Cynerik got up, though she hoped he wouldn't slip up in any way. She didn't need the Princess to find out about them. As she let out a soft sigh, she didn't want to really say anything else as she watched Cynerik and Olivia quietly. She didn't want to hey in trouble.
"Everything is obviously okay, dear. Ariana wouldn't let me touch her," Cynerik reassures Olivia, sliding his hands along her jaw into her hair.

"It is not okay!" The princess snaps, slapping his hands down from where they touch her.

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