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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

DizjayDeathPride said:
"I don't. Otherwise I wouldn't transform into one. I am neutral on cats. They're perfectly fine"
"Yes because telling your cat self to choke on a hairball and die is totally neutral," She sarcastically said, the cat in her lap purring loudly and pawing at her as she continued to pet him.
Artyom waved at Connor before shifting into a shark again and swimming back to the surface, shifting back to his human form and jumping out of the water.
Ameythyst said:
"Yes because telling your cat self to choke on a hairball and die is totally neutral," She sarcastically said, the cat in her lap purring loudly and pawing at her as she continued to pet him.
"Just jealousy. I dislike the attention taken from me to the cat"
Connor easily kept pace and flipped out of the water landing next to Artyom "I would love to race you some time, you seem like a pretty fast swimmer."
"I don't care either way, apparently my half sister is participating so that could be bad but I will go see with you since you are new here."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus reached and grabbed Rikka's hand, thumbing over the top of hers. "So I want to talk to you honey. I know how you can get sweetheart. You get an idea in your head and you bring it to pass. So just so you don't get all upset and want to fornicate constantly until you're pregnant again, I don't really want more kids. I'm decently fine with two. If it happens, sure. But I'm not looking forward to it"
He squinted at her and shrugged. "Fine fine, fairly cute. By the way your precious cat is about to jump on you" As if summoned, after he said that the white Zaphkiel cat jumped from an upper bench and landed softly on her head
Rikka releases a sigh of relief. "Oh! I thought I'd disappoint you." Rikka turns to him and kisses him. She turns her attention back to the match.

Luna was releasing all her pent up emotions, regrets, memories, and trauma. She was furious but at the same time happy since she had finally seen her father again. She cared deeply for him... at least the old him before he changed and used her. She was going to let him go, it was about time she's moved on and went down her own path in life. So she finishes off her session with one sentence. "I forgive you.... but I'll also forget you." She didn't literally mean amnesia forget but. It was the best she could do for him and herself. Luna turns away from her father's spirit. After a while of walking she looks back only to see that he's been lost in the flood of lingering spirits. That was good enough for her. She didn't know what to do next. Since she couldn't just solve the short term problems in her marriage. She had to solve the problems within herself to fix this marriage in the long run. The next barrier she had to break down was her sense of priorities. She had a choice, her family or her dream. If she chose her family, she would have to tell each individual on this continent that she would no longer spend her time assisting them with their lives if she can't even live out her own with Morpheus. Unless it's drastic, Luna would no longer meddle in their lives. Luna cared deeply for her people... She knew many would be disappointed but she wasn't living a life and neither were they if all their problems were fixed in the blink of an eye and her problems kept building up with each heartbeat. Luna takes a moment to situate herself before she leaves the astral plane to deliver news. That would more than likely make her hated, respected, and or looked at differently for her decision.

( Sorry if that seemed rushes but there is so much backstory to them.... It would take up three pages. I'm also not in the mood. )
AtlasTheShapeless said:
Artyom smiled and calmly walked back, waiting for him right by his side.
Connor wrenched his trident out of the dirt and scooped up Lucas holding him in his arms as he followed Artyom "Oh I havent introduced you yet but my dragon is named Jake."
Artyom nodded quietly, since wolfs can't talk, so he shifted back to his human form. "Nice to meet you Jake..." He said to Jake then shifted back to his wolf form, finally reaching the Academy after a two minutes walk.
"Come on we are almost there." Connor picked up the pace wanting to see a little bit of the fight.
"I am sure the battle is still going the two combatants are pretty tough with plenty of power to back them." Connor laughed as he ran and then skidded into the beast taming classroom.
Morpheus was walking on his path thinking about his life. Ever since he was a youngster he was always walked on, stepped on. And how he casually went along with it. As far as he could remember, everyone else came first. He had been in Luna's place. Helping any and everyone with anything. How they were all ungrateful and it never mattered to them. Countlessly. He was easily forgotten and tossed aside. His efforts on them never mattered. Years and years this went. And he wasn't ignorant to it. He knew full well what they were doing. And he kept doing it. He used his powers for their benefit, just like Luna. He did whatever he needed to the point of nearly exhausting and destroying them for eternity just for their help. And where were they now? Besides dead of course. If they were alive? Not a word. Not a thing would be said. He was their god in the end. But it wasn't enough. He despised all of mortality. Anything that could die of old age, he hated it. He could remember as far back as being alone in an empty house one day. Except for one item. No furniture, no food, nothing. Except this one little thing. Back then, his name wasn't Morpheus. He never had adoptive parents like most the demigods he had met in his life. He didn't stay with his birth father. And of course his mother was busy with Olympus. No time for Morpheus. He remembered having to pretend and master his powers on his own to create fake parents to get himself into school. He remembered building upon the house he was in, expanding it, so it was the largest on the block so he would have friends in school. That house was in Las Vegas, the goal of his journey. He remembered the first girl he loved. How he did literally everything she asked. Guys were beaten up. Girls lives destroyed. Homework done. Tests aced. Everything she asked, done. Just to be treated like shit and walked upon, and ultimately left. But he didn't blame her. He blamed himself. He just wasnt trying hard enough. So when he went to the next grade, he tried harder for more people. And the next, and the next, and the next. By the time he was a Sophomore his entire state was using him. All 4000 plus kids. Anything they needed, done. He never kept his powers hidden. Just didn't do them so boldly it could be pinpointed to him. Morpheus stopped his thoughts and looked at a house in front of him. Destroyed, burned. Forgotten. He shook his head and continued, back into thoughts. Once before, he remembered, a friend of his' mother was dying of cancer. He knew that was a limit. Death should never be tampered with. And he crossed that line for his friend. A girl's family was going bankrupt and they'd lose everything. He spawned and gave them money. By his junior year he had grown so much he was helping the entirety of America. He understood exactly what Luna was doing. What she was going through. But that was no excuse. And at this point, he wouldn't accept it any longer. His usage may not have been as tragic as Luna's, sure. But he was where she is now. And he hated every single moment of her willingness to do it. But it was her dream. And he loved her. He would support her no matter what she did. He threw away his ideals to follow hers. Nothing mattered to him when she was involved. But that wasn't equal. And he knew it when he met her. He knew it would be like this. But he didn't care. He still went along with it, hoping she'd change. And she didn't. And he still went. Until he had enough And he let himself be fooled by her and returned with her. Just to be back to square one. She would destroy his favorite things in all of existence just to prove she's in charge. His adoration with bobbleheads started when he was younger. The one thing in his empty house when he woke up that one day was a little bobblehead. Babe Ruth. He loved that stupid toy with all of his heart. Because it was his. It was the one thing in reality he didn't create. It was already there. His one item. And Luna knew this about him. But she still threatened his prices. And was even willing to take the step to burn them. She couldn't have just backed down and talked, no. Luna never did that. She had to destroy everyone else to feel better about herself. 3 of those 5 bobbleheads he could have NEVER gotten replacements for. And she was willing to destroy them because she was "upset." He thought about and remembered one day in his freshman year. His friends, if you could ever call them that, came over and what not, playing games. He was one of the first to always have the newest games. So he was of course the popular kid. And they taunted him about the old bobblehead. Throwing it over him, playing monkey in the middle. He wouldn't use his powers. Not so outwardly. So he tried to use his natural ability to catch it. And he couldn't. Ultimately, Sarah ripped the head off. Calling it "And old piece of shit toy that had no place in such a cool house" That he should "Just throw the junk away and stop being such a bitch about it." He never fixed that one. He left it broken and did what they said. He threw it away. It killed him. But he wanted to have friends and feel like a real person so badly. So he did it. And he never held it against them. He even cured Sarah's mother of her alcoholism for her. And now here he was again. With another little girl who felt she had the right to destroy his possessions. He was getting so fed up with Luna. But he loved her. He knew he did. But how can you love another if you don't love yourself to leave an abusive situation? How can you say you love anyone when you are willing to let yourself be constantly treated like trash? And how could he stay, continuing to allow this in the name of "love?" She had gone too far this time. And it would take more than some apology and tears to ever change his mind and bring him back to her.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
Artyom was already in the arena ,calmly walking around in the form of a cat, waiting for Connor.
"Well someone is an over achiever." Connor made it to the arena moments after Artyom.
Suzanna approached the main entrance to the academy.

Here she was, a place she only dreamed of existing, a school which would teach her all the necessary talents to help succeed in life. This was truely an exciting time for the half-succubus, even if there was no cute individuals around...yet.

She would take her fateful steps once more towards the entrance.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
( xD )
Artyom shifted back into his human form and walk back, finally finding Connor "There you are..."
"What do you mean there I am? i was keeping pace with you the entire time, jeez it's no wonder you made it from Russia to here."


[QUOTE="Suzy Mey]Suzanna approached the main entrance to the academy.
Here she was, a place she only dreamed of existing, a school which would teach her all the necessary talents to help succeed in life. This was truely an exciting time for the half-succubus, even if there was no cute individuals around...yet.

She would take her fateful steps once more towards the entrance.

Fahy was sitting in front of the school reading while Somnus his pet dragon was sleeping next to him.
Suzy Mey]Suzanna approached the main entrance to the academy. Here she was said:


  • dragonlord_ojutai_by_chasestone-d8oic2x.jpg
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Light said:
Ruby was getting off Emerald, whom shrunk down to a smaller size. She notices someone approaching the academy. "Why hello. What brings you here?"
View attachment 152200

( Emerald )
Suzanna looks up at Ruby, full of awe and wonder. "Hello! I'm a er..." She reads a note she wrote onto her hand. "A new student here!" She seemed a bit confused on how school went.

"I don't really know what I should be er...doing."

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