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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

(You should have @AtlasTheShapeless ) Fahy smiled "I will name you somnus. Let's go to my room, you can sleep there." Fahy stood up and left the forest nodding thanks to Rikka as he left making it slowly to his room where he lays down and his new contract lays on top of him quickly falling asleep with Fahy.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
"Nothing..." Carter said , looking up at him. "Im sorry...but I have to go..." He run off.
(I wanted to put a Doctor who reference here...but...nahh...)
(Bruh im a 110% Whovian do it dont be afraid)
Light said:
Ash shrugs his shoulders and continues to walk down the hall. "Some people just don't want to talk." He mumbles to himself.
Isabella had long finished her training and was walking the halls, holding Levi in his bowl. She saw Ash down the hall but was honestly terrified he didn't like her. She really wanted to talk to him though. Her contract scoffed in her head and told her to stop being so weak so she nodded and walked up to Ash. "Hey um.. Ash... are you busy? I don't want to interrupt you again"
Ameythyst said:
"Should we leave and find somewhere else to go?" Rueben asked. He hadn't been with Alice very long but he already knew that wanted to be away from others. Alice sincerely debated this, before deciding that they would stay. She had remembered that Ruby seemed quite skilled last time, which meant she would be a good sparing partner. And after seeing the rose and what it reminded her of, she itched to see it flow out of the people in front of her. "No, we'll stay," She said to Rueben in her head before turning to those in front of her.
"What is it that you want? We'll hear you out."
( Uuuuhhhhh...... )

"Well I've been training on this mountain for a while now. It seems like you were on your way there as well. So I was wondering if you'd like to train with us. My name is Ruby." She points at Diana. "This is Diana." She then points to Emerald. "This is Emerald. I can show you the good spots around the mountain. Diana here is skilled in healing and bringing back your energy. Would you like to join us?"

AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter eventually finds Alice after a (long) search. "So...Alice...did you liked the rose?" He asked when he was closer.
( Alice is in the sky on her dragon's back. I don't know how that works..... )
(Bruh. I'm literally thousands of feet in the air, riding a dragon, and I want to see the blood flow out of someone. Not sure you'd be able to find me, nor be asking me about a rose. Not trying to be rude, simply realistic.)
Reed scratched his head. "Look I understand that this looks bad but I don't want to force you into anything. I want to have a bond with you and completely trust you. I want us to have a symbiotic relationship. I don't know how you want me to change the terms but fine. We will trust and respect each other whether it be on the battlefield or off. You have your freedom to do what you want in your spare time. We won't only be friends but also buddies who can depend on each other. If this doesn't meet your standards then I understand." He was growing slightly impatient but didn't show it and didn't quite know how to word it any better.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Isabella had long finished her training and was walking the halls, holding Levi in his bowl. She saw Ash down the hall but was honestly terrified he didn't like her. She really wanted to talk to him though. Her contract scoffed in her head and told her to stop being so weak so she nodded and walked up to Ash. "Hey um.. Ash... are you busy? I don't want to interrupt you again"
Ash looks over at Isabella. "Not really. I don't have much at all to do. It's fine."

Tazmodo said:
Reed scratched his head. "Look I understand that this looks bad but I don't want to force you into anything. I want to have a bond with you and completely trust you. I want us to have a symbiotic relationship. I don't know how you want me to change the terms but fine. We will trust and respect each other whether it be on the battlefield or off. You have your freedom to do what you want in your spare time. We won't only be friends but also buddies who can depend on each other. If this doesn't meet your standards then I understand." He was growing slightly impatient but didn't show it and didn't quite know how to word it any better.
"I demand the same but with the addition of not calling me for useless reasons. I accept your new terms."
Dante smiled gleefully," thank you this'll make things a lot more interesting." He then looks to his beast and nods,"let's go!" And with that zaphkiel at the top of the Boulder acting as guide Dante and his beast began running.
Reed sighed in relief. "Why would I do such a thing. Now for your name....... Adalinda. It's Old High German name composed of the elements adal "noble" and lind "serpent, snake," hence "noble serpent.". I decided it because of you appearance it suits you. Now we should go train for the tournament tomorrow we need to be in complete sync."
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She let out a sigh of relief that was easily noticable. "Thats good. I was so worried! Let's hang out again. But maybe something more simplistic than ice cream. Oh I'm so rude! This little guy here is Levi! He's my new contract. Kind of a grumpy but it's okay" Levi slapped one of his tentacles down in the water, splashing it

Zaphkiel laid back and spoke in his contract's mind. "Is this peaceful for you?" The dragon was sitting on his chest and pecked it. He chuckled. "Guess that's a yes" "Clock is ticking Dante. It's been a minute" The boulder got slightly heavier. As they got closer he could more accurately pinpoint Alice. With Ruby it seemed. And her intentions. He was worried a bit but this would be a good time to test her abilities so he said nothing
Alice said to Rueben,"I'd like to go. I haven't had a single good fight since I got here, and I'm itching to see some blood." Rueben was slightly surprised that someone who has such an obviously thirst for blood hasn't beat someone half to death yet. He would have fought every other dragon while he was in the beast room, maybe even have killed one, if it wasn't for Rikka. Now that he was out and had this other dragon in front of him, he realised just how much he wanted a good fight. "I don't mind." Alice smiled and turned to Ruby, "I'd love to have a fight with you. You better make it worth my while though." All she could think of now was how she would get those girls bleeding. She wanted to see the blood pour out of their bloods, like birds escaping a cage.

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Tazmodo said:
Reed sighed in relief. "Why would I do such a thing. Now for your name....... Attor. It's old English for poison and venom. I decided it because of you appearance it suits you. Now we should go train for the tournament tomorrow we need to be in complete sync."
( Anglo-Saxxon* )

The Dragon nods her head in response. ( You control it now. )

DizjayDeathPride said:
She let out a sigh of relief that was easily noticable. "Thats good. I was so worried! Let's hang out again. But maybe something more simplistic than ice cream. Oh I'm so rude! This little guy here is Levi! He's my new contract. Kind of a grumpy but it's okay" Levi slapped one of his tentacles down in the water, splashing it
Zaphkiel laid back and spoke in his contract's mind. "Is this peaceful for you?" The dragon was sitting on his chest and pecked it. He chuckled. "Guess that's a yes" "Clock is ticking Dante. It's been a minute" The boulder got slightly heavier. As they got closer he could more accurately pinpoint Alice. With Ruby it seemed. And her intentions. He was worried a bit but this would be a good time to test her abilities so he said nothing
Ash waves towards Levi. "Hi there, I'm Ash. Hope we can get along." Ash looks back to Isabella. "Sounds like a good idea."

Ameythyst said:
Alice said to Rueben,"I'd like to go. I haven't had a single good fight since I got here, and I'm itching to see some blood." Rueben was slightly surprised that someone who has such an obviously thirst for blood hasn't beat someone half to death yet. He would have fought every other dragon while he was in the beast room, maybe even have killed one, if it wasn't for Rikka. Now that he was out and had this other dragon in front of him, he realised just how much he wanted a good fight. "I don't mind." Alice smiled and turned to Ruby, "I'd love to have a fight with you. You better make it worth my while though." All she could think of now was how she would get those girls bleeding. She wanted to see the blood pour out of their bloods, like birds escaping a cage.
Ruby nods her head and grins. "Just follow me!" Emerald turns to the mountain and flies over to a part of it. Not exactly the peak though. Just a forested area. Emerald lands and waits for Rueben. Both Ruby and Diana get off of his back.

Sapphire starts to stir within Ruby. Sapphire wouldn't calm down, she was on edge. "I don't trust her Ruby. I can sense the evil intent. Seeing that I'm made out of it. Keep up your guard, I don't know what she's planning. Also I'd like to test something out with Diana later. I've come to the conclusion that she could be a stone."

Ruby looks back at Diana for a short second while she waits. She couldn't believe this but Sapphire never proved her wrong so far. "I don't have time to focus on that right now. Can we talk about this later?"
Dante could feel the Boulder getting heavier and heavier as time went on, he could only smile as it added more weight.
Tazmodo said:
(To questions 1. What's anglo-Saxxon? 2. It's a she?) @Light
( Next time you try to use a word later that. Actually learn what it comes from instead of making a not so accurate guess. Yes she's a she. Do you have a problem with her being she? )
Isabella looked beyond happy. She nodded quickly. Someone finally talked to her twice! She almost couldn't contain her joy. But Sitri started to stir. As if he were being drawn to Ash. It was almost the same feeling when she had to first grab his stone, how badly he wanted it. But she let it go. "Where should we go?"

Zaphkiel whistled. "We're at a solid ton now. You better hurry. If you get crushed I'll let my father turn you into a toy. And you don't want that do you?" He teased. He decided to cut the time down to every 30 seconds now
(For one chill the website said that's what it was. Also I don't have a problem with it being female I just need to change the name)
Dante says to his beast through telepathy," hey as we run try and crush your Boulder as much as you can to strengthen your bite." The beast nods and says,"will do!"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Isabella looked beyond happy. She nodded quickly. Someone finally talked to her twice! She almost couldn't contain her joy. But Sitri started to stir. As if he were being drawn to Ash. It was almost the same feeling when she had to first grab his stone, how badly he wanted it. But she let it go. "Where should we go?"
Zaphkiel whistled. "We're at a solid ton now. You better hurry. If you get crushed I'll let my father turn you into a toy. And you don't want that do you?" He teased. He decided to cut the time down to every 30 seconds now
Ash shrugs his shoulders. "I wouldn't know. Maybe..... just relax or something. We don't need to go out to have fun."
Zaphkiel could hear their thoughts. "Ahhh that's a nice tactic. So for Tony, his outer shell of his boulder will have the elements combine and become thicker every 5 minutes. In an hour it will be diamond. Enjoy that Tony" He closed his eyes and got more comfortable on the rock he was on. "Time is really flying isn't it? It's been about 3 minutes"

She smiled and nodded. "Lets go back to your place!" Then slapped her hand on her mouth, her eyes wide with horror and fear. She stampered and stumbled on her words. "No! No.. I.... mean I didnt.... mean it like that! I meant like relax and hang out at your dorm! But not- oh my god I'm so bad at this" She looked down sadly then back up to him. "Let's just go before I ruin it more. Lead the way?"

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