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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

DizjayDeathPride said:
"I dont know mother. I don't keep tabs on her all the time. I do my best to block everyone out"
Luna rubs the bridge of her nose. "Alright then.... are you sure you don't know anything else?"

Baconhands said:
Horus glanced outside with a sigh; if he stayed he thought he would hurt someone, if he left, he wouldn't be sure if he'd come back. He sighed, moving to find the exit to the academy. He's go to the forest, he decided.
Ruby had been walking around for a while. She managed to find a riverside could take a break at. She takes her backpack off and sits down, her shoulders we're aching. "Sapphire, anything to report?"

The demon in her chuckles. "Yes not too far from here a student from the school seems to be in the forest. I can sense them. Also you'll be surrounded soon by a barrage of boulders. We have a troll problem."

Ruby's eyes widen. On instict she raises her hands and a wall of crystals rise around her. She can hear the loud crash as some of the crystals shatter or crack from the harsh impact of speeding boulders being hurled at her. Ruby runs out of the crystal shell. "Sapphire, what can I do?"

"Well for starters you could calm down enough for me to send you some knowledge on how this power works. There seems to be at least four trolls. Look to your right."

Ruby turns her head and notices a boulder flying at her. She couldn't see the trolls in this darkness. She had to rely on Sapphire's ability to sense them. Ruby throws a small shard of crystal to into the river. Her body suddenly gives off the murky darkness as she gets hit by the boulder and bursts into darkness. The crystal she threw into the river suddenly turns into her. She bursts out the water for air while she's being carried by the current. "My bag!"

"Leave the bag. It's not worth fighting four of them over. I'll work on the water. You focus on staying calm, it's hard for me to assist you if you're unable to stay calm."

Ruby nods her head, she's suddenly floating on a crystal boat. "Thank you Sapphire." Ruby settles in the boat. "Now what? We're being carried downstream, who knows where we're going!" The water starts to get white and rough. Ruby doesn't seem to notice she's about to go white water rafting.

"Um... Ruby."
"Nothing really to note mother. She's just developing and becoming more active with other organisms, Anyways mother I apologize but I have to go" He got up and kissed her cheek and disappeared, appearing with Ruby. "You appear to be in trouble young lady. Your recent activities has caused mother to become cautious and wary. Do attempt to be more discrete when dealing with demons sister. Hello Sapphire." He sat back and enjoyed the ride.

Carter walked back outside and back to the cave, following the path that leads to the left, five minutes later he found something written on the wall. 'TURN AROUND AND RUN' He kept walking, but slower.
Rachel grew bored of searching a while ago and was relxing in her room. She grew bored again and walked the halls.

Reed didn't want to deal with the awkwardness back at the dorm but decided to anyways. "It's bound to happen." He walked in. "Hey Rebecca."

Kaylee decided to go check out the school pool. She put on her bikini and a jacket and walked to it.
"Alright class that's it! I'm happy you two worked through this"

Brooke cheered and highfived Rebecca then looked at the clock. "Oh shoot I'm super late! Come on Chester! Bye Rebecca, By Fariella!" She ran out of the room and started to go to her dorm but slowed down a bit so her new friend could keep up. "Telieos. Are you here? We have a new buddy!"

Rebecca smiled at her praise and left after Brooke. She decided to go to the kitchen area and eat something. Hopefully the place had a burger or similar.

Fariella sat back after class left. It was getting dark. She knew William would pop up like he did she this time she made him a cup of tea.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Nothing really to note mother. She's just developing and becoming more active with other organisms, Anyways mother I apologize but I have to go" He got up and kissed her cheek and disappeared, appearing with Ruby. "You appear to be in trouble young lady. Your recent activities has caused mother to become cautious and wary. Do attempt to be more discrete when dealing with demons sister. Hello Sapphire." He sat back and enjoyed the ride.
Half of Ruby's body has the symbols appear. "Zaphkiel?!" Ruby is suddenly thrown forward into him. She's then thrown to the side of the boat. "This will be fun but it's quite damaging to Ruby. Hello brother of Ruby. I wonder what brings you here."

Ruby tries to gain her balance. There was river water splashing all over them. "Sapphire please do something!"

"Looks like the trolls have caught up. Ruby, you should handle them while I pilot the boat."
The symbols fade off of her skin. Ruby turns around and starts blasting crystals at the boulder flying at them. Destroying it before it hits. Sapphire seems to add a crystal motor to the back of the boat to push it through the water. Ruby notices another boulder flying at them from a certain direction and raises a wall there for the troll to slam into. She has crystals cover her arm and fire what seems to be a harpoon. It stabs into the boulder and Ruby swings her arm to guide the boulder elsewhere. The crystal on her arms shatter.

"Ruby, we're about to get to some Rocky waters. Okay I lied, waterfall. Isn't this one of those cliche moments that the mortals have in their movies?"

Ruby raises an eyebrow at this. Why would he mention a mortal movie? Sure they had movies here but the mortals didn't partake in them as much. That would mean Sapphire had to know of these types of movies that occurred before the apocalypse. Didn't the demons come to being on the apocalyptic day? Ruby would ask Sapphire about this later. She noticed another set of boulders coming along with the waterfall. She sends a bird made out of crystal to fly into the forest, an even smaller crystal in it's talons. Ruby dives onto Zaphkiel as they go over the edge. The murky darkness envelops them both. They suddenly appear where the bird has dropped the crystal. Somewhere in the forest.


DizjayDeathPride said:
"Alright class that's it! I'm happy you two worked through this"
Brooke cheered and highfived Rebecca then looked at the clock. "Oh shoot I'm super late! Come on Chester! Bye Rebecca, By Fariella!" She ran out of the room and started to go to her dorm but slowed down a bit so her new friend could keep up. "Telieos. Are you here? We have a new buddy!"

Rebecca smiled at her praise and left after Brooke. She decided to go to the kitchen area and eat something. Hopefully the place had a burger or similar.

Fariella sat back after class left. It was getting dark. She knew William would pop up like he did she this time she made him a cup of tea.
William drops from the ceiling again. "Hello." He takes the cup of tea in his hands. "I've missed you."
Zaphkiel lands and scratches his head. "Well that was pretty fun. Happy I didn't get involved. Interesting powers demon. I'm happy to have copied them" He stood up and offered Ruby his hand

Fariella smiled at him. "Dont you have better things than waiting around for me all day? Shouldn't you do something mister big handsome dragon

Carter stopped when he arrived at a giant room of the maze, with a pile of corpses in the entrance , with something big hidden in the darkness. ""Who is there?" A voice called, Carter was scary, so the first thing that 'pop-up' on his mind was hide, so he quickly hide behind the pile, but suddently one of them fell on top of him. 'Sht...' He thought slowly pushing the body away. 'Fck...im covered on blood' , he then slowly stand up, turning, and running away, trying to remember how to get back to the entrance.

Carter finally reached the entrance and runned back to the academy, he just went into a random classroom and it was Team building. "T-There i-i-is s-s-something....o-on t-the Maze..." It was the only thing that he managed to say before starting to breath heavily.
Reed saw that she wasn't there and went to look for her. He wandered the halls and went to get dinner.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel lands and scratches his head. "Well that was pretty fun. Happy I didn't get involved. Interesting powers demon. I'm happy to have copied them" He stood up and offered Ruby his hand
Fariella smiled at him. "Dont you have better things than waiting around for me all day? Shouldn't you do something mister big handsome dragon

Half of her body is covered in symbols. "Well this power actually belongs to the both of us. Not just I alone." The symbols disappear as she takes his hand. She stands up and dusts herself off. "Sapphire we lost my backpack." Ruby still seemed slightly upset. She looks back at Zaphkiel. "Why are you here?" The darkness stops oozing off of her.

AtlasTheShapeless said:
Carter stopped when he arrived at a giant room of the maze, with a pile of corpses in the entrance , with something big hidden in the darkness. ""Who is there?" A voice called, Carter was scary, so the first thing that 'pop-up' on his mind was hide, so he quickly hide behind the pile, but suddently one of them fell on top of him. 'Sht...' He thought slowly pushing the body away. 'Fck...im covered on blood' , he then slowly stand up, turning, and running away, trying to remember how to get back to the entrance.
Carter finally reached the entrance and runned back to the academy, he just went into a random classroom and it was Team building. "T-There i-i-is s-s-something....o-on t-the Maze..." It was the only thing that he managed to say before starting to breath heavily.

William raises an eyebrow. Slightly agitated on the inside now that Fariella's attention is distributed. Since dragon's are extremely territorial and possessive.

"Y-yeah...M-maze....s-someone there...i-i ...s-somebody t-there...b-big...n-no g-giant...b-beast o-or h-human....w-with p-piles of corpses...." Carter said, touching his bloody shirt, looking clearly scared.
"Beyond the fact that you're bound to a demon, oozing disgusting black, or chose to not tell me? Let's also go with the fact father knows and mother is getting really panicked? I'm about three seconds from telling her. But let's move on from that. Why are you out here?"

"Calm down there. Let's go to the maze okay? William come on" She got up and went over to Carter
Carter closed his eyes and started to breath slowly, calming down. "Alright...I found...in that maze...something giant...it is powerful..more powerful than the three beasts that attacked the town...hidden in a room...with piles of corpses...probably victims...." He said as he open his eyes.
"Oh...alright...c'mon then... " Carter said, walking out of the classroom and going outside, looking behind him every 2 minutes, to see if they are still following him, reaching the cave after a six minutes walk.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
"Oh...alright...c'mon then... " Carter said, walking out of the classroom and going outside, looking behind him every 2 minutes, to see if they are still following him, reaching the cave after a six minutes walk.
Fariella was a following him every step of the way. "So what exactly do you think this thing is?"
"I...don't know...." Carter answered when he reached the cave, going right, then right again, left and then middle, finally locating the same room that the beast/creature was, he turned to her.

"Hey...are you sure you want to fight it?" He asked, with a slightly worried tone on his voice.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Beyond the fact that you're bound to a demon, oozing disgusting black, or chose to not tell me? Let's also go with the fact father knows and mother is getting really panicked? I'm about three seconds from telling her. But let's move on from that. Why are you out here?"
"Calm down there. Let's go to the maze okay? William come on" She got up and went over to Carter
Ruby's eyes widen. "Don't tell mother! I'm only put here to get a better grip on my powers. Since Sapphire and I have gotten much more accustomed to one another. I also wanted to explore." The darkness completely stops oozing off of her. "Why are you here?"

AtlasTheShapeless said:
"I...don't know...." Carter answered when he reached the cave, going right, then right again, left and then middle, finally locating the same room that the beast/creature was, he turned to her.
"Hey...are you sure you want to fight it?" He asked, with a slightly worried tone on his voice.
William starts to look around. He starts to smell at the area.
He looks at her. "We'll see how it goes. Anyways you were panicking and dying so I came. Welp let's get going"

"No I want to examine it. Nothing dangerous"

Isabella has been at the Academy the entire time. She has been silently going to and from class and in her own dorm. Her own sister didn't even know she was there. None of her teachers acknowledged her. But that's okay. She understood that she'd always be the overlooked child. She understood that Daliah always had more important things to do that worry about her. It was always like that. She wanted to make friends with everyone and talk to them but she figured no one would want to talk to her. She was just a weird little girl who had absolutely no powers beyond her ability to use an ax which itself is supposed to have powers but she couldn't use them. Besides that, she knew everyone would rather talk to her sister Daliah. No one ever liked Isabella when they met Daliah but that was okay. She was sitting in her room alone swinging her feet off her bed reading a book. She tended to read a lot since she never slept. She wanted to go make friends outside of the school but the Headmaster said don't leave so she didn't. She had started racking up a collection but she promised to take them back. She was a little sad she had no one to talk to but she figured it would be okay. She was used to people walking over or away from her. Why wouldn't they? She wasn't important. She wasn't special. She was basically a human with immortality. And no one cared for that. She knew she was just a mild disappointment at everything she did. But she was used to it. She finished her book and decided to explore round. It wouldn't hurt too much to get out to the forest. In her walk she saw two teachers go in. So she followed them
"Alright then...c'mon..." Carter said, turning around and going to the middle of the room. "I am Carter Antheon, the last one of the forerunners, and I ask...to the one who is hiding...TO SHOW YOURSELF" He said, reaching for his Katana.

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