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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

All Alice could feel was pain and panic. Her head felt as if someone was taking a hammer, no a jackhammer to it. She was sweating and her body felt both insanely hot and cold at the same time. Everything in her body hurt. She felt as if she was dying. Perhaps she was. Or maybe she was going insane.

Another flash went through her head. A man was holding her, shushing her. A sound echoed through the house and the man told her to hid under the bed. She obeyed, and a minute later a scream sounded through out the house. She was crying, trying to keep silent, the foot steps getting closer. And then a man, smiling at her with blood dripping from his mouth. He pulled her out and then trapped her in a room upstairs, passing the body of the man who told her to hide along the way. He was dead. Next thing she knows there is fire.


She was sobbing now, sending huge bursts of ashes everywhere.
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head again, causing her mind to ease a bit "That sounds pretty fun. I'm curious to see the result"

She held Chester up to him. "Would you let Chest bite your finger knowing he could bite it off? For me?" Her voice was serious but she thought in the turtles mind, giving him a specific order on what to do if Reed went through with it
Carter protected his eyes with his arm, slowly moving forward, getting closer to the shield, standing right in-front of it, trying to find a way to get past it.
"Well it's done." She looked at the device. She pressed a button and it fired a steaming hot pancake. "Sweet." She flipped a switch and it shot a waffle instead. "It's an endless breakfast maker. Sweet." She turned around and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

Reed put his whole hand out in front of the turtle. "Is that even a question. I like the name by the way."
Alice had no control of her emotions anymore, or her powers. Each sob sent a random burst of ashes in a random direction. She felt as if she was suffocating, her heart beat out of control.
Dante just remembered he could do something but it would come at a cost, " Wait Carter I have an idea.( I can't believe I'm doing this, but here goes nothing)." Dante thought to himself. He walked up to Alice and forced his hand through the shield of ashes burning it in the process. He grabbed both of her hands and used his pain removal ability to take Alice's pain and put it on himself.
Alice's emotions were going out of control when suddenly, she feels her mind go blank, her heart beat slows, her breathing return to normal, and her ashes vanish into thin air. And as everything is clearing up, Alice passes out.
Baconhands said:
Fenrir would have smiled to himself, Oh the irony, my dear. He lowered his head and his jaws locked around her neck, his fangs cutting into her skin. He only wanted a taste, at first, so he did not take a lethal bite. @Light
Diana was a pacifist, she didn't want to fight. She just wanted to help people. So she couldn't harm this wolf. She bites her lip in pain as her eyes start to water. It didn't feel so nice to have his jaws around her neck. "Please..... stop."

Ruby came back from the mountain early. She needed to grab some things from her dorm to prepare, she was going to stay up on the very peak of the mountain to train her body, endurance, and teamwork. She notices Fenrir on top of Diana and her eyes widen. "Emerald! Just like we've practiced!" Ruby and Emerald swing their right arm. Crystals combine with the air slash Emerald creates. They slam into Fenrir. Ruby runs up to Diana and pulls her away. "Are you okay?"

Diana nods her head and uses restoration magic to heal her wounds. Ruby runs to her dorm with Diana.

DizjayDeathPride said:
She smiled and hopped up. "I can do that! And I want you to protect me and fight with me and be my friend and.. and everything you've learned I want to know. You seem really wise" When she was done the beast shrank down to a normal turtle size. She picked him up. "I'm gonna call you Chester" She walked out holding Chester and saw Reed. "Oh. Hi" She kept walking, her head down
She nodded, ready. Charles hopped in her lap and started to sleep as she petted him

"Oh... I'm sorry nevermind then. Well if you're okay then I guess I'll go. Sorry" She smiled slightly and turned and walked out

Ash sighs. "Wait! I'll go." He couldn't believe he was doing this. He was supposed to be studying.

Blake presses play. (Gonna act it out.)

Alexandra approaches the factory with the other three. Katie immediately touches the door, ready to absorb all the electricity inside to turn off the lights once they were ready. Alexandra looks at the others and nods her head. "Operation Break in... three, two." Katie shuts the lights in the factory off while Alexandra kicks the door down. Blue notches an arrow and has a blinding light shine from his arrow while Katie has winds blow into the doorway. Making whomever would look at the doors eyes water and blind them. Gavon uses a spell to allow them all to see through the darkness and the blinding light. While Alexandra uses her voice to control those inside. She had a special enchantment in her voice. "All those inside! Drop your weapons!" Since she could see them due to Gavon's spell. Many Cyclops we're seen working molten ore in the factory to make armour and weapons.

The four rush in silently and close the door behind them. Immediately splitting up, the glow of the ore gave off some faint light. Once they all got into position, Blue fires an arrow into the ceiling which illuminates the room. A Cyclops right beside Gavon swings at him. Blue fires four arrows which land in a square formation on the wall behind Gavon. Gavon throws his blade into the portal these arrows form after he rolls out the way. Blue then fires an arrow into the back of the Cyclops neck and the sword appears there. Gavon runs into the portal and appears there as well. Flying through the air due to his remaining speed from running. Gavon grabs his sword and pulls, ripping it's head off.

Katie's sword breaks into several different pieces. She has the winds blow these fragments around a Cyclops like a tornado. Katie grins as she uses her rare ability to turn into electricity. She runs into the metal pieces and conducts throughout them all. Forming an electric tornado and tears the Cyclops apart. Her sword pieces back together afterwards. Katie looks at Blue and laughs at him. "Yo! Blue, you shitting your pants over there?"

Blue was in close range with a Cyclops. He didn't care for long distance archery. "Oh definitely! You want to take them off and check?" He fires two arrows at the Cyclops feet. Which turn into voids and absorbs its feet. Blue then fires an explosive arrow on the floor. The Cyclops falls on the arrow with its head. It blows up on contact. "Katie you won't believe me when I say this." Blue and Katie stopped fighting and started talking. "But Gavon was actually flirting with the girl who gave us the Dragon!" Blue can hear a Cyclops coming from behind. He doesn't even look as. He fires a quad shot which flies in the formation of a square and makes a portal. Blue then fires another arrow at the ceiling and the Cyclops appears there and starts falling.

Alexandra was using her daggers to fight Cyclops around her. She spun around in time to cut the head off of the Cyclops falling from the ceiling head first before it hit the ground. One Cyclops throws a punch at her. She moves out the way and slices its hand off. She then turns around and stabs her dagger in to the back of another cyclops knee. The one from before throws another punch and Alexandra moves out the way. She runs behind the one she's just stabbed and towards a wall. The one handed Cyclops ends up punching the others knee, making the dagger fly out while Alexandra kicks off a wall and turns around, catching it. She lands on the Cyclops as it drops to one knee and stabs her dagger into its invertebrate. She taunts the other and makes it throw another punch at her. She ducks and it punches off the head of the Cyclops she's on. She jumps up and throws her dagger at the side of its head which collides with an arrow that Blue has just fired. Causing it to explode since it was an explosive arrow.

The other Cyclops grow angry and start tipping over the buckets of ore. Alexandra calls out to the others. "Get up on high ground! Get on to the platforms above!" Katie flies by and grabs Alexandra, flying her up there. Blue fires an explosive arrow into the ground and sets a metal plate on top. He runs up to it and stomps on the plate, causing the arrow to explode and sent him up into the air. He fires another portal quad shot and fires an arrow beside Alexandra as he goes through it. Ending up appearing beside her.

Gavon notices several Cyclops running at him. He carefully glides his hand on his blade and stabs it into the ground. A pulse comes out which knows them back. It was a gravity spell. Gavon pushes off the floor and floats up to the others. When he cuts off the spell the ore and the Cyclops fall to the ground. Katie has the winds cool the ore down on top of the Cyclops. She then sends a blast of lightning at it to electrocute all Cyclops in the metals.

Blake cuts off the movie. "That wasn't even their best mission."
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He laughed "Now you have to make a syrup machine and we never have to leave the room" He held her hand. "Don't thank me. But I need a favor okay?"

The turtle grew his head to bite his hold hand and bit him but not hard at all. But he wouldn't let go until she told him to. "Now until I feel you're not a poopy head he's staying there. Do hold him at a decent angle. I don't want blood rushing to his head." She started walking back to their dorm, knowing he was following. "I told you I dont have feelings. And I told you I dont want to be with anyone. Not until my father is happy. And I meant it. And no kiss will change that. If you can't accept that then we will have a problem"

Daliah went to her new room and stopped. She figured it was time to stop avoiding Ruby. She went back to her old room and slowly opened the door to see no one was there. There was a bit of relief came on her but no more. Her new friend, Empire, He was the size of a common peacock now and sitting on her shoulder. She laid on her bed and the bird went on her dressed. "I will get you a bird stool tomorrow okay?" The bird said nothing but sat

Rachel smiled and hugged him. "What is it?"

Reed walked in. "I know." He had no emotion in his words. "Who is your father anyway?" He said putting the turtle in water along with his hand.
"I want to try to contract again so I'm going back to Rikka. But I don't want you upset and alone so will you come with me?"

Chester didn't respond to the water for a moment and then finally, slowly, smiled. She looked at Reed. "The Supreme Castle Guard. Damian. I thought it was kind of obvious"

Brooke quickly applauds. "That was so cool! I want to be just like Katie! Or Blue! Definitely Blue! Those arrows were so cool! Did you see that Charles?" The dog breathed smoke. "Awww thank you for showing me that. Am I on my way to being like them? I know I need work but I will do my best"

Ryan looked over to Carter and Alice. "Carter why are you in my room so much? I'm going to put a tracker in you this time so I know to not be in here. Oh look you brought someone with you. Two really. Are you all injured?"
Isabella looked back t him and smiled with her eyes closed. "No its cool I understand. No one ever wants to hang out with me. I'm used to it." She shrugged. "But doesn't hurt to try. I'll stop bothering you"

Ryan looked at him "That's Noble young man. But Ill still check on you. Carter you know the routine. Place her on a table and then you yourself get on one. Dante" He looked at him to see he was already mostly healed. "I guess you really are fine... Nevermind. You're welcome to stay and watch your friends" Ryan went to the sink to wash his hands
DizjayDeathPride said:
"I want to try to contract again so I'm going back to Rikka. But I don't want you upset and alone so will you come with me?"
Chester didn't respond to the water for a moment and then finally, slowly, smiled. She looked at Reed. "The Supreme Castle Guard. Damian. I thought it was kind of obvious"

Brooke quickly applauds. "That was so cool! I want to be just like Katie! Or Blue! Definitely Blue! Those arrows were so cool! Did you see that Charles?" The dog breathed smoke. "Awww thank you for showing me that. Am I on my way to being like them? I know I need work but I will do my best"

Ryan looked over to Carter and Alice. "Carter why are you in my room so much? I'm going to put a tracker in you this time so I know to not be in here. Oh look you brought someone with you. Two really. Are you all injured?"
Blake nods his head. "Yeah... you're on your way. I taught them. They were my star students. They're off the continent fighting the monsters that took over the world. Seems like they've still got it in them."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Isabella looked back t him and smiled with her eyes closed. "No its cool I understand. No one ever wants to hang out with me. I'm used to it." She shrugged. "But doesn't hurt to try. I'll stop bothering you"
Ryan looked at him "That's Noble young man. But Ill still check on you. Carter you know the routine. Place her on a table and then you yourself get on one. Dante" He looked at him to see he was already mostly healed. "I guess you really are fine... Nevermind. You're welcome to stay and watch your friends" Ryan went to the sink to wash his hands
Ash felt bad but he nods his head anyways. "Alright... if you say so. Doesn't make sense to complain about being alone while turning down an offer to hang out." Ash turns around the wall away.
Rachel smiled. "Sure." She got up and ready. "Ready when you are."

Reed sighed. "I thought so. Well now that Chester is happy what do I need to do to prove I'm not a poopy head."
She nodded quickly and stood up, carrying Charles. "Thank you Blake. This was eye opening." She smiled and walked out of the room

Zaphkiel nodded and grabbed Rachel's hand, walking to Beast Taming. When he got there he knocked on Rikka's door, slowly opening it. "Rikka? Are you here?"

She shrugged and laid on her bed. "I dont know"

Ryan shook his head. "Carter I am going to start charging you payment for my services." He went over to Alice and checked her eyes and head. "She appears to be fine. Just asleep. And no other injuries. Does she have a dorm? Take her to her dorm" He put his hand on Carter and the boy's arm healed, as itchy as he could make it. "Now go."

Isabella thought for a moment. "You're right... Well come on lets go! I like vanilla do you?" He ran and grabbed the boy's hand and started to pull him. Sitri stirred a bit.

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