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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Alice smiled as Rueben took off after Emerald. All she could think of was blood, blood, blood. She was remember how it tasted so sweet when she would lick it off her sword after she killed someone. How she felt as if she could actual hear the blood pumping through her victims body before she went in for the kill. That part was surely all in her head though, considering how that just couldn't be possible. But her love for blood was real. After all she named her dragon after the colour of it. (Rueben can be different, more masculine name for Ruby. I would have named him Ruby, but then I remembered someone was actually named that already.) To her blood was just so beautiful. How could something so beautiful stay contained like that? Sure, it kept people alive, but it was much less beautiful on the inside. With every kill she did, she was killing someone, but she was also freeing a beauty from its trap. Not matter if she burned their skin off or stabbed them with her blade, blood was sure to flow. And thinking of how she would be able to see the blood of Ruby and Diana excited her so much. And Emerald, oh how she wished to see the blood flow from that dragon of theirs. She wouldn't kill them though, only make them bleed. Nevertheless, the prospect of seeing blood still excited her to the point that she almost couldn't keep it contained.
Zaphkiel started to twitch and worry. His sister was in serious danger but he couldn't ruin her secret. He was wishing Dante would hurry but didn't want to ruin his training. His foot was tapping as he was so compelled to go

Morpheus sat on the school, facing the mountain. He could feel, and share, Zaphkiel's discomfort and wanted to also go. But he knew damn sure he couldn't. He tapped his fingers on the roof and waited. If it got to bad and Zaphkiel didn't make it he had no choice
DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel could hear their thoughts. "Ahhh that's a nice tactic. So for Tony, his outer shell of his boulder will have the elements combine and become thicker every 5 minutes. In an hour it will be diamond. Enjoy that Tony" He closed his eyes and got more comfortable on the rock he was on. "Time is really flying isn't it? It's been about 3 minutes"
She smiled and nodded. "Lets go back to your place!" Then slapped her hand on her mouth, her eyes wide with horror and fear. She stampered and stumbled on her words. "No! No.. I.... mean I didnt.... mean it like that! I meant like relax and hang out at your dorm! But not- oh my god I'm so bad at this" She looked down sadly then back up to him. "Let's just go before I ruin it more. Lead the way?"
Ash turns to walk to his dorm. "I know what you meant. Let's go." Even if she meant to say the other. He wouldn't do it.

Ameythyst said:
Alice smiled as Rueben took off after Emerald. All she could think of was blood, blood, blood. She was remember how it tasted so sweet when she would lick it off her sword after she killed someone. How she felt as if she could actual hear the blood pumping through her victims body before she went in for the kill. That part was surely all in her head though, considering how that just couldn't be possible. But her love for blood was real. After all she named her dragon after the colour of it. (Rueben can be different, more masculine name for Ruby. I would have named him Ruby, but then I remembered someone was actually named that already.) To her blood was just so beautiful. How could something so beautiful stay contained like that? Sure, it kept people alive, but it was much less beautiful on the inside. With every kill she did, she was killing someone, but she was also freeing a beauty from its trap. Not matter if she burned their skin off or stabbed them with her blade, blood was sure to flow. And thinking of how she would be able to see the blood of Ruby and Diana excited her so much. And Emerald, oh how she wished to see the blood flow from that dragon of theirs. She wouldn't kill them though, only make them bleed. Nevertheless, the prospect of seeing blood still excited her to the point that she almost couldn't keep it contained.
( (:'() )

Ruby waved at her as she flew in. "So we're going to spar on this mountain okay? When you're ready!"

Diana stays close to Emerald whom stands beside Ruby.

Sapphire on the other hand was extremely tempted to take over and get the three of them out of here.
"If you could that would be great!" He was getting beyond nervous that Puriel started to fluster

Isabella walked faster and caught up to him "What's it like in there? Do you have a couch?"
"Alright you asked for it!" Dante yelled back. He also told his beast, "hey the guy on top of my rock wants to speed up you think you can!?" The beast replies,"I thought you'd never ask!" And with that Dante put all the strength he could into his legs and they sped off even faster.
Alice was smiling from ear to ear now, trying to keep herself from jumping for joy. She would be seeing that sweet, sweet blood of theirs soon enough. She could feel Rueben's excitement too, he was eager to begin. "Oh, I am so ready for this," She replied, thinking of what her first move should be. Rueben just couldn't contain himself. He had been trapped in the room for far longer than any other dragon, watching as everything around him came and left. Now that he was out all he wanted to do was fight, and release all that pent up tension he had trapped inside him for so long. He lunged towards Emerald, his claws aiming right for his neck. Alice watched as her dragon launched himself, and was unable to contain herself anymore. She drew her sword from its halter and closed the distance between herself and Ruby, moving so fast it was like she has teleported herself there. She didn't aim for her front side though, instead she went past her a bit, then turned back around and aimed for her back.
He felt relieved. They were only a good 10 miles away now. He felt like season one of dbz right now. "Come on come on." He mumbled. The rock was at about 2 tons now

Morpheus was biting his nails. How would explain this to the wife?
DizjayDeathPride said:
"If you could that would be great!" He was getting beyond nervous that Puriel started to fluster
Isabella walked faster and caught up to him "What's it like in there? Do you have a couch?"
"Yeah but mostly just basic things." Ash opens the door to his dorm. It was almost bland but to Ash it felt like home.

Ameythyst said:
Alice was smiling from ear to ear now, trying to keep herself from jumping for joy. She would be seeing that sweet, sweet blood of theirs soon enough. She could feel Rueben's excitement too, he was eager to begin. "Oh, I am so ready for this," She replied, thinking of what her first move should be. Rueben just couldn't contain himself. He had been trapped in the room for far longer than any other dragon, watching as everything around him came and left. Now that he was out all he wanted to do was fight, and release all that pent up tension he had trapped inside him for so long. He lunged towards Emerald, his claws aiming right for his neck. Alice watched as her dragon launched himself, and was unable to contain herself anymore. She drew her sword from its halter and closed the distance between herself and Ruby, moving so fast it was like she has teleported herself there. She didn't aim for her front side though, instead she went past her a bit, then turned back around and aimed for her back.
Diana had previously left the fighting area. Ruby and Emerald have their eyes closed while they communicate in the contract scape. It seemed like everything was going in slow motion as they remained clam. Emerald opens his eyes and rushes towards Rueben. Before they collide, Emerald shrinks down to his smaller form and flies under Rueben. His tail harmlessly touches Rueben's underbelly. Mostly to test how hard his scales were. Emerald flies from underneath him and back into the air. Growing back to her regular size, ready to put his training with Ruby to use.

Ruby has a wave of crystals rise up out of the ground and move towards Alice. Ready to skewer her. Ruby didn't know Alice was fighting with the intent to harm her badly, so she expected Alice to think of this as just sparring and not an actual threat. Ruby uses the crystals diversion to prepare herself. It seemed like she was fast. Ruby starts having crystals rise around her.
She looked around and sat on the bed. "You're not much of a talker are you Ash?"

He was growing anxious. She was so.... innocent! He yelled in his mind knowing it would reach Sapphire. They weren't too far away. "FUCKING DO SOMETHING! YOU SAY YOU CARE AND WANT TO PROTECT HER WELL FUCKING ACT LIKE IT!"

Morpheus was taken aback. He had never heard his son yell. Ever. That was shocking
Rueben had felt genuine surprise when Emerald shrank down and realised just how careless he was in his attack. He needed to slow down and think before he attacked or they were sure to lose. He flattened himself against the ground, and tensed his hind legs muscles up in case he had to bounce, but otherwise remained still, letting Emerald make the first move this time.

As soon as Alice saw the crystal shield Ruby had built around herself, she immediately moved farther away from her. She was trying to keep her mind clear in order to fight, but all she could think about was blood. She was being too rash, too impulsive, but she couldn't help it. Now, not only did she want to see Ruby's blood, she wanted to taste it. Never had she felt felt such bloodlust, and blamed it on the fact that unlike her previous victims, Ruby wasn't human, which meant her blood would be so much better. Alice realised that the only way to get to Ruby was from above, since she couldn't penetrate her crystal shield.
Alice's bloodlust was stirring Angelica. She didn't know who it was of course. But she was so drawn to it. It was do... desireable. So delicious. She wanted to join her, to taste the blood of her victim with her. To lick it off of her. She was biting her lip so hard as her eyes fluttered she began to bleed and loved the taste. She couldn't contain herself and took Eric.

Brooke, however, didn't have that luxury. She didn't have an Eric. So she was lured. So... eager! She was driven by Alice's lust. It was flooding into her, heightening her. Pushing her. She extended her wings and left Charles in the room to sleep as she slowly flew over to where this lust was coming from. She wanted to please it so badly. She wanted to be pleasured and satisfied by it. Every part of her begged to find this mind and join her. And she would. It was so powerful she couldn't contain herself

Morpheus groaned as he could feel Angelica and Brooke's minds. "Like mother like fucking daughter. Zaphkiel Come on!"

Zaphkiel was taken aback by this. Alice was drawing the daughter of madness AND death. That isn't good. That definitely isn't good. He didn't know if he could stop two blood thirsty women. He was kind of thankful Dante was there but fearful that he may join them
DizjayDeathPride said:
She looked around and sat on the bed. "You're not much of a talker are you Ash?"
He was growing anxious. She was so.... innocent! He yelled in his mind knowing it would reach Sapphire. They weren't too far away. "FUCKING DO SOMETHING! YOU SAY YOU CARE AND WANT TO PROTECT HER WELL FUCKING ACT LIKE IT!"

Morpheus was taken aback. He had never heard his son yell. Ever. That was shocking
"I talk when I need to. I don't go out of my way to though." Ash sits down at a desk.

Sapphire hears this and responds. Seemingly angry. "I've been trying! Ruby keeps cutting me out! I've been trying to tell her this is dangerous and I've told her before this fight started. She won't listen to me! She assumes Alice isn't a bad person! If I take over now it'll violate our contract! Emerald should have noticed but he's not the type to say anything until he's sure. I'll try harder though!"

Ameythyst said:
Rueben had felt genuine surprise when Emerald shrank down and realised just how careless he was in his attack. He needed to slow down and think before he attacked or they were sure to lose. He flattened himself against the ground, and tensed his hind legs muscles up in case he had to bounce, but otherwise remained still, letting Emerald make the first move this time.

As soon as Alice saw the crystal shield Ruby had built around herself, she immediately moved farther away from her. She was trying to keep her mind clear in order to fight, but all she could think about was blood. She was being too rash, too impulsive, but she couldn't help it. Now, not only did she want to see Ruby's blood, she wanted to taste it. Never had she felt felt such bloodlust, and blamed it on the fact that unlike her previous victims, Ruby wasn't human, which meant her blood would be so much better. Alice realised that the only way to get to Ruby was from above, since she couldn't penetrate her crystal shield.

Ruby raises her arms and the crystals that rose around her shatter into small fragments and float into the air. They clump together and shoot outward, flying in every direction. A cracked one flies towards Emerald. He spins and slams his tail into it. Making it break into fragments one again. He flaps his wings which makes the fragments fly towards Rueben along with his piercing wind. They hit the trees while they fly towards Rueben. The crystals pierce through them while the wind starts cutting things apart going straight for the dragon.

Ruby shudders when Sapphire yells at her in her head. Trying to get her out of there and warn her of the threat.
"Please! I'll do anything, say anything! What do you want? I trust you completely okay?! Just don't let my sister die!"

Brooke was getting close, and losing herself in the madness more and more. She couldn't contain herself. Her mind was flooded with so much desire! She could just imagine the taste of whoever's blood flowing on her tongue. The way it would be so smooth down her throat. She imaged some girl covered in it. She wanted to taste it so bad. She thought Telieos aroused her but this was a whole new level. This was... pure. This is the goddess she was meant to be
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Please! I'll do anything, say anything! What do you want? I trust you completely okay?! Just don't let my sister die!"
Brooke was getting close, and losing herself in the madness more and more. She couldn't contain herself. Her mind was flooded with so much desire! She could just imagine the taste of whoever's blood flowing on her tongue. The way it would be so smooth down her throat. She imaged some girl covered in it. She wanted to taste it so bad. She thought Telieos aroused her but this was a whole new level. This was... pure. This is the goddess she was meant to be
"I won't! I'm starting to get through to her. As soon as she notices she's a real threat the contract will enable me to either pilot them out of there. Or assist her in battle without a care about the secret. Until then I'll make sure she stays safe in this battle. Ruby seems to be keeping herself in a good situation so far in this fight. The most I can do now is keep Emerald and Ruby's mental link strong and help her powers flow more easily. Her training wasn't for nothing after all. I'm also convinced Diana is a stone.... It could help Ruby out a lot in this battle."
Rueben was a much bigger dragon than Emerald is, which means he is much slower than him, too slow to avoid the crystals. But the good part was the his tail was large, and his scales there were much harder than the one on his neck and face. He swung his tail in front of him, and all the crystals that hit is harmlessly ricocheted off. He communicated with Alice in the contract realm, and warned her before he swung his tail back into place. Rueben opened his mouth and completely set the air around him on fire, moving his mouth from side to side, making sure nothing in front of him was left untouched.

Alice had already formed a shield around herself to protect her from the crystals, when Rueben had told her of his plan. Thoughts of blood flooded her mind over and over. How would Ruby's blood taste? She was sure it would be delicious, and unlike anything she's tried before. All she could think was of how it would flow from every wound on her body, how it would stain the ground around her that beautiful scarlet colour she loved oh so much. And her dragon. What colour would his blood even be? What colour? Alice licked her lips in anticipation of what wonders she would see when she let down that shield of hers.
Zaphkiel sighed in relief. He was so thankful he didn't notice he left his mind opened as he was slightly smiling at Sapphire, thinking to himself. She's alright. I guess I- But he realized and quickly closed his mind "We're almost there Dante!"

"Oh that's cool I understand. So... sentient mana. Wizards and stuff use mana right? And mana is for spells. So... theoretically.... your powers are spells, yes? Could you.. teach me?"

Zaphkiel nodded. He could see Alice's dragon now. They were almost there. "You're at 5 tons nothing fancy. I'm shocked you're still holding it. And the T-Rex is biting into solid platinum"
Before heading to watch the Beast Taming, Horus had explored a little more, outside of the building in the school grounds. It didn't take long before got bored and decided to head inside, heading to the Beast Taming class to watch the training; he would get to know his fellow students better, he thought, by watching them fight.
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel sighed in relief. He was so thankful he didn't notice he left his mind opened as he was slightly smiling at Sapphire, thinking to himself. She's alright. I guess I- But he realized and quickly closed his mind "We're almost there Dante!"
"Oh that's cool I understand. So... sentient mana. Wizards and stuff use mana right? And mana is for spells. So... theoretically.... your powers are spells, yes? Could you.. teach me?"

Sapphire hears his comment and is confused once again like she was on the mountain. She didn't understand. The one male whom told her what most other males were like obviously didn't trust her but suddenly thinks of her as alright. She decides to put her focus back on Ruby.

"No I can't teach you. Magic just comes to you when you're born with it. But I can't enter others and grant them power. I haven't been able to do it though."

Ameythyst said:
Rueben was a much bigger dragon than Emerald is, which means he is much slower than him, too slow to avoid the crystals. But the good part was the his tail was large, and his scales there were much harder than the one on his neck and face. He swung his tail in front of him, and all the crystals that hit is harmlessly ricocheted off. He communicated with Alice in the contract realm, and warned her before he swung his tail back into place. Rueben opened his mouth and completely set the air around him on fire, moving his mouth from side to side, making sure nothing in front of him was left untouched.
Alice had already formed a shield around herself to protect her from the crystals, when Rueben had told her of his plan. Thoughts of blood flooded her mind over and over. How would Ruby's blood taste? She was sure it would be delicious, and unlike anything she's tried before. All she could think was of how it would flow from every wound on her body, how it would stain the ground around her that beautiful scarlet colour she loved oh so much. And her dragon. What colour would his blood even be? What colour? Alice licked her lips in anticipation of what wonders she would see when she let down that shield of hers.
Ruby was already on the move now that Alice had put her shield up. She has crystals rise up around her shield. Pointing at it in an attempt to trap her. Ruby has several crystals float around herself. Ready to defend if Alice jumped up. She notices Zaphkiel and Dante arriving.

Emerald has being surrounded by flames. It was extremely hot, even if he was a Dragon. He was more of the wind element. Emerald closes his eyes and positions his draconic hands in front of him as if he were holding a ball. He starts to have air build up in it. Intentionally making it unstable. It suddenly bursts and blows the flames away from him. Giving him the chance to retreat to a closer distance with Ruby.


Baconhands said:
Before heading to the 'tournament', Horus had explored a little more, outside of the building in the school grounds. It didn't take long before got bored and decided to head inside, heading to the Beast Taming class to watch the tournament; he would get to know his fellow students better, he thought, by watching them fight.
( The tournament starts tomorrow at the usual school time. Right now students are training and Alice and Ruby are fighting. Alice wants to cut Ruby open and taste her blood. Ruby just thinks this is a normal spar. )
Dante was eager to hear that zaphkiel could see someone, he quickly raced to the top of the mountain to see Alice and two girls he had never met fighting. As soon as they reached the top Dante lifted the rock he had been carrying and smashed it to pieces on the ground. While his beast crushed the mass of platinum flat and spat it onto the ground. "Wow that's a load off. Although it was a good warmup. What did you think of it" Dante said looking at his beast,"I rather liked it, it was a good test of my strength." "I'm glad you thought so as well. So what's next Zaphkiel?"
Baconhands said:
(In that case, change 'tournament' to training. ON MY WAY TO EDIT IT!)
( They're training all the way up in the mountains. )

( If you want to make the long journey. Go for it. )

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